Here we are. On the last chapter.

Thank you for the reviews/follows/ favourites. A big thank you to WizardingWhovian who has made it worth uploading. Your reviews have kept me going. I am grateful to everyone who has read this. Personally, I thought that this was going to be a bigger hit but I will put it all down to experience. What not to do.

But I hoped that you that have read it did enjoy the longer chapters (and the short ones as well).

My next Doctor Who fanfiction will be Dear Doctor, the first chapter up on 25th July.

Please enjoy this last chapter.





TIME: 19:00

JOHN STOOD THERE NERVOUSLY AS HE WAITED FOR THE DOOR TO OPEN UP. He didn't know why he was nervous. He had spent the last 12 months with these people on and off, seeing them every so often to make sure that everyone was okay. Maybe it was because this was all still new to him.

"No need to be nervous," Clara said as she joined him at the door.

He turned to her and gave her a smile. "I know. I know."

He felt her thread her fingers with his before she squeezed his hand. "You have rang the door bell haven't you?"

Suddenly the door opened to show Amy standing there.

"When you guys said you were going to be late, I didn't realise you were going to be this late." She said as she pulled Clara into a hug.

"Sorry, couldn't get today off of work. I just about managed to get this next week off." Clara said as she hugged Amy tightly.

"We have good things to teach," John said. "Not everyone can be a best selling author."

John readied himself for the hug that Amy gave him. He was getting used to people touching him. Clara could now touch him without him tensing. He was getting there with everyone else. He knew that he still had a long way to go. But he knew that he would get there eventually. Clara told him that he would get there eventually and he trusted that she was right.

"Guessing everyone else is here then?" Clara said.

"Yes. You might as well just come in and grab your bags later. Dinner has just been served. Luckily we did you guys some. You should have called to say when you were going to come." Amy said as she made her way back into the house.

John turned and looked at Clara before gesturing her to go first. He took a deep breath before he entered the house. He was amazed that they had managed to get the same house that they did a year prior. The sinister reason behind them all staying in this house the first time was still present. John could picture where he had told everyone what he knew and how he had felt for the whole trip. The guilt that he had buried a long time ago building up.

"John," Clara said, her voice cutting through his thoughts.

He pushed his hand into his hair and grabbed it, pulling at it slightly.

"Don't do this to yourself again." She said as she walked up to him.

"It's not like I try and do it on purpose."

"No. Look, River was right. I do think you should go and speak to someone again. Just to help you reorganise your thoughts. It can't do you any worse."


"And if it does, then I will be waiting for you to come back, to give you all the love you will need."

John sighed as he let go of his hair and pulled her into a hug. She did give really good hugs. She held him tightly as he tried to take away the thoughts of what happened and what could have happened and replaced them with what happened over the last year.

They had been a support to each other. Kate had taken them all back to the Doctor's headquarters to discuss allowing them to keep their memories of everything that had happened as well as starting to get them back into normal life again. They had all been given a room each, clean clothes and access to a shower. As soon as John returned to his room from showering and changing, Clara had knocked on his door. They spent the rest of the night lying on his bed, holding each other.

From that night, they had just grown in strength. So much so that it got to a point where they were allowed to go back home and neither of them wanted to separate. They had got so used to having the other one next to them, that John didn't want to return to Glasgow without her and Clara didn't want to return to London without him. It was Clara that followed him up to Glasgow, with the argument that he would also have River to help him.

"Come on, they will be wondering where we got to," Clara said, pulling back. "We will talk more about it later."

He gave her a smile before allowing her to pull him towards the others.

"There you are," Chinny said, standing up immediately to pull Clara into a hug.

John couldn't stop himself from rolling his eyes at how excitable he was. He allowed the younger man to pull him into a hug as well, patting him awkwardly on the back. They took the empty places.

"Was traffic bad or something?" Rory asked.

"Sort of," John said. "Unfortunately I had a student that wanted to pick my brains about something. He wanted to know why I was talking about how not to die when in the vacuum of space because he couldn't see the relevance between that and … George Orwell's 1984. Luckily Bill got me out of it. I would still be talking to him now if it wasn't for her." He turned to Clara. "I almost forgot to tell you. She going with Heather now."

"Really?" Clara said. "Tell her congratulations. I told her that she would end up with her in the end." She turned to the rest of the table. "I also had a parent who wouldn't understand that the reason that their daughter didn't do well in the recent test that I set was because she hadn't revised and spent half the time staring into space."

"Reason I would never be a teacher," Donna commented.

"So what is everyone else doing at the moment?" John asked.

