Pokemon406: Hello everyone! I'm back with a new chapter!

Corey: Yay!

Hikari: The Eevee of Victory is here!

Pokemon406: Alright now in this chapter Kakashi and Naruto fight Zabuza, Naruto using the same power he used against Kakashi in the bell test, and they make it to wave. That's all I'm gonna tell.

Pokemon406: Oh, but one more then. Sasuke does something that pisses Naruto off.

Corey: What does he do?

Pokemon406: Not gonna tell, but I'll say that it will piss off Hikari as well.

Hikari: What could duck ass do to piss me off. He's weak.

Pokemon406: Yeah you say that now.

Pokemon406: Here's the disclaimer.

Disclaimer: I do not own Naruto, but I do own my OCs.

Chapter 6: Wave arc part two

Zabuza grabbed the hilt of his sword, he kicked it off the tree and landed in the lake a little ways away. He made a hand sign."Let's see how well you do Kakashi."He said, before he disappeared, the mist becoming thicker and thicker, covering the already misted area so heavily. No one could see more than a few feet in front of him or her.

"Be careful everyone! Zabuza was known expert in the Silent Killing Technique."Kakashi warned as he mentally cursed."Damn it! This mist is affecting my Sharingan's effectiveness."

"8 choices,"The disembodiment voice of Zabuza was heard through the mist, causing the two Genin and Tazuna to freeze at feeling the intense killing intent filled the air.

"What?"Sakura asked scared.

"The liver, lungs, spine, clavier vein, neck vein, brain, kidney, and heart. Which one should I go after?"

Kakashi narrowed his eyes and released his chakra pushing some of the mist away from him.

Naruto mentally scoffed at this."Compared to my father's killing intent...this is child's play."He thought, this wasn't affecting him at all. It wasn't affecting his partner either.

Sasuke looked to be very affected by the killing intent to the point where he was about to kill himself. Asahina notices this and scoffs louding to get his attention.

"Pathetic, if you can't withstand this then you still no chance at defeating your brother and avenging your clan."She told him.

Sasuke looks angry by this."Why that no one name bitch! I'll show her! I'll kill Itachi!"Sasuke thought putting away the kunai he was gonna use to kill himself.

"Using his ambition to stop him from killing himself. I wouldn't have used that, but it's clever."Kakashi thought.

Zabuza suddenly appeared behind the Genins.

Kakashi moved fast, only to see Zabuza get sliced in half by Asahina with her sword. However the Zabuza she sliced in half turned out to be a water clone and turned into water.

"Fast. I guessed Naruto must have learned from her."Kakashi thought.

A second Zabuza appeared behind Kakashi and slashed in half only for him to turn to water. The ex-hidden mist's eyes widened at that.

"He copied my jutsu in this mist?"Zabuza thought in surprise.

"Don't move!"Zabuza suddenly felt a kunai at the back of his neck."It's over."

"I see.."Zabuza said then laughed."Hehe you think this is over?"

Kakashi looked at him like he was crazy.

"You don't get it do you."Zabuza said."You can't beat me with your cheap imitations."The Zabuza that was talking turned into water.

Zabuza was suddenly behind the silver haired jounin, his blade in a ready swing. Kakashi ducked just in time not to be sliced in half. Zabuza kept swinging at Kakashi, but he kept missing. Eventually he had enough and kicked Kakashi in the air towards the lake.

"Why is this water heavy?"Kakashi thought then realized why it was heavy, but was too late.

"Fool!"Zabuza appeared next to Kakashi."Water Prison Jutsu!"He said before trapping the silver haired jounin in a large sphere of water.

Kakashi looked over at his students and quickly ordered."Run! Take the bridge builder with you and go!"

"Oh, they're not going anywhere Kakashi. Water Clone Jutsu!"Zabuza made a one handed hand sign and a duplicate of him formed from the lake.

"Take Tazuna-san and run! You all stand no chance of beating him!"Kakashi yelled at his students."As long as Zabuza keeps me trapped. He can't move. His water clone can't go far from the original… just run away now!"

"Is he serious. A couple of genin could never out run a jouin. I mean Asahina and I most certainly could, but that's because we aren't genin."Naruto thought wondering why Kakashi would suggest such a thing.

Sasuke dashed forward towards Zabuza's water clone in attempt to surprise him. However as soon as he was in range, Zabuza's water clone bitch slapped the uchiha, sending him flying back.

"Fool."Asahina thought.

"Ha idiot!"Naruto thought, happy to see the Uchiha fail.

"Sasuke-kun!"Sakura cried in shock and concern for her true love for being defeated so easily.

Sasuke gasped in pain as he landed on the ground, feeling the air being forced out of his lungs. He was about to get up and try again, but the water appeared next to him and stomped on him like a roach, making the raven haired boy cry in pain.

"Damn it! He was stronger than I expected!"Kakashi thought in worry for his student and for the heat he get if the civilian council found out about this.

"Hehe, you kids think putting on those headbands make you ninja!"Zabuza sneered as he grinded his foot harder on the boy's chest making him scream louder."A real ninja one who has survived the brushes with death and time!"

"I agree, but I don't feel like listening to a speech. Naruto could you end this?"Asahina asked him.

"Let's give Zabuza a few minutes. I want to see him maybe cut off a limb or two."Naruto answered back. He wanted to enjoy this.


"Okay, okay."Naruto prepared some hand seals.

"Only when you kids get into the bi-"

"Wind style: Vacuum Great Sphere!"

The Zabuza clone's talking was cut off by a cannonball sized ball of wind hitting him, forcing it to disperse back in water molecules.

"Are you alright Uchiha-san?"Asahina asked as she walked over and offered him a hand.

Sasuke slapped the hand away."I'm fine!"He answered getting up. His pride was damaged thanks to being saved by the dobe of all people.

"Well, well you're not as pathetic as I thought, but let's see you beat this many clones"Zabuza said confidently as he created six water clones.

The clones rushed forward across the water, ready to tear them to shreds.

Naruto just smirked at this."Just watch this Zabuza!"He went through another set of hand seals before he took a deep breath."Fire style: Great Fireball jutsu!"He expelled a massive orb of roaring red flames from his mouth.

The water clones didn't move in time and were hit by the massive fireball, dispelling them back to water. Unfortunately for Zabuza, the fireball didn't extinguish after hitting his clones. It continued to move towards him. Zabuza cursed before he had to release his jutsu trapping Kakashi then dodged the fireball. The fireball passed over his previous position, missing the ex-mist ninja.

"How could he use the jutsu at such a level?"Sasuke thought, clenching his hand into a fist."How is he better than me?"

"Did you get him?"Sakura asked hopeful as she looked into the water.

"Don't be ridiculous Haruno! A jouin of this caliber wouldn't be defeated by a fireball."Asahina said.

"You're right about that coat wearing brat!"Zabuza said, as he jumped out of the water and charged at the blonde, who looked eager to fight, but was blocked by Kakashi.

