Fletcher' s pov
My parents are still at work, as are my Liv' s parents: aka Uncle Jake and Aunt Sierra: so Aus, Sam, Troy, JJ, Liv and I are picking up Jess and Ross. As we wait in the parking lot, we realize that everyone else has already gone. Slinging my arm around Liv, I scoffed playfully
" Figures they' d be the the last ones off the bus..."
Playfully rolling his eyes, Troy nodded
" No kidding"
Suddenly, my older brother and I felt our hearts stop. The two were coming our way,HOLDING HANDS! Sputtering, Aus and I turned to our little sister and spoke
"Jess?! Are you and Ross d-da-dating?!"
That last word was hard to spit out. They nodded and kissed, much to mine and my brothers' dismay. After a long while we were slightly less disgusted with the idea.
Then we went home and spent the afternoon swimming at Liv' s house.