Hi reader! Just wanted to let you know that this is my first attempt at fanfiction (and at writing in general) ever, so constructive criticism is most welcome. Also, I'm not too involved in the world of fanfiction yet so if someone else has already written this storyline, please let me know. Anyway that's it, enjoy the fluff xxxx

Regina was folding her laundry while humming along to Bohemian Rhapsody when she heard her bell ring. She put her work aside with a sigh. She had the dreadful feeling that the evil queen had decided to pay her another visit. Needless to say she was surprised when she opened the door and her eyes were met by the bright blue eyes of her son's other mother. "Regina, we need to talk."

"Hello to you too." When Regina noticed Emma wasn't in the mood for her sarcasm, however, she dropped her smug tone. "Come in. Can I offer you a drink?" Emma took a seat on the grand sofa in the major's office and nodded. When Regina went to the kitchen to get some drinks for her and her distressed friend, it suddenly struck her that this situation was all too familiar – the blonde had showed up at her doorstep with that same slightly panicking look in her eyes the first time they met. Regina had offered her a drink and they had sat down in that same room. It was still strange to have Emma show up at her door as a friend in need of her help, instead of some rebellious woman challenging and threatening her.

"So what is it?" she asked, handing the blonde her drink - apple cider, of course.

"The evil queen. She did the weirdest thing…" Emma hesitated for a moment, fidgeting with her skirt, and then blurted out "Regina, she kissed me."

The woman seated opposite of her remained quiet. When Emma looked up she saw that her jaw had dropped slightly. After a few moments Regina managed to phrase a reply :"She… she kissed you?"

"Yeah. Weird, right?" Regina didn't think this was weird at all, but nodded. "How did this happen? Did she just come by and... grab you?"

Emma thought of the way the queen had wrapped her arms around her waist, had pulled her closer and slowly brought her lips to hers, eyes half closed, almost in a tender way. "Grabbing is a strong word." When she saw Regina raising an eyebrow she hastily added: "But yeah, I just walked into the sheriff station this morning and there she was. I nearly spilled my coffee all over her. When I asked her what the hell she was doing there, she looked at me kind of hesitantly – for a moment, I thought it might actually be you, because she didn't have that harsh look on her face, you know?" The corners of Regina's lip curled up slightly at this remark. "But then that wicked smile returned to her face, and she said "My plans are mine, although you can count yourself lucky, miss Swan, because today you're getting some pleasure out of them, too. " Then she pulled me closer, kissed me, and disappeared before I could pull away."

"So the kiss wasn't much then? Just a quick touch of your lips?" It wasn't all Regina wanted to know – she was working very hard to resist the urge to ask how it had felt, whether her friend had perhaps enjoyed it, but she knew that wasn't what mattered now.

"Oh no, it was quite a… well, I guess you could say it was quite a real kiss. Tongue and all, if you must know." She thought she saw Regina flinch at that remark, but before she could really focus on the woman's face, the look of discomfort had already transformed it into a smirk. "So you didn't pull away very quickly, then?"

"I was overwhelmed! I pulled away as soon as I realized what was happening. You can wipe that smirk off you face now." "Sorry."

Emma took another sip of her cider and looked up expectantly at Regina. Regina stared back. Half a minute passed. Emma had a strange feeling of guilt when she broke the silence. "So… Why do you think she did it? Could she have cursed my lips like she did with Hook?"

"You didn't already go and kiss him afterwards, did you?"

"No! I went straight to your office after I finished work."

