Angels with Scaly Wings
(Major AU, will be explained guys I'm not dead but just busy with life. But this story really isn't to be taken seriously, unless you like it of course. Full Summary-When the portal slips through space and time it snatches up Zackary Kyra, a very mischievous young man who loves to mess with people a play video games. Now punted into a world inhabited mostly by dragons he must try to figure out a way home, while the inhabitants must deal with him and his ruthless shenanigans. Thank God the ambassador from an alternate Earth is there to help guide him, or not. Follow him as insanity and crazy shenanigans ensue. OcxAnna)
Chapter 1
Of Portals and Dragons
Life is a mysterious thing. You make one too many mistakes and God strikes you down, either a peg or two, or strikes you down for good. I guess that going down one or two pegs is better than rotting in the ground for the rest of your life. Eh, I'll just take the punches and roll with it. Anyway I just lost my job in the graphic arts studio that I was working for, yeah fucking perfect. You help one too many people and then corporate gets pissy, pretty soon your out of a job entirely. Either way now I'm out of a job. Hold on, phone call.
" Hello?" I pick up my smartphone and lean back in my office chair, at home.
" Is this Zackary Kyra?"
" This is, who's asking?" I hate strangers calling me, I don't know why I just do.
" This is Dr. Kremely. I was calling about your blood work results that you had done a few weeks ago. Um I hope your not busy right at the moment because there were some very odd substances found." He pauses and I go to say something." I'm sure its nothing, as far as I know at least." The Dr chuckles.
" Usually small differences in blood aren't worrisome but it was when tests for diseases were done that some unusual changes happened. When most samples were tested they didn't show any signs of changing. When cancer cells were introduced something highly unusual happened, your blood just dissolved them completely. No traces were present afterwards..." Before he can continue there was this loud as can be blast outside my house, I'm pretty sure its my stupid neighbors launching fireworks again." Hold that thought real quick Dr." I get up, phone in hand, shove open my window next to me and scream out my window." HEY YOU ASSHOLES WITH THE FIREWORKS! LIGHT ONE MORE AND I'M COMING OVER THERE WITH MY SHOTGUN!" I slam the window shut and immediately apologize to Dr Kremely.
" So sorry about that, my neighbors are lighting fireworks again." He chuckles over the phone.
" Its alright Mr Kyra now once again even most of the medical team have never seen something like this before, ever. Oh uh give me just a second." Suddenly the phone goes silent and I'm pretty sure he hung up. Hmm blood dissolving cancer cells? I'm not much of a scientist type, but I do like learning about new science stuff. I was at one point learning about Nuclear Energy and Engineering but that was too much college and too much money to spend on college. Another loud blasting sound shakes my house again, goddammit I hate neighbors. Anyway I'd rather focus on YouTube and Game Streaming, yep bonafied nerd. A nerd with a temper, and a FOID card...and a gun...scratch that a few guns and a lot of knives, swords, and shit like that. I look out my window to see some sort of a vortex of blue lights, the hell.
" Fucking fireworks..." I'm immediately blinded by the light and things go black.
Waking up with a mouth full of grass, feels like my college days, yes I did go to college. I'm laying on my stomach, dirty and bleeding. What the hell happened. I start to stand up only to collapse in pain as there is a large gash in my stomach and a gash on my left thigh. It hurts but the worst part is that a piece of wood sticking out of it." Shit...what the hell..." I'm in the middle of a large field surrounded but debris...of my house. Am I dead? Is this what death looks like? I'd rather die some other way. I look over to see one of my bottles of vodka laying on the ground next to me. Fuck it, I reach over and grab it and start taking a few swings of it before pouring some over my various wounds. Oh the burn...the fucking burn. I lay back on the ground and I can feel myself falling asleep...yay me.
The sounds of a heart monitor starts to stir me from my sleep. My eyes are blinded by florescent lighting and I've got wires attached to me. I sit up to see I'm in a hospital bed, bandages wrapped around my stomach and thigh. I'm pretty much naked besides the blanket covering me. I have half a mind to rip out the tubes and wires and try to leave but I still feel tired. I can't find my phone anywhere, was me in a field even real? Where's the nurse button? I find the nurse button but before I can press it, someone knocks on the door before walking in. He's pretty young at least 27 or so. Light brown hair compared to my dark brown. Wearing a black button up shirt with the sleeves rolled up and blue jeans." You're awake now I see. Here I think this belongs to you, haven't seen a smartphone in a long time." He tosses my phone at me which thankfully.
" Yeah...look what the hell happened to me?"
