Chapter 1 A New Adventure

It's been a couple years since Kung Fu Spirit was up. I've been doing a lot of thinking for a couple of weeks now and I realized that adding other OCs will take too long to finish. So I decided to work on this story with a couple OCs only. I plan to work on the other two after this story is finish. I hope you all enjoy!

A young teenager put down his copy of Kung Fu Panda along with his other movies. He was wearing a orange Chinese T-Shirt and khaki shorts. The color of his raven hair is black and his eyes were jade green. Leo sighed as he turns around. He went outside with his training bag. It was a beautiful day for him to train. Leo opens up and took out his Shijan Chinese High Carbon Steel Handmade Sword Diamond Pattern Sword. The base of the hilt was black. He puts on A High-Spirited Tiger from Soul Calibur V on his Iphone.

The teen rolls his head around as he got into a fighting stance. He swung his sword a few times before he duck down. Then Leo did a couple backflips. Leo was imagining he was facing off Tai Lung. He swung his sword and stayed there if he was in a locked position. But then, Leo felt some force sent him flying through and hitting the ground hard.

"What the hell?" Leo growled.

It was quite unusual. Someone or something sent him flying through the air. He quickly got up, looking to find the source. Things like this never happen except in movies and shows. Leo wasn't much of a fighter but he wasn't going down without a fight. Leo turns his music off.

"Who's there?" Leo called. "Hearken to me!"

There was no reply as his voice echoed. His eyes scans the backyard. No one was there but him. Was someone or something invisible? All of a sudden, several fire arrows came out of nowhere without warning. He dives out of the way to left and was kneeling.

"Gah!" Leo grunted in pain. The fire arrows grazed his right arm and left knee. Dark storm clouds begin to appear in the sky. His only choice now was to head back inside and call help. He turns around and dashes at the house. Leo dove through the gliding door and landed in the living room. As he thought he was safe, his flat screen fell on him along with a black drawer.

"Come on!" Leo growled trying to break free.

Looking up, there was a person standing in front of Leo with a dagger. Leo swung his sword at the person, catching him off guard. He couldn't see anything in the dark because of the dark storm clouds. He knew that the grunts came from the person and he sounds like a man. Leo kicks the gun out of his hand and attacks viciously. The man didn't had a chance to attack or block. The man's arms were wide and Leo made a quick dive at the man and drove his sword through the man's heart.

The dark storm clouds disappeared along with the dead man. Leo was breathing heavy and he was shaking. What was that about? Who was that man? Why was he trying to kill Leo? Is he being targeted? Fearing if it happens again, Leo decided to call the cops. But then his strength was beginning to fail.

"What's happening to me?" Leo gasps. He fell backwards on the rug, next to his copies of Kung Fu Panda, Kung Fu Panda 2 and Kung Fu Panda 3. Leo was trying to get up, but he couldn't move. Was he going to die? Was he about to see them? Leo takes his last breath as the world go black.

It was cold. He can feel the presence of someone near him.

"Do you want to go on an adventure?" A voice asked.

"Yes." Leo whispered.

A warm light surrounded his body. The next thing he knew, the warmth of summer's breeze blew through his hair. He opens his eyes as his vision was clear. Leo sat up to get a better look. Standing in the room was a small red panda, wearing a orange-brown robe with a brown belt. A tortoise was wearing a green cloak with stylized of the Yin-Yang symbol. A female tigress was wearing a Chinese qipao with gold vine patterns and black pants. Her orange eyes fixated on him. Leo was completely shock.

"Welcome to the Jade Palace, my child." The old tortoise said, smiling at Leo. "I am Master Oogway, Leo."

Leo raised his eyebrows. "How did you know my name?" Leo asked. "I've never said my name."

"What is this thing, Master Oogway?" Shifu asked.

"I'm a hu-hu-human." Leo stuttered.

"Interesting." Shifu nodded.

Leo looks at himself as his six pack abs were showing. His shirt was laying down neatly on the bed he was in. But he didn't notice there were two small bandages on his right arm and left knee.

"It is quite alright to be afraid of us." Shifu said. "But you do not need to be afraid."

"You will have guidance to find your path." Oogway said.

"Thank you." Leo said.

"It seems faith has brought you here." Oogway smiled. "Now that you will live here, it is a wise decision to learn Kung Fu."

"I will go see the Dragon Warrior." Shifu said before leaving the room.

"Where will I sleep tonight?" Leo asked.

"You're sleeping with me tonight." Tigress spoke at last. She hadn't say anything since Leo woke up.

Oogway and Tigress left the room, leaving Leo standing there shocked. Sleeping with a tiger?! That didn't make him feel better. He had so many questions that was running through his mind. How did Oogway know Leo's name? Who was the man that tried to kill Leo in the first place? He decided to ask Oogway later if Leo runs into him.

Leo left the building he was in and admires the outside. It was so beautiful and peaceful and yet the palace is huge.

"The place is amazing." Leo said, taking in the sights. He was walking for an hour now.

