Author's Announcement:

Finally chapter twelve to this fic folks; now however, as I stated within my other stories of my plans so-far, I will keep the crossovers, for now that is, with the current ones I involved. Yes I know if anyone has managed to read this far, are too soon in chapters but I didn't intended them to be that way at first, but they did. I would also like to state that those that do read up-to this point with this one, and the Lucy and the Sirens (same plan applies), I would like to thank you all for reading them as like I stated (a lot of times by now :P), it has been mostly me writing and thinking-up things on the fly (except Pinkie's Story as I get ideas from co-author).

I would also like to point-out however, seeing that Pinkie Story and Lucy has chapter 12 already, I will possibly be working on another chapter to either Zerina or Morgana Story, and then a chapter for Lucy, and so forth; despite what my profile states currently. I might even decide at the same time if I can't get any ideas atm for this fic, I might work-on Zerina or Morgana in-between; as you guys are not giving me a lot of reviews as such (except fav/following me and the stories), I'm starting to have something that all writers get eventually soon: writer's block to certain stories (like this one as that is why it took a while).

For those that have indeed continued to read this though, I will change slightly in the beginning chapters a minor thing (only in announcements though) to add for those that are reading (once this chapter gets uploaded to the site that is), a warning about the too-soon crossovers yet gently would ask them to simply read-on, as they will miss-out on a lot of things.

Now however is the chapter itself: there will be a lot of things going-on like I plan on the other two; Pinkie and Lucy Stories, so I won't spoil anything for my constant readers to this story and the other two. So do expect some twists and turns, fighting as well. Also do expect more-use of her digital monster (Digimon) team though (as well as surprise slightly), as I realized it was mostly Rose, and not them as in secret, you may be surprised also within this chapter as such.

Warnings: Fighting, Blood Content, Plot Twists, Mostly Normal POV, OC DIGIMON and Fusions introduced, Plot Thickening or Twist at the End, One of my Short Chapters (Sorry).

Now here is some information:

Sample™ = Trademarked issues being used yet do not own series, etc.…

"Digivolution" = Digivice info-talking or chatting

"Demon" = Demonic or very powerful voices, summoning weapons or summons with name and speech

Thoughts / "Telepathy" or Duel Spirit talking at same time

"Spirit / Weapon Voice" = the weapon I have been mentioning, as well as sprit talking

(Number) = at end of chapter explained.

Hidden Meanings

"Whispers" = whisper chat

(Flashback begins / end)

So let's resume…

Normal POV; With Rosalina and the others, the next day:

As the camp already ate, packed-up, and on their way to their destination at last, the dragons alongside Helena as to her inward surprise, she was made in-charge of them by the older one, Sapheon, and in turn to this Helena simply stated for them to behave and for the expecting dragon to remain out of battles; as to not harm the young one inside her.

Abigail was currently traveling behind the newly-formed dragon-pack, as she was with Rosalina and Sylvanas; the two to her amusement to keep the child's nightmare she had only brief last night yet deeply-pleasant somehow afterwards, out of it from a game of what Rosalina dubbed "I-Spy".

Anduin, Khadgar, and most of the soldiers as well as the three orc girls, were up-front in-case things would once again come to either a planned battle, or a random one with random creatures once again as they were soon to be at the location from what the female orcs stated to them as well.

Juni though was in her fox-form and on top of Abigail's head currently to the Draenei's ire, and the others were like most of the group, riding on either their personal mounts or mounts given to them by the Alliance Capitol.

Though not known to them, they were being followed by a specific someone ordered to as such, and to test the child eventually; with a female merely observing as per her own orders. These were Eagle and Unicorn; well Lily and Unicorn.

"Do you really have to test them Unicorn? I feel that my daughter could handle as to what I say, slightly, but knowing how you work-" "The Master knows as to what he is thy doing, Eagle; you should know that by now. But do not fret, I will plan as you and I have been… allies for some time, to secretly with reason later-on, to see your child and yourself alone at some point." The armored male stated to Lily as he already knew about her since it was him, which by his orders back then, to retrieve her as such from the Realm of Death.

Seeing the truth in his eyes as well as words, Lily inwardly was relieved at this as it has been a too-long of a time and maybe, as she also checked the side-pocket her armor has, her personal gift for her daughter to possibly make-up for the missed birthdays she missed to what occurred back then, might be helpful to her child.

The two then took off into animal-like armored forms: Unicorn well, into a large yet mechanical unicorn-like horse, and Lily or Eagle, into a mechanical-yet-living Golden-Eagle-like model, but with mostly the same coloring as Unicorn's form: metallic-black. The too then took-off to stay hidden until it was time for their interference.

Sylvanas however narrowed her eyes at the direction she might have heard from the small two-man group that has been tracking them for some time, yet decided to keep it to herself as Rosalina to her humor now, stated something for her to look; as it has been her mostly wining this game; due to her past as such. "I-Spy with my eyes something… blue." Rosalina thought before stating it with her words to her godmother. Looking around, she saw that some-parts, with her keen-eyesight that is, the young Khadgar's robes had slight blue on them, and she pointed it out as Rosalina shook her head no to her. After a few tries she was this time stumped and when she asked, she now gave her goddaughter a really look to her answer, "it's you Auntie."

Before they could start another round however, everyone halted as they were there, yet like Rosalina, their eyes briefly widened at the size of the Dark Gate itself, with it somehow activated already yet saw all the Alliance civilians were somehow still alive yet the gate was a darker, more sinister-looking portal then the one Sylvanas herself recalled, yet saw both sides to her surprise were fighting side-by-side currently; as they fought-off against creatures, that unknown to them were The Corruptions, were here.

"It would seem we have a battle to aid this time… TO ARMS! DEFEND THE ALLIANCE!" Anduin stated yet shouted at the end, as mostly everyone but the young and expecting remained behind. Including Rosalina; despite her protests to her godmother and the others that could fight.

"This sucks balls," Rosalina stated to herself; sitting with the others nearby some settable rocks within the woods, yet yelped lightly from Helena back-handing her head lightly at her cursing to herself; with a half-amused look mixed with a stern one as she gently told her mate, "I know you want to aid your family and friends, My Mate, but you need to be taught more-things before you could aid others; you know this correct?"

Now nodding in a mixture of sad understanding and a pout, Rosalina understood as her weapons told her this as well, stated though to make a point across to her, the others secretly getting both amused and entertained as Helena had a really look now on her face at Rose, "but I have been fighting slightly ok, besides, it was random at most times." However seeing the look her dragon-mate gave her, she wilted and sighed while reluctantly agreeing with her, looking away as her mental-mind showed to Helena and the others since Rosalina, pouted slightly like her true age, "I guess you're right. But I still want to help them though Helena."

Seeing her mate may have a point, but she decided to gently state, now coming to Rosalina and gently using her left-hand to rub her right-arm gently; with Helena secretly understanding her mate's views, "Rose, you need to know that you can help others by just being you. But at the time, you need to be trained better in order to fully aid others, alright?" Losing the pout yet sighed while at the same time, in an agreement-like nod to the female dragon, Helena smiled; with the others now currently talking amongst themselves.

After a while of hearing explosions for the past ten minutes of the near two hours of them sitting and being bored, as well as currently safe, Rosalina had enough and got-up and began to leave until they all froze, turning to see an armored man with a unicorn-like helmet and an armored female as well, with an eagle helmet. Though Helena and the girls, alongside Rosalina thought she saw familiarity in the woman's eyes mostly on Rosalina's form.

"Now where do you plan to run off to, Rosalina Potter?" The armored male asked her with said girl stiffening like the rest; somehow figuring as hesitation and small fear was now showing on her face at him knowing her name slightly, gulped yet asked anyways; guarded slightly as well, "what do ya two want that has to do with me?"

Figuring from what the small group saw mostly from the unicorn-helmeted male as he tilt his head slightly to the side in mock-confusion, Rosalina felt, stated to now make the two individual's understand her view-point now, "a lot of things happened to me for a while, so get out what you want to say and state it, I need to go help my family and friends."