" Clearly you've never used a portal before, or something like that. Me and a few of my friends found you and most of what I can assume is your house near the portal. Passed out, bleeding, and with a bottle of vodka no less." I chuckle a bit." Yeah that's what I'm known for sometimes. But what's this about a portal? Portals are theoretical at best. You on drugs or something?" The guy laughs.
" I wish I was at times, trust me. Names Andri by the way, you?" He holds out his hand and I shake it.
" Zackary Krya, or just Zack for short. So where am I exactly?"
" Lets just say a form of paradise. Now I should warn you that because..." There's another knock on the door and before he can say anything...something walks in. Big, bulky looking lizard...looks like a goddamn dragon minus the wings. It's wearing a fucking police badge around its neck." Well looks like he's awake." The thing chuckles while I stare at him with my biggest 'wtf' face." Are...are you seeing what I'm seeing? Fuck I think the nurses gave me too much." I shake my head while the creature smirks at me, a very big smirk." Uh yeah, um Zack this is Bryce, Bryce this is Zack." Andri gestures to both the brown creature who's supposedly named Bryce." Uh howdy." I wave with my IVed hand.
" Hello. Glad to see that you're alive and well. You caused quite the commotion when we found you two days ago. Most of your stuff that we could salvage are at the police station. You can get them when you can. Andri could I get a minute with you right quick?" Andri nods and follows Bryce outside the room. I blink a few times and fiddle with the IV needle and tube, trying to see if this is real or not. A few painful jabs in my wrist confirms that I am alive enough to feel pain. Out of the corner of my eye I see something blue dart out of my vision. I look to my left to see a small blue dragon, upright with wings, holding a notebook I think. He, or at least I think its a he has a big smile on his face." Uh hello?" I give a nervous grin.
" Oh hi! I'm Lorem! I just wanted to ask you few questions is all, if that's alright of course?" I give a small chuckle.
" Sure knock yourself out, I'm kinda tied down as it is at the moment." I show off my wired hand with the IV tube. Lorem giggles a bit, odd but oh well.
" Heheh I can tell. Your the second human I can talk too so far so I just wanted to ask what your world's like? Andri said something terrible happened there so I just wanted to know."
" Uh I don't know Andri or where he's from. Sorry kid my mind is still a bit jumbled right now. Uh nothing really bad has happened recently where I'm from. Not that I know of really." Suddenly my phone alarm goes off, the fucking DOOM soundtrack blasting loudly. I quickly reach over to where I set my phone down at and turn the music off.
" Is that your phone?" Lorem cocks his head a bit.
" Yeah why?"
" It seems a littler old and outdated." I give him a look. Sure my phone is an LG Volt but its lasted longer than most of my friends with their Galaxies and Iphones by a long shot. 3 years and counting." It works for me. It's lasted a lot longer than most of my friend's phones." I chuckle a bit. Andri peaks his head in." Dammit Lorem are you bugging him? How'd you get in here anyway?" I stick up for Lorem, he seems chill.
" He's not bugging me, he's just curious is all." I really hope I'm just on a lot of drugs and this isn't real. I'v been into a lot of fucked up shit but even I find this strange.
" Well as long as your OK with him then I'm OK with it. Bryce and I are gonna go see if and when you can be released." Andri leaves again, leaving me with Lorem." So do you like video games?" Oh he opened it now.
" Shit I love video games! They help pay my bills and shit." Lorem's smile gits bigger and bigger." Ok calm down kid, otherwise you'll split your face wide open with that grin of yours." Lorem blushes a bit, blue skin doesn't hide red well.
" Sorry, you just sound passionate about video games like I am. I'm actually in development of my own game!" Hey this kid has his priorities more intact than I do. Office job my ass, video games make more money." Heh good for you. Sounds like you've got your life more figured out than I I'm 32!"
" Your 32 years old? You look pretty young, well about as young as Andri is."
" Same could be said to you kid."
" I am full grown ya know."
" Eh just call em as I see em." Lorem just laughs.
" I like you, your funny, got a lot of good jokes. Hey whenever you get out of the hospital, come by my house. Ispum and I would love to have you over, maybe even play some video games if your interested." I think about it for a second. Little dragon dude already wants me to be his friend. Well I see nothing wrong with it." Sure I'll try to stop by if I can."
" Awesome! Here's my number, I gotta go before I'm late for work anyway." He lays a wrinkled piece of paper on my chest before rushing out the door just as Andri, Bryce, and someone completely new. Slightly upright like a raptor from Jurassic Park, with red outer tone, white under belly, and blue stripes. It looks slightly annoyed and wearing a pair of goggles round her neck." Zack you still with us?" Andri asks and I roll my eyes.