As he was walking by, Leo can hear some noises from inside the building. Curious, he decided to have a look. Leo opens the doors and couldn't believe it.

"No way." Leo muttered.

There were hook rings swinging from the ceiling above moving dragon bodies. Tigress and Crane was sparring on the edge of a large green tortoise shell without a problem. Mantis quickly attack razor sharp dummies without being hit. Viper dodges every flame and attacks where the flame comes from the fire pipes. She even shot herself in the air by using the fire to her advantage. Leo can even see Monkey swinging to the air doing some impressive kicks in the air and going through one of the razor sharp rings.

"This is something I don't see everyday." Leo said amazed.

The sound of the doors behind Leo opens as Leo hid underneath the floors to his right. A piece of wood hits Po as he came in with Master Shifu.

"I think this is where I left off last night when I was watching." Leo thought.

"Let's begin." Shifu said.

Po was kind of nervous, looking at the training hall. "Right now?" Po asked nervously.

"Yes, now." Shifu smirks, looking at Po. "Unless you think the great Oogway was wrong and you are not the Dragon Warrior."

Po didn't want to look scared, pointing. "I don't know if I can do all of those moves." He said.

Shifu only snickers as he began to walk. "If we don't try, we'll never know, will we?"

"Yeah..." Po said, walking up to Master Shifu. "Maybe we can find something more suited to my level."

"And what level is that?" Shifu asked, looking over his shoulder.

"Well, I'm not a master, but let's just start at zero. Level Zero." Po suggested.

Shifu shook his head a little as he chuckled. "No." Shifu said. "There is no such thing as level zero."

"Maybe I can start with that." Po said, pointing at a dummy bear as he walks past Shifu.

"That?" Shifu asked walking over to Po. "We use that for training children and propping the door open when it's hot. But if you insist..."

Leo watches silently as the Furious Five walks over to the Dragon Warrior. They didn't say a word to Po. Leo didn't them to see him because he thought if this was happening in a dream.

"Hit it." Shifu said.

"Okay, yeah." Po said, putting his hands on his stomach. "I just ate. So I'm still digesting. My kung fu might not be so good later on."

"Just hit it." Shifu said annoyed.

Leo couldn't help but snickered a little. Po was kind of doing his imitations of Mantis, Monkey and Viper. He stops snickering, hoping none of them heard him. Shifu was getting a little furious.

"Would you hit it!?" Shifu yelled.

"Alright." Po said. He made a light punch at the dummy, that only move back and forward two times.

"Why don't you try again?" Shifu suggested. "A little harder this time."

Po hits the dummy and the dummy bear sent flying on the obstacle course. The poor panda did a full split and was sent flying into the tortoise shell after a wooden spike hits him in the head.

"This will be easier than I thought." Shifu said to the Furious Five.

Leo watches in shocked as Po was out of the tortoise shell and walks right into a field of very hard spike dummies. Po was getting hit in every direction until he got hit in his tenders. Then he continued getting hit until Po was walks onto the small field of fire pipes. Leo covered his eyes a couple times because of the fire. He watches a covered soot Po crawling slowly to the Furious Five and Shifu.

"How did I do?" Po asked weakly.

"There is now a Level Zero." Shifu said, putting out a small fire on Po's head.

Leo can hear the doors opening as everyone left the room. He came out of his hiding place. There was no one here now but him. A thought has occurred in his mind. How can Leo do all that stuff like them? This was going to be tough for him. Leo was walking halfway through as he stops in the middle of the room. Leo had an idea to use some moves that he saw in some fighting video games.

"Come on." Leo said pointing at nothing. He jabs the air a couple times and did a low sweep attack, turning into a windmill before he got up. Leo ran and did a hurricane kick. The teen jumps back a couple times before he land and did a Focus Punch. He punches low to the floor and did a knee strike. Leo slides forward before he did Spinning Demon. There are some moves that are impossible to do in real life.

"Hah... hah..." Leo panted.

Leo turns around and notices Tigress and Monkey, staring at him. Monkey walks over to Leo as Monkey was looking at him. Tigress stares at Leo angrily. Leo took a step back.

"Ho-how long were you two standing there?" Leo stuttered.

"When you came out of your hiding place under the floor." Tigress growled.

"But those moves were amazing." Monkey smiled. "I'm Monkey."

"My name is Leo." Leo sad, shaking Monkey's head. "It's an honor to meet you."

"Thank you." Monkey said. "So you're the one Tigress spoke of."

Leo looks at Tigress with a puzzled look. Tigress mentioned about him? Now he definitely was afraid. "She's not going to eat me right?" Leo smiled nervously.

"No one is going to eat you." Monkey replied. "We're kind people."

Leo felt a little safer.

"Come on." Monkey said. "We're having dinner right now."

Leo moves past Tigress as Monkey led him out of the training hall as Tigress watches the two leave.

What do you all think? I know that the fight between Leo and the mysterious man was a bit sudden, but I'm not going to spoil anything yet. You will all now later in the other chapters. Hope you enjoyed this chapter and don't forget to leave a review!