Girl Code

Disclaimer: I don't own anything.

A/N: This is definitely trash. Lately I've been writing trash. Whoops.

Inspiration: This actually happened to me except the happy Will ending. The man who kissed me was 25 and my friends saved me. And everyone just laughed when I told them, but you know, it really makes you feel like shit when you make out with a guy 8 years older who looks at you like a pedophile would. But writing this story helped me and now I'm good, no worries! Hope you find this amusing/sad/entertaining? I know it's not the normal good sooo.

Also it's very much unedited and written on my phone.

Girl code: slap a bitch if she talks trash about your friend.

Girl code: keep your hoe friend from screwing a random person.

Girl code: don't sleep with your friend's ex.

Girl code: dibs.

At this point, Nico wasn't sure how many of these rules he broke by doing this. And he was torn between caring and believing that he was better for the guy.

Did he even have to follow girl code if he was a male? Granted, he was gay with a girl best friend, so did that pull him into girl code? For her, for his beloved friend Lou Ellen, he did have to follow it.

. . .

"How many times do I have to deal with this shit?" Lou Ellen burst into Nico's room with her eyes swollen. He looked up and sighed.

"You went back to him, didn't you?" He cursed. "Lou, you need to forget about him."

"Just like he forgets about me," she cried.

"Justin is an egotistical ass. The only person he doesn't forget about is himself," Nico reminded her. He hated seeing her like this, but she asked for it. Lou Ellen put herself out there, that was for sure. He always preferred to go for the more subtle approach, but Lou? Lou posted half naked pictures of her boobs online weekly. There was nothing wrong with that, either. If you got it, flaunt it. But Nico knew it attracted the wrong type of crowd, especially for Lou.

Lou wiped at her eyes and sent him a sad smile. "Why don't guys like me?"

"I like you," he shrugged. She sent him a sour look.

"It's just so fucking dumb." She shook her head.

"Lou, guys like you. You've had sex with five different guys, okay? They continue to throw themselves at you, too. You just choose shifty ones," Nico supplied. Lou narrowed her eyes at him. He raised an eyebrow. "You know I don't sugar coat things."

"Yeah," she sighed. "Nice fucking friend." Nico grinned. It was a common occurrence. "Anyways, Cecil wants to go to Apollo's again tonight. Are you in?"

Nico purses his lips. They knew parties weren't his scene. He hated all the people. He hated not having anyone to speak to. He hated his anxiety. He especially hated when there were homophobes there as well, which was what happened the one time he went to Apollo's house.

"There's only us three, Meg, Apollo's neighbors, and two or three more that are sort of related to Apollo."

He looked at Lou and couldn't help but feel the need to protect her. Cecil didn't do a good job because he was so head over heels in love with her that he got pissed when a guy spoke to her. So he drank and hooked up with a random girl instead of watching her back.

Apollo's house sounded like a safe place to drink. It was out there away in the mountains. They had a big bonfire and drank before ending the night inside his house. The problem was his neighbors. They were redneck. That was a fact. But they were very modern rednecks, which meant some of them were even gay now. Nico doubted he'd leave there without being felt up.

"I'll go, I guess."

"Yay! Apollo will be so excited!" Apollo was a man in his thirties who threw parties for people of all ages. His kids really used it to their advantage. It was normally a safer environment to drink, and a fun one. "Just one thing. I call dibs on Will Solace!"

"Will? Lou, you just ended things with Justin today. Give yourself some breathing room," Nico swore she'd get an STD before they graduated high school. Besides, Will Solace was a friend of Nico's. They had chemistry together last year and he would admit he had major attraction to him, but Will was straight. He was a good friend last year and still was always nice, trying his hardest to include Nico in things. He constantly declined so he wouldn't catch feelings for the guy, but it was the thought that counted. Nico liked Will. He didn't want him to be Lou's rebound, even if all her ex's were practically rebounds.

"Have you seen his ass, though? Shoot," she whistled. "I was talking to him earlier, Nico. He's really nice. I need a nice guy."

Nico grit his teeth. He didn't know what to say. She was correct when she said she needed a nice guy, but that's what worried him. Will was more than a nice guy. He was Will Solace. "Lou..."

"I can take care of myself, Neeks, but thanks for caring."

