Part 2

Disclaimer: I only own the plot not the characters.

A/N: You guys gave such awesome feedback! Thank you so much, it means so much more to me than you can imagine. It was more than I expected, and thank you for your kind words! I hope you enjoy this. Please let me know what you think!

Later that night, Will left. Nico didn't know why, but he heard Lou complaining to Cecil that she was just trying to be friendly. "Grabbing his dick - hard enough to pull it off, mind you - is not friendly." Lou then began to cry, so Cecil put his arm around her and brushed her hair.

Meanwhile, Meg was up and walking again trying her hardest to find her way to the booze. Nico had to help her use the bathroom more than twice. He was thankful it was too dark to see anything. She ended up passed out against the hood of a car.

"Guys, it's three in the morning. I think Meg and I need a ride up to the house."

They would not hear of it. First, it was Rhino pouring shots down his throat. Then Cecil and Lou joined in, and by the end thirty minutes, Nico had trouble standing. He was still alert and snapped at anyone who dared to direct him anywhere.

"He was right, you guys," Lou sniffled. "We need to get to bed."

Nico wasn't drunk enough to be stupid. Everyone, more or less, had plenty of alcohol in them. He looked around in frustration. "Hey! Who is the drunkest - no! Who is the not drunkest person here?" He had trouble getting it out clear enough for people to understand. He also had trouble keeping his eyes open.

"That'd be me," Rhino said and motioned to his car. "Right here, Button."

Nico almost vomited at the sound of such a horrid nickname. "Okaaayy! Iamgoing with him!"

Nobody responded, but he still expected people to follow his actions. After all, he was the most rational one there. He wouldn't get in the car of a wasted person. That'd be the stupidest thing he could have done. "Hey, where did Meg go?"

"She's somewhere around here. They'll find her."

"Oh," Nico was proud he got the door closed on his own. Then they were driving back up the hill. "I made the right choice. You are not drunk."

Rhino laughed easily. "You definitely made the right choice."

They came to a fork in the road. "Both lead back to the house. I'm gonna take this one since I'll be leaving in a little while," he spoke to himself as he took a right. They passed through the woods in dark, secluded spots, but Nico didn't think anything of it. Then Rhino parked the car near the house, but it was still a long distance away.

"Hey, you can go closer."

"Unless you want me to stay," Rhino spoke over Nico's soft voice. "Do you?"

Nico scrunched up his nose. "Nahhhh," he said easily and unbuckled. When had he gotten buckled? He reached for the door, but Rhino said something. "What?"

"You don't really like Will, do ya? You just wanted to mess around," he spoke for Nico, who frowned and shook his head. No. He realllly liked Will. "Come here."

Nico listened and was very surprised when Rhino's hairy lips were on his. He totally missed the signs. And Rhino clearly misread his. But he didn't want to be rude or annoying, so he kissed back.

He tried to use tongue to make this somewhat enjoyable, but Rhino did not let him. So their kiss was dry and boring. His beard and mustache only made it weirder. They scratched his skin. Rhino's hand grabbed his face in a way that Nico didn't like. His other hand roamed over his chest.

All Nico could think about was how he got in this situation. Why couldn't it had been Will feeling him up? Why couldn't it had been Will grabbing his dick? Though he would have preferred it to be hard and not soft.

"You sure do like to kiss, don't ya, Button?"

The sound of his voice made Nico's stomach churn with distaste. There were accents and then there were accents. His was too thick to be even somewhat attractive. He didn't want this. He didn't want to be kissing him, but he was. Oh well, right? Shit happens. New experiences under his belt had to always be good, right?

"Is this okay?" Rhino said as his hand slipped under Nico's underwear. Nico nodded and continued kissing him. Why did he say yes? He didn't want this...but it'd been so long since he made out with someone. But he didn't want to do anything with this guy. He didn't like him. He liked Will. Maybe he could imagine it was Will he was fucking. That would work, right?

As Rhino's hand gripped Nico fully, a large scream came from directly behind them. Meg, vomit all around her lips, sat up and screamed, "CEREAL!"

Rhino burst apart and Nico giggled. They got out of the car, helping Meg stand. And then Meg's hand flew to her mouth. "Uh-oh."

"Uh-oh what?" Rhino asked, but Nico knew Meg well enough for that. He jumped away just as vomit spewed all over Rhino's shoes. "Fucking hell!"

They traveled inside and barely made it with both Meg and Nico drunk off their asses. Inside, everyone was lounging around on the couches. "Where did you all go?"

Nico blinked. How long had they been out there? Meg started laughing. "Nico and Rhino made out."

Will's face made Nico's heart break. "Oh..." Lou mumbled as she stood and wrapped an arm around Nico. She whispered in his ear. "Are you okay?"

Nico shoved her off of him. He was tired of her shit. "I'm fine!"

Apollo cackled devilishly and patted the seat next to him. "Sit."

Nico did, and Rhino followed immediately after. It was annoying. He pulled Nico on his lap, and Nico avoided his lips. Rhino didn't care. He continued to kiss Nico's neck, even as he spoke. "I need more whiskeyyyy."

