A/N: Art Credit goes to: www . shrekitralph . deviantart(.com)/art/Rick-and-Morty-meet-Star-and-Marco-62005008

This takes place during Season 2 of Star Vs. The Forces of Evil, not after. Mild profanity in order to fit the contest requirements this was written for.

Rick walked into the living room to find Morty watching TV. "M-Morty - !" he paused to burp, as he stood beside the sofa. "I need you. Come on, Morty."

The brunette fourteen year old kid with a high-pitched voice looked up at his grandfather. He was dressed in a light blue shirt and labcoat, brown trousers and black shoes like always. "Ah geez, Rick. Can't you see I'm watching Ball Fondlers?"

Rick paused a moment to glance back at the television screen, watching as a humvee flipped over and exploded. "Yeah, great show. But I need you now, Morty. Come on, r-right now. DVR that shit."

Morty, clad in a yellow T-shirt, jeans, and white shoes let out a sigh of resignation. He pressed record on the remote, before standing up. The older man with spiky grayish-blue hair reached into his labcoat and took out his portal gun. It was a small hand-held device with a tube of green glowing liquid in it. He shot it and a swirling green portal opened up in front of them. Rick and Morty stepped through, and once on the other side the portal disappeared.

Morty raised a hand to his forehead to shield his eyes, not expecting the bright sunlight for a moment after being indoors. After a few seconds he got used to it though and he dropped his hand. He blinked in surprise as he took in his surroundings.

"Wow, Rick. After our other adventures I wasn't expecting this place to look so...normal." The young man glanced around, taking in the sight of the relatively average suburban neighborhood they were in. "It's like Earth." He noticed his grandfather had already walked toward a particular house, kneeling down by the windowsill and taking out another device.

"That's because it - " Rick belched, but nonetheless continued talking. "is Earth. An alternate Earth. Remember those?"

"Y-yeah, I do," the kid walked over to him, kneeling down next to him. "But I meant why are we on Earth. We usually never go to Earth - ours or otherwise." He glanced down at the small hand-held device in Rick's hands as it let out a beep, watching as a grin came to the man's face, but only for a moment. "What's that?" Morty asked.

"It's a scanner. You know, like the ones on Star Trek or whatever. Only, you know, not the same thing."

"What's it scanning for?"

"Doesn't matter, I already found it." He put the scanner in his pocket and stood up, taking out his portal gun. While he opened a new portal, Morty glanced away at another house only to find a rather odd-looking sight.

"Um...Why does that house have a castle turret coming out of it?" he asked as he stood up.

Rick grinned as his grandson walked over. "That's where we're going," he said, before giving the boy a shove into the portal.

Star and her best friend Marco were sitting on the couch watching a Mackie Hand movie. The blond girl was wearing purple boots, pink and purple striped stockings, a green dress and plastic devil horns, which somehow managed to stay on her head despite the fact she was sitting upside-down. She was mindlessly tossing popcorn into her mouth, watching the screen.

The brown haired boy suddenly came to life at a certain scene. "Ooh, this is the best part!" He said excitedly. He was wearing a red hoodie over a white shirt, black pants, and brown sneakers. He grinned wide as he started quoting the movie, going line by line.

Actually, he'd kind of been doing that the entire time, although Star told him to quite down after a point. He still mouthed the words though, and it brought a smile to her face. Honestly, she found the sight endearing, to see him so into the films.

She grabbed another fistful of popcorn, about to eat it, when suddenly a green portal opened up right in the middle of the living room, and a boy their age in a yellow shirt came stumbling through.

Star froze, the popcorn falling from her grasp and hitting her face, before falling to the floor. "Uh..."

Marco was staring in just as much shock, not noticing that the boy seemed to be bewildered, as Marco glanced over at his companion. "Um, Star? Do you know who this?"

"No..." she trailed off, scrutinizing the boy.

Morty stood, looking nervously at the two, but it wasn't a second later that his grandfather stepped through. He looked at him, "Rick? A-are you sure this is the right place?"

Rick turned to look at the boy as the portal disappeared behind him. "Of course I am, Morty. D-does a girl with hearts on her cheeks look normal to you, Morty?"

