Wow, it been a while.

Okay so don't kill me...

"Incoming." April yelled as she pushed a strecher into the ER. "Grey, you need to look at her head. There's a possible head and spine injury. The car hit his side of the vehicle."

"I'm on it." Lexie told the other surgeon. As they made their way to one of the rooms, Lexie opened the patient's eyes and move her flashlight from left to right and right to left into his eyes, looking for possible sings of brain activity. "There's definitely a head trauma. I need to operate as soon as I can."

"Okay, let's go." April said as she pushed the gurney* into the OR 4 direction. "Tell OR 4 we're coming and page Dr. Torres, I need her to look at the patient's arm, tell her there's a possibility of amputation."

They got into the OR and placed the patient's gurney next to the table and let the nurse do their job. Both April and Lexie went to scrub in.

"I hate this kind of case." Lexie told her friend. "All of this could've been prevented if the other driver hadn't been drinking and if he had actually stopped at the red light."

"I know. It's one of the worst situations to work on."

At that moment, Callie walked in and Lexie could feel the room tensing up.

"Dr. Kepner." She saluted the doctor and tjen paused obky to starr again with a tone almost inting disgust. "Dr. Grey."

The three surgeons didn't talk for the rest of the process.

Lexie could feel Callie's staring at her. She didn't know if Mark had talked about their break up already or not. Either way, she was prepared for the worst.

As she started to cut open the man's head, Callie let out a small laugh of annoyance.

"Dr. Torres, may I ask what makes you laugh." April asked her.

"Oh, nothing." Callie said, leaving a moment of silence before she continued. "I'm just so surprised of how right I was about Little Grey's intentions towards Mark."

"Callie." Lexie warned the other surgeon. "That's none of your business."

"He is the father of my child."

"And he's the father of my three children." Lexie said back. "And the relationship I had or have with him does not concern you as it is between him and I. Please leave it like that."

Callie stopped talking for about one hour before she started again. "I warned him. But did he listen? No, of course not. You manipulated him. You got knocked up and you needed a suitable father figure so you chose him. I saw right through you. I knew you'd hurt him again, that's what you do best."

"Callie!" April scolded her.

"It's alright, April. I know what she thinks of me. If only she had been around the past two weeks, maybe Mark's heart wouldn't be broken again." She was referencing to Callie's refusal to see Mark after she had learned him and Lexie were back together. "I'm not the only one to blame it's just easier for her to only acknowledge that only one of us is guilty."

And on that, they spend the rest of the surgery in silence. Sometimes glances were exchanged and the atmosphere was tensed.


Lexie only had two hours left to her shift and wanted to spend them sleeping as she had to go pick up her kids from school and she was quite exhausted. She knew just the right place. The typical on-call rooms were usually used by the interns to sleep or to hook up, but this one was far enough for all of them to not have the time to get there before they either tore each other's clothes off or before they fell asleep right then and there.

As she got there, she could hear the unusual sound of giggles and moans coming from the room. She was known for being severe with intern and resident and she wouldn't let fatigue stop her from keeping up with her reputation. She knocked on the door three times. "This is a place to sleep, not for you to hook up, you have your own apartment for that." She was taping her foot on the ground, waiting for whoever was in there to come out. She had the reputation of being one of the meanest attending, most of it was built on pregnancy hormones and mood swings, and she knew she had to keep it up to be respected and she kind of enjoyed being feared.

At first, it was a blonde bimbo looking nurse who came out, her uniform inside out. She was giggling and red as could be when she came out. Then appeared her male companion. At first, All Lexie saw was the sheet covering the man's genitals and abdomen. Then she looked up slowly. She knew this body way too well. She had known this body so many nights.

"Mark..." Lexie started.

"Hey, can you let me finish next time." He said as he looked at her with cold eyes.

"What the f*ck are you doing. I thought your man whore days were far behind. You can't just go around f*cking nurses, this hospital has rules now." She said almost yelling, again partially due to the hormones and also because she knew she was the cause of this.

"I guess that I had a relaps then, but I also went back to you so how good can my judgement be?" He replied to her.

"I..." She didn't know how to answer that. He was so mean suddenly.

"Yep, that's what I thought." He said as he picked up his shirt and passed by her.

Lexie just starred at him as he walked away, unable to get the image of him and the nurse out of her head and also, truly heartbroken.

Family dinner Friday night? Arizona texted Lexie.

You're sure I won't bother all of you? Lexie texted back. She knew how Callie felt about her and how Mark probably hated her by now and she didn't want to be stuck in a room with them while all of their kids played together. Mark can take the twins, I don't have to come.

