"You have the right to remain silent. If you do say anything, what you say can be used against you in the court of law" he spoke, grabbing the silver handcuffs and placing them around my wrists, clicking them tight.
"Danny I can explain" I cried out feeling the metal click tightly around my skin.
"You have the right to consult with a lawyer and have that lawyer present during any questioning. If you cannot afford a lawyer, one will be appointed for you if you so desire" he continued to speak the words of the law before pulling me close and whispering in my ear "you have a lot of explaining to do, especially to Jamie"
"Trust me, Danny, I will explain everything to everyone, and you're probably going to thank me for what I have been doing" I explained, the cold New York air hitting my face, as the dark night made the stars sparkled, the red and blue flashing lights on the police cars glowed on everyone's face, the reflections in their eyes.
"Thank you? You've been killing men, dozens of them, the worst thing; lying to my brother, he's already been heartbroken once, and now he is going to be heartbroken again" the older brother explained to me, knowing how upset Jamie would be the second time once he found out. But something clicked in my head.
"One, I didn't leave him Danny" I explained, before the car door opened and I was shoved in, Danny's facing mine "No but you will be going to prison for life, did you think about that?" he asked before slamming the car door shut.
Leaning my head against the head seat, I closed my eyes and took a deep breath, turning my unnatural brunette head to the side looking at the building that stood. The building was a large apartment block, modernised, windows on every piece of wall, though some of them were only a window you could see out of and not in. The front passenger side opened revealing Danny's partner; Detective Maria Baez.
"So it was you all this time? I'm impressed, but not in a good way" she spoke out, her big lips glossy with lipstick.
"Thanks...I guess" I sighed before closing my eyes. I then opened them a few seconds after seeing a man in one of the windows on one of the floors, squinting my eyes; I noticed the man was holding a gun aiming at the car that we were all in. Widening my eyes, I leaned over. "There's a shooter aiming at the car!" I shouted. Maria frowned before leaning forward and seeing the man aiming the gun at the car. She quickly got out and grabbed her own gun and started shooting. The man was too far up and her bullets were missing. The man re-aimed and started firing at the car; I managed to quickly duck and hoped the bullets would miss. But one shot echoed and no more shots were fired. The sound of metal hitting metal stopped, but I managed to calm down. Someone then knocked on the car window where my head was at. Looking up, I saw Maria giving the thumbs up to let her know everything was okay. Sitting up slowly, I sighed, but froze still, seeing the one person I didn't want to see. Jamie. He looked at me, broken, horrified, but Frank stood beside him, look of accomplishment on his face. Looking down, Danny got into the car, slamming the car door shut and sighing.
"Look at me" he spoke slightly calm but with order "LOOK AT ME!" he shouted, making me jump, but I looked up at his angry face. Danny was the hot headed Reagan, while Jamie was the calm but easily broken one. "See my brother out there? Look at his face, look at what you have done to him, I hope every time you open your eyes you see his broken face, that's going to haunt you forever when you're rotting in jail"
"Danny...I'm not on her side but you need to be aware that behind every criminal there is a story, let's get her to the station and sit down with her" Maria suggested. Danny looked at her, raising his eyebrow before making the car move. The lights, faces and buildings past her window, usually a night drive in New York is beautiful, lights from billboards or restaurants and clubs, and faces of people having fun, but it was in reversal for me, lights from police cars, faces of horror and disgust.
The interview room was bare; dark grey walls made of a stone material but too soft for plain concrete, but the floor was covered in a PVC anti slip material. The silver metal table loose from the fixings from the floor, matching the silver metal chair to make it uncomfortable for criminals to sit down, and a loop of metal on the table that made sure I couldn't move my hands or the handcuffs that were attached.
The room was empty and I was slowly getting bored and a very numb bum. The door opened revealing Danny. This was going to be fun, the police detective who happened to be a hot head and her ex boyfriend's older brother.
"So Amelia Parker, where shall we start?" he asked sitting down with a file of papers.
