Sorry for the massive delay, folks. Got caught up in other events in my life. But anyways, final chapter up, everyone!

About a half hour later, the South Park Elementary School gym was filled with the sounds of dancing, laughing and singing.

After everyone had gotten cleaned up and re-dressed, the couples had returned to the gym to spend the rest of the night celebrating. Granted, there wasn't much to celebrate other than things hadn't completely gone to Hell, but in their minds, that was reason enough.

Everybody danced as the music box blasted away at full volume. Token and Nichole were slow dancing in the center of the gym, lost in each others warm embrace. Close by, Tweek and Craig boogied side-by-side, Clyde and Lisa clapping their hands together as the music played.

But the real center of attention was Stan and Wendy. The pair were twirling in perfect harmony in each others grip, illuminated by the disco ball that shown from above. The two stared into each others eyes with pure bliss, their prior nervousness and anxiety utterly erased. All that mattered at the moment was each other.

The Human Kite and Mysterion walked up to the pair, still in-costume. "Man, who'd have thought things would've turned out so well?" The Human Kite said, drinking a soda.

Stan briefly stopped dancing. "I know, right?" He said, rubbing his head. "I expected this night to go up in smokes but everything really pulled through in the end."

"Especially for me," Mysterion said smugly as Heidi and Annie clung to each of his arms, utterly infatuated.

"I can't believe we're on a double-date with Mysterion," Heidi whispered to Annie.

"I know, right?" Annie replied. "I wonder if he does threesomes."

"Heck, even Fatass kind of redeemed himself tonight, too," Stan mentioned.

"Yeah, it was really nice of him to lend us that disco ball," The Human Kite said. Glancing upwards, he smugly asked, "Wouldn't you agree, Cartman?"

Hanging from the ceiling, covered in sparkling glitter, Cartman glared down at him. "This is bullshit!" He shouted down at the Human Kite. "You guys get me down from here right now or I'm calling my mom on you guys!"

"Aw, but you make such a handsome glitter ball," Wendy cooed up at him.

Cartman growled out in rage, but everyone ignored him.

Clyde walked up to the others. "So, what happened to Red and Butters?" He asked, rubbing the back of his head.

"Oh, Red said she'd figured out how to fix Butters' date problem," Wendy replied, grinning.

"Gee, Red, I really gotta thank you for letting me be your third wheel," Butters said as he, Red and Kevin hung out by the swings outside of the school.

"It was the least I could do after you single-handedly saved the night from being a complete waste," Red replied.

Kevin giggled nervously. "So, Butters, your parents were honestly going to ground you if you didn't have a date?" He asked out of curiosity.

"Yeah," Butters replied bluntly. "They're just looking out for me, you know?"

"Uh-huh," Red said, rolling her eyes. Turning to Kevin, she asked, "So, Kevin, how was the role-play?"

"Oh, it was great!" Kevin said, smiling. "I was Luke, and the other guys were Stormtroopers. And that one guy was Darth Vader, but he totally misquoted that one line. . ."

As Kevin droned on, Butters asked, "Hey Red, what happened to all of those spiked chocolates?"

A mischievous smirk appeared on Red's lips. "Oh, don't you worry," She said slyly. "I took care of it. . ."

"Hey, Stephen, you wouldn't believe what I found," Linda called out to her husband as she opened the door to their house.

"What is it, Linda?" Stephen asked as he joined his wife's side.

The blonde woman held up a small gift basket. "I found this at our doorstop," She explained. "There's a note attached. It says, 'From your son's friend'."

"Well in that case, it must be good," Stephen said, smiling. "What's in it?"

Opening up the gift basket, the two gasped in joy. "Why, it's a bunch of chocolates!" Linda said. "I wonder who got us these?"

"Whoever they are, they are very generous indeed," Stephen said, beaming. "Well honey, wouldn't want to waste a basket of good chocolates. Let's eat 'em while they're still good."

With that, the pair shut the door and returned to their house to gorge themselves on the anonymously-delivered sweets.

The End.