"You're fighting me remember!"Kakashi said, flaring his sharingan at Zabuza.

The two jouin jumped away from each other and began hand seals for their jutsu. Zabuza however stopped when he heard a voice in his hear.

"You can't win this Zabuza..."A unknown voice said in the ex-mist ninja's head.

"Huh? Who are you and how are you in my head?!"Zabuza demanded, not knowing who this is. It could be a ghost coming back to haunt him, but he didn't believe in ghosts.

The voice ignored his question."You can't win this unless I give you use some of my power..."The voice continued.

Zabuza was wondering what the voice meant by that, but he had a bad feeling. He suddenly gripped his head and cried out in pain causing the viewing shinobi to look at him worry of what's going on.

"What's happening to him?"Tazuna thought worried about not knowing what's going on.

"Maybe he's scared of Sasuke-kun's power?"Sakura thought thinking that the missing-nin had a delayed reaction to the Uchiha.

(Hikari: Wow she is delusional. I thought you guys were kidding about that. Corey: Nope. A/N: Of course not.)

"Hn."Take a guess.

"What's happening to you Zabuza?"Kakashi thought having stopped his jutsu at seeing the ninja grip his head.

Zabuza raised his head and screamed before a flash of purple light, causing everyone to cover their eyes. When everyone uncovered their eyes they noticed a change with Zabuza.

His skin and clothes had changed to purple and there was a visible glowing purple around him.(A/N: Think of the timebreak transformation for when Towa or Mira amplifies a character's powers and energy.)

"Naruto!"Asahina growled.

"I know Asahina, one of them is nearby!"He thought back, clenching his fist in anger.

Zabuza opened his eye to reveal them to be pink."This feels good."He raised his sword over his shoulder. He cracked his neck then flared his chakra and killing intent towards the konoha ninja. Sakura and Tazuna fainted at feeling the stronger killing intent. Sasuke didn't faint because he kept repeating his ambition in his head to keep him from fainting. The only ones who didn't faint was Naruto, Asahina, and Kakashi.

"H-How did his power increase?"Kakashi thought, not understanding the power increase out of nowhere.

Zabuza stopped flaring his chakra and killing intent much to the relief of Sasuke and Kakashi. However he suddenly disappeared in a blur of speed and reappeared in front of Kakashi, ready to swing the long sword.

"Fast!"Kakashi thought in shock. He quickly moved to dodge the swing, but was too slow and got a deep slash across his stomach."AH!"Zabuza sent him flying into a tree with a kick.

Surprisingly no called out for concern for the jouin. Asahina didn't care because of reasons. Naruto because he remembers that Kakashi nearly killed him with his Chordi when he was kid. Sasuke was a little concerned about the jounin, but only because he would be out a teacher. Sakura might have if she was awoke.

Zabuza walked over to Kakashi. Said jouin was holding the spot where he was cut. He looked up at Zabuza.

"Well Kakashi, I didn't expect this, but I'm gonna enjoy collecting the bounty on your head."The missing-nin said raising his blade, ready to cut Kakashi's head clean off.

Kakashi didn't know what to expect today. He got up early to make sure he was burned by that fire fox, went to the Memorial Stone, and showed up on time for the mission. He certainly wasn't expecting this to be his last day on earth.

"Obito... Rin... Sensei... father...I guess I'll be meeting you on the other side soon."Kakashi thought closing his eyes in acceptance of his death.


Kakashi opened his eyes and wondered why he wasn't dead. He looked up to see Zabuza's Kubikiribocho was blocked by Naruto's sword.

"N-Naruto.."Kakashi tried to say with the last of his strength.

"Don't get the wrong idea Hatake. I didn't save because we're friends or I forgive you. I saved you because I will be the one to kill you not Zabuza!"Naruto said coldly to the dying ninja.

"Well brat, you just keep surprising me."The mist missing-nin said trying to cut through to the blond, but he wasn't budging.

Naruto grinned."I know and here's another. Burning Slash!"His sword ignited with black flames. Zabuza jumped back, barely dodging the burning sword.

"So you have a sword as well. Let's see if you're any good with it."Zabuza said before getting into a sword stance.

Naruto just continued to grin and pointed his sword at Zabuza. The two stared at each other for a few moments before they dashed at other and began fighting using kenjutsu.

Naruto was swinging fast and wild at Zabuza, the missing-nin doing his best not to get cut. Naruto jumped into the air then came down and slammed his blade hard against Zabuza's, a crater forming below his feet.

"Damn this kid has some strength!"Zabuza thought struggling a bit to hold back the blond's blade. He felt more energy be given to him and he pushed the blond back.

He jumped back and did some hand seals."Water style: Water Dragon jutsu!"Two large dragons with glowing pink eyes formed from the river nearby. The two dragons slammed into the spot where Naruto was, causing a huge splash of water to go everywhere. When the water was gone there was a soaking crater left behind.

"Hn looks like the dobe finally bit the dust. He was never stronger than a Uchiha."Sasuke thought from a safe distance. He decided to wait to fight Zabuza, but now it was time for the real fighter to fight.

He got out of his hiding place."Hey Zabuza! It's time you fight the real nin-"He cut off by Zabuza disappearing and reappearing in front of him and delivered a strong punch to his gut, knocking him out.

"That's one annoyance out of the way. But where's that brat wearing the black coat?"Zabuza thought looking around.

Zabuza heard to his right and looked into that direction only to be met with Naruto's fist sending him flying through several trees.

The missing-nin groaned as he picked himself up out of the ground. He felt a stinging pain on his cheek from the punch. He growled in anger because he got hurt from somebody who to be just a genin in his eyes. He was an ex-anbu and ex-member of the seven swordsmen of the mist damn it!

Said 'Genin' appeared a good distance away from him with a grin on his face.

"Well demon of the mist. You may have gotten a power increase from one of my father's enemies, but you're still weak."Naruto said grinning smugly getting a glare from the missing-nin.

"Why you little! Don't get so cocky you little brat!"Zabuza roared flaring his chakra, causing winds to blow around the area.

"Hmm impressive. He's definitely stronger than his original counterpart in the main timeline, but he's still weaker than Kakashi after the three year time skip."Naruto thought.

"Okay Zabuza, I wrong about you."Naruto said much to the missing-nin's confusion."As a reward, I'll show something I showed Hatake."Naruto reached into his pocket and pulled out a sky blue diamond that radiated power.

"Oh, that's one big gem! I could sell that for a lot of money."Zabuza thought, he needed funding to help with the rebellion back in Kiri. That's why he even took this job to kill the bridge builder.

"Sparks I know you might be a little angry with me..."Naruto said to the elemental diamond. He got a painful shock through the gem as response."OW! Okay I deserved that, but I need your help. Not your help per say, just want to show off a little."He received another shock for that."Okay you get one more of those."The gem shocked him once again, but this time more painful."OW, damn it! Okay are you feeling better?"

"...A little."Sparks responded.

"Good, now can we do this or are you against this still?"The blond asked. He couldn't force the transformation/merge because one he would get in trouble and two he couldn't do that do his cousin.

"Alright, but I'm still mad!"Sparks replied back.

Naruto was saddened by that but brightened back."I'll make it up to you buddy."He then focused back on Zabuza."Sorry for the delay, but here it is!"He raised the diamond up into the air."Elemental Shift!"A pillar of lightning burst from underneath the blond and engulfed him.

Zabuza tensed not knowing what is happening to the genin in front of him. He once again heard the voice in his head.

"Demon of the mist. Take my advice and DON'T let him transform! Attack now!"The voice demanded.

Before the missing-nin could reply, he felt his body move against his will and charge towards the pillar at anbu level speeds. He raised his blade and aimed for where he last saw where the brat's head was. He slashed through the pillar of lightning, making it disappear, and stopped a bit behind it. He turned back to see the headless corpse, but to his surprise there was none.

"How could he dodge at that speed?"He thought."Where did he go?"He looked around for any sign of blond hair, but didn't get much time before he felt pain all over his body.

He cried out in pain as he was hit from all points on his body, blood seeping through each blow. He was then kicked high into the air, a figure appeared above him with a fist covered in sky blue lightning. He was then punched in the gut with said fist, making the ninja cough of blood through his mask. He was sent flying through the air like a rocket and crashed into the ground, stopping against a tree. The purple malicious aura around Zabuza vanished and he looked normal again.

Zabuza heard the sound of lightning in front of him. He tiredly raised his head to see Naruto with a whole new look. His hair had changed to snow white and his eyes were sky blue. He now wore a sky blue trench coat with the Kanji "Blue Lightning Kitsune" on the back, white gloves, blue pants, and black shoes.

"Opps! I didn't mean to knock the chaos energy out of you, Zabuza. Hehe I guess I don't know my strength."Naruto said rubbing the back of his head.

"Chaos..energy?"Zabuza asked.

"You don't need to know..."Naruto pointed his hand at Zabuza, a sphere of lightning formed in his palm."..because this is your end. Any last words?"

"Fuck yo-"Zabuza started to say, but some senbon came down and hit him in the neck. He dropped to the ground 'dead'.

Naruto tched, knowing who did that. A mist Hunter nin appeared beside Zabuza.

"Thank you for your assistance, but I can take it from here."The Hunter nin said to the white haired kid.

"Hunter nin,"Naruto growled making the hunter nin tense."I don't care if this is your job! He's my kill! And you'll be my next kill if yo-"He was cut off by a gloved hand covering his mouth.

"That's enough Naruto! We don't have time for these two!"629 told him firmly. He huffed and turned his head."Hunter nin you can leave now with your bounty or my partner here will kill you."She said to him simply.

The Hunter nin quickly nodded then picked up Zabuza's 'dead' body and vanished somewhere.

"Oh, come on Asahina! We could killed those two so we wouldn't have to deal with them later!"Naruto said.

"Why would you want to kill them now? I thought you liked a challenge?"She asked in a emotionless tone, but if she had her emotions, it would have been a teasing tone.

Naruto crossed his arms."I do like a challenge, but they actually have to be a challenge! Zabuza while he was under the influence of Chaos energy, but I went to far and knocked the power out of him too fast!"

"It was good thing that you did. You know how powerful that energy is when given to someone. Their power increases dramatically and they get stronger the longer they fight using the energy."She said.

Naruto laughed."Kind of like us using my dad and uncle's energy."He said since Yami and Hikari's energy does the same given to someone.

The experiment nodded."Yes, but your personality doesn't change and you're not manipulated by it. Well you can be manipulated by the darkness, but Yami stops that part."

"Now enough talking about light, darkness, and chaos. We have to get the bridger builder to his home and heal Kakashi."Asahina said reminding them of their mission.

Naruto huffed, he would rather yet the one eyed sharingan bastard die of blood loss, but that wouldn't be satisfying to him. The two got back to their team to see them still knocked out. Naruto decided to be funny and woke up Sasuke and Sakura using an electric shock which did the trick. Sasuke of course questioned him on why he looked different, he got his answer in the form of Naruto shocking the daylights out of him. Naruto woke up Tazuna the same way and the man yelled at him.


Tazuna knocked on the door to his home."Tsunami open up! It's me!"He said.

After a few moments, the door was opened by a beautiful woman that looked to be in her mid-20's. She had dark blue shoulder length hair, brown eyes, and wore a pink sweater and blue skirt.

"Father! You made it back! Thank god!"Tsunami said as she hugged her father, Tazuna returning the hug.

"More like thank me."Sasuke said only to get elbowed in the stomach by Asahina.

"Tsunami can you prepare the rooms for our guests? They are here to protect me till I finish the bridge."Tazuna asked as the woman nodded and let them in.

They all walked inside. Tsunami led them to one of the bedroom where Naruto laid Kakashi rudely on the bed.

"Naruto be gentler to sensei!"Sakura demanded to the blond, who ignored her.

"Sensei are you going to be alright?"Sakura asked her sensei.

"I'm...not..sure..if I'll..make it."Kakashi said looking at the bandages around his waist area Asahina had did her best to treat his large wound.

"Hey Hatake tell me if this hurts?"The blond asked pressing his gloved hand on the large wound getting a loud pained yell from Kakashi. Naruto laughed at his pain.

"Naruto you baka! Sensei is already hurt! You are just making it worse!"She told him, but was ignored again.

He kept doing this for a while despite the protest from his 'teammates'. It wasn't until Asahina told that was enough and to heal the jounin. The blond grumbled a few words like "kill joy" and "ruining his fun" before he brought out a pokeball. He opened it to bring out his Leafeon.

"Oh my gosh! It's so cute!"Sakura squealed."Hi little fella! I'm Sakura!"She said as she reached to touch the pokemon, it squeaked then ran and hid behind its master.

"Sorry, but Leaf doesn't like being touched by Banshees."Naruto said in a fake apologetic tone to Sakura, who pouted at that.

"Leafia, I need you to heal Hatake."He told her.

"Leaf, Leafeon?"She asked tilting her head.

He sighed."Yes, he did that to me as a child, but forget that for now and heal him."He said.

She gave a hesitant nod. Three vines came out of her shoulders, one wrapping around Naruto's wrist and the last two wrapping Kakashi's waist. Naruto sighed at this, the Leafeon was one of his elemental diamonds yes, but she is shy, timid, and her emotions are easy to break unlike her cousins Sparks and Kurai Hono.

The vines around Kakashi started to glow. After a few minutes, she was done healing the jounin. She unwrapped her vines from the man. Kakashi sat up then unwrapped his bandages and his eye was widened to see that he was completely healed, there wasn't even a scar from the blade.

Everyone, besides Naruto and Asahina, were amazed to see this. Kakashi looked over at the blond to see him petting his pokemon.

"Naruto first off thank you. Your friend there healed me completely. The burns from that fire fox are finally gone!"He said with joy, he has been trying to get rid of those burns ever since the test, but the doctors couldn't surprisingly."Second where do you find these creatures?"

