Out of the daily routine

A few weeks ago

She stared at him in disbelieve, unsure whether to hug him or reach for a random object to smack him in the face with. "Now?"

Throwing the oversized fishing-hook above his shoulder, he swiftly walked through the hut, picking up fruits and whatever items his enormous hands could find, tossing them towards her. "Yup", he gave a low chuckle, "Now!"
Moana still flabbergasted tried to catch the stuff he was throwing at her - among it a certain daffy chicken. - This was no good, she couldn't leave now.

"Uh!? Sorry, but no. I can't!" she bluntly said. His timing was always so... unpredictable.

The Demigod stopped mid motion, turning his big curly head. It was the first time he took a closer look at the girl. It had been a while... - Yet, she hadn't changed too much.
Still the kid with the persistance to solve every problem that big fat heart of hers.
Due to this it would be an understatement to say, that Maui, Shapeshifter, Demigod of the wind and sea, hero of all, was not disappointed by her refuse. Who wouldn't love to go off, exploring the sea with the personification of pure greatness? - at least for some weeks... hell, just for one day if it had to be. - Wasn't it boring on the lonely island all day, kissing babies and what not? Still the look she was giving him wasn't a pleasant one.

"You can't?", the wall of a man now stood to face her and she imagined the floor shaking as he stepped closer, "or you don't WANT?"

He wouldn't be angry, would he? He didn't have the right to be! - She had!
With all, all people expecting advice from her and him being just his arrogant self again, not showing up for moths and now this!? Ughhh... But as she swallowed her feelings in order handle the ego of the Demigod, her look wandered up to his face. Unexpectedly caring brown eyes looked down at her distressed little figure. There was no way of keeping her cheeks from slightly blushing with him standing that close. What exactly was he staring at?!

"Why not? Are you sick or somethin'?", he asked in a soft grouching voice, sounding almost offended. It really meant a lot, like... a LOT of he invited her to go on a trip. Since their whole story had started the other way around with her forcefully dragging his butt across the ocean. Life is strange.

"What? No, I-I'm just - YOU!", she growled in frustration, taking a few steps forwards, slowly setting down the things he had tossed at her.
Of course she wanted to join him. Her love for ocean was about anything else. (And as she could tell he'd probably never ask her again if she denied his offer now.)
But her sense for responsibility got the best of her.
In angry gestures she waved her arms around, this was all too much for one day. Moana's hands were stressfully tugging at her curly bangs, she risked a look at the strong, muscular man with his giant toy-like hook. Maui seemed thoughtful, having his eyes fixed on her. Waiting for an explanation.

It had been foolish of him to think he would be greeted in embracing admiration, hadn't it, he reasoned with himself. Yet the Demigod hated to admit that the wish of getting to hear a warm "Welcome back!" had been consuming his thoughts ever since he was looking forward to pay her a visit. He hated that a thousand years of soliloquizing could be undone by one week of being accompanied by another living individual. And Moana was very lively. Which made him feel even more sissy.

"You, you can't just show up here all of a sudden and keep me from... my duties. I'm gonna' be chief some day, forgot about that!?", her voice was cracked, almost a little panicked. Everybody but Tamatoa could've easily told she was lying. - Maui wondered, why the thought of becoming the next chief troubled her that much all of a sudden. ~Except... ~ When he realized that this wasn't the reason behind it at all. The young man's face darkened a little, eyes narrowing an insecure appearing Moana. With a swift motion he swung his hook from one to the other hand as if to collect his thoughts.
"You're angry", he stated the obvious, "I told you I needed to catch up with some things. It's not like I was away for ages, curly." There was no mocking tone in his deep voice, she swallowed hard at that, darn' it. "Thought you were a big girl."

~ Of course he saw right through, damn trickster. Why can't he be just a little more like Heihei. Okay, no, that would even worse!~

"That's... not the point, Maui."

He seemed to flinch at the mentioning of his name. Yes, her big friend wasn't the right one to talk about feelings and stuff, she knew. Well sometimes he was, but not now. According to that the young chief sighed and forcefully kept her voice as calm as possible.
"Listen, I am just very happy to see you, so let's dro -"
"Pretty bad at showing that." Voice untapped, playing with his hair, he leaned against his hook in an almost child-like demeanor.

"Wow." *sarcastic tone* If he just knew how good she actually could be at showing that. If he would just let her.

"So why not join the trip, if you missed me that much?", he casually asked, not looking at her. He wouldn't let the subject drop, just like she never did when it concerned his private little stories. Little sadistic Demidiot.

"You're unbelievable. - Listen, I am not some little toddler that needs good old Maui for amusement, you know. My folks need me here and you didn't show up for quite a while... well, but I kinda' missed you,oh great remi-demi-god of all kinds of things, so just let it be!", she admitted and the words hadn't even left her lips, as she could already feel her guts twisting and turning as she saw the stupid wide smile plastered across his cheeky face.
~Super.*annoyance* Ego assured. ~

He made a noise of satisfaction. "Ahh, that's music to my ears!"
Defiantly rolling her eyes, almost wanting to gag at his cheesy attempt to drown in victory she gave up. Reasoning with this guy was just - ughhhh.
With that being said he clapped into his hands, jumped to his feet - dancing around her to a rhythm only he seemed to hear - before pulling her into a big bear-hug.

