"I don't understand how this could have happened? I don't drink, I don't smoke. I haven't had any 'Ice Cream' in six years. I only eat vegetables and fish", voiced Andy angrily.

Sharon sat in silence as Andy voiced his worry in disbelief.

At the end of his tirade Andy looked at Sharon to cage her response while pushing the little bit of food around his plate.

"Andy you will eventually agree with me soon enough that stress was the factor in your heart attack", said Sharon.

A wide eyed Andy looked at Sharon and quickly bellowed, "Stress, what stress? I don't feel any stress".

With a smirk on her face Sharon replied, "you could feel stress about what to eat, Nicole's wedding was very stressful for you and to make matters worse, you were dealing with your ex-wife and the enormous amount of money the wedding was costing you, the dust up with the car that result in the blood clot and led to surgery, the selling of your house and finally the pressures of moving in together".

The discussion was stopped mid-way with Rusty's quick entrance into his the condo after saying he was not hungry and making a quick exit to his room. Causing both Andy and Sharon to look at each other with concern looks on their faces.

They both knew that Rusty had been worried about the texted his received from Gus wanting to talk about something to do with their relationship.

Sharon excused herself and made her way down the hall to Rusty's room to see if he was ok.