Valentina's POV

I stretch as the rays of the morning sun wake me. Out of habit I reach for his side of the bed...only he's not there...again.

"Where the hell are you, J?" I whisper. It's been two days since I last saw him. He claimed he had a special gift for me but he had to go get it himself. I've asked the boys but no one seems to have heard from their boss and his small team of men he took.

I rise off of the bed as a sudden commotion reaches my ears from down stairs. I quickly throw on my robe and a pair of pajama bottoms before grabbing a gun I keep under my side of the bed before I'm out the door.

I take the stairs two at a time.

A beat up Frost is surrounded by the others asking questions. His eyes land on me.

"What happened?" I ask as I make my way towards him, the others part like the sea. I've earned a lot of respect in their eyes and as Joker's lady they've learned to treat me accordingly.

"The boss…" he trails off. My rock drops in my stomach.

"Is he dead?" I ask calmer than I feel. My whole life I've had to be around death. It was the way of our world.

"He was taken by batman while trying to get some special ruby necklace for you. Went to Arkham Asylum and was planning to bust him out and have him home to you by last night...but he's not there," Frost explains.

"Then where the hell is he?" I ask.

"Checked with some of my sources and they say he's down in Louisiana in the middle of nowhere in a maximum security place built for criminals like him. Rumors have it the government is working to build a task force of villains that can be disposable," Frost explains.

I nod. Looking around the room I see everyone looking to me expectantly.

"Here's what's going to happen. Frost, you and I are going to take a few of the boys and do some digging to get some more information on this place. I want the usual men at the club maintaining business as usual. We don't want the Joker to come home and find that his club isn't being taken care of. As for the rest of you. I want you to be ready to go at a minutes notice. Once we get the information we need, we're going after him. Am I clear?" I say.

They all nod. "Yes Boss."

As they disperse, I turn back to Frost. He's looking at me with admiration.

"Boss is lucky to have a woman like you."

I chuckle "Be sure to tell him that."

"Where do you wanna start?" he asks.

"I'm going to get dressed, I want you to have a target for me by the time I come back down. Find us a in that's local. A security guard, hell even a secretary. Anybody we can use as an inside man," I order. He nods. "I think I know the perfect guy. He's been getting a bad rep lately."


I turn and make my way back up the stairs.


I hand the bloody knife to Frost and wipe the blood from my face. I watch as two of the men take the body away.

"That's the 5th security guard from that place in the last week and none of them are willing to play nice. What the fuck is wrong with these people?!" I growl. Finding joker was proving to be harder than I anticipated. As it would turn out, Louisiana is pretty big when you're trying to find one specific prison.

Between ducking Batman and the police while still terrorizing the city, I was getting annoyed. This game was getting old fast.

"Anything I can do for you?" Frost asks. I look at him as an idea comes to mind.

" down to me the facts we do know concerning the Joker's location."

"We know he is definitely in a prison in Louisiana somewhere. The 5 dead idiots all but confirmed that. We know he's in isolation somewhere in that prison or else he would have been found a way to reach out to us. And we know that the government is waiting for their chance to use him in some kind of task force," he says.

"I think it's time we put some heat on the city...Frost, how fast can you get me C4?" I grin.

He chuckles softly. "How much are we talking?"

"Enough to destroy a 20 block radius."

"Let me make some calls," he says. I nod to him as he turns and walks away.

I'm not the usual destructive type. But they made it personal when they took the Joker. If anyone was going to do anything to him it would be me. He'd grown on me and they would soon learn. The biggest mistake was not just killing him when they had the chance. Locking him away somewhere was like dangling a carrot in front of me and daring me to come get it.

By the time I was done with Gotham, they would beg for the Joker to save them from the Bloody Valentine.

Author's Note: Okayyyy so it's been a minute since I updated. Watched Suicide Squad again the other day and decided it'd be fun to incorporate some of that plot into this story. Hope you enjoyed. Please review