I used the last bit of juice on my computer to get this chapter out. ;~; I promise to go through this chapter and the previous one, tomorrow on my phone to find and fix any mistakes, but I really wanted to get this out. I'm going to try and order ANOTHER charger this weekend, but I can't make any promises. I hope that you'll like this chapter, I like how it turned out at the end and the next chapter should be quite interesting.

Thank you to everyone who is taking the time to send in those reviews, they are much appreciated! Keep 'em coming guys!

I do not own Inuyasha

At some point, she fell asleep, leaning over onto Kirara's neck. She didn't even realize when it happened; mostly because she didn't have any dreams. The was the first time, that she could remember, it ever happening.

When she woke up, she found herself laying on the soft ground, covered with some kind of cloth. It smelled nice, comforting even. The deep sandalwood scent was all around her; recognizing it as Kohaku's. Pulling it more tightly around her body, Rin tried to just go back to sleep, but it was no longer dark out, making it difficult to do so. With the sun rising, chasing away the night, she eventually stopped fighting it; pushing away the makeshift blanket and sitting up.

Looking around, she noticed that the place he choice to make camp, was hurriedly put together, with a dying out fire just feet away from her. She must've been more exhausted than she realized to sleep as heavily as she had. Normally any kind of movement would have been enough to wake her, but she slept right through him moving her off Kirara's back and placing her on the ground.

As she inspected the area, she noticed that Kohaku wasn't anywhere to be seen. Panic set in as she feared he changed his mind and left her where Sesshomaru could easily find her. As soon as the thought entered her mind, she quickly dismissed it. He had no love for her demon, and would take any opportunity he could to get her away from him. Even in the past, he liked to remind her how obsessed she'd been, that it was unhealthy and she should forget him; he wasn't coming back.

Her shoulders sag at the memory.

Maybe if she had just stopped being so stubborn and listened to him back then, none of this would have happened. She wouldn't of been by the river desperately waiting for Sesshomaru, hoping he would finally make his appearance, but knowing deep down that he wasn't coming. Kohaku had been right the whole time. She was a foolish girl, wishing for a demon who would never return her feelings for him.

"Good, you're awake." Kohaku's voice came from behind her. Turning her head, she looked over her shoulder at him. "I didn't want to wake you, so I decided to go out and find you something to eat. Unfortunately, I could only find a few berries, but there should be a town nearby that we can stop at."

Nodding her head, Rin stands up and carefully folds the cloth he covered her with. "We should really be leaving soon anyways. If I know Sesshomaru, he's already figured out I left with you and will likely be tracking us down."

"Yeah, I thought as much, which is why I had Kirara fly higher than usually last night. The wind moves differently the higher you go, which should make tracking us by scent harder, even for someone like Sesshomaru." He say's handing her a small container of water.

Taking it, she sips down a couple gulps, before handing it back to him, using the her hand to wipe away any water that may have slipped past her lips. "Smart thinking, but still, it's probably better if we get out of here as soon as possible. He's going to be really angry when he catches up." It wasn't a matter of if but more a matter of when he caught up to them. She didn't know when that was going to happen, or how she would handle it when it did happen. If they hung around for too long though, it would happen sooner rather than later.

Kohaku could see the change in her eyes. She knew that eventually Sesshomaru would catch up to them. Was she afraid of that happening? Did she now fear the demon she once idolized? It was hard to tell exactly what she was feeling without out right asking her. He didn't want to pry that deeply just yet, so instead of questioning her reasons, he simply nods his head. "Alright, we'll go ahead and move on." He looks down at the small cat demon at his side, "Kirara." At the command, she instantly changes into her much larger form.

Climbing onto the back of the female cat demon, Rin scoots forward, leaving room for Kohaku to sit behind her. As he settled in at her back, Rin pulled up the memories of the girl she had once been. Back then, Kohaku had been just a little older than she, and wasn't the man that she knew him as now. He was skinny and even short, leaving for long periods to train with Kirara. She often missed him when he was gone.

