This is a story I have about a Robin x Raven pairing. However this Robin is Damian Wayne set after the events of Teen Titans vs. The Justice League.

Disclaimer- I don't own the Teen Titans

Raven's POV

*Beep Beep*

The alarm clock was engulfed in a black aura and exploded into many pieces. I floated off my bed over to the closet and changed out of my black silk pajamas into my trademark outfit. I then headed to my bathroom to brush my teeth and ready for the day. When I headed over to the common room to make some tea I looked at the clock.

"6:00 A.M everyone won't be up for another 30 minutes." I turned on the pot, after a few minutes it started boiling and I poured the hot water into a mug and inserted the teabag. I sipped it slowly and started hearing footsteps down the hall.

'Why would anyone else be up this early?' I stared at the door and then Damian revealed himself. After a few short moments of staring I finally said something.

"Good morning Damian."

"What are you doing up this early?" Damian questioned.

"I always get up this early. What about yourself?" 'I always liked the way Damian presented himself. We were two of a kind. Demon and Assassin born in the shadows only serving the light.'

"Training." Damian said.

After what I guess he calls a conversation a long silence had followed. Then finally he spoke.

"Raven-" Damian was cut off by the entry of Richard and Kori.

"Morning guys!" Dick said. He was awfully cheery this morning me and Robin both looked at each other and smirked

"You're awfully cheery Richard." I said

"Did you and Starfire try a new-" Damian was cut off by an object thrown at him from Dick. Starfire just giggled.

"I'll get started it out on breakfast." Dick said.

"Oh good, I always loved the taste of your cooking!" Starfire said cheerfully

"I bet that's not the only thing she l-" Damian was greeted with a spoon to his forehead by Dick before he got a chance to finish his comment. He left the room rubbing his head.

By the time breakfast was ready Blue Beetle and Beast boy had come into the room. All of us had sat down at the table. Dick sat next to Kori and she sat next to Beetle and he sat next to Beast Boy and I sat next to Beast Boy. When Damian came into the room he looked at me then sat next to me. We all ate silently until Beast Boy telling his lame jokes earned a smack from Beetle. We all laughed and for the first time in my life I a felt a peace. Like I was normal in a normal house with a normal family.

"Well since things have been quiet around the city I propose a movie night." Dick said.

"Maybe people have be-" Damian was cut off again by a cheery alien princess.

"That sounds like a wonderful idea!" Starfire said overexcitedly.

"Yea dude that sounds great!" Beast Boy said.

"I'm down." Beetle said.

"Why not." I said.

It seemed like everyone was in agreement except Damian but Dick didn't care.

"Well its settled, me and Kori will get everything ready for tonight." Dick said heading out with Kori

"Me and Beetle will get the movie!" Beast boy exclaimed.

Soon everyone was gone from the tower except me and Damian.

'Maybe now would be a good time to tell him how I feel. I should meditate first before I try anything.'