The boy glanced back at Star to confirm the sight. "Um, n-no..." he glanced back at the older man. "You mean she's not human?" he asked. "What about him? Is anyone here human?"

"Twenty percent accurate as usual, Morty," Rick burped. "She's a Mewman, from Mewni. And as far as I'm concerned, she's the only one I needed to find."

"What do you mean?"

"Um...How do you know where I'm from?" Star's blue eyes narrowed as she quickly swung herself right-side up, taking out her wand and aiming it at Rick. "Who do you think you are, and what are you doing in Marco's house?" she questioned.

"And why are you after Star?" Marco added, getting to his feet as he watched the old man take out a flask and drank it. Some of the liquid or spit remained on his mouth, and he didn't seem to care to wipe it off as he put the flask away.

"I-I-I'm sorry. Let me rephrase that. It's not the Mewman I'm after, it's the device she's holding."

"Device?" Star and Marco said simultaneously. They both glanced at the hot pink handled wand with a round head, half of a yellow star in the center, and small white wings attached to the sides. Neither of them thought of it as a "device."

"My scanner says it's one of the most powerful pieces of technology in the multiverse," Rick said. "I-I gotta use it."

Star glanced over at her best friend, speaking in a not-so-subtle whisper, "Marco, this is getting weird."

"Uh-huh..." he nodded weakly in agreement. Only then did he catch what the old man said, his attention snapping back to Rick. "Yeah, what are you gonna use it for? Something evil?"

"I'm the smartest man in the universe, kid. What do you think?" The scientist questioned with a raise of his unibrow, deciding he'd let him go with whatever he thought of.

Marco quickly tensed up, as Morty glanced at the male beside him. "Geez Rick, I dunno, this feels a bit screwed up. I-I mean we're in somebody's house...and the wand is hers, isn't it?"

"Are you serious?" Rick rolled his eyes. "You've done a ton of things more messed up than steal someone's possessions, Morty. Wh-what did you think was gonna happen here? I'm being straightforward with you here, Morty. I want that tech. And you're gonna help me get it."

Morty bit his lip, unsure about the situation. Sure, Rick could do some pretty horrible things. Reprehensible things. But sometimes he could do some good. It was rare, but the man showed that he cared about Morty, about Summer, and Morty's mom. Maybe if he could just know what he was going to use it for, what his intentions were...

His thoughts were interrupted by noise from the boy in the red hoodie. "You're lucky my parents aren't home right now," he said, as he re-solidified his karate stance. "If you wanna get Star's wand, you're gonna have to go through me, first."

Marco wasted no time in leaping forward, aiming to deliver a solid kick to the old man. Rick easily took out his portal gun, a bored expression on his face as he shot a portal in the space between him and the teenage boy.

Marco went through the green portal, his kick hitting nothing but air as he landed on the other side. He found himself on another world. A strange world full of gigantic butts. It took him a second to register what he was looking at, but the smell hit him first.

"Eugh..." he scowled in disgust, bringing an arm up to cover his face. Luckily he wouldn't have to stay here long. He reached into his pocket, grabbing the dimensional scissors. They had his name written on them. They were his, and it was times like these he was glad he'd gone through so much to earn them.

"Marco!" Star shouted as the portal disappeared behind him. She wouldn't hesitate to attack this time as she raised her wand and fired at Rick. The blast knocked the man back into the wall, causing him to wince as he grunted from the force.

"Rick!" Morty yelled in concern, before turning his attention to Star. He charged at her, trying to grab the wand from her. She held it out of arm's reach, pushing back against his face with her free hand as they struggled. She couldn't use it as this range, having to keep the boy back, but luckily she wouldn't have to.

In the next instance a portal opened up and an arm came through, gripping the back of Morty's shirt. Morty struggled against the force as Marco stepped back into the living room, but it proved useless as Marco tugged him back and threw him to the wall, in the same direction as Rick.

Before he had a chance to react, Star's wand began to glow as she waved it up in an arc. "Bubble gum constraining wrap!" she yelled the improvised spell. Morty watched the pink stuff fly from her wand before pressing him up against the wall, enveloping his entire body save for his head.

