Hey everyone, its Me, GiintokiSakata. I have a bit of a story to tell everyone and unfortunately, it doesn't have a happy ending... Work has still been the same the past number of days and my internship has still been ongoing and leaving me exhausted, I mentioned all of this in my original update post I made awhile ago before the chapter me and Thalio made. I also mentioned how I was disappointed with my inability to write the story because it was the first good idea for a fanfic in several years I actually had. Hell not to toot my horn any further, Seiji, the main character, was also the best OC I have ever made in my own opinion. However, that doesn't change the issues at hand with writing the story. Thalio is a good writer, he has his own ideas and his own stories and I appreciate the fact that he was willing to be my writer for the story when I couldn't do it. But there is the thing, he has own things to do; his own fanfics that he has to work on and come up with ideas for and to write, even if he was willing to help me write the story. This story is my own, I should be the one to write it because it is MY story. This is no criticism of Thalio and there is no ill will in my speech here, its just a matter of my ability to work on the story and not wanting to make anyone who has their own things they are currently doing to take a backseat just for my stuff. Me and Thalio are still cool as a popsicle in a freezer. However, this is the real hard part... the point of this update is to say that the story I apologize to everyone involved with character submission, I apologize to everyone who was just a reader who enjoyed seeing how everything went, I am very sorry I literally have no time on my hands to write and I have no time to edit anyone else's work, that last part also is in regards to the fact that I wanted to write the story but I couldn't. Regardless of Thalio's or anyone elses willingness to write it for me. I don't want to make anyone do that because this should be something I do. Does this mean I have given up fanfiction writing completely? I don't really know. So much can happen in the future and I might be able to come up with something for another story but for now, I don't have the ability to. Also, in case anyone wants to use the idea for the story and take it in your own direction. Feel free, you have my blessing to make your own H.R.I. Fanfic (you can change that name too if you want) Thank you for reading and thanks for giving this story some means of support for the past two or three months its been active. I really appreciated it. Have a nice day and stay golden.
"My Hero Academia: The Delinquents Class" has officially been cancelled.