Outgunned, Outmanned

(Disclaimer: I don't own Hamilton: An America Musical, Lin-Manuel Miranda does.)

A/N: Hello! This is my first time posting a fanfic for any Fandom ever, so I apologize if it is a little rusty at the start, but it will get better, I promise! I have about 3 chapters of Outgunned,Outmanned written so far, so please let me know if you like this story so I can post them. In-Betad, so all mistakes are mine alone. Thank you so much for taking the time to read my story, and don't forget to review! :D

TRIGGER WARNING! This Chapter Does Mention Child Abuse And Non-Con, So If Those Are Triggers For You, Please Read At Your Own Risk!

George knew the new plan was meant to help.

The Coven, a council of the "wisest" Werewolves in all of North America, was a law above even the President of the United States. They had made this new Bill, had pitched it to him in hope he would agree, but the Alpha had snarled, disgusted at the idea of having his children taken from him.

Martha had gone on an Omega tangent when she found out, made a nest right in the middle of the Oval Office, plopping both Alex and Gilbert in the sea of blankets. With all 3 Omega's bundled up, George remembers feeling a protective instinct rear up that was so strong that it took his breath away.

But none of that had helped, the law was still passed, now called Operation Evaluate. And everyone hated it.

He knew it was supposed to weed out the bad families. The abusers. The ones who will take a poor foster kid, Alpha or Omega, and hurt them.

But that still didn't make it any easier.

They took his child, his baby from his home, from The White House, where he was safe and loved and where no one could hurt him, and they moved him into a temporary home.

Gilbert, his other Omega son, was safe from the new law, away from home on a European field trip for school. He would be back after it was taken out of place. George thanking everything wholly that both his boys would not be taken from him, but cursing everything under the sun that one was.

It was just for three months. Just long enough for the social workers to evaluate the real abusers and take action. But the President could barely bare it.

Alexander was barely 12, his birthday had passed just 3 weeks ago. He was a small Omega, with large brown eyes and a bright smile. He is The President of the United States's child, his boy.

They weren't allowed contact for the time he was away, as the experiment might be messed up.

George thought it was complete bullshit.

He knew Alex wasn't happy. He could feel it through their bond, could feel his boy's desperation and despair. It made his instincts higher, his teeth staying fangs and his eyes always slit and dark.

The President was in a meeting. His inner circle sitting around him, talking about taxes and trading, but the Alpha was not listening. Alexander was always on his mind, and not knowing if he was safe was making George tense.

Then the phone call came.

One of the Secret Service members came in, an Alpha with deep blue eyes. He leaned down to speak into the President's ear, which twitches as he listens.

"I am sorry to interrupt your meeting sir, but you need to take this call."

Giving a nod at his Vice President, John Adams, the President walks out of the room.

The Service member leads him to the Oval Office, where he hands him the phone, which is buzzing like crazy.

"Thank you." George says, and the other Alpha doesn't respond, instead choosing to stand outside the doorway, keeping guard as the Commander-In-Chief brings the phone up to his ear.

What he hears makes him lose control.

Alexander Washington just wanted to go home.

They had taken him from his parents a few weeks ago. He had cried and begged and pleaded to not go. He had held on to his Daddy for dear life, little fingers clutching George's shirt as he sobbed, Martha crying behind him, holding her little boy's hand as he shakes.

But still they made him leave. They took him and dropped him off at the Lee house.

Charles Lee and his wife, Jane, were nice at first.

They took him out to get ice cream his first day, and weren't bothered by the press when they swarmed them, wanting to get a glimpse of President Washington's remaining son.

They all went back to the house and made sundaes instead, letting Alex put extra chocolate sauce on when he asked. He still missed his parents though.

But then they started to get not so nice.

It was little things at first. A mean look there, a small tap here, no dinner one night.

Then it escalated.

A slap, a punch, thrown in his room and left there all day, not let out for hours on end, mean words spit at him. He had cried, had pleaded to be taken back to his Daddy and Mommy.

The crying seemed to make it worse.

Jane would slap him every time he would make a sound, then would leave him in his room, promising more pain when Charles would get home.

Lee would belt Alex when he arrived, would beat him bloody and black and blue. Would scream things at him, nasty, vulgar things that haunt his dreams.

Then he started touching him.

The Alpha would rut against the 12 year old, licking his face and biting his neck, leaving bruises and marks. Lee would kiss him and touch his ears, making them twitch and lie flat against his head.

It lasted for weeks.

Alex would clean during the day, being left mostly alone to dust and sweep. Lee and Jane would go to work, locking the door tight behind them, making sure to tell the small Omega the consequences of trying to run away. He tried a few times, once even going the length to try and break through the wall. But all attempts failed and just left him in more pain.

But today was different.

Lee had left his cell phone on the counter, the screen unlocked.

Alex swallows, glancing behind him at the locked door, before setting the bottle of glass cleaner down along with the dirty rag, and grabbing the phone. He runs up the stairs, to his room, and closes the door.

Breathing heavily, the Omega starts to shake, making him have to type in the number 3 times, frustrated and scared tears running down his face.

But when he hits call, it all slows down.

It rings for what seems like years, and Alexander grits his teeth, one ear listening for noises downstairs, the other focused on the cell phone in his hands.

"Hello, this is Samuel Madison, Secretary of The White House. What can I do for you today?"

The voice is familiar. James Madison, one of his friends from school, told him once that his dad worked at the White House, so this must be him. It makes Alex sob in relief and it takes him a second to find his voice.

"M-Mr. Madison, it's me, Alex! I n-need help, please, sir can you get my Dad? Can you get Da-daddy for me please?" Alexander is whispering furiously, breath coming in gasps and pants, eyes filling with moisture.

"Alex?! Oh my God, hold on son, I will get him right this second!"

There is some fumbling and beeping, then silence. A door closes on the other line, and the 12 year old flinches, ears twitching. A whimper falls from his lips when he hears George's voice, somewhat muffled from the speaker on the phone.

"This is the President."

A/N: Don't forget to R&R! :)