Nonsense, you're part of the family. You have to come!

Okay. Lexie texted back. She couldn't say no to Arizona. From the moment they had known the twins were Mark's, Arizona had tried so hard to make her wife like Lexie and make the latest feel part of their little weird family unit. She really appreciated Arizona's efforts, but she knew they were useless at this point and didn't know how to tell the blonde.

Can we do it at your place? I think it was your turn to host anyway.

Okay... I guess. The brunette answered.

Friday night

Lexie's biggest fear this week had been the family dinner. She had been trying to get it off her mind for the past couple of days and now that it was minutes away, she hated it even more. She had cooked pastas for which she was sure Callie would make a snarky comment. She had put together, well she had paid for someone to put together swings in her backyard for the kids to play on. She felt as if every little improvement might help her win the favors of the judges. As if she was on a tv show, how ridiculous.

The bell rang and both of her kids ran to the door.

"It's Callie and Arizona and Sofia!" Brian screamed at his mother.

"Can you open the door." She said as she was reaching for the breadstick that were still in the oven.

Leslie did what her mother asked and opened the door to let the three ladies in. She hugged Sofia and Arizona right away and then awkwardly stared at Callie.

"You wanna go play on our swings?" Brian asked his half-sister. "Mama just bought them for us. There's three so we can each have one and then there one for the baby."

"That's still a thing?" Callie asked lourd enough for only her wife to hear."

"Callie, stop it!" Arizona scolded her wife as she togged her sleeve.

Lexie walked in right at that moment, her apron still on, coming in to greet her guests.

"So sorry, I was making sure the breadsticks weren't burning. You want a glass of wine? I have beer also."

"I'll take a glass of wine." Callie said, clearly preparing for the most awful night of her life.

"I'll take care of that." Arizona said with a smile." You should be sitting down, knowing you you've been working on the dinner all day."

"I'm fine." Lexie answered.

"Just sit down, I'll take care of it." She said as she pointed to one of the bar stool next to the island in the kitchen.

The doorbell rang again and Lexie quickly walked to it and opened the door. On the other side, the blonde nurse was standing her hand on Mark's arm, smiling at Lexie. Mark looked at her with so much hate that Lexie felt filthy.

"Come... come in." She said as she stepped away from the door. She felt something coming up her throats, something she hadn't felt since the beginning of her second trimester. "You know how to get to the kitchen? I'll be there in a sec."

She ran up the stairs to her bathroom, she didn't want it to smell down there were Callie would be quick to judge her. One thing she hadn't seen when she walked up there was the look on Mark's face, it was about the same look her had had when he had the last time he had left her house.

The vomit escaped Lexie's lips as soon as she was over the toilet seat. When she was done, she took one of her hand towel and wet it and rinsed her face with it. She looked at herself in the mirror and headed back downstairs.

"So who are his kids again?" She heard the bimbo nurse ask.

"Hum, there's Sofia, my daughter." Arizona responded, clearly trying her best to be polite with the unannounced guest. "She' also Callie's daughter, that's my wife. And then there are the twin, Leslie and Brian." And as she saw Lexie approaching, she pointed to her stomach to show who was the last one of Mark's children. "And then there the one right in there."

"Oh! Isn't she a little old to be his kid though?" The nurse asked.

And now Lexie was really wondering how this night was gonna go down.

The following Tuesday

After the clown show that had been their last family dinner, Le it was expecting the parent teacher conference night to go as well, if not worse. Meredith was driving her to the school were she was also attending the conference for Zola.

"This is gonna suck." Lexie told her sister.

"Think positively."

"Who are you?!" She exclaimed. "Where's my sister? She'd never say that!l

"I was trying to be positive, you're the one who's positive usually and with your new attitude, I feel really uncomfortable, I was just trying to even it up."

"Well don't, it's clearly going to suck."

They both got our of the car and Lexie left to go to Leslie's class. There she saw Mark sitting on the little children's chairs set up outside of the classroom. She sat down next to him. She hadn't know if he'd show up when she had talked to him about it earlier that week. She sat there and didn't say a word, not even a hello.

"Leslie Grey's parents." The teacher called out. Mark got up and Lexie followed slowly, her pregnancy was slowing her down specially when she had to get up. Mark didn't even look at her or tried to help her.

"Are you alone?" The teacher asked Mark as he sat down. Then she saw Lexie walk in.

