Disclaimer: The characters belong to Warner Brothers and Shoot the Moon Productions.

They don't belong to me - only I my dreams.

Please respond or email me at [email protected]



"The Phone Call"

"All right," she thought to herself, "How do I explain this to him?"

Amanda King Stetson sat behind her desk in the Q Bureau, with her head in her hands contemplating her next move. She had just hung up the phone, ending the conversation that confirmed her fears - and solidified her hopes and her future.

"How?" she thought again. "Do I come right out and say ' Gee Lee, just thought I would let you know you are going to be a father in about 6 ½ months.'? No, that's not right. Oh, this is soo tough. It wasn't this hard with Joe. Then again, we were trying, Lee and I weren't."

It had been almost a year since their secret wedding and with their first anniversary fast approaching, this was not exactly the surprise gift she had wanted to give him. She had been racking her brain since Christmas on what the perfect gift would be for her husband but any idea had escaped her. She had thought of asking Francine or Billy but how do you ask someone what the perfect anniversary gift would be when they didn't even know you were married.

"Well, I have to figure it out soon." Amanda glanced down at her watch and noticed Lee was due in any minute. She had come to work early in order to make that phone call before he came in. She knew he wouldn't be early - he was still in bed when she left his apartment earlier that morning.

Lost in thought Amanda didn't hear Lee open the door to the Q Bureau and sneak behind her. Slipping his arms around her, he brushed her hair off the side of her neck and began to blow lightly on her neck. Amanda jumped up and nearly knocked Lee backward and out the still opened door.

"You scared me!" she exclaimed. Realizing that he was still trying to regain his balance, she began laughing.

"What is so funny?" he demanded. "What?!"

Quickly trying to regain her composure, Amanda covered her mouth and unsuccessfully tried to stifle another laugh. "Nothing." she said. "You just look soo funny trying to be all sweet and, well, you know, then you're falling out the door."

Lee, not very amused, straightened out his jacket, tightened his tie and walked over to his desk. "Now that we have had our laugh for this morning, maybe we should see what's on our agenda for today, shall we?" he said in an uncharacteristic tone. Lee looked down at his daily calendar to see nothing written in his neat, straight printing or even in Amanda's flowery handwriting. "Well, it seems Billy has spared us any useless meeting so far today. Why don't we skip out and get something to eat before he finds us. We can go to your favorite little restaurant in Arlington. He'll never think to look for us there. I think they are serving your favorite brunch today - eggs, ham steak and fresh fruit." Lee suggested with a raise of his eyebrows. "And I think I know a quite little place we can go for dessert", he added with a smirk.

The very thought of food made Amanda feel nauseas but she managed a weak smile. "I, um, have to go and get some blood drawn at Dr. Kelly's office. They just called and you know, it's one of those things, once a year to check blood levels and all those things. Part of the check up I had last week, I guess they just forgot to do this test and well, I should really go now so I can get that test done before Billy finds something for us to do…." Amanda rambled on. Lee, looking intently at her, very used to these rambles, began to notice that she looked a little pale.

"Amanda, you're not sick are you?" he asked in a very concerned voice.

"No, no, nothing like that. Just a regular… blood test…. To test my blood for regular stuff. The kind of tests women have everyday." Amanda rambled off again trying to sound convincing.

"Okay, then let me just check my messages and I'll drive you down there then we can go have some lunch after." Lee reached down to pick up the phone.

"No! I mean really that's okay. Billy might need to you to … go over those reports we turned in yesterday. And I think I heard Francine was looking for you too. She had another date with Brian I think last night. She wants to give you all the juicy details." Amanda quickly added.

"Oh great. Just what I want to hear - the dating and sex life of Francine and Brian, chapter 28" Lee said with a laugh. "Are you sure you don't want me to drive you?"

"Lee, I'll be fine. It's just a simple test, and I'll be back before you miss me."

" I already miss you." Lee said trying to give her his biggest puppy dog eyes.

"Okay, okay, be back soon. I love you." Amanda said as she stepped closer to Lee and gave him a quick kiss on the lips.

"Love you too." Lee replied and tried to slide his arms around her for a bigger kiss when the door swung open to reveal Francine standing there with a stack of file folders in her arms and a big smile on her face.