"For start, my name isn't Amelia Parker, its Lexi Cabello, or the longer version, Alessia Sofia Cabello" I informed him. Danny raised his eyebrow, before giving out a loud sigh, running his large hand through his thin brown hair in frustration.
"Anything else you want to inform us about...Lexi?" he asked
"I killed those men for good reason Danny"
"Good reason? You killed men for no reason!"
"Not true. Those men were kidnappers, molesters, rapists, drug dealers and murderers, anything bad they did, and none of those were actually on the police radar, they were hidden, and it was my job for me to find them and get rid of them since the police didn't know or weren't doing their job"
"Well...I am doing my job right now, arresting a murderer, or what we call, serial killer or hit woman, something like that"
"I prefer hit woman, sounds more... business like" I couldn't help but smile sarcastically at him before sighing in content. "What do you want me to tell you?" I asked. Danny looked at me and waited a few seconds.
"You could tell me everything from the start, but answer this first...everything you had with my brother, just over 2 years together, was that a lie?" he asked. I looked up, frowning at him sad he would think that.
"No, everything with Jamie was real" I told him "I love Jamie, well...loved"
"Loved? Past tense, why?" he asked
"Because I know he doesn't love me anymore, it's all in the past" I told him "I'm not saying love in present and future because that means I have hope for the relationship, and I know it's dead"
"Damn right it is, so...let's talk from the beginning" He spoke getting the tape recorder and pressing record.
"I'm only going to talk to Jamie" Motioning my head to the window, Jamie was outside the room, watching, wearing normal clothes since he wasn't on duty.
"No way" Danny spoke out
"Fine, then I will stay silent, I'm good at that" I said relaxing into the chair "at this rate, we are going to be here all day" I told him closing my eyes, trying to relax in the metal chair.
A frustrated sigh escaped Danny's mouth, before the sound of a chair was being harshly pushed out on the floor, the chair screaming against the floor, and the door opening and slamming shut. Of course, I wasn't getting my hopes up; Jamie probably couldn't stand the sight of me at the moment, or ever. Time was ticking, and my heart was thumping, I had never been so nervous about anything, but this time I sure was. My heart was like a prisoner rattling against my ribs as prison bars. The door opened, and I opened my eyes.
"I didn't think you would ever talk to me" I told Jamie. His face told it all, his sad face; confusion, heartbroken and angry.
"To be honest, neither did I" he explained sitting down on the chair, placing his hands on the table, he then opened the file and looked at the photos "Wow, that's some...art" he spoke. Glancing over I saw what he meant by the 'art' was, pictures of my targets, or victims. "Bullet to the head, simple, quick, not painful"
"I was actually going to have a signature killing style, one shot to the groin, chest and head, but I've always wanted to slice someone's throat open, but the bullet to the head was simple, clean and no noise" I explained trying to be funny, because I knew, no one would believe me, and I wouldn't be laughing in prison or wherever I was going.
"Okay let's just get to it, tell me everything and I mean everything" he demanded pressing the record button after Danny stopped it.
"You should have popcorn, it's going to be a long story" I told him.
"I'm not going anywhere, now tell me how you became...this"
"How I became this hit woman? Gladly" I sighed in relief; I could finally tell someone my story of my killer life...
Hermione Corfield as Lexi Cabello
Will Estes as Jamie Reagan
Donnie Wahlberg as Danny Reagan
Tom Selleck as Frank Reagan
Bridget Moynahan as Erin Reagan-Boyle
Len Cariou as Henry Reagan
Sami Gayle as Nicky Reagan-Boyle
Amy Carlson as Linda Reagan
Marisa Ramirez as Det. Maria Baez
Vanessa Ray as Officer Eddie Jenko
Tony Terraciano as Jack Reagan
Andrew Terraciano as Sean Reagan
Ruby Rose as Ruby
Hunter King as Clara Cabello
Adelaide Kane as Elettra Cabello
Jake Cooper as Giordanio (Jordan) Cabello
Elsa Pataky as Marzia Cabello
Jamie Camille as Antonio Cabello
Kristina Primenova as Rosa Cabello
Unknown face claim as Lorenzo Cabello.