Disclaimer: Don't own Miraculous Ladybug, if I did, Chat Noir and Ladybug would be on a date by now.

I really love Miraculous Ladybug and I wanted them to collide in my own little world. I love supernatural, so it made me wonder to have supernatural miraculous twist. Please enjoy you guys and I would love to hear your thoughts!

Chapter one: Cat's Eye

In the corner of the alleyway, somewhere in a shadows, a Miraculous black cat camouflaged himself in the darkness. His attentive, green eyes, were on his enemies called the Akumas. For centuries, Miraculous Cats had to live in hiding, so the Akumas wouldn't get to them. There were many reasons why the Akumas wanted them: for experiments, to keep them as pets, and for their luscious fur coats. Their main enemy, Hawk Month, had a taste for his eccentric fashion line. He was more ambitious to kidnap them and skin them alive for his own personal gain. A few had fallen in the depths of Hawk Moth's hands and they were no longer alive.

The King of the Miraculous Cats, was Gabriel Agreste, and he always kept his coven underground. He told them that humans were dangerous. You must never get close to a human, only to feed from them, and that was about it. Everyone followed their king's rule, except for the prince himself. Chat Noir was his given nickname. You must never utter your real name, unless you're the king. To know one's true name, they would become your docile slave.

Chat Noir sighed out in relief when the Akumas finally disappeared. He slowly emerged himself from the shadows, being cautious, and then he found himself in the rain. Chat Noir hissed at this. The rain made him weak and vulnerable. He heard a cackling laugh, which reminded Chat Noir of a hyena. He heard the laughter closing in on him, and it made Chat Noir puff out his proud fur.

"What are you doing lurking in our territory, Cat?!" A full-transformed Miraculous Fox spat with so much venom.

Their other enemy, besides the Akumas, was the Miraculous Foxes. They were sometimes allies, but mostly enemies. No one knew how this feud started, their relationship was so eerily similar to the Capulets and Montagues from Romeo and Juliet. Quite frankly, Chat Noir didn't know why they had to be enemies? They've both been hunted down by the Akumas as well, so they should be collaborating with them instead. However, the foxes were greedy with power, they wanted both the Miraculous kinds to rule the Earth. Even though Chat Noir's kind didn't care for the humans, they didn't want the humans to endure another brutal Holocaust. Which began the endless feud because the Miraculous Cats could control the foxes. Like a dog to a leash, given to that they're in the wolf family. No one knew how they held this authority, but cats listened to no one, it was in their genes. Foxes, on the other hand…. Not so much.

"I was just passing by, I came across an Akuma, Kim," Chat Noir replied coyly. He had known Kim for quite sometime and they have always bumped heads. Well, it was mostly Kim who started the fights.

Unlike a Miraculous Cat, a Miraculous Fox could reveal their true name without consequences.

"That's no excuse, you stupid cat. For all we know, you could be luring them into our territory. You probably want to start another war, don't you, your highness!" Kim bellowed dramatically.

The perks of being Prince Chat Noir, you could always be calm and composed, when you're dealing with a fox going through a hissy fit.

"Kim, you are a prince in the fox court, it is not wise to blindly assume a war!" Chat Noir ridiculed with a hint of annoyance.

"No matter, if this is a declaration of war or not. I'm going to kick your ass, right now, pussycat!" Kim roared as he transformed to his half human and half fox form.

Chat Noir rolled his eyes as he transformed as well. He knew this was a bad idea, he should flee, given of the heavy rain. However, Kim didn't really give him a choice, so Chat had to put his claws out.

They fought brutally. Kim kept trying to bite him, but Chat kept dodging. Chat scratched Kim good on his face, which made Kim howl in pain. Chat thought he would win this match, until the rain got heavier. Chat cursed when he found himself on his knees. When the rain touched his fur, it was like a chemical of Helium being poured onto him.

Kim hovered over him, which made Chat still glare defiantly. "Pleasant dreams… you royal pain in the ass!" With one hard final punch, Chat Noir was out like a light.


Marinette Dupain-Cheng loved and hated the rain. She had just left her friend's house, Alya Cesaire, from a huge literature project. She tightened her hold on her umbrella, as she cringed at the sound of her wet boots, and bit her lower lip in concentration. Marinette was so relieved to be halfway done with their project.

Madame Bustier assigned them to write about a mythical creature. What Marinette had chosen for her and Alya to research on was Miraculous Cats. Marinette had a soft spot for cats. Once upon a time, not so long ago, she wanted to be cat when she was younger. Something about cat's intrigued her so. Their eyes were so alluring, you had to work hard on gaining their trust, and their fur was so soft. Their stripes was what really caught her eye: the way their stripes blended like Yin and Yang, the way it represented their personality, and there was sense of pride underneath it all.

A sound of loud mewl snapped Marinette out of her thoughts. Curiously, Marinette followed the noise, until she was met with an injured cat in a alleyway. Marinette gasped as she stared at the poor black cat. He had cuts on his fur, also his eyes looked glossy, and his tail wasn't moving. That was never a good sign when a cat's tail didn't move.

"You poor thing!" Marinette said sadly.

Marinette stood dumbstruck as she contemplated on what to do. She should bring him home, but the cat could have rabies or even bite her. Maybe she should call animal control? No, wait, her phone was dead. Shoot, just her luck, even though she was never lucky.

She took a deep breath before she gingerly picked up the cat and cradled it in her ladybug rain coat. Marinette looked at him pitifully as he slowly lifted his head up and stared at her with vulnerable eyes. This was the top of the cake on why Marinette really loved cats' eyes: 'They hold a inner truth they could never hide, and they would never lie through their heavenly eyes'.


Chat Noir was captivated at the beautiful princess who gave him a sense of comfort. He liked her smell, she smelled like vanilla and a hint of a forbidden fruit. He welcomed the warmth she provided him through her rain coat. A ladybug rain coat, to be more purrcise.

He looked up at her and thought in his head: 'My Ladybug, I'm forever in your debt, you may someday have my name, as I would have yours…' Then darkness lured him back to his heavy cat nap.

Whew, first chapter complete. I would love to hear what you guys think. Will our sweet baby Chanton be okay and will love blossom between them?