Naruto blinked in surprise at the first thing he said."Wait..the burns from Kurai are gone? How can that be?"He looked at his pokemon, who gave him a sheepish look.

"Leaf, leaf."She said then looked lower her head.

"No, Leafia I'm not mad. Asahina probably would have made me do it anyway."He told her rubbing her head.

"Hatake to answer your question. You can't find these pokemon here in this world."Naruto told Kakashi.

"This world? What does he mean by that?"Kakashi thought. He was briefed by the Hokage about Naruto talking about other worlds, but he said Naruto never said what worlds.

"Can you tell me about this world?"He asked curious, but also wanting some info. The others in the room looked interested. Sasuke, because if he could get one of those creatures he could be more powerful. Sakura, because she could get a cute one for herself or get a powerful one to get her Sasuke-kun's favor.

"That Hatake is a secret. Something that will not be forced out of me or there will be...consequences."He said with a ominous warning.

Kakashi raised an eyebrow at this, but decided to not press this issue. It wasn't important right now and he rather not get hurt again so soon after getting healed.

Most of the group sat in silence for a while, thinking about what happened earlier against Zabuza and about what should be their next move. Naruto however decided to talk with Leaf and Asahina because he could easily take care of their next opponent.

"Naruto."Kakashi said, but he ignored the jounin."Naruto!"He was again ignored."Asahi-"He cut off by her harsh glare."I mean 629. Could you get Naruto's attention.

Asahina's face went back to normal then she got Naruto's attention for the jounin.

Naruto turned to his 'sensei'."What is it Hatake?"He asked.

Ignoring his student's tone."What happened with Zabuza?"

"I was about to kill the bastard when a Hunter-nin appeared and took my kill! He then thanked for helping him then left with the body."Naruto said bitterly, he was still upset about having his kill taken.

Sakura and Tazuna breathed a sigh of relief, happy that someone powerful was taken care of. Sasuke scowled because the dobe of the team fought on par with someone he couldn't beat. Kakashi looked to be thinking about something.

"Naruto how exactly did the Hunter-nin kill Zabuza?"The silver haired jounin asked.

"He hit him in the neck with some senbon."Naruto replied.

Kakashi's lone eye widened at that knowing something. Everyone noticed this. Sakura decided to ask something.

"Kakashi what's a Hunter-nin and why do you look surprised?"She asked her sensei.

Kakashi explains what a Hunter-nin is to everyone, but noticed that only Sakura, Sasuke, and Tazuna were paying attention. Naruto was back to ignoring him and so was Asahina.

"So Zabuza going to have his body chopped up and disposed of?"Sakura said as she imagined what it would look like and immediately regretted it."Scary!"

A dark laugh from Naruto brought attention to the blond."You fools! Zabuza isn't dead!"

"What do you mean dobe?"Sasuke asked with a glare at being called a fool.

"Yeah baka!"

"Well I'll tell you. A senbon can't kill someone unless you are very skilled with it."Naruto then looked to be thinking."And I think when the Hunter-nin hit Zabuza. It was to put him in a near death state not death."He grinned darkly."I guess I can still get my kill."

"As if you know anything baka!"Sakura said not believing the blond.

"I'm sorry to say this Sakura, but he is right. Zabuza's not dead."Kakashi said drawing everyone's attention.

"W-What!"Sakura said. She might not believe the baka, but she would believe her sensei.

"What are you talking about?"The bridge builder asked.

Kakashi sighed then took a deep breath."Well, mostly likely…"


Within a deep forest, just a little ways from where Zabuza fought Team seven(A/N: More like Kakashi and Naruto hehe.), the Hunter-nin looked over Zabuza's body. Reaching into a pouch, he took out tool kit and unrolled it on the ground. The ninja took out a pair of clippers and brought them to towards the unconscious missing-nin.

(Hikari: What is he going to give him a makeover? Corey: I wonder if he's going to look better? A/N: Quiet you two!)

"First I'll cut off the mouth cloth and drain some of the blood."He mumbled, carefully bringing the clippers to Zabuza's clothed face.

Just before the hunter could cut the cloth, the missing-nin's hand shot up and grabbed the hunter's arm."That's alright, I'll do it myself,"He said in a slightly gasped breath.

"Oh!"The Hunter-nin said, sounding both surprised and amused."You are already awoke."

Zabuza just grunted as he reached behind his neck and pulled some senbons out of his neck."Damn, you sure are rough,"He grunted.

"Oh! You are being rough yourself, you could kill yourself if you pull them out so carelessly."

Zabuza just gave him a grunt."How long are you going to wear that stupid mask?"He asked.

"I like this mask."The fake Hunter-nin replied."It reminds me of the old days."He reached up and pulled off the mask."Plus it was useful for this act. If I hadn't saved you, you definitely would have been killed."

"But then again, we would have been killed if it weren't for that midget person wearing the raincoat. The blond boy didn't really care for my act."He said rubbing his head sheepishly.

Zabuza looked angry at being reminded of that gaki. He shouldn't have underestimated him by appearance. He looked like the other two, so he assumed he was genin level, but proven wrong by getting his ass kicked despite the power increase from that mysterious voice.

"Zabuza-sama?"The Hunter-nin asked.

"Yes, Haku?"Zabuza said after being pulled from his thoughts.

"What was that power you used earlier? I never seen you use that before. I didn't even know you had it."Haku said rubbing his arm. He had felt that power his master used and he didn't like it. It felt so...malicious. Filled with evil intent and urge to kill.

Zabuza took a few moments before answering."I don't know Haku. I heard a strange voice in my head then the next moment I knew something was being poured into me by an unknown source."

"You should be thankful that you were even given such power you foolish ninja from the mist."A unknown voice nearby said.

Both ninja tensed and were alert by the unknown voice. Haku stood up and looked ready to defend his weakened master.

"Show yourself!"Haku shouted while looking around.

"Haha no need for shouting child."The voice said amused.

A figure wearing a purple raincoat walked out of the mist. Both ex-mist looked wide eyed at the figure because he wore a similar outfit to the person who was with the blond.

"Who are you? Are you an ally of that person who wore that black raincoat?"Haku asked curious and cautious because this person could be a possibly ally to the leaf ninja.

The figure laughed, a cold laugh that unnerved the two ninja."Ally? To that dobe of the darkness and that clone of darkness? Don't make me laugh!"He said coldly.

"So, if are not an ally of the leaf ninja then who are you?"Haku asked hesitantly after a few moment of silence.

The figure smirked under his hood."Who am I you ask? I am one who causes chaos and destruction wherever he goes. He who enjoys causing chaos and death to the innocent. I am a wielder of chaos!"He said dramatically."That's all you need to know my soon to be minions of chaos!"

"I am no one's minion buddy!"Zabuza growled at the fool that would dare call him something so humiliating.