" Jee I dunno, am I? Did your brain melt into the lower chasms of your skull while you were gone?" a bit harsh but I've never been a big fan of being in hospitals for very long, probably because of all the stupid shit that I've done to land myself in the hospital in the first place. Andri just shakes his head." Wow you're a hardass aren't you?"
" Wouldn't be the first time someone's called me that. So who's the new guy?" Red raptor in question narrows their eyes at me, next thing I hear is a very soothing girl's voice come out of its...well her mouth." I'm a girl jackass! Your lucky your already in a hospital bed. Sad part is I'm your doctor today." Bad attitude but sweet voice, I'm slightly interested.
" Anna, calm down. Obviously Zack here is still in shock so I assume most of his behavior is a result of that." Bryce speaks up for me, remind me to buy him a beer later for that. Anna snorts." Fine whatever. Look I'm here to wheel your ass down to the lobby so I'm going to go get the wheelchair. You two get him up and dressed, also remove the tubes from him." She walks out, damn she's aggressive. Before Andri can start taking the heart monitor pads off my chest I start doing it myself." Oh you seem ready to leave." Andri chuckles.
" Not my first hospital rodeo. I'm used to it." I rip out the IV and I'm surprised that I'm not bleeding. I swing my legs over the edge of the bed but I'm stopped by Andri." Look you think your ok enough to walk on your own, let me help you." I nod and he helps me stand up. Bryce walks over lets me use him as a stand." Remind me to buy you a beer for this later."
" I'll defiantly hold you too that." Bryce chuckles.
" Ok where are my cloths at?" I look around.
" Over here, don't drop him Bryce." Andri lets go of me and goes over to a duffel bag that I assume had my cloths in it. I move away from Bryce and start stumbling over to get them. Ironically my wardrobe was the same as Andri." Well this is awkward." Andri laughs.
" Yeah tell me about it."
-Sometime Later-
Welp Anna is a right bitch. She comes back in with the wheelchair and practically manhandles me into the damn thing and then threatens to roll my ass down the stairs if I'm not quiet. Honestly if anything I'd let her because it would be fun, I've done it before. Onlookers staring and shit at me while a dragon raptor wheels me around while another human and dragon follow behind. I have half a mind to flip off people. We reach the lobby and I guess there are more people waiting for us. A big white dragon wearing a tie, I guess another raptor dragon thing that's orange and wearing a police hat, a yellow wryem wearing aviator goggles, and a big grey dragon who looks upset as all hell." So there's the new blood?" The orange chuckles. I roll my eyes.
" Come to steal the doughnuts from the hospital cafeteria?" I raise an eyebrow at him only to get a back hand from Andri.
" Be nice. Everyone this is Zack. Zack this is Remy, Adine, Sebastion, and Maverick." He gestures to the white dragon, the wyrem, the raptor dragon, and the grey dragon respectivly. I wave and they all but the grey one, Maverick, wave at me and start asking me shit. Thankfully Andri sticks up for me." Look lets get him back to my apartment before we bombard him with questions. Give him a chance to explain his side of the story." Ugh I just realized how much my head hurts. Seems like every memory is either only half there or not there at all, that may be a problem later.
" Anyone got any painkillers? My head is killing me."
" I've got a painkiller for you..." Anna grumbles and Adine speaks up, her voice...can't really put a finger on it on how it sounds exactly." Anna be nice! No need to be so hostile to him."
" Shut up, Adine. I've got enough things on my mind let alone you nagging at me." Oh I smell a cat fight coming." Ladies please, no arguing." Remy sounds so polite.
" Can I get out of this wheelchair now?"
" Fine I guess, whatever." Anna you are becoming my favorite person right now. I get up and stretch a bit." Alright lead the way." Andri nods and everyone starts shuffling out the lobby door. This place seems so foreign yet surprisingly comfortable. Don't know how I got here exactly nor how I'll get home. But I guess this is a good time as any to take a much needed vacation.
So let's see where the road takes us.
( I know the intro to this story is terrible and I'm sorry I couldn't think of anything else to put in its place. Once again this story is completely done for fun. I know I messed/will mess up the lore, but I have no shame. I still respect the game though. Everything is owned by their rightful owners, I only own my OCs Zack and Andri. Leave a comment if you have any comments, questions, or concerns. Story will be updated whenever I feel like writing.)