Hello. My name is Holly and this is my second Pansy/Draco fic. Its a lot different from my other one. Its from pansy's POV. So far its about her and Draco realizing that they are perfect for each other, slowly. Its also about Draco and his struggle to enter the dark arts world. BTW. Draco won't turn good, Pansy isn't dumb, Draco enjoys her, not annoyed by her. They're mean too.

These aren't my characters. Oh and I am going to make Blaise boy in this story. If you like it your encouraged to review. If something's the matter. Review also. Thanks for taking the time to read this. I will have a new chapter up most likely by tomorrow.


"Pansy come with me" A voice called out, softly. She reached out her hand to grab at something. Anything. "I want to kill you" It said, grabbing her by her wrist. "No" Pansy whispered. "Its inevitable" The voice replied. "Why?" Pansy asked, she asked no one. It was black. Dark. No one to save her.

"Wake Up." I opened my eyes and saw my mother standing over my bed. Crossly staring into my eyes. That was here trademark.

"What?" I asked her, wondering what it was that she felt she needed to wake me from my sleep for.

"Its a letter, from Draco" She retorted, I simply shrugged. Getting a letter from Draco was no big deal to me. But to my mom, it was great. And she showed it the best way she knew how. Emotionless. Waking me up from my beauty sleep was her way of showing importance.

"Sit it on the bed, I'll read it later" I carefully told her, making sure that I didn't tone it wrong. Being a lady, was what she constantly was on alert for.

She walked out of the room, no doubt angry she hadn't caught me acting uncivilized. But she'd never show it. She was a Parkinson.

Walking towards the mirror, which was hanging on my east wall, I looked into my eyes. So cold. Looking up and down at my reflection I stared at my abdomen. It was very white, very flat. I was a frail girl. It was only a month until my 6th year started back, and over summer so far I had lost 10 lbs. I wasn't fat before, I weighed 110. Which was perfect for my small body. Its not like I had lost the weight on purpose, I just wasn't in the mood for eating.

Right now, studying the mirror, I wasn't exactly looking my best. But it was morning time. An hour till breakfast. I had time to get ready, perfect my appearance, mold myself into what they wanted me to be. Into what everyone expected me to be. Pansy Parkinson.

After applying my necessities, Eyelash Amplifier, Lip Shine, Eyelid colour. I had decided to read the letter I had received from Draco.


You will be coming to my house tonight, and staying until I wish you to leave. My father has arranged it. By the time you see your parents they will know. I will arrive at your estate no later than 4:00. Be ready.


That letter was the perfect example of Draco. He was demanding, spoiled, sophisticated, and feared. But Pansy and Draco had known each other since they both could remember.

Draco and I have an understanding, he watches over me, since I can't do it myself. Don't get me wrong, I can stick up for myself. But he's sort of like my bodyguard. Only very bossy. But it was okay. It was all I ever knew. Everyone thinks Draco and I are together. Were not. He would never admit it, but he enjoys my company, other than Crabbe and Goyle. I am the only one that will put up with him.

I take that back. Everyone puts up with Draco. He was a Malfoy, they had to put up with him.


"Hello Mr. And Mrs. Parkinson" Draco said smiling, sweetness dripping from his voice. Completely unlike Draco.

My parents had a known obsession with Draco. They were absolutely thrilled when I had owled them about Draco escorting me to the Yule Ball. They have always wanted us to get married, I told them that Draco liked someone else. They automatically assumed it was my fault. Some sort of lack of judgment somewhere.

But to see Draco here, in their home again. Well, it gave them some sort of warmth. Something they never showed me.

"Hello Pansy, You are looking very, very nice tonight." There was an exaggeration on very that I noticed to be strawberry on the cake.

"Can I have one of my house-elves get your things?" By that time, all my things had been packed.

"Oh, I assure you, Percivlle can handle those arrangements just fine." My father told Draco with pride in his words. As if trying to impress him.

"I want to thank the two of you for allowing your wonderful daughter to stay with me for a while, I have heard about her friends, and I must say I'm ashamed to have known them. " Draco paused and looked to the ground. He then proceeded to hold his head high. "I know that you will surely miss your daughters company, when you wish to attain her. Please, Do owl me.

I thought I was going to be sick. They were talking about me like I was some sort of, dog. Or animal that they could toss back and fourth. But keeping my lady-like upbringing, I kept quiet. I knew I could confront Draco about this at the Malfoy Estate.

As we walked up the spiral staircase to my room Draco remained silent. Then finally after we were out of ears reach he spoke.