"Hook doesn't even know you made out with my evil half?" Emma shook her head, and when she saw that Regina had once again raised an eyebrow, added: "I didn't make out with her, she made out with me. It's not like I cheated on him." "Well, you never know with that dramatic pirate of yours…" "Seriously, Regina? I'll tell him, but there's no hurry. I came straight to you because I thought you'd be helpful." "Sorry. Again. Alright, let me think…"

Regina had a pretty good idea why her evil half had kissed Emma. Actually, she had two ideas, but she could share neither of them with her friend. She knew that since the evil queen had been in her head for decades, she must be aware of her attraction to Emma. She also knew that the evil queen had never liked Robin, and would have much preferred for her to make a move on her son's other mom. Could the queen be in love with Emma, too? She seemed capable of loving Henry, even she showed it in her own peculiar way. Did that mean she might be capable of having romantic feelings as well? Had she kissed Emma to make her good half, her "weak" half jealous, to show her that her evil side could get her anything she wanted… or had she kissed Emma because she had simply wanted to? Either way, Regina could feel her heart sink every time she imagined her evil twin holding the woman she loved. She didn't know whether she'd ever be brave enough to kiss Emma, but the thought had crossed her mind plenty of times over the past few years; in fact, she had quite a few romantic first kiss scenarios worked out in her head. Now that moment had been stolen from her. It made her boil with anger.

"Well, first let me check whether she actually did something to your lips." While she said it she walked over to the other woman and cupped her chin with one hand, then let the index finger of her other hand trace over her bottom lip. She tried very hard to keep her focus on those lips, but couldn't help glancing up into Emma's eyes for a moment. Did she look nervous? She had never wanted to kiss her more, but seeing how distressed Emma was after her doppelganger had done this earlier today, she was more convinced than ever that that'd be a bad idea. She shook her head." Your lips aren't cursed." She let go of Emma's face and sat back in her chair. "Which means she was probably trying to cause some sort of social distress. She said – or, rather, sang- that she wanted to see us tear ourselves apart. I guess this should somehow contribute to that. Perhaps she just wanted to make things awkward between us, although that doesn't sound quite dramatic enough for her... Do you have any theories yourself, Swan?" The "Swan" rolled from her lips before she knew it, as if she subconsciously wanted her to distance herself from the woman after the close moment they had just had.

"Hmm." There was no way the evil queen could know, right? She couldn't know she had a "thing" for Regina? If she had somehow figured it out, so had Regina. That would mean the both of them were playing a game with her. But why else would the queen kiss her but to stir up those feelings? It made perfect sense: although she didn't feel like she cheated on him, this would definitely put a strain on her engagement with Hook, as she was now doubting whether she should be with him at all. Plus, it would be incredibly hard to suppress her feelings when she was around Regina now, which made her want to start avoiding the woman. It was a great strategy, really. It definitely had the potential to rip their family apart.

"If I knew why she did it, I wouldn't have come to ask you!"

"Right. I guess we can't do more than wait to see how this plays out, then." Regina got up from her chair once more and walked over to the door. Emma took the hint. "Right. I'll see myself out, then. I'll have to go pick up Henry anyway." She went to the wardrobe to grab her red jacket.

"Hey, Emma? I really don't want this to stand in the way our friendship. That's what she wants, but we're stronger than that. "

"I know. We won't let it get between us. In fact, why don't you come over for dinner tonight? Henry and I are making soup, and we always make way too much anyway. "

Regina hesitated. "Oh, thank you, but I'm not sure that's best… I don't think I should be there facing Henry, and especially Hook, when you've just told them that my evil twin has kissed you.

"Hook's won't be there, he's helping my dad fix his car. As for Henry, I thought we might tell him together, because I honestly don't know how to break this news to him." Suddenly Regina's face brightened. "Oh well, why not? See you tonight, then."

"Dinner's at 6. See you."

After she had closed the door, Regina let out a heavy sigh. For a moment she wanted to run out and confront the evil queen, but quickly decided against it. If the queen had wanted to make Regina jealous, she would soon pay her a visit to gloat about her deed. If she didn't pay her a visit, however… that would tell her just as much. So she decided to proceed folding her laundry, and in the meanwhile, pick a killer outfit for tonight's dinner. After all, much could be said about the evil queen, but her impressive wardrobe was hard to top.