Marinette walked home from a nearby shop in the rain. The air had become crisp while she was inside shopping, and she hadn't left the house prepared for the colder weather.
In her hand, she held a black umbrella that sheltered her and the spoils she had just bought for her next designing project.
Ugh, I couldn't even buy everything I needed because I couldn't lug it home in the rain, she thought glumly to herself. It started to picked up then as if it was taunting her. Rain was coming down in sheets, creating massive puddles that looked like mini ponds scattered everywhere.
She tried her best to avoid them, and in the process, she lost her footing, her feet slipping out from under her.
Flailing around to try to keep her balance, she felt her shopping bag slip through her fingers.
Marinette squeezed her eyes closed, tensing for the inevitable impact of wet concrete.
But it never came.
Instead, she felt something lock around her, keeping her from not only an embarrassing situation, but a painful one, too.
She opened her eyes, and saw the hands that had saved her, holding her waist. Black gloved hands with claws, in fact.
"Chat Noir!" she breathed with relief, as she peered up through the sheet of rain to look into his eyes.
Chat smiled.
"Thank you for catching me," she stared into those ever familiar green eyes a moment too long. She blushed slightly and wiggled out of his grasp, feeling a bit uncomfortable.
"I see you don't only save people from akuma attacks, but from their own clumsiness as well."
He chuckled. "I'd save Purincess from anything, even if it's means from herself," he held out the umbrella that she had dropped to her, making sure she stayed under its canopy.
The gesture was familiar to Marinette, and for a second, she saw a glimpse of Adrien standing there instead of Chat Noir.
"Are you okay, Marinette?" Chat asked, breaking her from her thoughts.
Marinette shook her head back and forth once, taking the umbrella from him. "Oh yeah, I'm fine! So what brings you out in the rain, Chat Noir?" she asked, trying to draw the attention away from herself.
"It's raining cats and dogs, so naturally, I've gotta be out in it, right?" he gave her a crooked grin, before his expression changed. "Serious answer? I like to take a walk whenever it rains."
Marinette raised an eyebrow. She hated the rain. It was cold and wet, causing anyone who had the misfortune of getting stuck out in it to become sick. Not to mention it was depressing and loud.
"Why?" she asked, completely astounded. "I thought cats didn't like water."
"Not this one," his eyes lit up as he spoke. "I love the rain. I know most people see it as an inconvenience, a bother. But I look at it differently. Rain makes the world fresh and beautiful again. It creates life," he went on. "My mom and I used to go out to the countryside sometimes when I was little, and we'd get caught up in a summer's rainstorm and have to take shelter under a tree. She taught me that without rain, the world couldn't go on. Everything living thing would cease to exist..."
Marinette's expression softened, she had never seen this side to him before.
"So I like to take a walk when it rains, to experience something as simple, but wonderful, and remember her," she saw his eyes sparkle for a moment, before he turned his head to look down at the shopping bag she was grasping tightly.
"Better get home before that gets wet," he suggested. "See you around, Marinette," his smile was genuine, but she saw the sadness that lingered just behind it. Before she could respond, he hoisted himself onto the rooftop of the building they had been talking in front of, and he was gone.
When Marinette had arrived home - relatively dry thanks to Chat - she removed the items from her shopping bag to begin her project. But something didn't feel right to her. She glanced over at her window a moment, and did something she never felt like doing before.
She opened her window to hear the rhythm the rain made on the surfaces outside, and felt the cool, humid breeze caress her face. She shut her eyes a moment, imagining the beautiful countryside Chat played in as a child with his mom, who seems to no longer be with him.
Marinette walked back to her desk, pushing her newly purchased supplies to the side to give her some room to sketch a raincoat for the boy who loved to walk in the rain.
AN: My first one-shot, inspired by Marichat May. c:
If you liked this, please check out my ongoing fics, 'From Where You Are' and 'Betrayal'!