He struggled against it, but it was no use. Helpless, he turned to look at Rick, who appeared to be passed out, slumped against the wall. "Rick!" he called. "Rick, wake up!"

Rick slowly opened his eyes, before looking over to him and giving him a glare. "Nice going, Morty. What was that? I get shot and that's the sort of fight you put up?"

"I...Wh-What?" he stared in confusion. "I was trying to help you. Just like always!" His eyes narrowed.

Rick sighed in irritation. "I thought I taught you better than that..."

While they argued, it gave Marco time to focus on Star. "Are you okay?" he asked.

"Yeah, are you?"

He nodded, and paused a moment. "What are we going to do about those two?" He glanced over at Rick and Morty.

"I dunno..." she pursed her lips. "They aren't monsters; they're not from Mewni. And they're not from here, so..." She also looked at the two, feeling stumped.

Meanwhile Rick was continuing his speech. "Don't just blindly charge in. You'd think that by watching me maybe you'd be lucky enough to pick up a few things, but I guess you're still just a Morty." He ignored the hurt expression on his grandson's face, something he was sure wasn't a big deal, because he saw the faint flicker of recognition in Morty's eyes.

Morty saw the movement. The ever so subtle twitch of Rick's mouth, lifting into a smile. But it was so minute Morty wasn't sure if he was imagining things, especially when Rick just continued. "The point is..."

Morty saw the smile before he saw the button that was pressed. In the confusion his grandson had caused, Rick managed to plant a small device near Star and Marco that would let him win this fight. Their guard successfully down now that both him and Morty seemed incapacitated, made this all the easier. Rick grinned noticeably now.

"Always have a plan."

The button was pressed. And from a small machine almost the size of a bug, a few volts of electricity went through Star and Marco. They yelled in pain as they were shocked, bodies convulsing for a few seconds, before the current cut off.

Once it did the screaming stopped, before they both dropped onto the couch.

Morty's eyes widened in horror. "Oh my god, Rick..." They weren't moving. He wasn't sure if they were breathing. "Did you kill them!? Oh my god, Rick. How c-could you do that? How could you - What are y-y-you thinking? Oh geez. Oh, man..." He panicked as the scientist got up and stepped in front of him.

Rick managed to have a laser tool on hand to start cutting through the gum keeping the boy plastered to the wall. "Relax. I didn't kill them. I just gave them a few volts of electricity. Enough to stun them...Th-Though I didn't - " he let out a burp. "Count on them getting knocked unconscious out from it. Maybe I should have taken into consideration that their bodies aren't fully matured into adults' yet..." he mused absent-mindedly.

This only got Morty to start panicking again, his breathing becoming erratic, as he finished cutting through the gum. Morty stumbled onto the floor, nearly falling over until the pale blue haired man stabilized him with a hand on his shoulder.

"Relax, relax!" Rick said. "Calm down. Come on, we'll see if they're fine. I mean that they are fine, of course..." he guided his grandson by the shoulder over to the two possible corpses lying on the couch, before taking out a scanner. This one was very similar to the other one, but a lot more like the ones on Star Trek, as it monitored vital signs and life signatures. Everything seemed to check out.

"They're alive," he informed, and just for good measure, went to feel for their pulses. "They got pulses and everything."

He noted the expression of relief on Morty's face, before turning back to Star Butterfly. Still clutched in her hand was the wand. The thing he had used his grandson to help him harm two kids for.

"Wubba lubba dub dub!" he cheered the morbid phrase, even as a wide grin came to his face. He reached down and grabbed the wand from her grasp, ignoring the frown on his grandson's face as he stared at in wide-eyed fascination. Morty noticed the small machine Rick had used as his weapon nearby. And, despite the two strangers not being seriously harmed, he made sure to destroy it, crushing it under his foot.

After a few seconds Morty decided to say something. "Rick? Maybe we should - "

Rick was starting to realize that just on the surface level this "wand" really was a special kind of tech. He quickly cut Morty off before he could finish speaking.