"My GOD Parkinson, you are disgustingly thin! What in the hell happened to you? Did you forget to eat?" Draco shouted, staring my body up and down.

"What about you?" I asked, a horrible attempt and a quick subject change. "You look like you have gained 10 lbs of muscle, and at least 2 inches."

"Nice try, but no touche there." Draco smirked, he would never ever admit a defeat to anyone but me. We both knew that.

"Parkinson, when we get you to my house, I am going to have to fatten you back up." Draco told me, examining my pillow.

"Are you trying to tell me that I was fat before?" I questioned him, keeping a stern look on my face.

"No." Draco simply said ignoring my furtive glances.

"Let's go" He motioned me to go to the fireplace, obviously we were traveling by floo. I greatly detested traveling by floo powder, it make me look a fright.

"I'm not sure if you should go alone." Draco said, grabbing my arm.

"Why?" I asked, confused.

"Because you might go to the wrong house, the wind gust, it is likely to blow you away. Now," Draco stopped, grabbing my shoulders, and looked me in the eye. He towered a good 6 inches above me.

"We don't want you to end up in someone like Weasly's house now do we?"

"Oh Draco!" I cried dramatically. "I would rather die!"

"Very Funny Parkinson, Now lets leave, we can't keep father."


We flooed into one of Draco's spare rooms on the 2nd floor.

"Draco I have to clean myself up, I look horrible" I told him, frantically searching for a mirror.

"Impossible, Parkinson" Draco said, fixing a piece of my hair.

After I was satisfied with my hair and clothes, I ordered on of his house elves to take my stuff to the spare room next to Draco's own.

"Put my stuff up, and do not break one thing. Or I will have your head." Draco took a step back.

"Impressive, I didn't know you had it in you." Draco said admiring me for a moment.

"Yeah, well Draco. There's a lot of things different about me this summer"

It was true, I had changed a lot about me. I had been practicing my attitude, after my little talk with my parents, about "Hierarchy". I can still remember it.

"Now Pansy, you know that you are a Parkinson and its high time you acted like it. You are better than everyone in that Slytherin house, the whole school for that matter. Except the Malfoy's of course." My mother just laughed.

"Parkinson?" Draco said snapping his fingers.

"What?" I asked, coming out of my little daydream.

"Father wants to see you." Draco said, sprucing himself up.

I suddenly got butterflies in my stomach. Mr. Malfoy was the most feared man, besides Lord Voldemort. I just wanted his approval.

"Hello Miss Parkinson" He said, holding out his hand. A small smile creeping upon his lips. I took my hand and gave it too him, he shook it carefully. He must have noticed my frailness also. Although, it may have just been my eagerness. But I could swear he was judging me, to see if I would be suitable for his one son.

We had a small chit-chat between Narcissa, Lucius, Draco and I. It was entertaining. They were all very well educated. No wonder my parents adored them.

"Pansy, I do have to show you the grounds before dinner, Do you mind father?" Draco cooed to his parents. More in particularly to his father. One thing Draco never did was ask his mom's permission. He didn't really find a need to.

After thanking them and saying goodbyes for now. We went outside.

"Pansy, I'm glad your here today." Draco said, walking down onto the grounds.

"Well, you really didn't give me a chance there, did ya buddy?" I smarted back. All in good fun.

"Buddy?" Draco asked, astonished. "In all honestly I don't ever want to hear you say that again" I didn't argue, I just took it as a sign he was trying to help me. I knew he was.

"Sit." He demanded. I sat.

"Pansy be honest with me," Draco was being serious about something. That was a shocker.

I paid careful attention to his movements. He seemed nervous. I had no clue why. It was just me, Parkinson.

"Pansy, are you sick?" The words shocked me.

"Of course not Draco, why would you think that?" I knew exactly why he thought it, but I didn't want to admit it.

"Your just so thin, I mean you don't look bad, but" Draco stopped, unable to continue due to the face his conscious stopped working.

"Are you hinting that your worried about me?" I asked him, smiling at him the whole time.

"No. Just wondering, Lets go. You really want to see the pool." Draco's moment of caring was over. He'd be terribly embarrassed the next morning if he remembered that he'd been caring.

"By the way, in 2 days, Blaise is coming by." He stated.

Someone walked past the drive way. Predatorily, Draco stood straight, it was probably no body but Draco made me feel protected. It turned out to be just someone walking their dog.

The night air was rather chilly, I shivered and pulled my thin cloak closer to me. Luckily Draco took notice to what I was feeling and he took off his own and put it around me, it was nothing special. Just what he did. Like I said earlier, he took care of me.