She, in fact, could do that. He'd seen her once drunk slap a girl twice her size who hit on her boyfriend. Nico wasn't concerned for her safety too much anymore. He was silly to in the first place. In all honesty, now he was going to hopefully prevent Will from being dragged into her drama.

The party was small, as she said it would be. When they got there, they were freezing their asses off. Nico spotted Will and his father, who looked so young he could fit in a fraternity, starting up a fire. Nico eyed the younger blonde across clearing, secretly hoping he'd leave before Lou set her sights on him.

Cecil was already there with the alcohol. Kayla and Austin sat by the growing fire singing a little melody. There were about six other nameless people wandering around. Most were smoking one thing or another. Laughter filled the air.

"Hey guys," Will shook his hands to get the dirt off. Apollo walked up beside him with an equally large grin. "I'm glad you all could make it."

"Thanks for having us, Will!" Lou giggled with her drink in hand. She flung her arms around him, creating a look of surprise on Will's face. Nico sighed and looked at Cecil. He took a large swig of UV.

"Well come on and take a seat. Will, show little Lou a seat!" They wandered to the backseat of a nearby truck, and Nico watched with a sick stomach as Will drank more and more. It only took four shots before the blonde had Lou on his lap, arms wrapped around her waste.

"Guysssss, is this stuff made from cherries? I love cherries!" Meg suddenly made an appearance, running towards him and nearly stumbling into the fire had Nico not caught her. "Woah. Fanks."

Nico sighed. This always happened. "How drunk are you?"

Meg giggled. "I only had two and a half lemonades." Nico never met a worse lightweight than Meg. Every time they drank, every single time, she threw up. And even if she only drank three bottles, she'd throw up like she drank ten. He didn't understand why they kept inviting her to these things.

Apollo came over as Nico was holding Meg's hair back. She had her head between her knees. "Aw, Meg. Always asking for it and always getting it." Apollo patted her back and placed a bottle of water in her hands after. They stood there, watching for signs of a second vomit that had no chance of not coming. "How are you, Nico?"

He shrugged. "Sober."

Apollo snorted. "Let's change that!" Nico and Apollo made their way to the drinks. At first, he headed for the tequila, but the older blonde stopped him. "I think you need a shot or two of moonshine, my friend."

"Moonshine?" Nico raised an eyebrow. He glanced over to where Meg was staring at her own vomit. Then he saw Cecil chugging a beer with one of the neighbors. Finally, he watched Lou Ellen dance with Will as provocatively as it could be without calling it sex. Will was more than hammered and Lou had to take most of his weight. "Sure."

He took it down fast. Nico wasn't necessarily a lightweight, but he didn't have a high tolerance at all either. He didn't feel anything after two shots, so he took a larger swig after that. He wanted to be drunk. He wanted to be fun.

"Wow. Okay, I think that's enough for now," Apollo laughed nervously. He followed Nico's gaze to the dancing couple. "I know you're not gay, so I'm assuming you're pining over my son."

Nico snorted and rolled his eyes, surprised at how dizzy the world turned. "I just don't like Lou's motives."

Apollo laughed. "I'm sure that's it," he whistled with glee as a few of the unknown neighbors made their way towards them. Somehow, Nico found himself in the middle of a conversation with one of the guys there.

"I told them we'd need more wood," Nico rubbed his arms. The fire was going down quickly. He vaguely spotted Apollo throwing more boards on top, but he knew it wouldn't last forever. There weren't enough boards.

"Want me to warm you up?" The older man laughed dirtily. Nico liked dirty, normally, but this man was nearing thirty. Nico was seventeen. "I'm just kidding. You look like you seen a ghost."

"I'm warm," Nico slurred. "It's crazy how that works. I'm warm but I'm not. I'm shaking but I'm not cold."

"That's the beauty of alcohol. Alters reality," Will's husky voice was by his side without warning. It was startling to find that he could recognize his voice without trouble, drunk or sober. "Nico, you're looking quite healthy tonight. I'm glad to see you do, in fact, have blood and aren't a vampire." Nico giggled as Will pinched his rosy cheeks. "Rhino, I didn't even see you come down."

Rhino flashed his sickening smile. He was too thin. There was not-eating thin like Nico, and then there was drug thin. The man named Rhino was definitely drug thin. He had swallowed cheeks hidden by his beard and no muscle on his body. Even Nico had more health than that. Hell, he even had abs now.