"Missed ya' too, princess!", he squeezed her tightly.
Yup, definitely felt sissy. Oka fefe, what was he even doing!?
Seems he really had missed her.

Moana's eyes widened in pleasant surprise. His skin felt warm. The ink on his chest proudly rose and fell, a pounding heartbeat not to be overheard; Mini-Maui happily hugging Mini-Moana. She couldn't stop herself from grinning at that.

Maybe they would bend the rules just a little and wait with the arrangement, she thought.

Even though his strong arms could squish her within the blink of an eye, she felt as if - for a brief moment - all pressure was lifted off her shoulders. In fact there was probably no place in the whole wide world she'd be able to feel safer than at this guy's chest.
If that's what it felt like to hug a god, she could definitely get used to this.
~Demigods and their overactive personality... ~ Everything felt just fine.
To her he was the closest to a best friend she ever had and Moana had little to no doubt, she meant the same to him. Which is why she secretly wished him to be willing to become a member of her people of Motunui.

~ But I guess you can't keep a Demigod from fighting Monsters and saving humanity, living his freedom. He had probably been bored for a 1000 years... someone like this blatherskite wouldn't want to life in a golden cage, not even for the short lifespan of a human. I wonder if he ever planned on getting married with somebody other than himself? ~
Wait, what was going on!? Why was she sulking in these weird feelings just now? This wasn't the time fo - / Just like that she also wished he'd come more often to take her for a journey. He is the only really interesting person - besides grandma - she ever had the pleasure to meet. And let's face it, after getting to know a certain Demi-guy, living without him was quite... boring.

Maui then set her back down on her feet, not as gently as he should, considering she was the daughter of the village's chief - but that was exactly what she liked so much about him. Most times that is to say.
"Um yeah, shouldn't become a habit though. The hugging-thing, I mean."
Moana gave him a provoking smile, aware of the fact that he was the one that had embraced her. Adverting his eyes with slightly reddening cheeks he cleared his throat.
~So he missed me too. A little.~ The girl jokingly smacked him on the shoulder. He chuckled a little, so did she. Sheepishly rubbing his neck he dwelled on thoughts, all the while Maui's deep brown eyes didn't leave hers for a long moment. She instantly remembered that annoying habit of his to never break a stare. Really, like NEVER. It always felt like this was motivating her brain to think faster - and she came to the conclusion, that she in fact wanted to make use of her way-finding skills more often...

Was there a way to excuse herself in front of her parents? - Now that they had planned on inviting so many candidates? Would they give in and... and let her fi/ ~OH my gosh!
IDEA! Idea, I've got an idea, okay! Since I am allowed to pick one myself it is MY way of finding a perfect husband by going WAY-FINDING on the ocean, visiting the "nearby" islands in order to pick a man that suits me! ~
And with this it wasn't even a lie! Sure she didn't plan on really finding somebody and they would probably sail far across the ocean, but at least she had more time to develop a plan of how to solve this concubine-problem! And hey, maybe she would really meet a nice guy? But most of all, this meant she WAS FREE TO GO WITH HIM!
As if something in her had snapped the Demigod noticed her being a little
too quiet and he sensed she had probably made up her mind.
She always did.

"So?", he hummed.

"So?", she grunted, imitating his face, blinking dramatically with long
Eventually Moana crossed her arms and smiled up at the huge guy that was towering over her. Challenging. "Where did you say where we going again?"

*playfully cocks an eyebrow* "Oh? No sudden chief-duties to accomplish?"

"Watch out, Semi-Devil! *glares at him, holding up the reminding finger of don't-you-dare-to-start-again!* Or I might overthink my decision!"

Giving her a smug smile. "Yeah, yeah." As if.
The girl sighed as she collected the fruits from the ground that he had thrown at her earlier.
-/ Maui caught the coconut, that was flying towards his head with a breakneck speed with no effort. "Was this a test or something?", he whimpered mockingly shortly after laughing full-throated, followed by a hyperbolic act of strength as he crushed the coconut with only so much as a snap. But his biggest fan was already gone, leaving him alone in the chief's big hut.


Puzzled he stepped closer to the entrance, pulling layers of cloth aside. Night had fallen quite a while ago and in the bright sky millions and millions of stars shone from above. He couldn't but wonder if they felt lonely up there. So very far away.
Should ask 'em some day.
Then he spotted the constellation of his magical hook following its direction all the way down to where a moving dot caught his attention. Squinting his eyes his gaze followed her trailing down the hill, making her way to the shore, where she expected to find her father and the others anchoring the canoes.

Panting, her bare feet struck the grass.
"Seems like Moana Waialiki of Motunui won't have to marry too soon!",
the young women wheezed in gladness.

NEXT CHAPTER: Moana and Maui [Fanfic] II

[As I said, this is only my way of keeping this story alive since Deviantart is pretty much stressing me out. I suggest you visit my page anyways since the art there is better (GIFs) and my writing style is… different. So far there are 18 Chapters, however I am a total Newcomer to FF-net and I don't have a clue how these things work.]

Also these first 10 Chaps aren't corrected, which means there still are a lot of spelling mistakes; if this scares any of guys off I still say GO READ on deviantart: