The Beacon soon enters the skies of the sky universe as they saw nothing but an endless sky and a sea of clouds below as well as floating land masses all around with nothing holding them up.

"Whoa, so this is what nothing but open skies feels like." Hope said.

"You could literally relax here forever." Zephyr said.

"And for anyone with wings, it could be like an eventual paradise." Lucifer said.

"Some of them do." Sonia said pointing to the sky as they saw people with wings flying above the skies as they carried baskets to nearby land masses.

"From the looks of things, they must be farmers and villagers." Sakura said.

"Wait, that structure.." Erica said seeing their look. "Are those…?"

"Gotta be." Vashyron said.

"They're Skyians! But i thought Volt said Barry wiped em all out." Gemini said.

"No he didn't." Alisa said. "He said Barry attacked his father. A storm took out their travelling city and forced them away."

"Yes. Those are indeed Skyians. Female ones. The women have wings while the men can generate electricity." Lacy said.

"How do you know so much about the Skyian race?" Hope asked.

"When you are a travelling circus and encounter many different species, you gotta know how their bodies and genes work." Lacy said.

"Oh man, if Volt was here, hed be proud knowing his Race is still prospering." Hope said.

"Well his own home is prospering once again." Celti said. "I hear he's been fixing the city and some of the Skyians that fled are starting to return."

"So lets tell these ladies about it." Hope said.

They flew up to the masses where the Women were flying about.

"Er, excuse me? Would one of you please lend us your kind attention for a moment?" Sonia asked.

"Oh. We don't get many land walkers up here in the sky." one of them said. "Are you lost?"

"" Sonia said.

"Well, it was about time they learned how to fly." another said.

"Thats the power of modern aircraft technology. Not that it would be really cool to fly on your own." Hope said.

"Thanks. Our wings are our own pride of course." another said. "Pray tell, what brings you here?"

"Just passing through. You see, a inter universal race passed through here, and we thought, hey, maybe wed like to see more of it." Hope said.

"You're talking about more of these strange mechanisms that crashed onto out lands yes?" another said.

"Wait, crashed?" Kazuichi asked.

"Yes. These things crash into our lands all the time, mostly because the people piloting them have no clue of the random changing terrain here." the first one said.

"Oh, so the land masses move?" Hope asked.

"Take a look for yourself." another said as they saw the land masses actually moving on their own. "Since there is nothing anchoring some of the unpopulated land masses, they move around."

"I can see that they don't have a lot of people there. Perfect for fighters to go all out." Akane said.

"Now that you mention it, our peaceful realm has been violated by several ruffians calling themselves Color Fighters. They ask of us if they have seen something called master picks. Ugh. Like we're suppose to know what even means." another said.

"Guys, i think a bunch of fighters targeting us are here looking for Duplica, Jexi, and you, Hope." Mahiru said.

"Yeah, i kinda figured that out. None would go for Drake, considering he's a total dominator. But i think since i'm one of em, i think we can handle em and get em off this place.." Hope said as they ended their group huddle.

"You know, if you want your peace back, we can get rid of these guys for you." Hope said.

"You wish to help us restore the peace by chasing away these Color Fighter Ruffians?" one said.

"Oh yeah, you can totally leave that to us. How many of em are here anyway?" Akane asked.

"Just three of them." another said.

"Only three? Way too easy." Hope said as they went further into the area. "We're gonna be able to take…" he said before the ship stopped. "Why are we stopped?"

"Cause of that." Kazuichi said pointing to a giant bubble that was somehow blocking their path.

"A bubble?" Hope asked as they got out and saw Bianca bouncing on it. "Bianca?!"

"Outta the way, bubble brain!" Kazuichi said.

"Huh? Oh, you guys came to play here too? This place is totally awesome, right?" Bianca said.

"Bianca, the Promotion Trials are a competition, not recess. I dont think playing is on any of the other picks minds…" Hope said before Celti got his attention.