The figure laughs."Who said you two had a choice?"He said before pointing his hand at the two. He fired two pink spheres at the two. The sphere's engulfed them. The two ninja screamed, feeling a unknown presence trying to take them over. They tried to fight it, but it was no use. They opened their eyes to reveal them to be pink and their appearance changed to like Zabuza's had earlier.

Back at Taunza's house

"WHAT!"Sakura screeched loudly, making everyone cover their ears and rattle the windows in the room."What do you mean Zabuza's alive!"

"Keep your voice down Banshee before I slit your throat in your sleep!"The blond threatened getting a scared look from said banshee."Are you okay Leafy?"Naruto asked checking his Leafeon.

"Leafeon, Leafeon!"Leafeon said while covering her ears and crying slightly from the loud screech.

"Why you Banshee! You made Leafia cry!"Naruto growled at the pink haired girl who looked scared by what he might do.

"Who cares if the puny fox is crying dobe?"Sasuke said. He didn't care if the tan and green colored fox was useful in healing. He prefered power over healing any day. Naruto glared at the duck haired Uchiha.

"Watch it Uchiha! Remember who is the strongest here?"Naruto reminded him as Sasuke looked angry being reminded of that fact.

"Naruto, Sasuke enough!"Kakashi said trying to calm down his students."We need to focus on the task at hand! Not fighting each other!"

The two boys glared at each other, but then huffed and looked away from each other.

"Good, now we're going to train for the possible encounter with Zabuza and his ally."Kakashi said. His three students and Naruto's friend listening.

"Aren't you guys over thinking this?"Tazuna asked the jounin, worried about the situation.

"No, we're shinobi, we have to prepare things before it is too late. That's the shinobi rule,"Kakashi stated, getting nods from Naruto and Asahina which shocked the jounin, because Naruto hasn't really showed him any respect. He quickly got over his shock and continued."Besides whether it be Zabuza dead or alive. There's no assurance that he won't just hire an even stronger shinobi."

"B-But what can we do?"Sakura asked, frightened by the possibility of seeing Zabuza again."I mean we're just genin! You couldn't beat him last time!"

Her shout got her glares from Kakashi and Naruto. Kakashi because she doubted the power of her sensei which insult to him. Naruto because she forgot that he fought Zabuza and could easily take him.

"That's what the training is for Sakura."Kakashi said politely even though he wanted to say something mean to her for the insult to him.

"Training? But we only know Tree walking and that's it. How is that going to help against Zabuza!?"Sakura shouted."Trying to get us killed you bastard!"Inner Sakura shouted.

"Sakura, who saved me after Zabuza nearly killed me?"Kakashi asked.

Everyone looked at Naruto. He technically was the one who saved them all from Zabuza.

"Yes, well... you all are improving rapidly,"Kakashi added, trying to make this seem better. He looked over at Naruto and thought."He is so different than he was as a kid. I don't even know anything about him and he doesn't want to know me."Kakashi thought sadly knowing he messed up.

The silver haired jounin hoped the kid didn't remember him shoving his Chidori through his stomach when he was little. He was really wondering what happened that day, because all he remembered was hitting him with the Chidori then feeling a very angry presence nearby then feeling a lot of pain after.

Naruto's two teammates looked at him, wondering who was teaching him or how he got this strong.

"How did the baka change so much in so little time?"Sakura thought."He's nothing like he was when he first came to the academy."She missed the old Naruto, but really just missed him to bully and impress her Sasuke-kun.

"How is the dobe so much more power? There must be someone who is training him."Sasuke thought then looked at Asahina."She must be the one that trained him or know the person that made the dobe so strong."He was going to demand that she train him. If that doesn't work then he was going to have the council threaten her to train him. He had the right as a Uchiha after all.

"The training you'll get won't help you beat Zabuza, but it will help against his ally."Kakashi continued unaware of his two students thoughts.

"Kakashi-sensei shouldn't we be training now since Zabuza could attack at any time?"Sakura asked.

"Zabuza was injured by Naruto. On top of his injuries, he was put in a death-like state, so we won't have to worry about him for a while."Kakashi said."So we won't have anything to worry about while training."

"Hatake with their current level, I don't think they'll even beat the ally."Naruto said getting a glare from his teammates."Plus your training method sucks!"

"Ma Naruto I trained you guys well."Kakashi said trying to defend himself.

"You only taught us team exercises and Tree walking. The ladder, you weren't even planning on teaching us early."The blond said.

"Teamwork is important."Kakashi defended.

"I admit teamwork is important, but this 'team' has absolutely no teamwork whatsoever."Naruto continued.

Kakashi conceded at that knowing the blond was right. He tried doing teamwork exercises with them, but it wasn't getting through to them. Sasuke wanted to do things solo and believed he was the strongest. Sakura wouldn't put much work in and focused on listening to anything Sasuke said. Naruto...well he didn't really help much with this situation either. He didn't want to work with them and always ignored them. Well Sasuke gets his attention through mocking him which Naruto promptly beats the crap out of him.

"The training will be Water Walking and getting to know your elemental affinity."Kakashi said with a tired sigh.

"Water Walking? You mean we'll walk on water? How can we do that?"Sakura asked.

"You apply chakra to your feet and try walking on water. It is harder than it sounds."Kakashi said."You'll all be doing that exercise tomorrow."He got nods from Sasuke and Sakura.

"Why do you guys even bother?"A young voice asked.

Everyone turned to the voice to see a depressed looking little kid six or eight years old. He had blue overalls on over yellow shirt and a fishing hat on his head.

"Oh, Inari! Where have you been?"Tazuna asked in greetings, holding out his hands as the kid ran over to give him a hug.

"Welcome back grandpa!"Inari said then went back to glaring at the leaf ninja and Asahina.

"Inari, say hello to these nice people,"Tsunami said as she came into the room."They're ninja that protected your grandpa on the way back here."

"But, mom they are going to die!"Everyone looked either surprised and/or angry by the child's statement. His mother and grandpa sighed at this."There's no way they can win against Gatou!"

"Wow, this kid is more emo than you duck ass. Maybe he's your long lost cousin."Naruto commented, looking at Sasuke with a grin. He received angry grunt from said duck haired Uchiha and Kakashi tried his best not to laugh. Asahina smiled, she would have laughed, but she couldn't.

"If you don't want to die then leave now!"Inari said.

The depressed boy turned around and made his way to the door."Where are you going Inari?"His mother asked.

Inari stopped to answer his mother."To my room to look at the ocean."He then left the room.

"I'm sorry about that."Tazuna said in a depressed tone to the leaf ninja.

Naruto shrugged."Whatever, I could care less for a kid that broods as much as duck ass over here."Sasuke scowled at him."The kid must have serious issues if he broods as much as the neighboring duck ass Uchiha."

"Stop insulting Sasuke-kun, Naruto-baka!"Sakura yelled as she attempted to hit the blond.

She rushed at him at a sloppy speed. Naruto caught the punch without even looking at her. He started putting pressure on her hand causing her whimper in pain and cry a bit. He then tossed her into a wall leaving a big crack in the wall.