She instantly summoned her weapon as he had a key-like weapon of sorts that was the size of a katana; in a reversed-grip as he used both hands to suddenly yet swiftly, attack her, and with her grunting now as to the others surprise; including the armored female, a barrier covered the two to not let them interfere with the area also expanding to make a battle somehow start, "to test you might: Chosen Child, that is what I intend to do!"

Rosalina began to block and dodge a lot of this man's swift-yet-quick attacks against her; her weapon telling her to keep dodging; which she did as her weapon's spirits told her a plan, and also stated to what Rosalina would do.

Unicorn however seeing the child's eyes glaze-over, knew she was speaking to her weapon to his surprise yet kept his assault-up, yet that quickly changed as a bright-glow that everyone had to cover their eyes and saw a slightly powered-up Rosalina looking at him harshly, teleported and whacked him in the gut to truly shock him as he also keeled over, yet was then sent flying within moments by a forceful kick by Rosalina, and into a rock formation nearby the dome.

Though her minor relief changed into panic mixed with uncertainty as a silver-like aura formed around him and he in turn, charged and began; which she couldn't dodge, a lot of sudden yet swift slash-like attacks against Rosalina with Eagle's eyes narrowing at him for this secretly. Unicorn then blasted her with a blue-like energy he quickly had in his free hand at her before resuming on holding his weapon, normally once again as she skidded slightly as well as rolled, on the ground, got up reflexively, and charged at him as her instincts were now fully going-on.

They fought randomly with Rosalina to surprise the two armored individuals, her attacks she had used in the past against him, as they were at it for nearly ten minutes before he stated loudly as she was going to charge at him again, "Enough!"

Rosalina to Helena's and Eagle's outcry; to also surprise the group as well, Rosalina barreled a lot before now laying onto the dirt, and with her also panting hard; glaring at him as he was about to declare her unfit, they all froze as he swiftly turned and blocked an attack meant for them both from the sky. Though what he saw made the two armored allies eyes widened in utter betrayal mixed with shock; him stating firmly aloud a codename to the one who was grinning in secret under his mask at the two now, "what is the meaning of this betrayal, Dragon?!"

The person in the sky had metallic-dragon wings behind his back and mostly resembled like the others, mostly dark-like knight armor with his helm being a dragon with baring fangs; showing his amused yet firm icy-blue glowing eyes in-between them as he also looked at the group below him; his allies included. Yet what he now stated froze the two in utter shock at this, in a deep-yet younger tone of a male voice from Britain, "Why would it be considered betrayal when I was ordered to end both of your lives by the master himself; after finding-out of your secret, sibling-like relationship as it is forbidden?"

Rosalina seeing her chance to escape; also seeing a feud occurring right now between the two males, got slowly up as her weapon vanished and her power also returning into her, and headed over as the dome vanished within moments as it was cracked with a hole, when the energy Dragon shot, went into and through it.

"The Master ordered you to end us? Even after what Eagle and I have done to uphold our bargains, with Ansemakku?" Rose and the group froze at this name as if, it was meant to be forbidden or a curse word of sorts, yet Dragon merely chuckled as he raised his weapon he summoned; which was a large claymore with fel-green runes basically, "Correct fools: NOW DIE!" He swung his weapon that produced a sickly-green light that Rose froze over; as it was like the same light yet different then that night she slightly recalled in her nightmares sometimes, headed for them.

However before the energy-like attack could hit them, to everyone surprise and Dragon's sudden fury, a powerful-looking humanoid appeared out of Rosalina's Digivice; her hand held-up and easily deflected the attack with ease, and also at the same time, looking softly at both Eagle and Rosalina.

She looked to be at least sixteen years old; with her also being at least seven foot evenly in height, but wore goth-like medieval armor that was all dull-grey, with chaos-runes etched within said armor that did little to also conceal her doll-like yet attractive-looking body. She had blood-red, short-bobbed hair that had bronze highlights in it, and had dark-orange dragon-like eyes with her also showing two small fangs from her upper-lip. She also resembled a slightly older-looking in face-wise, Rosalina mixed with Sunset Shimmer's; though her skin tone was also pure-white as snow or mostly a cleaned skeleton slightly, and she also had four sets of wings that were attached to her armor; in blue-like flames that didn't at al burn anything, and had also claw-like gloves with them looking sharp slightly to easily leave slashes into her enemies. She also like the races that had them, a Gatomon for example, the tail-rings but on each wrist and ankle she has in silver coloring, not gold with blue runes briefly glowing on and off.

Rosalina knew she might be a digimon and a powerful one at that, as she stated firmly in a voice like Rosalina's but mature-sounding; while looking at a pissed-off Dragon, "no-one will harm my future master at all while I have anything to say about it." She however sweat dropped as she looked briefly before to Dragon again; the others also doing so by Rose's innocent question, now near the others due to her appearance, "who are you miss?"

The female digimon, stated without looking away, summoning in both hands now, a pair of identical looking broadswords that glowed in both light and dark-like auras at the edges; also runes like her rings as well, "You may call me X-Saranitymon, master. So to my honor allow me to assist you-" a flash and Flare looking annoyed yet now stood side-by-side with the new digimon continued for Rose; with them sensing her minor burst of power made her briefly weak somehow, when fighting the male, "we will assist you Rose."

Eagle or Lily sensing a fight, and to Rose's sudden yelp a she was partially-healed due to this, her dragon group as well as others, teleported secretly to Aeroza's world with a side-note to amuse the Bio-Droids he owns from her Chaos Magic that is, with Dragon stating with him also briefly cracking his neck and glowed a dark-like aura; Eagle now with them both, Rose as well by a sudden need to be by the digimon, and unicorn-armored male, "Well, by all means if you want to die together," his aura grew denser as his weapon began to suddenly spark with blue lighting suddenly, "so be it!"

Dragon then charged at them with that energized weapon he has to rather suddenly; forcing them all to dodge as he left marks deeply into the earth itself as while this happened, they also got jolted to make Rose yelp slightly at this in surprise.

He then reappeared in multi-versions of himself as he did it once again, but quicker to the point mostly all but Unicorn this time, as he took the hits for them all, dodged. Though once that weird attack Dragon done was over and back into the sky with ease, they saw to Rose's and Eagle/Lily's surprise, how singed and damaged Unicorn's armor was yet he still stood as if, it didn't phased him at all.

"Master, fuse me and the Beast," X-Saranitymon now firmly stated to make her trainer nod slightly as she also recalled in her talks with her two weapons while sleeping last night; as somehow, they knew how her digivice fully worked and also explained as easily to her mental-age, as much as they could. "By all means foolish child; let's see to what your so-called fusion does, hmm?" Dragon mocked Rose that Eagle now saw sudden fury at him for, alongside the two creatures she knew was digimon; due to her traveling that is, and then laughed at the group as he began to slowly yet surely charge another attack now.

Now determined as he sent her mate and newly-made friends/sibling in her mind away; not knowing it was Lily, she firmly stated with her body unknowingly glowing a golden-silver-like aura as she done this while stating their names aloud; her body moving as if she was dancing mixed with swimming at the same time before touched the device in her right-hand now, "Flare, X-Saranitymon, Digi-Fuse!"

The two digimon glowed and within moments after they had to cover their eyes at how bright it was, Dragon was stunned with Rose unknowingly now blushing with Eagle looking at the fused digimon now, with a look of really mixed with a small tint of her own at the digimon female's outfit, alongside Unicorn unknowingly to them both.

The fused digimon was exotic looking mixed with some decency due to the outfit she wore; which is a mixture of both a toga of sorts with it also being like a metallic-leather-infused bathing suite of sorts; covering her large chest as it was wrapped around her upper torso, with three other plated straps under that as her lower-half briefly showed. She was decently muscled to seem not powerful yet the aura; a jade-green aura she was giving off, detests that out quickly. She also wore shinobi-sandals alongside leggings for ninja females, and a headband with Flare's symbol on it. She also had nine fox-tails that matched her hair yet her skin coloring was; just like her looks with whisker-like lines on her cheeks, the same face as X-Saranitymon. Her eyes however were a mixture of both hers and Flare's, and she now had two Chakrams that had a ying-yang design in both gold and silver (1). She was also now eight feet tall evenly, with her chest-size being the size of watermelons. She also had rune-like tattoos around her chest, sides, and arms. Now however, she had metallic-like wings that were a fusion of what X-Saranitymon had with Blaze's armored form. On her arms and ankles though, were slimmer-versions of the rings; three on each limb as they glowed both neon-blue to green within the span of every seven seconds.

The newly-christened Digimon now stated her name in the combined voices of both digimon now, eyes mostly narrowed at dragon, "X-MaloSaranitymon!" Rosalina to say, was also gob smacked in which the fused digimon saw, went over while glaring still briefly at the stunned Dragon at her beauty; despite her being now a Mega-like fusion, and closed her tamer's mouth.

Now Rosalina blushed as unknown to the two; which the two digimon secretly were inwardly surprised at afterwards when the fighting is truly over, a surprise in waiting from defusing.

"So this is the supposed creature meant to challenge me? Pathetic worm!" Dragon stating while now laughing, an aura now covering the fused digimon quickly and she now smirked while also stating; now making Rosalina look at her in awe due to her mind-set, and both Eagle and Unicorn to be impressed at the insult to which, Dragon growled at her in anger for, "I wouldn't talk though fool: you are the weak one compared to thy self."

Now getting into a fighting stance, X-MaloSaranitymon then began to channel her powers into her two weapons, now quickly multiplied to hundreds behind her; floating without anything within the air as Dragon began to quickly this time, cast his attack against her. "Thunder-Blast!" "Chakram-Barrage!" The two now stated their attacks at the same time; the tons of weapons behind the fused digimon, quickly went-after Dragon while his attack boomed like thunder itself as it was aimed at not only her due to the size of it; being at least a large school-bus, but mostly at the digimon herself as the attacks collided.

Both blasts hit to divulge the area now into black and grey smoke, and out from the top, the fused digimon now charged right at Dragon; who was surprised yet quickly, blocked her attacks now against him.

A few minutes later of watching her fused digimon attacking, Rosalina had enough as he was able to jab the fused digimon to make Rose's power, unknowingly increase as she was power-up once again into the form, and to the surprise of the two, vanished and reappeared as she began to physically assault in sudden-fury at Dragon.

Now being assaulted from both sides with Lily secretly impressed at how powerful her child is; fully knowing who her father is, Unicorn suddenly took off as he saw something heading for the two; unknown to the three to make Lily shout to him in minor surprise as to what he was doing.

With Rose and the digimon occupied as they fought side-by-side currently, Dragon smirked as he strangely shoved them aside, and took off a few feet or so away from them and before they could ask or see why he did that, they froze once they saw up above them was a violet-energy-ball headlined right for them in a death-like move.

Bracing themselves, they were expected to get hit with untold thoughts within the two's minds, three if you count the fusion digimon, but when they realized it didn't hit them, they were stunned; more-so from Rosalina as Unicorn was now blocking it with struggles, against the energy-ball with Dragon now appearing behind the two, sending them back with Unicorn looking at him with wide eyes as he was then cleaved-through by his claymore to Lily's furious yet shocked yell at Dragon. The energy-ball then consumed them with another metallic-armored male with the same design but with a bear-like Helmet, now showed as he was the one to cast that attack to distract their former comrade.

When the explosion cleared as the wave that was dispersed, sent both girls right into the ground; leaving a minor dent as well, the three females saw Dragon now holding a orb as Unicorn's armor then fell to the ground, then disintegrating into rust; with Eagle/Lily fully knowing what they done to the man she called her brother: they took his Solaris Heart.

The new armored male then stated in a growl yet deep-like voice to Dragon, making said male to look to the new one in turn as they merely floated with ease within the air; glancing at the three females, "do you intend to finish what you started, Dragon?"

"No, but I would bet as they are listening to us Bear, then they should head to the site… the creature you sent, would be devastating as such to this world's altered timeline as it is. I got what I truly came for however," Dragon held-up the orb that contained the entire being in heart-form, Unicorn that is, and the two before Rosalina could blast them, vanished.

"Now isn't the time for revenge slightly, Master, as we need to from what we may have heard alongside yourself, need to get to the others." X-MaloSaranitymon gently stated in understanding to her; more-so the newer digimon's voice overtaking Blaze's briefly.

Nodding with reluctance as Rose's instinct were telling her; despite Trista's agreement with the fused digimon still, to go after and make them pay. Though the female currently with them, their ex-partner to that man that was her Grandpa's, now touched the side-part of her armor and stunned Rosalina as to who this might be; recalling her nightmares and stated one word to her as well as getting a soft-eyed nod back from the woman, "Mommy?"

Thirty minutes earlier; near the Dark Portal site:

Violet, Sylvanas and the others were currently engaged with the Corruptions; alongside the orcs that served under Gul'dan. Gul'dan's daughter alongside them, cleaving with her axe with quick ease, chopping a head off of a Neoshadow-Dusk fused version as it also disintegrated to nothing.

As it turns out, the enemy that came through the changed portal, and came out immensely as if, to try and take-on this entire world.

"Aunt Sylvanas, we need to find a way to stop that portal!" Violet exclaimed with the barrowed weapon she now has been using the last hour and a half; a broadsword as she easily cleaved it with her powers flowing into the weapon, against the same thing Olinda cleaved moments earlier. Nodding in quick yet wordless agreement as she used her powers as a Banshee to go through and deal a lot of damage to a lot of the Corruptions; with Violet and Olinda truly impressed as within moments, she returned while shooting a flying version of a Wyvern/Dragoon Corruption to make it fall on a small group that was corning a retreating pack of Frostwolves; as they were carrying injured.

"Sylvanas!" Khadgar stated loudly over the immense battle as he was nearly-out of mana for once in his life, urgently as he whacked another one of the same Corruptions that the two girls fought; knocking it out in a comic-like daze onto the ground, and the Ex-Banshee Queen looking at him quickly due to her hearing.

He gestured to the portal with the girls and her, as well as most of the forces seeing with widened eyes now as something massive was coming out of it; crushing the smaller Corruptions with ease while doing so. "By the gods…" Sylvanas trailed off in shock as most of the Corruptions now began to vanish while the remaining were currently fighting the foot soldiers and grunts nearby, as a colossal beast of that type of enemy, now came-out of the portal with ease as well; despite its bulky yet agile size.

It seemed to be a fusion of a Outland-Kudo but with tentacles that matched the skin coloring; pitch-black that is, up to six on its back as they flayed all around it to knock both its allies and the forces with ease in air and away from it; heading to them in a small charge. It also had a bladed-tail like a fel-hound with its face as it had no fur, reptile-like that of a croc, and fel-runes on its shoulders, back-legs, and the sides of its hunched back as there was also spikes on the spine.

"Move! It's heading this way!" Sylvanas shouted while channeling her powers into her voice to make herself truly be heard by them; with the forces of both Gul'dan and the Alliance quickly moving as some of them got crushed, as to her relief as well, she was able to make it out of the way in time; away from the rampaging hybrid-beast. Though that didn't stop while it was charging, flames strangely came out of its feet while running; causing explosions to occur from items meant to explode by flames, and making havoc as the forces on both sides tried to clear-out form the mentioned areas.

However seeing a possibly weakness on the middle of its forehead as it then turned around and began to go right at her this time, Sylvanas got one of her arrows within her hands quickly; her weapon ready as she charged it with her power, and fired right at the strange eye-like gem.

To Sylvanas's dismay as she moved to the left slightly, dodged it as it charged into a nearby lake; hearing it screech as if in minor pain, the groups of Alliance and Gul'dan's forces took this time as it was now sluggish in movement, pelt it with projectile attacks and Sylvanas got on-top of the beast's head when it was upwards, and this time was able to finally crack said gem. She then quickly held in her own surprise as she within moments, turn into her banshee-form as luck would have it, the beast began to disintegrate into flames with the flames also, dying into the water. A silver-like heart though, floated-upwards and then vanished as it was near the peak of the sky.

The celebrations were cut short however as another one began to emerge and do the same thing and they kept at it as two more showed-up afterwards with the same tactic.

Now seeing no-more of those hybrids would be coming-out of it, they relaxed for only a few brief moments until they then heard laughter, which with those with keen eye-sight, saw a armored, pitch-black male with a helmet in the shape of a Bear, stated at them as if, they were a mere joke or something else, "You fools think that was what I planned to send to you? Think again, as the true creature finally comes!" He then whistled very loud to make Sylvanas and others with higher-hearing to cover their ears yet they froze as the smoke from the kudo-hybrids began to collide with one another.

The armored male in the sky then tossed a dark-like ball into the smoke as it then also absorbed it all, within moments. Then without warning, the object itself then also pulsed an eerily dark-like aura; since each pulse also caused destruction to the ground; which both side's forces were able to dodge yet those that weren't so lucky, ended up killed.

Sylvanas then heard a familiar screech to shock her as well as Violet as she recalled a creature as such; as it was thought to have been killed during the Legion's secret invasion of Outland; since it was also a secret mission she personally foresaw, as the former Queen of the Forsaken.

The smoke then began to take-shape into what the Legion crated so-long ago: a demonic-fusion of a demon-based drake with a phoenix. It was mostly fel-like flames that were also the wings on its back, with its tail also bladed with a dark-like mist at the end; despite the dagger. It's armor etched in demonic-runes of sorts that glowed a blood-red, with its eyes glowing red as well as it glared at her in familiarity; the Corruption symbol on the monster's forehead. It face was that of a adult dragon but with a beak-like maw as when it roared at them all, it's voice echoed slightly in power, and saw silver-like teeth within the monster's mouth.

However from what Sylvanas recalled to what kind of monster it was, there were a few things off about it, it had shackles on it ankles and there was four of the same tentacles like the kudo-hybrids had on both of it sides, and the same gem was now on its chest-area, but enlarged, and empowered by whatever energy it has now.

"Let's see if you can handle the resurrected-yet-failed monster the Legion itself made long ago in your universe, Windrunner, as I am sure you will get a kick of who it wants most in revenge!" The armored male stated as he firstly gestured at the monster, and then to her as those nearby got ready.

Though while the beast began to charge at them, Sylvanas froze yet was quickly angered by what he stated more-so to his own self, purposely however looking right at her as if, he knew she might be listening, "I wonder if the Chosen Child would benefit on dying to my Death-Ball?" He then vanished as the monster dubbed back then, Makulagar, attacked.

Violet and the group she was with had to dodge quickly with only a few knocked down, by a random tentacle that swung wildly near their location; demolishing some tents and somewhat study buildings in the process as she blasted Makulagar with a fel-infused arcane blast.

Abigail had mixed feelings as she was taming-up with her though; despite her being her mate's sister, she knew she would have to eventually get-along with the demon-sibling. Olinda didn't have a problem as she hacked the tentacle as it neared them both to their surprise, with Garona also joining in by Olinda also casting a draining spell warlocks use at most times, to heal her past injuries.

Sylvanas, as she was on the other side of the monster, kept shooting her banshee-powered arrows at Makulagar with it also roaring at her direction mostly in revengeful-eyes. Khadgar alongside Anduin were with the Ex-Banshee queen, with Anduin looking at Sylvanas in a look as if to say; since the monster mainly focused its attacks on her, "why is this monstrosity attacking mostly you Sylvanas?"

Sylvanas shot another arrow and quickly notching another to start firing while at the same time, stated to make the two human males understand as they also used their power at the gem-location she kept firing at still, "I defeated it before in a joint-mission. So I do expect Makulagar to be truly vengeful as it was killed by yours truly!" As Sylvanas stated the word truly, the three dodged a random tentacle-swipe that was mostly aimed at the Ex-Banshee Queen herself.

Now as it has been nearly ten minutes fighting it, the monster took off into the air suddenly and with widened eyes, Sylvanas saw its mouth open-wide with her seeing fel-like blue flames beginning to quickly form as she also shouted with an empowered voice once again, "take cover, the monster is about to breathe on us!"

When Makulagar was about to breathe, Broly as he was somehow weakened due to the attacks of the former army of Corruptions earlier, now charged and forced the dragon to shut its jaws as it now looked at him in a pathetic way, whacked him as he was then sent to the ground while also at the same time, making a indent.

It was about to get ready to attack until it froze stiff by someone or two specific someone's looking at Makulagar, Rosalina and her still-fused digimon, now showed-up, and from what mostly everyone saw: she was extremely angry; if her glowing eyes at the monster was to say anything to prove this.

Before the monster could take a swipe at her, as Rosalina was now from what Sylvanas, Violet, and the others heard from Abigail as she was there partially yet mostly heard from both Broly and Selene, was in her powered form; she moved her right-arm back and to Khadgar's surprise, she used the same arcane-like move from before, but with a lot more power aimed at Makulagar; with her arm quickly shoving-forwards with a closed fist as a dragon-like image of arcane magic and power quickly came out of it, and swiftly blasted to make the monster roar in sudden yet surprise pain.

Though some of its hide was blasted off, the blood however was a different story as once it touched the ground and not on the bodies of the fallen, smoky-like mists began to form as more Corruptions then took place; glaring mostly at the remaining forces currently there as they then suddenly attacked.

While Sylvanas and the others wanted to question where the others were, they resumed fighting once again as Rose alongside her fused digimon, kept attacking the monster. Sylvanas however for once was careless and when she shot an arrow to a small yet deadly Corruption that resembled a tall-like imp, she was suddenly whacked by a metallic-one that resembled a mixture of a Knight Heartless and a Claymore-Wielding Nobody; with said weapon half the size of the original.

As most of the forces as well as the others were busy, Sylvanas for once in her life felt seeming out of the ordinary as it was reserved back then to Arthas at his time, with that weapon: true fear as she felt her undead life was about to end, especially since they were actually able to wound her truly while they fought a while's time.

It was going to strike her until it froze, and then disintegrated as Lily, or currently right now, Eagle destroyed it with her weapon she was wielding. Lily's weapon was once her former wand yet changed and modified with other materials to make a fusion of a Sai and a katana. The Sai part being in the middle of the blade; sticking out as the true blade can glow and easily cut through bedrock or any-type of metal. The metal if you could get a glimpse, had pieces of her old wand fused into it, and was also etched with runes that made it only she or to whoever she passes this weapon to, would be able to modify it and will change to whoever wielded it.

Now helping the Ex-Banshee Queen up, Sylvanas was suspicious and yet curious as to whom this female was, yet before they got a chance to do anything or speak, they were now barraged with a small group of the imp-like Corruptions. Side-to-side now, the two females quickly began to assault the enemy.

Rosalina alongside the fused digimon however, kept assaulting with random attacks they could think-up; due to how little training Rose still has as the two digimon though, had more-so training then her.

After a while the dragon roared in agony as it was able to slightly dodge most of the hits, but due to what Rose done to the side of the beast, fell onto the ground as somehow, one of her attacks was able to singe the right-wing Makulagar had. It now slowly got-up on its hind-legs; the tentacles now flailing widely to cause destruction around the monster's current location.

Seeing an opportunity, everyone began to hack and slash, blast with magic, shoot, and anything to deal a lot of damage as it was currently stunned for a few moments before shaking its head, and then began to attack those that are heavily in defense, to taunt and keep said monster from attacking anyone else; yet it still kept targeting from the spikes; to mostly everyone's brief surprise, quick-yet normal-paced bolts of lightning that when hit, would stun others for a few moments before they resumed to attack; also dealing partially-amounts of damage that healers from the Alliance, saw to it quickly.