"Dont bother trying to explain things to Bianca. Shes got the attention span of a goldfish. She was picked at random. She probably doesn't even care about being high master, just for an excuse to go with the flow." Celti said.

Suddenly, they heard Bianca's stomach rumble, making her and the bubble jump.

"Oof, Im really hungry… you got anything to eat in there? I'd totally appreciate it." Bianca asked.

Hope looked at the others, thinking it may be a trick, but then realized Biancas personality, possibly being nothing to worry about.

"Pop that bubble and come inside. We were just about to have lunch." Hope smiled.

"Okay." Bianca said jumping off it and onto the ship. "Okay. Bye bye!" she said clapping her hands as the bubble popped.

She and the others were soon seated inside as Bianca was happily eating away at the spread.

"She's packing it away, but where does it go?" Vashyron whispered.

"I know. Its like watching a lion devour a gazelle." Titanica said.

"Ah. Thanks a bunch for lunch! Hey, they like totally rhymed." Bianca said.

"So, youre not really interested in becoming a high master, Bianca?" Hope said eating his sandwich.

"Ugh! That sounds so hard and boring." Bianca groaned.

"I guess its not your thing sitting around a table with others and debating things. And the whole worlds on your shoulders." Fuyuhiko siad.

"It sounds like a lot of work. I don't wanna mess with that stuff. I only came here to play." Bianca said.

"Oh, sorry." Hope said.

"Its totes fine. You were nice enough to treat me." Bianca said.

"You know, you dont really have to be a high master. You ally with us the rest of the way, we;ll make sure you dont get into the high master position. That is if youre okay with helping us. Weve only got 3 worlds on our belt so far."

"Sorry, but I forgot. I already allied with someone." Bianca said.

"Who did you ally with?" Peko asked.

"Ummm...lets see. What was...Oh! Skyler!" Bianca said.

"Nice choice. You two seem like you fit well in the freedom department. SInce you got lost from her, wed be happy to take you back to her."

"Oh, I didn't get lost. She told me to play there." Bianca said.

"Why would she want you to place a giant bubble in our way?" Fuyuhiko asked.

"Uh...I think I figured it out!" Damien said looking out the window to see Skyler flying at them.

"What the hell?! Evasive maneuvers!" Hope said as they dodged out of the way of Skylers charge.

"That won't work!" Skyler said lifting an arm up as an updraft flipped the ship upside down.

"Well that didnt work…" Kazuichi said.

"Guess wed better go see what she wants…" Korra said as they readjusted and went outside.

"Lemme guess Skyler, you wanna challenge me and take my master spot if you win." Hope said.

"No duh. If I defeat you, I'll be promoted to master in an instant. I have nine worlds under my belt already so its no loss if I lose. So, its no issue if I end up losing...which won't happen." Skyler said.

"I can probably guess why Skyler picked you to go after…" Hiyoko said.

"Out of all the master picks, every single one of the drawn picks think im the weakest, making me an easy target. They didnt want to bother with Drake, Duplica, Jexi or Volt at all. If one of them got me, it would be easy to claim a master pick." Hope concluded.

"That's not it at all. Illuma rarely makes a pick, meaning you must be some sort of valuable target. So its logical to take you out first before the other four." Skyler said.

"My reputation with Illuma proceeds me." Hope said. "But if i dont win against you, its gonna take a hit. You wanna fight me for my master spot? Youre on!"

"You think I care about your reputation? Hardly. All I know is...moment I beat you...I can take a walk with the other high masters." Skyler said raising her arms as updrafts appeared all over.

"This isnt good! Shes gonna tear the Beacon apart!" Akane said.

"Then wed better take this somewhere else." Hope said seeing a large floating island flat like it was a battlefield. "Perfect. Everyone, follow me!"

"Sorry, but I won't let you Hope!" Skyler said grabbing him and tossing him into an updraft. "You have to have learned the wing technique by now, so this is purely all flying between you and me."

"A one on one? Bring it! Spectral Wings!" Hope said igniting his wings and using the wind. "Okay, now im ready. You want this title so bad? Come and take it!"