AN: Goooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooood evening my sweeties! Epilogue! Whoo! Sad this is over, but it's time to move one! Anyways. I had a Readers Choice where you could pick the next MacGyver story up, and the winner is *drum rolls* Round 3! The sequel to Round 2 :) Whoo! I'll get that out sometime this weekend. I want to get my SPN darlings their story out this weekend as well and get it started. Anyways, without further ado here is the epilogue! I'm going to do something I do with my darlings over in the SPN sandbox, and I think you'll enjoy it. At least I hope you will. Alright, I'm done rambling this time! For real XD Here we go! When we left off, Mac was home safe and sound.

Lhaven-Same! The two are so cute X3 Big bro loves his little bro!

poxelda-Right?! FREAKING ONIONS!


Join me and the gang at The Foundation as Mutilated Pancake on FB or Twitter MissPancake9

All mistakes are my own and flames are not welcome

Mac's Hidden Private Journal

After about a month of sitting on my butt, I'm finally back to work. It's nice. I was bored, Jack bought a four big boxes of paperclips. I made an X-Wing Fighter and an AT-AT from Star Wars. Big ones. Yeah. Had to keep my mind occupied somehow.

Paperclips aside, Jack is still keeping a hardcore eye on me, but he's not only one. Bozer, Riley, and Matty have been watching me like a hawk. Bozer has been making all my favorites, Riley kept semi busy with games, and Matty was Matty. While it was nice at first it was a little suffocating towards the end. But hey, I love them and wouldn't change it or them for anything. Just like they wouldn't me.

Anyways. Back to work and we're heading to Ohio. A string of disappearances have been happening and the bodies always show up in one spot. The same spot over and over.

Sounds like it'll be a challenge. As the kids say, challenge accepted.

Signing off,

Angus Timothy MacGyver

Boom! My Mac has a journal. I mean he actually could and we just don't know *shrugs*

See ya in the next thrilling season of MacGyver!