"Sorry about the wall miss Tsunami."Naruto apologized to the woman.

"Umm apology accepted."She said.

"Now Banshee, listen here! If you want to live to see your old years then don't provoke me and you might live..."He leaned close to her ear."..But if you do keep coming at me...I will rip you apart piece by piece then eat you."He pulled back to look her in the eye.

"You look like a good snack, so don't tempt me."Naruto said. Sakura gasped as a waved of fear hit her seeing the blond's eyes. They were no longer blue, but were crimson red and slitted.

"Do you understand now?"Naruto asked her getting a fearful nod. The blonde smiled."Good."He picked her out of the wall only to slam her hard into the floor.

"I'm out of here. Peace out."Naruto said as he left the room, Leafia following, but stopped to heal the currently badly hurt Sakura."Don't heal her, she needs to know pain."He yelled back to the pokemon. Leafia hesitantly nodded then followed her master/friend.

"I apologize for Naruto's actions miss Tsunami."Kakashi said, apologizing for his student's actions in damaging the woman's home. He also didn't like how Naruto was fine with hurting his team mate so badly then refusing to heal her right after.

Tsunami just nodded. Asahina walked over to her and said."I can feel your fear. You're afraid of Naruto, but don't worry. As long as you don't act like those three,"She pointed to Kakashi, the brooding Sasuke, and unconscious Sakura."You have nothing to worry about."She received a slow fearful nod. The experiment sighed then left the room to find her partner.

Time Skip: The next day

The next day, Team Seven and Asahina were out in a clearing to begin their training. Kakashi stopped in front of a lake then turned to his three genin.

"Alright today we'll be learning Water Walking and your elemental affinity. Which would you like to do first?"He asked his students.

"Elemental affinity!"Both Sasuke and Sakura said. Naruto shrugged, not really caring because he already had good control over his elemental affinity.

"Alright then element affinity it is,"The silver haired jounin took out four pieces of paper. He went over to each of his students and Asahina, she wasn't his student, but he was curious about her affinity."These pieces of paper will tell you your affinities. Channel chakra into them like so."

Kakashi channeled his chakra into his piece of paper. The paper wrinkled. Two of his students looked intrigued by this while one looked uninterested.

"As you can see, my affinities are fire and lightning. Let's start with you, Sakura."He said looking at the girl.

She nodded and channeled chakra into her paper. The paper turned to dirt and crumbled into bits of dirt.

"What's this mean sensei?"Sakura asked as she shook the dirt off her hand.

"It means your element is earth. Your turn Sasuke."Kakashi said.

Sasuke nodded and did the same to his paper. His paper ignited into flames causing Sasuke immediately let got of the paper, not wanting this hand to end up like his other.

"Well Sasuke, looks like your element affinity is fire."Kakashi said. He expected this since most Uchiha would have fire for their affinity.

Everyone turned their attention to everyone's favorite blond. Naruto looked at that lazily then turned his attention to his partner.

"Asahina what do you think. Should I humour them and show my affinity?"He asked her.

"You can, but you know Kakashi's going to report this to Hokage right?"She said getting a chuckle from the blond.

"Like I care about that old bastard."Naruto thought then turned his attention to his 'team'. He pumped his chakra into the paper.

Part of the paper cut off, a part ignited into black flames, another part turned black and crumbled into bits of dirt, a part wrinkled, and finally a part damped.

Sakura's look was confusion because she didn't really know about affinities, but she did think that the blond had earth like her. Sasuke's look was of jealousy and envy cause he could tell the blond had more affinities than himself. Kakashi's look was of shock because he never expected the blond to have ALL the element affinities. He knew it wasn't impossible, it was just rare that you see that someone have an affinity for all elements.

Naruto enjoyed their expressions. He tossed the messed up paper away and started to walking away, his partner following him.

Kakashi was the first to get over his shock and called over to the blond.

"Naruto! What is your element?"He asked. He had a guess based on what he saw, but he didn't know why they all looked black.

Naruto stopped glanced back at the silver haired jounin."My element is obvious Hatake. It's all the elements."Sasuke looked even more envious and jealous after hearing that."The reason for why they all looked like they did is because of my bloodline."

"Bloodline! You have bloodline?"Kakashi asked. He knew only one of the blond's parents had a bloodline and that was Kushina.

"Yes! It comes from his father, who is the leader of his clan. The bloodline Yami no Ryu. It gives it's user enhanced versions of the element affinities. Members of the clan only get one or two amplified element affinities while only a select few have access to all elements."He explained as he got shocked and jealous looks from his 'team'.

"There are other abilities of my bloodline, but I'll leave at that for now."He said.

"Now before I leave because I need no training from a perverted one eyed cyclops."Kakashi looked annoyed. He didn't have to word him like that."I'm sure you all are wondering about my friend here no?"They all nodded because they knew virtually nothing about the girl.

"Well first I'll tell you all one thing. She's not a human, she's a experiment."He said, seeing their confused looks he continued."A experiment is something genetically engineered and is created by a scientist. They all are different from each other because of their abilities."

"Asahina is here special because she was created from my father's genetic. How the guy got his dna is unknown."

"Now any questions before I leave?"He asked.

"Can we see what she looks like? We haven't seen her face because she keeps the hood so low."Sakura asked curious.

"Well normally she doesn't want people seeing her face while she's like this, but I'll reveal it just this once."Naruto said.

He reached for the experiment's hood, but was immediately grabbed by Asahina who growled.

"Come on Asahina just this once? Please."Naruto said.

She continued to growl for a moment, but then stopped and let go of his hand. The blond continued and grabbed her hood then pulled it off. His team looked shocked to find that blond was right about her not being human.

Asahina's face was covered with black fur. She had red eyes with white pupils and big fox ears. Her eyes looked emotionless which unnerved them. (A/N: She's a experiment like the ones from the Lilo and Stitch series. If you all guesses this from earlier then good job people!)

"So this is what one of these experiments look like. It looks like a breed of fox, but not one I've seen."Kakashi thought.

"What a relief. I thought this girl was a human and was gonna steal Sasuke-kun away, but seeing what she looks like. I know she can't steal him away because Sasuke-kun isn't into weird creatures like her."Sakura thought with inner Sakura agreeing.

"Hn this is what one of these creatures look like. I hope she's strong, so I could possibly use her to get stronger so I can kill him."Sasuke thought.

"Now then I'm leaving now. I hope you two have bad luck in your training duck ass and banshee."He said as he turned to leave, but was stopped once again by Kakashi.

"Naruto one more thing before you go."He said.

"What is it now Hatake."The blond said.

"I want you heal Sasuke's hand. The one that you burned with that fox."Kakashi said.

Naruto looked curious."How do you know that it was my pokemon that did it Hatake?"

"He told me this morning and wants you to heal it."He replied.

"Hmm give me one good reason why I should even consider healing his hand?"

