"Did you call your brother?" Cisco questioned, looking up from his desk in the cortex at Alex as she made her way over to him. She nodded in response.

"All set. Told him I was having a girls' night with some friends, and not to worry if he doesn't hear from me later," she replied, solemnly.

It had been Cisco's idea to inform her brother that Alex would be busy while she remained on Earth-2 with Iris and Harry. He didn't want Andrew to grow suspicious when his sister wasn't able to answer her phone for the next few hours.

Cisco stood from his chair as Alex leaned her backside against the desk and crossed her arms in front of her chest.

"I know you're still upset," he began softly. Alex lowered her gaze, letting out a deep breath.

"I just don't understand why I have to go, too, when I could be here to help you and Barry. It's not fair." As she spoke, Alex tried her best to keep the frustration out of her voice.

Cisco gave a small nod in understanding.

"I get it, Alex, but try to look at it from my perspective. Your powers, they're great and they've helped us so much the past few days, but if it comes down to facing off against Savitar they won't be able to protect you. Barry and I, we can use our powers to defend ourselves, but you-"

"I can see the future, Cisco!" Alex firmly agured, throwing her arms down to her sides in exasperation. Cisco paused, pursing his lips tightly together as he waited to see if there was anything else she wanted add.

"I know that," he replied, keeping his voice soft and steady, "but not at a consistent rate. It's just too dangerous." Alex huffed as she silently stared up at him. She knew he was right. She also knew she was acting a bit too stubbornly, but she had a terrible feeling something would go wrong while she was away.

Cisco took a step closer to where their bodies lightly pressed against one another. Alex felt as her hands were gently pulled into his, their fingers instinctively interlacing together.

"We both want the same thing; to keep each other safe," she whispered in a last attempt to change his mind. The faintest hint of a fond smile broke out upon Cisco's face.

"You're right," he agreed, "but Savitar didn't send Killer Frost out to kill me. And thanks to you, I know what to expect if I do run into her."

Alex sighed in defeat as she gave a short, silent nod.

Cisco continued to smile as he lifted one of his hands to tuck a strand of hair behind her ear, his thumb caressing her jawline along with the motion. Alex closed her eyes to focus on the tender display of affection as she tilted her head into his touch. Slipping his hand back into her hair, Cisco delicately inched Alex's face closer to his so he could press his lips against hers.

Lost in their kiss, neither broke apart until they heard the deep sound of Detective West clearing his throat. The two quickly separated, Alex subconsciously wiping her bottom lip with her thumb and Cisco standing with a euphoric grin across his face.

Alex clung to Cisco's hand as they followed Joe and Iris through the breach. She looked around in awe as she examined the new room they were now standing in. It looked similar to one of the workrooms back at STAR Labs except this one was dimly lit by warm red and yellow lighting.

"And you must be Alex," a gravelly voice announced. Looking up, Alex immediately recognized the man from her dream.

"Yes, hi," she replied, forcing a friendly tone with a grin as she stuck her free hand out to him. The tall man with glasses stared at her extended hand for a few moments before looking to Cisco and looking back to Alex.

"I'm sorry, but I haven't the slightest inclination of wanting to know any future events surrounding my life, thank you," he bluntly replied causing Alex to raise her eyebrows in surprise.

"Haha," Cisco faked laughed as he let go of Alex's grip so he could place both his hands on top of her extended arm to lower it back to her side. "Good ole Harry, always so on point with his manners," he finished, speaking through gritted teeth and not bothering to hide his annoyance.

As Cisco and Harry exchanged a greeting, which sounded more like friendly bickering, Alex looked to the opposite side of the room where Iris and Joe exchanged hugs with a younger boy in a yellow version of Barry's Flash suit.

"Cisco," Alex whispered, placing her hand lightly on his elbow and standing a bit taller so she could speak directly into his ear. He stopped mid-sentence with Harry to turn to her. "Who is that?" she questioned.

"Oh, that's right, you haven't met Wally or Jesse yet. The guy over there is Wally, Iris's younger brother, and Jesse-"

"Jesse is my daughter," Harry declared, "who unfortunately, like Barry and Wally, is a speedster. They will be here for extra protection along with myself and Detective West."

"Come on, I'll introduce you," Cisco offered with a slight headnod in the direction of the West Family.