Gul'dan however was also concerned as his master told him to deal with the beast as he could tell the child, Rosalina that is, may soon go all-out by instinct if something were to happen to either the elf he knew, or those he saw from his own eyesight, linked to her by soul. Though earlier, he was thanking mostly himself to smartly send the lives he was going to use for the portal originally, as well as the two guards and the three interesting family members, to a safer location nearby.

He was right as several minutes later as Rosalina was now nearly depleted her reserves; she froze in shock as her mate, Abigail, was then whacked harshly as she was near her; the monster purposely doing so to get even by the child it thought, from the damaged side in revenge, with the bladed tail it has that was laced with something Rosalina couldn't understand yet stopped her assault on the drake as she now quickly went over to Abigail's form.

Sylvanas and the others; which included a somewhat shocked Violet and wary Gul'dan now, saw Rosalina within moments, comforted her mate; Abigail, while also touching her mate's face. Abigail winced however as she felt-off right now as if, something wrong was flowing into her system and wanted to… no, force her to go to sleep; yet she tried to fight the urge as she saw Rosalina looking at her in mixed fear and horror.

Though it was useless as her voice wasn't working at the moment; due to how hard of a hit the tail was while also leaving her partially breathless, now closed her eyes as Rosalina began to shake her now, worry still on her face; not seeing her power showing to concern the others slightly over; Broly especially, "wake up Aby, wake up please! You're ok right? Please wake up!"

Not noticing that Abigail was deep-sleeping now due to how her armor made it so no-one but her could detect she was sleeping, Rosalina had her head lowered. Sylvanas as seeing Makulagar was now fully distracted away from her, went to go comfort her godchild but froze mid-step as a now darker aura; nearly pitch-black, began to overtake the original with Rosalina slowly looking at the dragon-hybrid in utter hate now on her features as her eyes went pure-white in rage.

Everyone, even the monster froze at the tremendous power now being felt by the child as she yelled more-so to herself since unknown to even them, she thought currently, her mate died. Thankfully she only blown-away her deep-sleeping mate, her power now fully consumed her to now make Sylvanas and the others to be chilled slightly by the yelling that then changed into insane-like laughter. Then the aura got even darker as her outfit then changed to resemble a female version of what Vanitas wore in Kingdom Heart: Birth by Sleep™, but with mostly dark-silver and jade-green colors with blood-red instead, the helmet not on her head also as her hair was now pure-silver.

Slowly standing now, she tilted her head as she then gave the monster a sinister yet creepy smile; sort of like the Creepypasta-Pinkie Pie Smile™ at it, vanished and without words, began attacking the monster with everything she has. Dark-energy that even the group of both Humans, Orcs, and those that Rose knew kept not only away, but felt slightly as it felt… dark, sorrowful and angered with each blast to the now-agonizingly painful monster as it also began to run... or try to.

It didn't make it however as it then was sent into the air, by a still insanely-laughing Rose with tears flowing through her eyes currently as she vanished, and punched truly hard to make the monster fly; despite it having wings, to a mountain nearby as it made an indent with debris falling onto Makulagar with it roaring in defeat.

Everyone tensed however as she looked at them all blankly as if, she doesn't realize who they were and then laughed while crying still. Though she was suddenly blasted by someone behind her to make her sharply turn in a growl-like sound from Rose's throat and they all saw it was the armored bear-helmed male once again; in the air as he stated as if, he was impressed to the child, "it takes a lot of power to unleash your true darker-half to use… but I feel you may be too dangerous. So despite what my master states, I may have to end you child." At the end that chilled Broly and her family/godparent as he charged a dark-like violet orb of sorts into his right-hand that within moments, grew several-times larger and casually sent it right at Rosalina.

Broly seeing his child was in trouble; despite seeing her like this currently, blocked the attack and also held it back, with Rose's look now looking at him in astonishment. It was from what both Violet and Sylvanas, and those that went with her knew; the child looked to be in utter shock at her being saved by the man.

Broly then powered-up briefly to the last of his reserves as he knew he was somehow currently weak, as the ones he faced; the small army of Corruptions that is, were laced with something as he was splashed by dark-purple ooze; which was on his clothing slightly. But he glanced as his daughter suddenly held her head as if, in pain while softly laughing to her own self now as well, mixed with pain at this.

"So the father truly defends the child, unlike the times my Master knew of your… chaotic half as such, Broly son of Paragus; Descendants of both Akuna and Shalanar." Bear; as everyone decided to call him stated to Broly, with Broly also looking at him with a raised eyebrow at the two names in question yet still held the massive energy-ball and with enough effort, sent it right back to a suddenly wide-eyed Bear as he then however chuckled and sent it behind him with ease as to their horror once it was far-enough into the sky, it exploded with them all realizing if that hit the ground, they would of all been wiped-off the current location, as well as the location itself.

The bear-helmed man then snapped his fingers somehow as a dark-like portal showed near him, and stated aloud on purpose they guessed; making both Broly and Rose stiffen at this, "it would seem the Master was right: you child, are not ready for your destiny. But do not take my words, as you will be tested by him until it is time to face the Corruptions. Make no mistake on that, Chosen Child." Bear then left with the portal quickly closing; in the distance within mountain though, a massive silver-like heart showed and then vanished.

Broly depowered himself and quickly went to his child as she then quickly laid on her side in pain; her hands still to her head as her hair and eyes kept going back and forth; back to her original looks and to the new one.

Seeing the fight was now over, the groups began to do their own thing and reluctantly Khadgar and Gul'dan had no choice but to team-up like Sargeras decided in telepathy to Gul'dan, with Sylvanas and Violet now near Rosalina as she whimpered to herself now in pain; trying to hold-back the screams she wanted to let out.

"What is wrong with my child Sylvanas?" He asked as Zoe in her human form; holding her arm in pain yet thankfully it wasn't broken, but scrapped looked worried just like the others as the Ex-Banshee Queen now touched her godchild's hair and face with her eyes narrowed, sensing something within her trying to get-out yet she was holding it back she figured.

"Starlight seems to be keeping or trying to, something back; but it is also hurting her on doing so," Sylvanas after examining the still-in-pain Rosalina as Broly then also easily picked-up his child without any effort, and headed over to like Sylvanas guessed, who might be able to aid her. The fused digimon then changed back into Blaze and X-Saranitymon, though the small group now; as Sylvanas went with Broly alongside Violet, who decided to maybe ease her siblings secret worry, carried Abigail easily with her to the two adults, saw a new child who gazed at the two other digimon with a cute-tilt to her head.

The child looked like an average little girl around six or seven, with red-ginger hair that only went-to her neckline, with her eyes also like Flare's mostly, but hazel-colored. She wore a necklace around her neck though that resembled the symbol that was on MaloSananitymon's shoulders in a silver-like metal. She even resembled in face, Sananitymon as if, a younger version of her. Though despite this as she wore a dark-green flower-skirt with blue-runes on it and kid-shorts as well as sandals, with dull-grey socks, she had pointed-ears with two fox-tails that matched her hair color behind her; mostly connected to her tailbone.

The child with her head still titled, stated curiously to them both to make them, the two digimon, faint; to the amusement of the others in partial shock at this, "Mommies?"

Meanwhile within a tent now with Lily in-tow as she still also had her eagle-armor fully-on still, Khadgar despite his judgement decided to let Gul'dan to aid him as they truly checked with small waves of a non-pain spell to the child; minor relief on her features as to what is currently going on with Rosalina.

Broly, Sylvanas, and Violet though were outside of said tent, listening in as they were currently worried like Anduin was once he arrived and was also told to stay-out of the tent they were using.

Broly crunched-up a rock easily as when they wiped that purple-gunk off him, his strength to his surprise, was back to its originality, and stated to get the looks from the others; as it has been nearly two hours now that Khadgar and Gul'dan was inside the tent; also knowing the condition of what occurred with Juni, Helena, and the others by Eagle currently at this point, with Abigail also up and about, yet still weak currently due to whatever is in her system has yet to be out of her. "When will they come-out and tell us something?"

