I decided to revisit the first chapter and update it a little bit. Let me know what you think

I decided to revisit the first chapter and update it a little bit. Let me know what you think

"Say something." He begged. They had been sitting in his truck for the better part of an hour when he told her that Lori, his ex-wife, was pregnant and that the baby had a fifty percent chance of being his. "Please."

"What do you want me to say, Rick?" Michonne said, louder than she intended, "I forgive you for sleeping and impregnating your ex-wife? I'll also raise this one like it's my own?" She cried. "You've just broken my heart and expect me to say something?"

"I'm sorry." He said, leaning his head on the steering wheel.

"Yeah... Me too." She quickly wiped the tears that were falling down her face and grabbed her purse from the backseat. When she failed to escape the cramped space, she scoffed. "Unlock the door."

"I can't."

"Let me out, Rick." She said, glaring at him while he shook his head. In her fatigued state, Michonne broke down. "I've done everything I could to make you happy and you repay me by fucking that bitch!"


"Shut up! I never want to see you again". Rick stared at her stunned and embarrassed. "Unlock the door!"


"God, Rick!" She slumped in her seat. "Why would you do this to me?" She said to herself as she cried. "I would never do this to you."

"I'm sorry." Was all he could say. He fucked up by sleeping with Lori in a moment of weakness, but Lori telling Michonne she was pregnant was unforgivable. "I don't know what else to say."

Michonne wiped more of her tears. She didn't want to look at him or have this conversation anymore. As far as she was concerned, their relationship was over. "There's nothing to say. Unlock the door and let me go."

"Please Michonne, please listen." He said as he finally unlocked his truck doors.

"To what? More of your apologies? Rick you're having a baby with your ex-wife. The very same woman who left you for your best friend."

He stayed quiet, he had no response to that. Lori had left him for Shane four years prior and he had been a broken man until Michonne came into his life. He had somehow managed to mess up the greatest thing to have happened to him.

"Whether the child is yours or not, she's still going to choose him. She has always chosen him and yet-" She couldn't finish her sentence. "I can't do this, I'm sorry." She said as she exited his vehicle and ran into her townhouse.

Rick watched her desperate jog to get away from him with tears in his eyes. She looked at him once more before shutting the door and saw that she was still crying. He slammed his fists into his steering wheel, frustration fuelling his blows. How could he be so stupid? How could he fall into her trap? How?

He stayed parked in Michonne's driveway for another hour before he got a text from Daryl.

'Michonne's telling me you got Lori pregnant.' He left him on read. 'I would laugh, but seeing as how broken Michonne sounded on the phone... what the fuck is wrong with you?'

'It was an accident' He punched in.

'An accident? What'd you do, slip into her? Dude come on! Come up with a better excuse and in the meantime, go home.'

He nodded at the message and turned his car back on. He would find a way to fix this, he just had to. Michonne was the woman he wanted to spend the rest of his life with and even if the baby was his, he would make sure that she knew that she was his first priority in life.