"Nothing much has changed with me," Jack said.

"Well, my big news is that I am now engaged," Martha said. "Don't worry, invites haven't gone out yet but we are planning on sending them out soon."

Everyone said their congratulations at the same time.

"Rory and I are in the final stages of filing for an adoption. A little girl called Melody. She is so cute and sweet. We keep going to visit her and we just can't wait to call her ours." Amy said.

"You aren't the only ones," Rose said. "I am expecting. Only three months along but it just seems all unreal. We can't wait for it." She turned to Sandshoes.

Again, everyone said their congratulations at the same time.

John was loving it. He couldn't remember the last time he had smiled so much and the last time he felt this at ease. Clara wasn't having to hold his hand or anything. He knew that he would always feel at ease here with people that were very fast becoming a family to him.

"I have moved back to London as well. And found someone." Donna said. "This one is definitely a keeper. I am hoping that he will propose soon. Mum keeps going on about how I shouldn't let him go. Gramps is just happy to have me closer to home."

"We're in London as well," John said. "And Clara and I are together."

He felt his heart flutter as he said that. They were the first group of people that they had told that they were together. People just assumed that they were together, even when they hadn't really admitted it to themselves that they were together.

"I'm not in London," Chinny said. "I sold my business."


"I sold my business. To Google. It just felt like the right thing to do. I went back into the office and it just didn't feel right for me to be in a tall London building with John Smith CEO on the door. Nothing about it right about it. I thought that it was just because of what happened but it just wasn't right for me to be there. So I sold up."

"So what are you doing now?" Clara asked.

"I have technically retired. I meet someone as well. She is an archaeologist and the most amazing person I could ever meet. I just travel around the world with her now. She is like me, quite spontaneous."

John groaned. "Big hair?" He asked.


"River Song. I told you that the guy she was talking about sounded familiar."

"You know her?" Chinny asked.

"Know her? I was married to her."


John chuckled. "Yeah. It was years ago though. You know how she can be now."

Chinny smiled and John knew that he had smiled a similar smile in his youth when he had been with River. He knew that he didn't smile like that when he thought about Clara.

"Well, actually, you have all talked about getting married. I think I am now married. See River took me to see this forgotten South American tribe, deep in the Amazon Rainforest. Anyway, when we got there, we couldn't enter because we were a man and woman that weren't married. River said it was strange because she had been there before, on her own, and wasn't told that. Anyway, they were adamant that we weren't coming in so River told them that we were coming in because we needed someone to marry us. So I think I am married to her, by some tribal witch doctor. I really don't know what happened."

"You got married without me being there," Amy said.

"I don't think it is legally binding," Chinny commented.

"Something similar happened to me as well. I think she likes marrying people on a whim. Mine was more legally binding. Not that it mattered or not at the time." John said. "I think she once told me that she married a diamond but I think she was joking."

Everyone seemed to laugh at that and John couldn't help but smile too. This was it. The family that he had never had. He never really knew what it was like to be loved and have people that he could fall back on. It was probably why he was rubbish with emotions.

"You know, I actually want to thank Missy." He said.

Everyone turned to him and looked at him like he was a madman.

"Not because of what she put us through but for pushing us all together. I have never had a family or known what one was like. I have never had a big group of friends. I may have been married to River but we probably spent more time apart than we did together. I would want to thank her for showing me what a family actually was."

"Me too," Chinny said.

"Look, there is time to be soppy later. I have tried hard to cook this meal so we are going to eat it before it gets any colder." Amy said.

John smiled at Chinny before turning to the plate in front of him. This is always what he wanted.





TIME: 0:00


"No?" Kate said, shocked.

"No, I won't do it."

"I don't have to remind you again..."

Peter sighed. "I know exactly what you are about to tell me and I am telling you no. You have not given me any evidence that this will be beneficial. We are talking about the leader of our own country here."

"You have done a lot worse for a lot less."

"We weren't talking about the murder of an innocent man then."

Kate leant back in her chair.

"I want out as well." He continued. "I don't want to do this anymore if this is what it will come to."

"We have good intelligence that this will be beneficial."

"Then show me."

She hesitated. "I can't. I can't let you go either. You know I can't just let you go."

"There were others before me that have left."

She sighed. "You are throwing away a good job."

"No, I threw away a good job when I joined this institution."

"If it is what you want, we can start the process of rehabilitation. You will be given the name of John Smith and a new life. You can keep the qualifications that you have gained but Peter Capaldi is now dead. I think the done thing is to say that he died in some horrific accident."

Peter nodded. "I am done."

And so am I.