Feeling someone touching his side in understanding, he saw Sylvanas with Eagle; with soft eyes that were with mixed-feelings as she overheard to her own surprise that Selene was a digimon based-off her own blood, yet is also a mate to Broly? That one confused the female slightly as well yet Lily also listened like the others, to Sylvanas's words now. "Patients is rewarding slightly Saiyan, so you may like us, have to wait-it-out until one of them tells us it is ok."

Grunting at her words, he now sat on a stone-rock near the tent with him deeply thinking to himself like Eagle was doing while also sitting like the others now, in skin-made, foldable chairs as to unlike him, how to reveal herself as she wanted to do so fully once again in front of this group. But her choice, Lily decided was for the best to not do so now, until Rosalina is awake or healed from whatever occurred a while ago. Maybe if something else occurred, then she will do it earlier then she hoped in unexpectancy.

It would seem the wait wouldn't be long as Khadgar then came-out of the tent, with minor sweat running down his face; with him also grabbing a spare tissue he had and also wiping his forehead.

"Well?" Broly stated in a single question-based word in inpatients to the mage; seeing the others gave him mixed looks of both understanding and minor-ire at how irritating slightly the adult saiyan was; despite it was Rosalina, they figured he would be patient enough to simply wait like they were as they were also concerned for her health as well.

"It would seem that somehow Rosalina brought-up strange traces of darkness within her somehow, and neither of us could figure-out as to why that is but you may be surprised by the unexpected outcome since I will let mostly her father, and Sylvanas inside." Khadgar explained/stated uneasily at the end, which made them all wonder as to why this was, yet the two mentioned adults then followed him into the tent and were shocked.

"Is this some kind of joke?" Broly now firmly stated at to what he was seeing, with Sylvanas merely looking at this in minor surprise yet figured from what past experiences she had while alive, well, she might have guessed this might happen as Potters: are unexpected; no matter what gender or race they are as they from what she guessed, were cursed with what James always cursed back then, his Potter-Luck.

There was now two Rosalina's; one of which was her odd form she turned into, with both girls lying on two separate cots, and were both slightly identical-girls sleeping near each other.

"It occurred once we touched Rosalina's scar on her forehead; by accident as both of you could tell-" "The newer child has no scar yet instead, she has a gem." Gul'dan stated easily with a smirk at the mage that the Orc-Lock was given a really or you-undermined-me look. Indeed the newer version of Rosalina had a dark-green gem in the shape of a pentagon, on the middle of her forehead.

"So this occurred when you touched Starlight's scar?" Sylvanas asked in confirmation as she might have figured as to what might have happened, especially she could somehow sense they are the same yet different slightly. With the two nodding to her as they all sat near the deep-sleeping girls, they at least saw Rosalina was feeling better with the other girl, the same. "Yes. In fact I think whatever occurred, I sense another presence still within Rosalina, while this was formed from whatever was within the scar somehow, still; an unknown energy I hate to admit even I am unaware of as it resembles to that of The Void slightly." Khadgar admitted to make the Ex-Banshee Queen freeze at this.

The Void was involved somehow? I hope it wasn't during that time so-long ago with James as we back then, had to get him out of The Void. Sylvanas thought briefly in hidden worry, concern, and half-knowing all in one to herself as she listened while also holding to her minor surprise; as she was unknowingly doing this, both the children's hands since both girls were head-by-head when on the cots.

They then explained things to Broly some of the enemies, like The Void; which Sargeras fully knew as such while also listening through Gul'dan's ears with the Dark-Titan of this timeline figuring this past-timeline to what he ahs heard, has been altered a lot so he may have a counter-part somewhere in the original version of the world the others came from; smirking at the idea he took-off while still listening-in through Gul'dan's ears.

Eventually as seeing it was now late, and Gul'dan to his surprise was told by his master to call-off the invasion and instead, find alternate means to send his army here as this timeline he called it, was now altered too-much to be important and instead, maybe be allied in this world slightly.

Though mostly everyone were given a tent with Broly deciding to stay near both his kids; he stated firmly to the mage and lock as well as to secretly surprise them both yet with Sylvanas, not so much. Including her secretly knowing James must have done that ritual to blood-adopt Rosalina as a True Potter... if her luck has anything to do with it. "I will be staying, no exceptions as I am the current parent around to do so."

Sylvanas currently was now all alone; knocking-back arrows into a target dummy nearby with her letting-out her frustrations on being reminded of her past briefly, from Rose's current condition that she seems to be not waking from, as of yet.

"So I take it you are thy Godmother to thy Water-Spirit's child?" A knight-like voice stated to make Sylvanas pause, and turned to see that creature, Mercurymon if she recalled; who gave her a half-smile somehow on his mirrored face at her, while also leaning on a post-pole nearby. Eagle to her surprise was also next to him with from what she figured as well as from the armored female's posture, was half-tensed mixed with being nervous for some reason.

"You are correct Mirrored-One; though I do wonder as such: why are you suddenly interested in myself; both of you?" Sylvanas now stated in minor suspicion as she began to take care-of her bow and also start picking-up her non-powered arrows around the target and ground.

Eagle simply stood there while looking away briefly to make the Ex-Banshee Queen raise a mere eyebrow at her briefly yet looked to the digimon she figured from Selene's talks awhile back; before getting Rosalina from Deathwing, "I was just thy curious of you, Specter, as I can easily tell you care for Rosalina as much as my former digimon ally does. However," he gestured with a thumb while also crossing his arms to Eagle, not seeing a look given to him as he smirked while also stating something to make Sylvanas now look at Eagle for, "she stated you may intrigue my boredom as she speaks to you as well."

Sylvanas now deadpanned at the digimon who chuckled briefly to himself as he was now the observer, with Eagle going to Sylvanas as Lily in secret also, decided to tell her firstly before revealing herself fully to the others; despite being found-out to what Mercurymon stated: out of boredom, to stick around and watch the show slightly.

"So speak female; as I have no time to delay as soon I will go on patrol to clear my mind even more." Sylvanas stated firmly to Lily, making her inwardly jump as she now realized her friend from not seeing her after sometime, may have changed yet is still her from what she sensed. Though Lily decided quickly while a brief second pausing, then doing so; decided actions speak louder than words and revealed herself to truly shock Sylvanas at who she was actually seeing after so-long; from fully knowing from what Selene and the others stated, she; Lily, was dead.

"How can this be possible?" Sylvanas finally asked Lily after nearly several minutes of simply standing there in shock; ignoring the amused chuckles of Mercurymon as yes to him, this was indeed entertaining.

Lily gestured to the nearby rocks and with minor hesitation yet half-shock now in Sylvanas's orbs, they sat while also ignoring the digimon who merely observed them both. "I was indeed dead; dead as a doornail if you were told as such, Raven," Lily began with Sylvanas's old nickname she personally gave her one of few best-friends she had back then, and this caused a small-smile to appear on her face yet Lily then gave her a sudden firm-look mixed with minor-anger and sadness as the same with Sylvanas with her also understanding her plight. "I was eventually saved from the Realm of Darkness, Raven, and to my surprise I was saved not by my uncle as I expected, but by my… other uncle; which forbade me to not go after Rosalina."

Seeing the look Sylvanas was giving her now, Lily sighed and explained her past to which inwardly Sylvanas was furious as to what horrors Lily might have done to get red on her soul, but understood as it was to her agreement she made; which was null now to what she figured her and her companion she befriended; that was like an older brother of sorts, were betrayed.

After nearly or close-to an hour, Sylvanas seeing Lily was done speaking about herself as to what she did and done, now stated as she also revealed as to what Dragon stated about her former uncle or master, "but that doesn't explain as to why after the years you loyally or slightly served him, Red, why he decided now of all times to betray your both."

Even Mercurymon nodded wordlessly to them unknowingly in minor agreement on that.

Lily sighed despite her hearing her one of few best-friends calling her nickname by old means, yet gave her a uncertain look back at her while stating; looking upwards as currently it was a clear sky tonight. "Me neither Sylvanas… In fact I was hoping I would be able to; from his agreement to me, to return back to my world but…" Sensing sudden sadness from her friend, she stated a simple word to make Lily look to her now, "But?" "If it held, I would be able to return with ease, back to Lost Avalon without the world kicking me... or keeping me out."

