Hello, my beautiful lovelies! 3
Each and every one of you has been with Sutton, the Horsemen, and myself since you have been reading "Love is Only an Illusion," and I cannot thank you enough! I will admit, I was quite indecisive about whether to even bother posting my story to the World Wide Web, as my stories have had mixed reviews in the past. However, I am more than glad that I decided to share it with you. I will forever be indebted to each of you for giving me back my love of writing. My heart needed it, especially in times of extreme stress and sadness.
I fell in love with "Now You See Me" the moment I saw it in 2013, but it took some time for me to put my love for the magical Robin Hoods into writing. I was not sure if I wanted to skip right into the adventures of the Horsemen like the film does, or give the characters a backstory to show how they indeed became a family. With the route I decided to take, I also had to choose how to bring the Horsemen to life, as the movie did not focus on them. This element would indeed become the most crucial, as Danny and Sutton needed to be able to connect in a realistic fashion, and not simply "fall in love at first sight" or "hate each other so much that they fell in love."
Speaking of Sutton, I need to express my overwhelming joy that so many of you fell in love with her just as Danny did. So many of you have called her original, human, and relatable. Her relationship with Danny has been described as one of the most realistic original character relationships read by many of you, even going as far to describe it as canon. These comments always brought tears to my eyes, as this is the highest compliment a fanfiction writer can be given.
Sutton has quickly become a part of me, as she is based on myself. I know; a typical fanfiction writer move, right? Well, in the past I have done the same, but I have never stayed true to myself as I wrote the character. For "Love is Only an Illusion," it was quite different. Everything Sutton is, said, and did is me to a T (sexual frustrations and all!). I poured my heart and soul into her, and I thank you all for accepting her as she is- real. This certainly has given me- as a person- more confidence to just be myself.
Although my writing for "Love is Only an Illusion" has come to an end, please know that this is certainly not the end of "Now You See Me" material from yours truly. I plan on continuing to write imagines (based on requests and my own imagination) to keep the fandom alive on the Internet. Bare with me though- I am a senior in college!
Many of you have also expressed your concern for my original group of Horsemen. I have been asked if I will continue to write for the second movie, how I might go about it, and if I have a title. Well, here is your answer: I most certainly plan on writing for the second movie. Please hold your excitement, though.
As much as I would love to start writing for the second movie ASAP, I am afraid to. This fear comes from the probability of a third installment to the series in the works by Lionsgate. There are no solid details on its plot or cast. That being said, if this third installment is not based on the Horsemen we have come to know and love, there will be a second part to my original series, but no third one. If Jesse Eisenberg decides not to be in the third movie but the other Horsemen are, I will debate whether or not to write a third portion of my story, but a second one will come.
Once more information is released about the third movie, I will report back to you on how I plan to go about the second portion of my series. Until then, I will go about writing imagines and thinking of different plots for the second portion, which I plan to title, "Love is Like a Playing Card."
This is a lot to take in at the moment, I am sure, but I wanted to ensure you that I am not leaving my love for the "Now You See Me" franchise behind after the completion of my most beloved original story. If you have any questions, comments, concerns, requests, or just want to talk, please do not hesitate to reach out to me!
Thank you all again for your continued support throughout Sutton and Danny's magical journey toward love. It has been one wild ride, indeed!
Until "Love is Like a Playing Card," I wish you all the best in life, and will always be sending you my love!