"Nano-level tech to modify its appearance? Sweet," he smirked. Pretty in pink was not his style. After managing to focus on the design he wanted, the wand began to change its appearance. It took on a metallic, futuristic look, most of it turning metal. The wings just turned into a straight line separating the handle from the circular head of the device, and the handle turned a sleek white at the top and bottom. The round area where the star was turned a into a circle, glowing green in color, similar to that of his portal gun.

"Woah..." Morty stared, caught off guard by the sight.

"Hell yeah!" Rick grinned. "Now let's see what this baby can do!"

He glanced back to Star and Marco, who were still unconscious, but realized they probably wouldn't stay that way. He didn't need them getting in his way. What better way to test this out than finding a way to fix this problem? He wasn't going to do any cutesy poses though, that was for sure. Instead, he decided he'd just do the bare minimum, as he thought of just what he wanted to create, his smile fading from his face.

"Forcefield generator, uh..." he burped. "A-alternator." He waved the wand only slightly, watching as a flash of light came from it before streaking out for a moment. On the floor now lay exactly what he "magicked" up. Rick's eyes widened as his grin quickly returned. "Holy shit, Morty, it works!"

He bent down and turned on the generator, watching as a small, transparent blue domed forcefield appeared around Star and Marco, encasing the couch.

Morty didn't have to ask what that was for, though it still made him slightly uncomfortable. "Wh-What are you gonna do with that now, huh?"

The old man quickly turned and faced him, an almost maniacal grin on his face. "I'm gonna take it and become the richest man in the whole damn multiverse! How about that, huh?"

"B-but...I thought you wanted it for something. Weren't you wanting it for - Didn't you want to use it for something? You know, in particular?"

He paused, thinking about it a moment. "You know what? You're right, for once. And I know just what to create." His smile widened at the thought. "Szechuan McNugget dipping sauce! Give me all the sauce. I need to taste it again!" He gave the wand a swing through the air. The device lit up. It glowed, only to spark and fizzle.

"What - What the hell?" Rick tried again, repeating the "spell," only this time without the added sentiments of excitement. Still, nothing happened. He frowned in distaste. He decided to test it out, make sure it was still working right. And soon enough, all manner of things were forming in the Diaz household. From any number of sci-fi gadgets, to different types of food. Anything would be formed, except for the sauce.

He frowned at the wand. "You can form anything existing in the universe, but you can't form a cheap dipping sauce that was discontinued almost two decades ago?" He questioned, getting irritated. "All I want is the damn sauce, is that too much to ask for?" He scowled, only for the green of the wand to turn red in color. Then suddenly it fired out a powerful blast. It wouldn't stop, powerful enough to destroy most of the stuff he'd created.

Morty's eyes widened as he quickly dove behind the couch, behind the relative safety of the forcefield.

"Woah, woah! Stop it, you piece of shit!" Rick smacked the side of the wand, but in his anger, it only caused the blast to grow stronger. Soon enough, its reaction to his negativity grew deeper. Years of anger and self-hatred fueled the wand as it ripped through the house, scorching the walls, if not blasting a hole through them.

A yell escaped Morty as a ray ricocheted off the wall and almost hit him, just before he dove out of the way.

Rick glanced over at the sound. It was Morty. He knew he couldn't let the boy get hurt. He'd have to stop it, to make sure he lived. He couldn't let him die due to his carelessness.

Almost without thinking, the wand changed color back to its original hue, and the beam gradually stopped its blast. Everything in the house was a mess. But that wasn't his concern, as he asked Morty if he was all right.

"Yeah," came the weak reply from the boy sitting on the floor. "I'm fine..." Physically, at least he was.

Rick glanced down at the wand in his hand. And it was only now that he realized that half of the green circle that he had replaced the golden star with was also blacked out. Shit.

"Piece of crap," he muttered in realization. "It's half working. Half of it is missing."

"W-what does th-that mean?" Morty somehow managed to get out. How could something only half complete even work at all?

Rick didn't have time to respond anymore, when suddenly one of his scanners beeped. He took out the one that had been used to track down the wand he now held, only to find that it was picking up another signal. Somewhere else, was a device much like the one he now had. Somewhere else, there was something that was similar. Too similar to the one he had. The broken piece. The missing half.

There was another wand.

And it was on Mewni.