Sylvanas's eyes now narrowed with a look again that made Lily sigh also, and began to explain once again why this was; surprising that when Lily died, met with Death. Death stated if a deal was made by another not from this world, with power to slightly rival or half-rival of her, yes her own, then she may be able to return when alive, back to Lost Avalon.

"So no matter if your alive, you would have to-" "to make a deal with someone else in order to return fully back home." Lily finished as well as interrupted her friend with a sigh once more, Sylvanas understanding; despite being only miffed slightly also as Lily interrupted her.

"So you had an excuse to leave Rosalina as you were… branded by your corrupt uncle?" Sylvanas now hesitantly asked as Lily also sighed yet was inwardly thankful that the mark she quickly checked as well as felt, was now fully-out of its power yet now also left as a tattooed reminder; showed Rosalina's godmother taking off with Lily's permission, her metallic-glove on her left-hand.

The tattoo had mostly black-ink as if, drawn by the night with it being in a strange symbol of sorts. The symbol was in the shape of a pentagon, with a circle within it. In that was an upside-down star that had small yet can detect clearly-seen runes, inside of the star.

Lily then placed it back on as she also winced as the armor secretly; like those that serves under him, was enchanted to be soul-bound to the wearer. For you see everyone, all those that serve under the Corrupted King, was forcibly placed into armor designed for the very person itself for him/her needs and powers. So it terms to that, it was then locked back into place due to the one of many enchantments the entire set has.

Seeing that they he was possibly done with information gathering; mostly on Lily's, Mercurymon decided to leave the two alone as when he did, Sylvanas unknown to his ire at not hearing it, told her portion of her past to Lily.

As it has been nearly an hour afterwards, as well as seeing it was late, the two decided as their small group besides both Broly and Zoe, were now in their tents; either relaxing or sleeping, froze as one of Gul'dan's female servants came with Lily having her armor fully-on now, stated with a small bow in respect; secretly surprising the two, "if you both would come with me, both children are now awake."

With decent yet quick speed at this; not to cause any rouse from mostly everyone here, they both came into the tent as they saw to amuse the two females in secret, Rosalina staring blankly at the other girl who slightly looks like her, which the other girl merely smirked in response yet they could tell easily she was somewhat surprised as if they were both told something they either didn't want to hear, or already accepted yet still delayed.

The two noticed them however; despite Broly still in the room alongside both Gul'dan and Khadgar, yet they froze by what Rosalina now beamed at Eagle or Lily at by also stating her title; unknowingly making things awkward currently in the room with the look-alike holding her laughter in. "Mommy, I'm glad you here still."

Broly looking at the armored female like the others, heard Lily sigh and merely stated more-so to her own self then to any of them; Sylvanas also giving her an understanding look in secret, and Lily now getting ready to deactivate her helm, "I was going to try and do this when everyone was present… but I guess I have no choice now thanks to Starlight here." Lily then touched the armor-piece, and Broly stood shock-stilled and only muttered a single word, a name he thought he wouldn't say due to it also being a nickname he came-up with Lily during her time alive, "Bambi?"

Lily sadly nodded to them all with a hesitant smile also on her features; Rosalina secretly blushing due to ousting her biological mother with the other-version of herself now simply observing, with that smirk on her face.

"Yes Blondie, it's me." Lily now stated unsurely yet with half-ease also at the situation she was in to her mate, using her nickname she dubbed him with to make her half-amused now as he in turn, groaned with him face-palming while also stating to make the two children and mostly everyone to chuckle now as well, "why did you ever came-up with that nickname again?"

Now slightly happier, Lily went up to Broly and quickly hugged him; secretly surprising the male as he gave Sylvanas a look from what he saw moments earlier, she knew before him and she in turn, merely mouthed later to which he nodded as he currently soothed his first mate/wife.

Though the situation within a few minutes now changed to the other girl that looks partially like Rosalina, stated with a thumb to make a hey-look from Rosalina at the end of her words; her accent surprisingly American yet still was in Rosalina's voice, "now that's all and good: can you guys explain to… mother why were twins in the first place from Bird-Guy and Red-Eyes? Since I don't want to have a repeated performance?"

The look-alike wilted by the firm look the two males; Gul'dan and Khadgar gave her yet Khadgar stated to make Lily and her surprised while also secretly stunning Lily as well, by the information of what her child originally was in his terms; which she quickly figured it out from the original-name from Lost Avalon. "Your… newer child has a point as she was a by-product of the darkness, or what remained in it with Rosalina herself. Though this child also has from what Rose's grandfather mentioned from the child herself, A Mixed Heart (2). Though the remains of whatever darkness that was banished from the location it came from, was what made this slightly possibly; the gem-like scar on Rose's head."

The term confused them all as during her school-time at Hogwarts; Lily herself studied a lot despite her being in the House of Lions, this subjected word she stated aloud to make Broly confused yet Sylvanas now giving her a wide eyed-look of shock at, "My daughter was a Horocrox?!"

Seeing their confusion slightly, Lily explained; despite not wanting her child to know as those currently within the room, now realized with horror that when she was killed yet became as to what she is, a former minion of sorts to her corrupt uncle, now realized that Rosalina was a former host, officially from the reading they performed as Aeroza's involvement only delayed the soul-shard somehow; not fully gotten rid of it like he thought he did.

After Lily explained, they all turned to Rosalina with understanding in the orbs of not only her, but Broly, Sylvanas and Zoe due to her finding out she was abused and other things; not seeing glazed eyes as if, the other girl was relieving Rosalina's experience slightly before they went back to normal; with Rosalina also looking away while she stated her words hesitantly, "does that make me b-bad then, having him inside me… like Uncle Vernon said I was?"

Lily's eyes softened as she was still being held by her husband/mate, and without words, he let her go so she can comfort Rose. Though to their surprise, the other child joined-in on the hug-fest, reluctantly that is as she had her head turned while doing this. Seeing that this might be a family-moment however, Sylvanas motioned with her head, with a neutral look; despite her eyes secretly soft at this to the others, and taking the hint, left Broly alone with the three females currently or in terms, one adult and two young in mind-heart-soul yet not body, hermaphrodites.

After some time, the three let-go while the look-alike simply had her head turned away from the soft gaze at her form; mostly Lily, as Rosalina went to her father as the two now watched silently, with Lily making the look-alike jump slightly by the gloved-hand to her left-shoulder which also made her quickly look to her in a wordless question of sorts.

Broly though was conflicted now: he loves Selene but his wife he first loved as well as mated, was now alive once again as well as in plain-sight of the half-powerful Saiyan. Yet he knew he couldn't choose, and hopefully Selene won't be angry with him by his firm choice, especially it was mostly for their children's sake. Though later-on he will be the one shocked by theirs.

The look-alike on the other-hand, was now wide eyed with Rosalina now looking at her original and birth-mother, in both happiness and small hope that quickly grew as also, that strange feeling from Violet and Denise now showed with this newer girl; her actual twin she feels by power, that is. "Despite how you were… born, I think you're our daughter as well… Crystal Hannah Evans."

The look-alike, Crystal, looked hesitant now yet simply sighed into the firm yet gentle hug Lily gave her newest child; despite the odd way she was indeed made by whatever the two males done earlier in order to prevent Rosalina; unknown to anyone, to almost die over.

Crystal though within moments, gave her elder-sibling a look with Rosalina merely beaming at her in response while stating, tilting her head cutely while doing so, "so it looks like you're my sister anyways Crystal. Welcome to the family." Crystal blushed though as she turned her head away at Rose's words while also getting a chuckle or two out of both adults at this.

Violet then came into the tent, as she saw it was ok from using her spell to spy at most times to know it was, and saw to shock her by seeing a double-like version of her sister, to make them look at her in surprise alongside Lily; which Violet froze-over as she realized that Eagle was her supposed mother she was meant to be born from and without words, she too joined the hug-fest to also cause Crystal to blush for a few moments yet that changed to disgust yet acceptance from what Rosalina stated with ease as if, she figured from what she saw on Crystal's face, thought their sibling was attractive, "Crystal, this is Violet; our sister."

