AN: this is a VERY DARK Dramione story. Lost Bloodlines is still on my main burner of trying to write and update, but, im a very shitty writer when it comes to filler chapters. So, seeing as I have all the main chapters thought out and mainly written in my head, im trying to take a step back instead of forcing it out and ultimately shitting on what could be a very wonderful story. So enjoy this!


This story takes place during Deathly Hallows, when they get caught by the snatchers then proceeds from Hermione in the Parlor.

DISCLAIMER: I do not own Harry Potter!

It was cold, lying on the stone floor. It was embarrassing, getting tortured over her blood status. It was painful, with Bellatrix never relenting on the Cruciatus curse. But, what hurt the most, was knowing that she could never tell her family or friends goodbye. She would never experience life. She would never see the end of the war, and how society was rebuilt. She was losing hope, because she knew no one could save her.

Somehow, Dobby had Harry and Ron in the parlor of Malfoy Manor, instead of the dungeons. They could grab Griphook, but failed reaching Hermione in time. Her leg must have gotten shattered under the chandelier. She knew she could not call for Dobby or even Kreacher, since neither were devoted to serving her, even if Harry pleaded, because he was not here. They could congregate the entire Order, but not a single person could get through the wards, because they were not in the blood wards.

She knew she would die here, alone and scared. She stopped praying for some almighty being in the sky to save her from this hell. She just wished they would be a little quicker.

What felt like years later, but in reality, it was only a few minutes, she was roughly dragged from the parlor. She was hauled up too many stairs to count, passed doors she wouldn't remember. Finally, they stopped, only to be thrown unevenly across a too nice bed. Finally caring enough to look up at her abductor, she looked up into the cold, dark eyes of Greyback.

He laughed as he watched the fear in her eyes grow, while he haphazardly pulled her pants down. He didn't care that her leg was broken, already turning purple in spots. He scratched his broken, dirty nails in the gash reaching from her shin to upper thigh. Watching as her blood seeped out, he licked off what poured on his fingers.

Hermione started crying, she wanted to kick him off her, and run. She wanted to scream for her life, to beg for him to stop. But, Hermione was smarter than that. She knew she couldn't run with a broken leg, and that no one would hear her or even care enough to stop him. Hermione screamed and begged anyway. She pushed and cried and screamed. Greyback had had enough of the games. He punched her in the jaw, watching her head snap back with a crack he knew he fractured her jaw. Her eyelids fluttered, and she was out. She wouldn't remember her last moments like he wanted. Sighing, he pulled his clothes back on and set out to wait for her to come too. He knew with her in that much pain, even an enervate would not keep her awake.

Waking up was painful, her leg was numb, her face was on fire, her back ached from Bellatrix' curses, and her head was throbbing. Trying to sit up was fruitless, she ached so bad she knew she would only hurt herself more. Opening her eyes, what she didn't expect was for Draco Malfoy to be leering over her.

Unable to stop herself, she muttered, "I knew I smelt ferret." Laughing, Draco stood up to peel back the sheets off her. Looking down what she didn't expect was too be dressed in new sweat pants but also a leg brace was strapped on to her.

"I'm not doing it to be nice, the Dark Lord wants you alive as long as possible, probably to bait potter. So, unfortunately for me, you must stay by my side, and do as I say. You are to be treated as much like a guest as possible, but that doesn't mean I should respect you. If you are obedient, you can get rewarded, punished if you disobey. Dinner is in 15, so come on. I repaired your leg so you can walk, but it'll still hurt for a few weeks."

Shocked into submission, Hermione stood up to follow Draco down. Heading into the hallway, Hermione decided to pay attention to her surroundings since she was now a temporary resident here. They started on the third floor, on the south with from what Draco told her. There was also a west wing for his parents and the east wing was for him. The south wing encompassed of the dining room, multiple parlors and sitting rooms and extra guest rooms. As we were heading to the daily dining room, Draco deliberately brought her through what he called the "Torture Hall."

Walking through was hell. She saw multiple people in one room with naked women, drugged and bleeding, being raped while continuously being stabbed and healed. The rooms must have been soundproofed, because Hermione couldn't hear the screams the women were obviously letting out.

The next room, there were men, women, and children hanging by their wrists along the walls. She quickly looked away when she saw they were getting disemboweled. Walking quickly, the next room consisted of a fire pit in the middle, with people slowly being entered, one appendage at a time. She prayed they were out of pain, especially for the children.

There were more 'rape rooms' with men in one, and children in the other. She hoped and prayed the men in the last one would die a slow painful death. There were rooms where people had their arms and legs tore off with hooks. Where people were being squashed by machines, people lowered into acid, and a room where beheadings took place.

Draco mysteriously covered the entrance to the next four rooms before she could see in them. "Those are the extreme rooms, the worse ones through here. You'll find out what those rooms entail, sooner or later."

Shivering, she didn't even want to imagine what could be worse then what she already saw. Leaving to continue onto the dining room, she didn't feel like eating, but knew she had to keep up her strength. What she didn't expect when she entered, was Voldemort sitting at the table along with Severus Snape, and of course, Lucius and Narcissa. Sitting down, she tried not to make eye contact with anyone other than Severus, hopefully he would relay she was still alive.

Dinner passed tensely, with Voldemort not saying anything, other than smiling creepily. She was nervous he would want a private one on one session with her. Once she was full, she sat there quietly waiting for Draco to finish his meal. Seconds passed by so slowly she thought she would be 50 before they could leave. Once everyone was finished, Draco spoke first. "Well, dinner was once again wonderful, if I may, could I take my pet and be excused?"

"Yes, Draco. You can be excused. But, tomorrow, I want you and your pet in my study at 9 A.M. sharp. You may go." Voldemort replied chillingly. Hermione couldn't stop the shiver that went down her spine.

Reaching Draco's wing, the main doors required a drop of blood from him and Hermione. He explained that if her blood was incorporated she would be able to pass through into any room in his wing. It also kept out people who didn't belong in here, like Greyback.

Creeped out she headed on through, feeling like a bucket of water was dumped over her, she jumped in shock. "That was the magic setting in. It'll go away in a few minutes." Draco explained.

Heading to his rooms, Draco got down to what he really wanted. "Get undressed. This is a consummated bond. We must fuck for this to set in. If not, you'll be auctioned off to someone else, and they probably won't be as nice or accommodating as me."