"Yeah. Nice fucking party going on. Lots of hot country men around tonight," he wiggled his eyebrows suggestively. Nico didn't know if he was talking about Will or Rhino himself, but he didn't care. He laughed along with him because he had no reason not to.

Will wrapped an arm around Nico's shoulders. "Want to help me with Meg? She's about to vomit up the water we gave her," he pointed in Meg's direction, and Nico was both thankful to be pulled from Rhino and to be pulled into Will's side. "I haven't seen you in foreverrrr."

"I know! I missed your fucking face," Nico giggled and ran a hand down Will's face. His cheeks turned red almost instantly. "You think Meg will be okay?"

They both glanced down as Meg began to gag. Nico grabbed her hair and Will spread her feet apart while bending her over to keep the vomit off of her. Will sighed and looked at Nico. "She'll be alright."

After she finally stopped vomiting, they moved their way toward a new group of people who arrived. Their images were pretty blurred, but Nico eventually figured them out. Sitting in three of the four chairs were Travis Stoll and Katie Gardner, Conner Stoll, and Leo Valdez.

"Here, sit down," Nico laughed as Will stumbled. He smiled with embarrassment before falling into the chair. Nico began to move closer to the fire before Will grabbed his hand.

"Hey," he offered a smooth smile. "Sit down." He patted his lap and Nico's heart jumped. He drunkenly fell into Will's lap, who adjusted his body with ease. There was a smile on Nico's lips. "You're warm."

"You're comfy," Nico sighed and leaned his head on the boy's shoulder. As Will's hands moved up and down Nico's thigh, Nico struggled to control his thoughts.

"Ohhh, get it!" Leo whooped. Will looked at him with a proud smile and winked and tightened his grip around Nico's waist. "Guys, have you ever had this shit?"

Leo held up a bottle of cherry UV and Nico and Will both pretended to gag, which sent them into a fit of giggles. "That shit tastes like cough syrup!"

Will shook his head. "Dude, cum tastes better than that!"

Everyone burst into laughter, and Nico's attention had been grabbed. "I don't know. I've had some baddd cum, but it was after he worked out for a few hours."

Will scrunched his nose up in disgust. "Dude, why would you ever do that?"

Nico shrugged. "I was horny."

Will rolled his eyes. "Shower sex."

Nico snorted as his hands ran down Will's neck. "He worked out, but that doesn't mean he strong enough to hold me up."

Will leaned forward and his breath tickled Nico's ear. "I am."

Nico smirked with pleasure. He was pleasantly surprised to hear the flirty side of Will. "Since when have you been gay?"

Travis broke away from Katie's lips to shout, "He's been bisexual for two years!"

Conner laughed. "He's been gay for you for three, though."

"Hey!" Will barked. "Stop ruining my chances."

Nico shifted his body to move his bottom against Will's groin. "Oh, they're pretty damn high."

"Get a room!" Leo whooped.

Nico turned around so that he was straddling Will. In his drunk state, he spent his time taking sips of beer and staring at Will. "I've missed having you as my lab partner. You knew everything."

Will beamed. "Yes. You did your best to distract me with all of your hook up stories."

Nico blushed. "There weren't that many..."

"Twenty five!" Will hissed, eyes wide. Nico had a bad taste in his mouth suddenly. Did he really have that many stories? He may have had sex only half the time, but he knew there were at least eight different guys mentioned. "Damn di Angelo, you sure like giving head a lot."

With a wink, Nico wrapped his arms around his neck and purred, "Want me to prove it?"

Before Will could respond, hands yanked him off of Will. "Come with me." Cecil had a commanding voice, surprisingly sober.


"Yeah, why?" Will whined as much as Nico did.

"Just come with me," Cecil growled with annoyance. With a sinking feeling in his stomach, Nico realized what was happening. His eyes drifted with trepidation to Lou Ellen. Her face had fallen and she was hugging herself to keep the tears back. Nico knew exactly what he'd done...and he didn't care. He wanted to go back over and sit on Will's lap. Lou had millions of guys in and out of her life. Sure she deserved a good guy, but this was Will Solace. This was the guy he had a crush on for a full year.

Nico didn't have relationships in the first place. Will Solace was the one guy he could see himself fumbling around with in a relationship. Who was Lou to call dibs on him? Shouldn't he be the one to decide who he wanted?