"Because we need to be at full strength fighting Zabuza and his help."Kakashi said hoping that the blond would agree. He needed Sasuke to have both hands so he could teach him jutus during their time here.

Naruto looked to be in thought. He could heal the duck ass and fight Haku without being hindered. Or he could say go fuck yourself and leave the Uchiha with a handicap against the ice user. Either opinion doesn't affect him really because he could defeat Zabuza with both hands tied behind his back. He however chose the first opinion because he just really wanted to hurt the Uchiha's ego when he tells him he loses to a girl.

"Alright Hatake, Leaf will heal him."He released the pokemon from her pokeball and told her what to do. The Leafeon looked hesitant, but did as told.

"There, duck ass is all healed."Naruto said as Sasuke clenched and unclenched his hand without feeling the lingering pain."Duck ass how about you come over and tell Leaf thank you for healing me like a good boy."He said in a mocking voice at the end.

Sasuke looked at Naruto with a neutral look then turned his attention to the fidgeting Leafeon. He walked over to her and Leaf stuttered some words.

"Leaf, Leafeon."She said not needing a thank you for healing someone. She just likes healing others when their hurt.


Leaf was sent flying a five feet away by a left hook from the Uchiha. Naruto and Ashaina looked shocked by what the boy did. Sakura looked a little shocked as well that her Sasuke-kun punched something so cute, but quickly forgot about thinking her Sasuke-kun would never do such a thing. Kakashi's eye widened at the fact his student punched something that never offended and looked like she wouldn't even dare try.

Naruto got over his shock and went over to the crying fox. He petted her times and said some soothing words. It calmed her down somewhat. The blond turned his attention to the smirking Uchiha.

"Uchiha! What the hell was that for?"Naruto asked him.

"It was for all the insulting you kept giving and the stupid nickname. Also because she seemed so pathetic. I hate things that are pathetic and weak."He answered getting a death glare from the blond.

"You...bastard!"Naruto yelled as his hair changed to black and he began to release his dark energy. It started to cover the area around everyone. Unnerving his teammates and sensei, making them feel uneasy."I'll kill you here!"He grabbed the hilt of his blade, but a hand stopped him from unsheathing his blade."Asahina let go! The bastard must die!"

Asahina shook her head."No, not here in this point of time."She said getting a growl."Besides if you attempt to kill the Uchiha here. The village can have you executed for killing a fellow shinobi and clan heir regardless if you know their secrets."She whispered to him as he still growled.

She sighed and tried something else."Naruto do you really want to kill him at this point in time. He's so weak and won't give you a challenge right now."Hearing that made Naruto calm down. He pulled back in his dark energy making his 'team' feel better.

"Hmph fine. You live for another day Uchiha, but remember this you are nothing to me. When you've trained for a while and think you have what it takes. Come fight me and you shall know that there is only despair that awaits you."He told him.

Naruto returned Leaf to her pokeball, promising to say sorry later for what happened. He and his partner then left not wanting to stay with such people any longer.


Sakura heard a knock at the door and went to answer it. When she opened the door, she had a deadpan look.

"You're our reinforcements Ino-pig!"She shouted to Team Eight.

"That's right forehead. Glad to see you too!"Ino said smiling.

"I'm not happy to see you! You're just here to steal Sasuke-kun from me! He's mine you hear!"The pink banshee said.

"Yeah right forehead!"Ino said not believing her."Where is he? I'm sure he misses me and tired of seeing your big forehead!"

"Stay away from him Ino-pig."Sakura barked as the two began to argue around the duck haired Uchiha.

"Troublesome women."Shikamaru muttered.

"Asuma good to see you!"Kakashi said walking into the room along with Sasuke."Your our reinforcements huh."

"Good to see you Kakashi and yes we are the reinforcements."Asuma replied."What's the current situation?"

"The situation is Zabuza and his unknown help. We possibly know that it is the fake Hunter nin and he could possibly get more help."Kakashi explained as Asuma listened.

The two teams talked with each other for a bit until the door opened and Naruto and Asahina walked followed by a lot of colorful creatures.

"Yo, oh hey reinforcements arrived! Hey Shikamaru, Choji. What's up?"Naruto said to the two he was cool with. He turned to Asuma and Ino with a glare."Hello Sarutobi, Gossip girl."He said to them. He didn't like gossip and Asuma was just like his father in his eyes, but not as strong.

"Naruto, where have been?"Kakashi asked. The blond didn't tell him where he went."And what's with all the...pokemon?"He asked not knowing.

"Well me, Ashaina and my pokemon decided to help the people and orphan of this town by giving them food and other stuff instead of brooding in this house thinking I'm going through the most suffering in the world!"He yelled the last part that was meant for the brooding brat upstairs.

"Okay, could you tell us what pokemon are those?"He asked gesturing to the pokemon around.

"Oh, well this first is Ryu, a lucario."Naruto said pointing to the jackal. Ryu growled at Kakashi."This is Zoe, a Zoua."He pointed to the small black and red fox, who did the same thing as Ryu at the white haired jouin.

"And this is. Oh, you guys are going to love this one, Kuro Itachi, a Buizel."He said pointing a black and white weasel that had two tails. He got shocked looks from the jouins at the fact the blond said something he shouldn't have.

"ITACHI!"Sasuke yelled in anger and rushed at the Buizel.

Kuro just gave him a blank look and stepped to the side, sticking her hind paw out causing the Uchiha to trip. Before he hit the floor, she kicked him in the stomach sending him into wall making a big crack. Kuro giggled as he groaned in pain. Kuro Itachi received shocked looks from everyone except Naruto and Asahina at what she did. Sakura and Ino went over to treat the injured Uchiha.

"Naruto do you have any pokemon or whatever that don't have super strength?"Kakashi asked carefully. He didn't want anger one that looks harmless, but is secretly very strong.

Naruto put a hand to his chin."Hmm no, I think all of pokemon are capable of taking on a jouin, so you two better watch out."He sang song.

Kakashi and Asuma just nodded, trusting the blond's advice.

Later, everyone was sitting at the dinner table eating the dinner that Tsunami cooked for everyone. Kakashi and Asuma were talking about the training for their teams on this mission. Sakura and Ino were pestering Sasuke for a date much to his annoyance. Shikamaru and Choji were talking about random things. Naruto was trying to wrestle some candy from Kuro Itachi, how she got said candy he didn't know. Asahina watched them with a sweatdrop.

Everything was going fine until someone slammed their hands down on the table getting everyone's attention. The person turned out to be Inari. He opened his mouth to yell something at Naruto, but no words came out. Everyone looked at the boy with confusion. Inari pointed to his mouth and gestured something was wrong. Kakashi turned to Naruto.

"Naruto what did you do?"Kakashi demanded.

"Me? Why do you think it's me?"He asked innocently.

"Because this seems like something you would do."The white haired jouin explained.

"Well sorry to break this to you, but I can't mute people unless I slap them with a silence seal and I never slapped one brat."Naruto explaining himself.