When Rhino's hands neared Nico's crotch again, Lou jumped to his feet. She was noticeably less drunk now. "I need to pee. Nico, do you need to pee? You need to pee. Come with me," Lou yanked Nico away before he could say a word. She pulled him into the bathroom and locked the door. "Nico. What are you doing?"

He blew out a breath of air. "I don't really know, Lou. Lou la rou. Louuuu."

Lou frowned. "You need to stay away from him. Rhino's creepy. He's super old, and nobody knows where he came from."

"Isn't he one of the neighbors?"

Her eyes went wide as she shook her head and sat on the toilet to pee. "No! He just - just showed up."

Nico's stomach dropped. "Ew! What the fuck!"

She shook her head and continued peeing. Nico's head spun. For some reason, that made it all disgusting to Nico. He seemed to have forgotten that this guy was thirty years old. He was creepy. He was practically a pedophile. It felt like ages they stayed in there even though it wasn't. Maybe it was his willpower or maybe it was his disgust, but he exited more sober and more upset than before.

"I think I'm going to be sick," Nico tumbled out of the bathroom, erupting a scream from Lou, and fell right into Rhino's chest.

"There ya are," he cooed. Nico groaned and shoved against his chest, but his hold was strong.

"I'm tired."

"Want to find a place to lay down?"

"No. I just - let me go. I need - couch..." Nico couldn't form words. Why was he like this? Tears stung his eyes and he stumbled away from Rhino. Why did he care so little about himself to let this happen? He couldn't even blame alcohol. He knew what was happening. And he just let it.

It at the time that Nico's breathing sped up when Apollo ran into them. "Nico? What's going on?"

"Nothing. He just needs to lie down. Do you have a quiet room?"

Nico shook his head furiously, and thankfully, Apollo noticed. He frowned. "Sure do. Will! Take Nico and help him out. I'm going to escort Rhino to his car." He said with more distaste in the man's name than Nico could have conjured at that point.

"I can really-,"

"You're waking Meg. Come on," Apollo didn't give him an option as he grabbed his arm. Lou stumbled out of the bathroom at that point. She tried to support Nico's dead weight, but he was too drunk and oxygen-deprived to be near lift enough.

"I've got him, Lou," Will's husky voice sounded so crips and clean. He wasn't drunk anymore, and it was nice hearing a sober voice. Warm arms slipped around his waist.

Lou looked between the two boys and sighed. "Keep a close eye on him, Solace."

Nico choked out, "Lou - sorr-,"

She smiled lightly. "It's okay, Neeks. You were right. I am boy crazy. I think I'm going to just stick to you and Cecil for a while. You can have Will."

Nico shook his head again, but Will's hands stopped him. "Thanks, Lou. I'm going to help him out in the kitchen and sober him up."

She nodded and looked reluctant to leave Nico's side, but there was no debating that Nico needed clearer air. So Will carried him to the kitchen and closed the door behind them.

"What happened?"

Nico stared Will in the eyes for a split second before breaking again. His head fell in his hands and he burst into tears. "H-he kissed me, and it was awful, and I didn't stop him, and I - I don't know why. I-it's just sad," he stopped to catch his breath, but then Will was right in front of him and he had trouble speaking.

"What's sad, Neeks?" His hands grasped Nico's, and for a second, Nico could breath again. Raising his head, he struggled to look away from Will because he was that close.

"It's sad th-that I don't give a shit about my body that much," Nico mumbled before looking into the captivating blue orbs. Will seemed lost, blissfully at confusion's road. Nico deadpanned, "I've slept with almost as many guys as Lou, and none of them have been boyfriends. I," he paused to bark out mirthless laughter, "I've never said no to anyone, but of all people to say no to, it'd be this dick. I'm a pathetic mess."

His head fell forward with exhaustion, but Will stepped closer to catch him. Sensational hands wound through Nico's jaded black hair as he held him with more comfort than the boy had ever felt before in his life. "You said no tonight."

Nico shook his head miserably. "Not soon enough. Nobody wants to buy a toy everyone gets for free."

Will laughed as his hands ran down Nico's face. "Nico, Nico, Nico," he chastised, forcing Nico's head up so they could look at each other. "If everyone bought what they couldn't get, nuns would be the most coveted people alive. Now how well would that work out, hmm?"

Despite all his melancholy thoughts, it was hard to resist the humor of his statement. His lips lifted up forlornly. Will continued stroking his cheek. Nico continued believing it was genuine.

Will's plump lips moved slowly to make sure Nico didn't miss a word. "Sex doesn't determine anything in relationships. All that matters is the feelings and being there for each other and loving each other. Sex? Sex is just fun that can be done whenever and with whoever."

Nico's frown hurt his eyes as it grew. He wanted to continue his brooding. He knew that feeling of familiarity. He didn't have to think about it. It was just there, all the time. However, Will's optimism couldn't be held back, so Nico was forced to stop crying.

"Nobody wants a used toy."