"Okay, you're both here. Let's start. Your daughter is doing amazing. The only reason an appointements was set for you was because she's new and I don't think I had any of her siblings and I just wanted to know her parents." She then starred at Mark, thinking for a moment. "You're Sofia's father, right?"

"Yes." He said.

"I didn't know you had any other children."

"I do." He simply answered her. "I just didn't know it until less than a year ago." He said so only Lexie could hear.

"Okay then. It was really nice seeing both of you." She said as she got up and walked them to the door.

Mark and Lexie walked together to Brian's classroom, leaving a distance between the both of them. As they got to the room, Lexie looked at her watch. Great, they had 15 minutes to kill. They sat next to each other.

"You didn't have to say that in front of her." Lexie told her ex.

"And you didn't have to hide that from me for over 4 years, but you did."

"Really? I thought you were over that."

"Apparently I am not." He said.

They waited for the remaining time in silence.

"You must be Brian's parents." The teacher asked them.

"Yes." Lexie said as she smiled at her.

"Come on in."

Mark got up and was ready to leave Lexie behind again when she said his name.

"Mark." She said, almost whispering. "Could you help me please?"

He walked over to her and took her arms. He helped her get up and gave her a look she had last seen like what seemed and eternity ago.


Lexie was waiting outside the school, her purse in her hand and looking out at the parking lot. Meredith has been paged and had left, leaving Lexie a message on her phone. Mark, Callie and Arizona came out of the school, they were laughing, obviously pleased by how Sofia was doing in school. Arizona was the first one to see Lexie, she immediately smiled and waved at her. The two other saw her soon after. The group walked over to her and they started talking.

"So how are the twins doing?" Arizona asked her.

"They're doing great. Brian has some issues with math but other than that, they're both doing great."

"That's good to hear." Arizona said as she smiled to her colleague. "Where's Meredith? I thought you came with her."

"I did but she got paged and had to leave before we were out of Leslie's class."

"Is anyone taking you home?" Callie asked. It was more to be polite than genuine interest but it was still a huge step in the right direction.

"No. I was thinking of taking a uber but the app isn't working." She said as she waved her phone.

"Mark can take you." Arizona offered. "Your house is on his way home. Plus I'm sure you have a lot to talk about with the little one coming in only 8 weeks."

"I'll take you home." Mark affirmed reluctantly.

"Thank you. I guess I'll see you two at work tomorrow then."

The surgeons said their goodbyes and Mark showed the way to his car to Lexie. He had recently bought a minivan which Lexie found funny as Mark was always someone who prided himself about never needing one. He opened the passenger's door for her and helped her get into the car.

"Thank you." Lexie told him.

He started the car and they both stayed silent for a few minutes.

"I quite liked Leslie's teacher." Lexie said.

"Yeah, I definitely would bang her if she worked at the hospital." He said half knocking half serious.

"That's not funny Mark."

"I'm not trying to be funny. I'm man whore Mark, don't you remember. I hadn't even gone back to being him after you left for Boston. How stupid was I to think it would work this time around. I should've listen to Callie."

"Because Callie is always right." She said as she rolled her eyes. "She took your child away from you for two weeks but of course she had good reasons."

"You took my children away from me for five years, You don't have a say in that." He said abruptly.

"I just wanted to make you happy." She said a tear in her eye.

"I was happy... you just couldn't handle living a simple life." He said knowing it would hurt her. That's what he wanted to make her feel, pain. The same one he was feeling.

"Mark, I..."

"You don't need to justify yourself. I was wrong and Callie was right. And I turned back into something I despise, but hey, you were trying to make me happy."

"You don't even want to hear it. You're acting like such a child."

"I'm the child?! You're the one who keeps on changing her mind. One day you want to play happy family, the next you don't and now you want to be friends. Make up your mind. I'm so tired of..."

"Mark!" She interrupted him.

"Let me speak. Don't I have a say in this?" He said as he turned his head to look at her.

"Mark!" She warned him again." There's a car! There's a c..."

But she was too late, he hadn't seen it and it had just hit the side of his car he was on. Lexie could feel the shock through her whole body. The car rolled on itself. She was still awake. She could hear people screaming. She opened her eyes and looked around.

Everything was blurry. She could see the sparkle of a jewel that had escaped the glove box and she could see the form of Mark's body, he wasn't moving. She closed her eyes and opened them again. She could see more clearly now. Mark's eyes were wide opened, but his facial expression was blank and blood was dripping down his mouth.

"Mark." She called out. He wasn't answering, his body wasn't even responding. "Mark?! Somebody help me!" She screamed as tears rolled down her checks.

3013 words

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