"But there is someone here who can mute someone."Naruto thought looking back at Kuro, who was munching on the candy she won back from him. She noticed him looking at her and blinked."Kuro, did you use you know what on the brat?"He asked her.

Kuro swallowed the candy and shook her head slowly while having a smile that said"No I didn't, but did do it"kind of smile.

"Alright Kuro hand the device over."He said to which she shook her head no. He sighed and quickly grabbed her by her foot.

He shook her comically causing items to fall out of her. Ninja tools, a orange book, a picture of Sasuke, a weird smelling pole, a pack of cigarettes, a bag of chips, a another book, sake, two wallets. A black and purple one that had a dragon on it. While the other one had a badass Naruto on it. And finally a black tv remote.

"My special edition of Icha Icha!"Kakashi said taking the orange book.

"The picture of Sasuke-kun I took when I was stalking him-I mean following him one day."Sakura said taking the picture.

"My cigarettes! I thought I lost these."Asuma said.

"My chips! I lost them earlier and couldn't find them."Choji said taking the bag then happily munches on the chips.

"My cloud watching book. I thought I lost this one."Shikamaru said.

"My sake!"Tanuza said.

"My wallet and Asahina's wallet!"Naruto grabs his wallet while Asahina grabs her."I thought I lost this cool looking thing!"He opens it to see credit cards."Credit cards? Aw damn it! I already cancelled these!"

"The pole I stick up my ass when I'm alone!"Sasuke said grabbing the pole. He then notices the looks from everyone."Ah I mean the pole I use to hit people that annoy me!"

"Why does it smell weird?"Naruto asked as he and Asahina sniffed the hole getting a weird smell, but knowing smell from it.

"That's none of your business dobe!"

"Yeah good, because I don't want to be near the pole you stick up your ass."Naruto said as the gay Uchiha growled.

Naruto grabbed the black tv remote and pointed it at Inari. He pressed the mute button causing the mute symbol above his head to disappear.

"There. Now what were you about to say Inari?"Naruto asked, but already knew.

"Why are you all still here? Don't you get! Gato's too strong! He'll kill-"Inari was cut off by the mute symbol appearing once again.

"Naruto!"Everyone, but Asahina and Kuro, shouted at the blond.

"What? I didn't want to hear his stupid you don't know suffering speech."Naruto said then stretched."Well I'm done with my food. I'm gonna go work it off in the forest. You two going, Asahina, Kuro Itachi?"He asked as walked out the door. Sasuke growled at hearing the name of his brother.

Both nodded and followed him out the door.

In a clearing somewhere in the forest, Naruto was laying down on the ground next to his Buizel and Asahina(In human form).

They sat in silence for while, the only sound being the sound of the blowing winds.

"Asahina,"The blond said sudden getting the girl's attention."I've been thinking. Do you think I'm good enough?"

"Good enough for what Naruto?"She asked.

"Good enough at protecting you all. I let Leaf get mocked by her teammate when their supposed to be friends. I failed to protect us when we encountered Broly nearly getting us killed. I failed to protect us when we met Dad's archenemy. Some others, I rather not name. But the one, I regret most of all was the day I failed to protect you."He said in a sad tone, a few tears falling down. Kuro nuzzled him trying to cheer him up, but it did nothing.

"I couldn't. I couldn't save you from him. If I did then you wouldn't have your emotions broken like they are now. If only I was stronger! I could have-"Naruto started to say, but was cut off by Asahina.

"Naruto just stop. You couldn't have known that he would appear that day and control me. You did your best against him and a mind controlled me. I'm alive and lading next to you."She said.

"My emotions maybe broken, but their coming back slowly. So thank you Naruto-kun."Asahina said giving him a small smile.

"Asahina,"Naruto thought moving closer to her.

"Is he?"Kuro thought as she watched her friend/master move his face closer to Asahina's.

Just as Naruto's lips were just a few itches from Asahina's. Their battle instincts kicked in and two quickly rolled away from each other, narrowly dodging ice senbon that hit the spot they were previously.

"ALRIGHT! Who's the asshole that dares ruin this moment between me and Asahina!"Naruto yelled in anger as he stood up.

"Up here."A voice called.

Naruto, Asahina, and Kuro Itachi looked into the air to see a chaos powered Haku. Their eyes widened at seeing this form.

"Haku,"Naruto growled.

"Son of Yami, clone of Yami, and dark annoyance. My master wishes for your deaths."Haku said emotionless.

"Which chaos user is controlling you! Tell me it's Seth because I have a score to settle with that bastard!"The son of Yami asked.

"I cannot give that information. All he wants is your deaths."C. Haku answered.

"Well then. Tell your master I'll be coming for him after I send back his puppet in PIECES!"Naruto yelled.



Pokemon406: Phew finally got this chapter done. It took forever to finish.

Hikari: Yeah it, but look at the bright side. My son kicked some Zabuza ass with Naruto!

Pokemon406: I'm sure you all have questions like who is that Chaos user? What is chaos energy? What's with Asahina's emotions? Why does Naruto feel so sad about his failure? Will Inari get his mouth unmuted? Will Haku live in the next chapter? Will Gato get his midget ass cut in half?

Pokemon406: First about Chaos energy, it's not the same chaos energy that the characters in Sonic the Hedgehog use. It's entirely different, it's grants its user great power, but at the cost of destroying everything in sight. If you're very intelligent or have a strong will then you can negate this effect. There are other things, but you all will have to ask me through the reviews or PM to find out more information.

Hikari: Reviewing and PM him is kind of useless because he's still figuring stuff out for this chaos energy thing.

Pokemon406: Hikari don't tell them that!

Hikari: It's the truth.

Pokemon406 signs: The chaos user. I'm keeping his identity a secret for now.

Pokemon406: Asahina's emotions and Naruto's fail is the same thing. These questions will be answered in Naruto's Past. I will say it was something that Naruto deeply regrets even now.

Pokemon406: Inari will probably get his voice back next chapter...depending on my mood. Haku probably. Oh who am I kidding! Haku is gonna most likely die by Naruto's hand or sword next chapter. Gato most definitely gonna die next chapter.

Pokemon406: There all questions answered.

Corey: What about the fact Naruto and Asahina almost kissed? Are they together?

Pokemon406: Hmm I won't answer that. If they are, I won't be doing romantic stuff in my story. I'm not a romantic type. I'm a guy of action! Unlike some stories that I won't name.

Pokemon406: Now next chapter will be the last of the wave arc. Coming up next will be either the chunin exams or Asahina's mission in the Kiri civil war.

Pokemon406: But unfortunately they won't be coming soon because I'm gonna be putting this story on hold for a while, and focus on my other stories like Naruto the one in between and that other Naruto story.

Pokemon406: Pokemon406 signing out and Merry christmas!"Walks away to go open his christmas presents."

Hikari: Hikari signing out"Does victory sign at camera then goes to open his presents."

Corey: Merry christmas everyone and have a new year!"Sticks tongue out at the camera then goes to open his presents as well."