So I've been watching South Park quite a bit recently, and as a result, a couple story ideas popped into my head. This is my first fanfiction on this site, so I hope I do well. Reviews are appreciated.

BTW, this story is supposed to be set somewhere between Season 17-18.

Date Night

It was Wednesday at South Park Elementary School. Within the cafeteria room, several fourth grade boys were seated together to discuss the current buzz of the day.

"So which girl are you taking for Valentine's Day?" Clyde asked Token, who was seated next to him. "I was going to take Lisa. Show her my abs."

"I'm going with Nichole, same as usual," Token bluntly replied. "It's our first Valentine's Day, so I really want to impress her. I was thinking of getting her some chocolates. Don't know where, though."

Eric Cartman, who was seated parallel to Token, snarked, "Why don't you have her bite off a piece of you, then?"

"Shut up, tubby," Token retorted angrily, an annoyed look on his face.

"I'm going out with that Girl with Blonde Hair," Craig revealed nonchalantly.

"Do you even know her name?" Kyle asked, raising an eyebrow.

Craig shrugged his shoulders, his face remaining expressionless. "Why's that important?" He asked.

Kyle couldn't tell if Craig was being serious or sarcastic with that question. Sometimes he wished Craig didn't always speak with that same, monotone voice of his. "Never mind," Was all Kyle said in response.

Clyde turned over to Stan, who was seated next to Kyle. "Hey dude, who're you going out with?" He asked curiously. "You're going with Wendy, right?"

The raven-haired boy wearing the red poof ball hat wasn't paying attention, though. He was staring off into space, his cheek resting on his hand. Kyle could see there was a nervous look on his face.

"Stan?" The kosher boy said to get his friend's attention.

"What?" Stan asked, suddenly snapping back to attention and turning to his friends. He had noticeable eye bags beneath his eyes.

It was then that Stan remembered the conversation he had just been having with his friends. "Oh yeah, I'm going with Wendy, who else," He said, rubbing his eyes. "I'm just. . . nervous."

"What's there to be nervous about, dude?" Cartman asked. "You and your ho just hold hands for the night and call each other pet names, then you go home and wash your mouth out to get rid of those gooey emotions."

"I know, but this is our first real Valentine's Day since we got back together," Stan said, still rubbing his red eyes. "I cannot screw this up. If I do, I'll end up looking like a total dork in front of her."

"Don't worry, dude, you'll do just fine," Clyde reassured him. "I mean, you have had the longest-lasting relationship of any of us."

"Yeah, but when we go on our date, she'll probably want to kiss me," Stan pointed out. "And you know what happens whenever we try to kiss. . ."

There was silence among the boys. This silence was eventually broken when Cartman bluntly said, "Well, then you're screwed."

Stan sighed, and buried his face in his hands.

"Fellas!" A new voice sudden entered the table, snapping Stan out of his trance. He calmed down when he recognized who the voice belonged to, before sighing once more. Judging by the tone of little Butter's voice, the kid was definitely not in a good mood.

"Fellas?" The blonde boy said, rubbing his knuckles together. He looked even more nervous than Stan. "Did you guys know it was Valentine's Day today?"

The boys exchanged glances. "Yes Butters, we know it's Valentine's Day," Kyle said to him. "That's kind of been what nearly everyone's been talking about these past few days."

"Yeah, well I haven't found a girl who will spend the night with me!" Butters said, his eyes filled with worry.

"So what?" Kyle asked. "It's not that important."

"Yeah, except that everyone will think you're a faggot," Craig piped in.

Kyle shot a glare at him. "Not now, dude," He said through gritted teeth.

"I'm not worried about that," Butters said. "It's that if I don't have a date tonight, I'm gonna get grounded!"

Stan groaned. He liked Butters, but whenever the blonde got into one of his panicked modes, he was so hard to be around.

"Look, Butters," Stan said, trying to calm him down. "If it makes you feel better, you can join me and Wendy on our date tonight. That's what Tweek's doing with Craig and what's-her-name."

"Nah, I don't want to be a third wheel," Butters denied.

"Well, then you're screwed," Cartman said. Turning to Stan, he said, "Hey, at least you're not the only one, eh Stan?"

Stan grumbled and rolled his eyes.

"Man, tonight is gonna suck so hard," He mumbled under his breath.

"Tonight is gonna suck so hard."

"Why do you say that, Red?" Lola asked the popular, aptly-named redhead. She and Annie were standing with Red at her locker while the redhead was trying to organize her stuff.

"You know my boyfriend, Kevin?" Red said to the other girls. When they nodded, she continued, saying, "Well, he's telling me that he won't be able to make it for our date tonight. Something about a Star Trek role-play or some shit."

"Oh yeah, that sucks, babe," Lola said sympathetically.

"And I had the whole thing planned out, too," Red continued to complain. "We were gonna help each other finish our homework, and then we were gonna play Call of Duty - I was gonna use the flak jacket rank up - and then we were gonna watch a movie, and then we'd slow dance under a disco in the gym here at school."

Annie shrugged. "So much for that, I guess," She said. "If it makes you feel better, you could-"

"No Annie, I'm not gonna be a third wheel with you and hoodie boy," Red shut the blonde down before she could finish.

"Aw," Annie said, lowering her head.

Red's gaze wandered, and her eyes happened to land upon a familiar boy with blonde hair, walking down the hallway with a downhearted expression.

"Aw man, look you guys," Red whispered to Lola and Annie. "It's Butters."

Lola turned to Butters as he walked. "Yeah, what about him?" She asked. Red and Butters shared the same class; it wasn't unusual for the two to see each other.

"My mom wants me to do something nice for Butters," Red revealed to her girl friends. "She said the kid has issues and somehow, that means it's my responsibility to make him feel better."

"What issues?" Lola asked.

"Something about a ninja star and cross-dressing and getting the Kardashians killed," Red mumbled. "I think she said some other stuff, but I didn't catch it."

By now, Butters had nearly passed the girls, not even noticing their conversation. The girls watched him go, when Red called out, "Hey, Butters, come over here for a second."

Butters paused and turned around to face the girls, a confused look on his face as he noticed the trio. Why were they talking to him? They almost never spoke to him. In spite of his confusion, he walked over to the girls, wondering what they were planning to do.

Once he was within arm's reach, Red placed a hand on Butters' shoulder, a blank look on her face. She stared at him silently, as if thinking of what to say to him. Butters rubbed his knuckles together, waiting patiently.

Finally, Red opened her mouth and said, in a flat tone that could rival Craig's, "Butters, I think you're really cool and would be fun to hang out with."

Butters' eyes widened. "R-Really?" He said, shocked at what Red had just said.

"Yeah, whatever," Red replied, looking at her nails. "You can go now."

"Um. . . thanks," Butters said, smiling brightly. "See ya, Red!" With that, he walked off.

The moment he was gone, Red said, "Whelp, I've done my good deed for the day. Come on girls, let's go get a latte." With that, she shut her locker and she and her friends walked off, the incident slipping from their minds almost immediately.

Well, first chapters done. Hopefully I did okay. Once again, reviews are well appreciated.