In the past, he had been nothing more than a friend she could confide in, but now, he was a grown man and a full fledged demon hunter. He was much taller, around 6'1 if she had to guess, with well-defined muscles. A strong jaw and dark brown eyes. She could tell that he'd been through and seen a lot in the time that she'd been dead, making his eyes harder than she remembered. His hair too was longer, hanging just past his shoulders when not pulled back in a ponytail. He was incredibly handsome, at least when he wasn't freaking out on her.

"God Rin," She said to her former self. "You are so stupid for chasing after someone who refused to love you, when you could have had this man all along." She chastised the dead girl, for obsessing over a demon who very obviously wanted nothing to do with her, when she could have had Kohaku all along. A man who openly loved her and only wanted the best for her. How could she have been so stupid back then? It was something she couldn't fathom, now that she'd been reborn in the modern era.

"Kohaku?" Rin says out loud.

"Hmm?" He tilts his head down to look at her, taking his eyes off the direction they were heading.

"There's something I haven't mentioned yet." Should she tell him that she remembered everything now? He deserved to know, didn't he?

"What is it, Rin?"

"Well, you see..." She hesitates a moment, trying to find the right way to word this. "You see, I remember everything now."

Rin didn't have to look back at him to tell that he now had a frown on his face; she could hear it in his voice. "What are you talking about?"

"I remember everything from my past life. Rin's past life." She could practically feel his eyes burning a hole in the back of her head, at this point. "I remember the day she died, what she was doing, thinking, even feeling, right up until she could her last breath. I remember how close the two of you were, and that she confided everything to you. Naraku and everything that lead up to the final battle. I have every one of her memories."

There was a silence that wasn't natural. Maybe it was because her heart was pounding so hard in her chest, that it was drowning out all other sound around her. She was too scared to look over her shoulder at him. Was he going to react badly? Possibly even lose it like before, in the village.


Suddenly out of nowhere, Kirara was hit by something moving incredibly fast; faster than any of them had been able to see. Taken by surprise, the cat demon, was thrown towards the ground, crashing through the trees, her two passengers, knocked from her back. Rin lets out a high pitched scream as she starts plummeting to the ground, high enough that hitting the ground below, would hurt a lot, maybe even kill her.

"Kohaku!" Rin cries out to her friend. Scared that this would be the end for her.

"Rin!" She heard him call back, even watched as he held out a hand to her.

Reaching towards him, she tried her best to grab a hold of his hand. Stretching her arm as far as she possibly could. He had been trained for his kind of thing, if only she could reach him, he would be able to save her, she just knew it. Except, her hand never reached his. Instead, she was suddenly grabbed out of the air by someone else. A pair of strong arms wrapped around her upper body and held her legs at the knees. The way this person held her, was familiar, and yet, she was afraid to turn her head, to see who exactly it was that had attacked them.

"Running away from me like that was a foolish thing to do." His voice was deeper than usual. Normally, it was very inexpressive and it was hard to tell what he was feeling, but this time, she could actually hear his anger. He'd found them faster than she expected. "And to him of all people. Do you wish for the human to die?" His arms tightened around her, further indication that he was beyond angry.

It wasn't until she felt him stop moving that she finally decided to look up at him, and when she did, she immediately regretted doing so. The rage she saw in the depths of his eyes, made her flinch and her throat close up. She knew running away from him was a mistake, that he wouldn't be happy when he caught up to them, but the look she saw in his eyes, went beyond anything she could have imagined. She wanted so badly to say something, anything at all, but she couldn't seem to form words, not even an apology. "Say something, damnit!"

Putting her down, Sesshomaru's eyes glared down into hers, the fear he saw making him even madder. This was her fault! If she had just stayed put, this wouldn't have happened! But no, she just had to run off! With his jaw clenched tight, he turns his back to her. "Jaken," He growls, and the little imp hopped off the end of his fur. "If she leaves your sight for even a second, I will kill you." Glancing over his shoulder, he narrows his eyes on Rin. "I will not continue to have the boy interfering. I warned him to stay away, his fate is on your hands now."

