Disclaimer: I do not own Supernatural or Criminal Minds.

Authors Note: Well this is the FINAL chapter. I hope you all enjoyed this story. Also, I'm sorry... again! Please note I'm not 100% happy with my last line with this, but I'm considering it done. Next story that I'll be working on is Playing Human, a Sabriel fic with BDSM Dom!Gabriel and Sub!Sam. This is not an AU, the first few chapters are posted, but will be edited this week.

Warnings: Angst, Character Death

Chapter 20

While he knew people were speaking to him, had been speaking to him for a while, Azrael couldn't answer. The only thing he could see, could focus on, was the body he held and the grace missing from his own. 'Gabby, Gabby, Gabriel, Gabe... please Gabby...' Were the only thoughts Azrael could process while he buried his head in Gabriel's hair. The vessel was maintained by his grace, Azrael pouring grace into the vessel constantly, hopeful that he would be able to bring back his mate. Castiel was around often, Azrael could feel the presence of his younger brother, but he couldn't focus on the younger angel.

Time passed beyond the bedroom, days and nights bleeding together until Castiel left. It was strange, no longer feeling the grace of his younger brother inside the house, but not strange enough for Azrael to move from the body of his lover. Gabe. Whimpering, Azrael curled around Gabriel's vessel, wrapping himself around the other while he waited for death. It wouldn't be long now, hopefully he would be able to find his mate in the afterlife.

A few days after Castiel had left the house for a few hours, Azrael was startled out of his trance. His grace, while weak, recognized a source of power arriving. It should have alarmed him, his grace too weakened to protect anyone. Vaguely, Azrael noticed shouting from the hunter, thankfully in shock instead of pain. Still, Azrael kept his grip on Gabriel's body, refusing to leave even with a perceived threat.

As the doorknob turned to the bedroom, Azrael tried to growl in warning only for it to turn into a whimper. He was so tired without Gabriel. The man standing in front of him would normally earn more of a reaction from the archangel, but Azrael couldn't move. Letting loose a low whine, Azrael closed his eyes and rested his face against Gabriel once again, not wanting to face one of the only beings that could take Gabriel's vessel away.

"Oh, my son, I'm so sorry."

Azrael didn't react as Chuck stepped closer, His blue eyes locked on Azrael who was trying to hold onto the last part of Gabriel he had. Death walked in behind Chuck, holding an old-style medical case. As Azrael was in the middle of the bed, each father took a seat on either side of him, the hunters and angel standing the doorway in shock. Chuck moved first, reaching out to lightly trail His hand through Azrael's hair. Death placed the bag on the bed beside Gabriel, his voice gentle when he spoke.

"This may be unpleasant for you both, hold on."

Opening the bag, Azrael watched as Death reached inside, pulling out a glowing golden light. Chuck placed His hand over the orb, the two pressing the orb into Gabriel's vessel. The second that he felt his bond start to respond, Azrael screamed. It wasn't the soft flow it had been during the bonding process, this was pure fire. The more power the two beings used the worse the burning became, but Azrael didn't let go, he would never let go of Gabriel again. Even if he died in the process. After all, what was life without his mate?

Observing at the burning pyre, David raised his glass in the air, signaling to the others to drink. As one they drank, a toast to the man who had meant so much to those present. The body set upon the pyre was wrapped in white cloth, the fire claiming him. They stood for a long while, the flames continuing to burn. It was only after the body was taken by the flames that anyone moved.

David was one of the first to say anything, taking the time to look at those around him. As always, the BAU had managed to stay together, even if life took them in different directions. Aaron was still a pillar for their group, his son now old enough to understand what was happening around him. At thirteen there wasn't a lot Jack didn't understand. Garcia had been crying, her shoulders held by Morgan who was rubbing her arm comfortingly as they watched their friend burn.

JJ and William had left their youngest home, but Henry was standing beside his parents, a sad expression on his face. Emily who had left a few years ago to join Interpol was there; while she may live across the ocean she often found herself back home. Sam and Dean Winchester had become members of their tight-knit group, standing together with their angel. Neither man said much, remaining silent while they watched the body of their friend go up in flames.

Lastly, David looked to the archangel he called friend. Azrael looked the same as he always did; his brown eyes focused, this time on the fire that was dwindling in front of him. At his side was a man with golden hair, his honey eyes looking up at Azrael every few minutes. The two hadn't separated for more than a moment since David's prayers were answered. Looking at the dwindling flames, David sent a silent prayer to God, thankful once again that it wasn't the archangel inside the flames.

It had been years, and still David woke up some nights with a cry in the back of his throat, terrified that his friend hadn't been saved. During those years he had gotten to know many new faces, but it was the Winchesters and Bobby Singer whom he remained in constant contact. With Garcia's help, David had made himself a point of contact for the men, one that kept hunters off the radar. Now he had to say goodbye.

Clearing his throat, David nodded his head to the now diminishing flames.

"Goodbye my friend."

Azrael heard him, leaving the side of his mate to come closer to him. Once Azrael was beside him, David waited for the other to speak.

"I know it's hard, but Dad made sure Bobby got to his Heaven safely. He's with Karen again, David."

David nodded, unable to help his smile as Gabriel came up to Azrael's side linking their fingers together. While he had been dead for a bit more than a week; even now, years later, Gabriel wouldn't let Azrael out of his sight. Azrael didn't seem to mind, in fact Azrael seemed to relish in the knowledge that his mate was close; always.

Turning back to the fire, David took in the sight for another minute before he turned to mingle. An angel would gather the ashes for the Winchesters to take home later. Right then they were going to drink to a good man.

'All beings eventually find their end,' thought David to himself while he started eating some of the foods laid out on the tables. 'Thankfully, we know that our friends really are moving someplace better.'

P.S. If you want to keep up to date on my writing add me to Facebook, Tumbler or Twitter as CrowNoYami ;-) If you want to see what I'm reading (I always review so you know what you're getting into) I'm on Goodreads as well, same name as always.