Will huffed. "Nobody wants a toy for a partner, idiot. You're more than a fucking toy, so stop calling yourself that. Doctor's orders."


"Yes. I stopped your panic attack. Now I'm your doctor." Will smiled with relief, and Nico realized he was now standing on his own. "Are you okay? I'm more than willing to beat the shit out of the old guy."

Nico snorted, rubbing the back of his neck nervously as he was brought up into conversation again. Chills ran down his spine, and not the good kind.

"Thanks, Will, really...but I just wanna sleep." It was a struggle to say that much now that he had calm down. Will nodded and glanced over his shoulder, biting his lip. Nico smiled finally. "You look cute when you do that."

"Do what? I'm seeing if he left."

Shaking his head, he stumbled forward and let his finger run over Will's red bottom lip. "When you bite it."

Will giggled, and it was almost enough to lift Nico's spirits.

"I ain't leaving until I see him again!"

Nico flinched backwards, nearly falling in the process. Will cursed. "Come on. You can sleep on my bed."

"Really? No! You're so nice. At least share it."

Will didn't seem to like the idea, but he didn't fight it. "Just to make sure you're okay."

Nico smiled widely just for that and grabbed his hand. "Thank you."

Will led him upstairs and squeezed. "For you always, Death Boy."

Will helped him upstairs. He somehow got his shoes and jeans off. "Is this-," he paused to hiccup, "okay?"

Will giggled. "I sleep in only underwear. You do you." Without further ado, Nico strips himself of clothing in seconds, aside from his McDonald's themed underwear. Will grinned, finding an immeasurable amount of pleasure in his odd interest.

"Don't ask," Nico noticed his stares, but before he could become too flustered to enjoy it, he fell on the bed. "Woah." Will climbed under the covers and helped Nico into them. "I may puke on you, just so you know, so you may want to keep your distance."

As if he hadn't said a word, Will gripped his waist and pulled his butt into his groin. "Don't you know, Neeks? Nobody can control the urge to cuddle with a hot guy."

Nico rolled his eyes, but secretly his heart was exploding. "Never 'cuddled.'"

Will gasped and hovered over Nico as if he had just stabbed him. "You're missing out on the second best part of sex!"

Nico scoffed, "Whatever, Solace. I need sleep."

Will huffed indignantly, and he waited a few minutes before kissing Nico's cheek. "Goodnight, Angel."

Nico had to admit waking up to a warm body wrapped around him like he was the bed itself forced a grin onto his hungover lips. The pleasurable feeling left his body the moment his stomach lurched. He frantically tapped at Will's arm that locked him in tight.

"Will," Nico warned, "Will!"

"Huh?" His voice was husky and covered in sleep. Despite how much it turned him on, Nico gagged a little.

"Let go! I'm gonna - oh I'm going to puke!" Nico rolled onto the floor and crawled to the open bathroom door. He barely made it to the toilet before his stomach emptied its contents. Nico clutched the freezing porcelain for dear life as his body was wracked with violent jerks. His hair hung in his face and the smell of vomit only worsened the need to vomit more. Hand shaking, he attempted to flush the toilet during the lull between waves of vomiting and failed.

He hung his head in the toilet and prepared for the next wave that he could feel coming, dreading it. Suddenly, his head was pulled back from his face and the toilet began to flush. Nico jerked his head back to spot Will fumbling with a hair holder and Nico's long locks.

He was too astounded to form words. "Breathe evenly," Will directed with a coolness in his voice that Nico desperately needed to hear. No sooner than he did as told did another wave of vomit rose from him stomach. Will stood over Nico the entire time, not at all deterred by the putrid stench of bile or the horrid sounds Nico made.

"I'm done," Nico panted, noting the empty yet better feeling of his barren stomach. Will nodded and helped Nico to his feet. "T-thanks."

Will smiled grimly. "We've all been there."

Nico shrugged. They sat on the edge of his bed precariously, neither knowing what to say. Eventually, Will ran into the bathroom and came back out with a bottle of water, handing it to Nico without a thought. He downed half of it before looking back at the blonde. "You were right, by the way."

Will frowned. "About what?"

Nico smirked. "I was missing the best part of sex."

"Best part? You've clearly been doing it wrong if that's the case," Will winked and slung an arm around Nico's shoulders.

"Want me to show you?"

Nico shoved Will against the wall with annoyance. "Don't be so damn cocky," he said as he slammed his lips against Will's. It didn't replace his disgust with himself from the previous night, but it sent all sorts of emotions flying through his body. Their tongues slid along each other with interest. Will smugly kissed back with more excitement than Nico, and his hand wrapped around the smaller boy to grope his ass.

"I'll stop being cocky..." he said as Nico dipped his head down to kiss along his neck,"when you suck my cock."

That earned Will a nice, obvious bite mark right over his collarbone that took weeks to heal, but it was worth it, right?

A/N: Well? That was it. Please let me hear your reactions! I live for this stuff! Stay tuned for another one shot (Solangelo as always) that's about to come up! Follow and favorite me or the story…or just silently drift away without a form of payment…:(