As he started walking away from her, moving towards Kohaku, who was now mounted once more on Kirara's back, Rin saw the murderous intent in his gold eyes. He planned to kill Kohaku. Her eyes widened in shock. She couldn't allow this to happen, she wouldn't be able to live with herself if Kohaku was killed because of her! He didn't stand a chance against a ruthless demon like Sesshomaru. She had to stop him!

"Stop!" She cries out to his back. "Please, Sesshomaru, don't do this, I beg you!"

He ignored her. Reaching for the sword at his side, the one she knew for a fact would be able to cut. From across the way, she saw Kohaku reaching for his own weapon, pulling it from his back, readying for a battle. Shaking with fear, Rin stood there, her eyes wide in horror.

Before she realized she was moving, Rin starts to run, rushing towards Sesshomaru's back. "Please, stop!" She screams, lunging forward and grabbing him from behind, her arms wrapping around him, forcing him to stop. "Don't kill him, please Sesshomaru!" Rin cries, her face pressed against his back, arms tightening around his body, as if the tighter she held him the more likely he was to stop. "I-I'm sorry, please just stop. I could never forgive myself if you killed him because of my foolishness."

He hand was wrapped firmly around the hilt of his Bakusaiga when Rin suddenly appeared at his back, her arms coming around his body in an attempt to force him to stop his pursuit of Kohaku. This did nothing to calm him and in fact only made him much more angry. A deep growl comes from his throat, as he snaps his head back to look at the female. Only, when he saw her, and the way she tried so desperately to hold him in place, the flame that was his anger, flicked. She was truly scared that he would take the boy's life, here and now. Her fears were warranted, because that's exactly what he planned to do. One too many times, Kohaku has placed himself between the two of them and while the night by the river had been a mistake, he continued to feel that instinctively, Rin was his and his alone to claim. She may not carry his scent, but he will not allow another male to take what was his.

She felt his muscles suddenly relax and only then did she slowly loosen her arms and pull away from him. It took her a moment longer to gain the courage to look up at his face. His eyes still held the same anger she saw earlier, but he seemed to be calmer, at least on the surface. Walking past her, he spoke in his normal expressionless voice. "Tell him you will no longer be joining him. If you value his life, remind him of my warning."

Seeing this as a victory, Rin hurries across the field to where Kirara was landing. She nearly made it to the other side, breathing heavily as she ran, when something suddenly blocked her path. Running too fast to come to quick halt, Rin runs right into whatever stood before her. Realizing too late that it was a demon, as his arms came around her body.

"Let me go!" She cries out, trying to wiggle her way free, but only managing to turn around. It seemed that was exactly what the demon wanted her to do, because now that she was facing the way she had come, his arms squeezed tightly and a sharp claw pressed against her throat. Rin gasps for breath, doing her best to not move. Knowing that if she did, his claw would pierce her throat.

The demon holding her, let out a light chuckle. "Go on, little human, struggle some more, I can't wait to smell your sweet blood again." He pressed the tip of his claw more firmly to her throat. "This time though, I'll be able to see the look on his face when I take your life."

His voice, she knew his voice, but from where? The moment it hit her, she goes stiff in his arms, the color draining from her face. She knew his voice... It was the same as the demon who killed her 150 years ago. She never actually saw his face, so she could be wrong, but his voice was forever burned into her memories, haunting her nightmares. The sting of his claw pressing into her flesh, made her whimper in pain, and she could feel her blood well up and trail down her throat into her shirt. "S-Sesshomaru..."

Even though there was a bit of a distance between him and the demon, he could easily see the color leave her face, smell the scent of her blood, and hear the way she whispered his name; pleading for him to save her. She was more terrified in this moment, than she had been when he arrived. A different kind of rage burned in his chest now. This demon would regret attacking her in front of him.

:O Oh no!

Until next time~