"You're making Lou cry." Cecil crossed his arms over his chest. "You know she called dibs."

Nico huffed. "Yeah, but he's the one who-,"

"I don't care! She's crying and it needs to stop!"

Nico narrowed his eyes. "Yeah? Well why don't you go make a move on her? All she wants is guy attention."

Cecil's breathing sped up, and Nico knew he should have stopped pushing, but he didn't want to. "No. She doesn't."

"Yes she does," Nico laughed bitterly. His eyes showed years of boiling resentment. It was all he could do not to go and slap some sense into Lou. "When has it ever been different with her? All the guys use and and leave, and when they come back? She's right there to start the process over again."

Cecil stepped forward and shoved Nico back a step closer to the fire. "She's no better than you. At least she likes her body. At least she doesn't fuck guys to feel better about herself. At least she doesn't suck a dick so she feels wanted."

Nico snapped. His fist came in contact with Cecil's cheekbone before he could even begin to feel the full force of anger swirling inside of him. Nico stumbled back clutching his hand. "You're a stupid asshole. If she wanted you, don't you think she'd have gone for you by now?"

Nico walked away and shrugged off Will's hand as he tried to take a look at Nico's now bruised knuckles. "I'm fine."

"No, you're no-,"

"I'm. Fine." Nico hissed, his shoulder hitting Will's side as he shoved past him, barely managing to maneuver around the fire. He made his way to the drinks without looking back at Will. He didn't want to see his fallen face. He was already pissed off enough.

Nico spent the rest of the time drinking and avoiding Will. At the same time, Will seemed to be avoiding Lou. Cecil stayed by her side and struggled to keep her head up.

Sometimes Nico would take a turn with Meg. She was still throwing up an hour later. It didn't make sense. Where did all her vomit come from? Other times he had to step away to piss. During his most recent peeing experience, somebody practically shoved him over the hill.

"Hey! Pissing here," Nico huffed.

"Woah, dude, sorry!" The voice wasn't familiar, so Nico assumed it was one of the neighbors. After Nico zipped his pants, he found the neighbor right behind him. "You good?"

Nico tilted his head to the ground and walked toward the fire without meeting his gaze. Did he really just come over to watch him pee? Nico shook his head and stumbled back to the fire as he heard he sounds of he guy peeing. He was being paranoid, which was one of the factors that caused him to fall twice on his way over.

The guy leaned against the back of same tailgate Nico was sitting on after that. "What's you're name?"

"Nico," the words tumbled out before Nico could stop them. He, for some reason, did not want this man knowing his name.

"Nico. I like it," he sighed. With envy, Nico realized the man wasn't near as drunk as Nico was. "I'm Ryan, but everyone calls me Rhino."

"That's fucking stupid," Nico whistled as he burst into a fit of giggles. Rhino just continued laughing. Over across the fire, Nico spotted Lou and Will talking, Lou much more handsy than Will. Burning jealous licked across Nico's heart, hurting more than the flames igniting his face. "They're dumb."

Rhino laughed like he knew something no one else did. "You seem like the most rational one here, that's damn sure."

Nico fled a little smug at that. He raised his cup of whiskey and clinked it against the older man's. "You gotta be like thirty-four, right?"

Rhino again grinned devilishly. "Thirty, glad you're asking, Button." His bony fingers flicked Nico's nose, and he was now thankful that he was drunk. Otherwise, he would have shoved the man down. Considering this guy was thinner than even Nico, he probably would have fallen into the fire. Rhino wasn't just skinny, though. He was tall and sickly thin, the kind of thin you only get from doing drugs every day for a few years. He had a full beard and mustache that tried and failed to hide his sunken in cheeks. His eyes and smile were too pronounced, making him seem much older than thirty-four; Nico was being nice. His entire image was alarming, and Nico tried to distance himself from him. Rhino kept moving forward. "Age is just a number, you know."

Nico gaged a bit. "I'm seventeen. It's more than a number. It's a teenage pregnancy." He giggled a bit at this. "You could be my dad."

Rhino enjoyed the sound of that. He slung an arm around Nico's shoulders. "You'd like that, huh?"

A/N: omg what happened? Review for part two! Also, this is purely just a two-shot.