Now looking away by the confused look as Violet muttered to herself the same title-like word to herself in confusion, yet Broly carefully explained to Violet that she was Rosalina's and hers mother, as well as Denise's; secretly shocking Lily that she has four daughters in comparison to this… Selene. Though she did see love in his eyes as he also mentioned her from their hour-long discussion to what she has missed so-far currently.

Eventually time passed now as Lily hung-out with her currently three daughters with Crystal they all guessed; having a shy yet arrogant-slightly kind-of personality, yet she was quick to anger at certain subjects as if, she lived from them; secretly wondering why she reacted slightly as one Orc male stated a certain word, and he was quickly kicked in the balls, and then was punched by a single-shot, into a random tent or two.

Rosalina and the other girls now, trained slightly for three days until something odd occurred by a temporary truce as Gul'dan found alternate means by Lily herself, to fuel the portal to let the Orc Race to enter; which secretly stunned Saragas once he heard it and passed-it-on to his alternate in the true-version of from time-based world… let's say it was funny and leave it at that as he kept banging his head on a stone-slab-like desk. The substitute was a strange gem that Lily kept on her person, a golden-stone of sorts that she earned by a world she was told to not reveal unless they end-up as such, in the very world itself.

Now to the current timeline right now as Lily and the others were once again training, with Rosalina this time having both weapons out, now blocking Violet's and Crystal's double-assault. "Good form girls; keep it up." Lily encouraged her three daughters with Broly leaning on the tent-stand nearby as he wordlessly watched his three children spare.

Rosalina was about to use a lesser-powered version of that one blast at her sisters until they all froze; everyone did as a portal came, and Aeroza finally came-out of said time-way with relief while stating finally to himself.

He froze as he saw Lily, who in turn sheepishly now waved a hesitant greeting to him while stating two words also like that, "Hey… dad." Lily jumped as she was quickly hugged by him; now sweat dropping while now playfully glaring at Broly who chuckled by the immortal-man's reactions. The girls; mostly Crystal as she cutely tilted her head yet was suckered-punched by Rose who now saw what was happening, and then gave a sheepish look of apology while Crystal half-glared at her sibling while rubbing her sore cheek; Violet holding-back her humor by placing a hand to her mouth; watched as the adults spoke with their grandfather narrowing his eyes as to what their one of two moms stated quietly to him.

Seeing the children looking at them, he stated firmly to his daughter to receive a quick nod at this as Broly from his gesture or a message from his mind to the male, went to get the others, "we will talk later Lily-Drop. I was hoping for Rosalina to be trained by myself as per tradition… but from what I am seeing, it is going better then I hope; I see."

Nodding as the girls now got around seeing their training-time is officially done for now, Lily was about to state something until a blur came out of the portal that was still up, and Rosalina was now hugged quickly to also make Rose stunned yet quickly happy as she saw that it was Selene who came-out of the portal. Lily then gave her father a look to which he now placed his hand behind his head, and stated as if it was fate slightly or something else, "she wanted to greet her daughter as much as you did; especially this is the girl who is slightly younger yet considered your twin/mate-bonded my dear child."

"So… from what I recalled she was fully-human, but now…" Lily trailed off purposely to be filled in as she saw Selene's new tail that made Rosalina declare she is like her now; getting a blush from Selene as Lily decided to let the other-mother, bond with her daughters with her also secretly amused now as she heard and now started to get-to-know Crystal.

"She was a prisoner Lily, experimented on, and freed alongside others from worlds that are either captured or worse." Aeroza gently told his child, getting a single nod of understanding with a brief look of sadness.

Thirty-minutes later, as mostly those that Rosalina befriended and surprisingly Gul'dan wanted to go-with his daughter; leaving Durotan in charge of the Horde to surprise the Orc further. As they went into the vortex, Aeroza stated lastly to Selene, Lily, and Rosalina as they were the last to enter with gentle-ease as he saw the look on Rose's face about leaving, "don't worry my grandchild: I was told by the Bronze Dragonflight that everything would be alright now, and you may be able to visit anytime you wish."

Beaming as she hugged her grandfather at this, she quickly left into the vortex he made, earning a chuckle from the man himself as he saw the two looks by his daughters now; as they got along swimmingly and also made Broly faint as they decided to share the man they love with all their heart as well, as it all recently occurred an hour ago.

"What, it's true she: could come as well as to any time-given world the Dragonflight stated that won't affect their time-ways." Aeroza stated to make the girls sweat drop as he defended himself briefly before the three left into the gateway; not seeing a strange black-orb of sorts following them as on the other side, was the Ansemakku in hidden anger, seeing that his plan failed on tricking his niece; from his throne we all now turn to; alone as well.

Before the specter can rant, he heard someone coming and hid the orb, and saw it was Dragon's replacement... or former replacement, Viper as she wore a snake-like mask and was made from one of the experiments of that Anko person; from the dark-mark on the girl's neck to make him confused as to why she was happy about it being removed. The reason he knew of this, was that he held a meeting to which he was impressed by her will of not being afraid of him; like the few other prisoners he met-with, in secret.

Despite looking like a pale-skinned version of Anko, she had bronze-like hair with red-violet mixed eyes that were snake-like, and wore gothic-clothing mix with some plated-like leather armor; like the gear's material, on her shoulders, kneecaps, and elbows. Unlike Anko though; due to whatever the former person who designed the mark, she had snake-like qualities, hence her codename.

Now bowing-down in respectful greeting, Ansemakku stated firmly to her in one word, "Report." "Master, we have received word that an unknown event is about to take-place on a world not-to-far from where they are currently at. Especially as this event will affect from what I found out just recently, your former sibling's portals, if he uses them next; taking them to said world."

Interested by this news, she told him everything slightly as to what they knew of it, as it was recently discovered to his surprise as it was filled with demons, angels, fallen angels, and some god-like deities in a dimension linked to that world.

"You have once again outdone yourself Viper. You have done a lot of things within the year you have been made…. correct?" He questioned to now confused the girl herself yet now widened her eyes as he stated something to which the service-mark faded on her neck at the same-location as the original, "I have decided; despite your services which were grand, to release you and live-out your days freely… but in order to do-so, you will head to the other world; Azeroth, and protect what my… interest is. However, if the child is close-to dying that is from a lethal-blow, you are to take her place in that category; as I foreseen a minor glimpse into your future… you may like the results."

Viper looked like she was ready to protest this as her one-year of life, she always known the organization as a family to her, but he raised his hand and firmly stated to make her now while removing her mask; her face just like Anko's but with purple-diamonds tattooed on her cheeks; sad with tears being kept at bay now, "That is final."

Dismissing the former servant, he was indeed sad to watch the female-creation leave yet he turned to see a cloaked man now revealing himself, who looked at him as if he was pleased by this, "you will make sure she end's-up killed to be reborn as a devil to the child, correct? It must be done after she has befriended the child as I… altered her Gateway-Key (3) to go in-time, to at least a week or two into the past on that world; Azeroth that is, and when the event comes they will be sent to that new one instead. Otherwise from your home world we placed your agreement we made, will be null, Azeral." The cloaked man nodded and without words, left.

To the specter's ire, Bear now came into the room and stated his own personal report to now change that mood to a wickedly-good one as he merely nodded to also dismiss the servant as the specter now crossed his spiritual-hands together with his red-eyes glowing now, "so it would seem that fool I killed long-ago is alive, and may be in use to me now…. Hahaha, I do however hoped Aeroza would be surprised on the certain… gift I sent as it will be a big surprise."

Now I made this short as on the next chapter; if I get ideas from you guys, on what happens on Azeroth before heading to New Harmonis and beyond, I am really need of ideas now in my reviews for this, Lucy, and Jade stories. The next one however will be longer and more things occurring as such, but I need some ideas as I have some to go along with some things planned.

Now here are some numbers:

One: Reference of Axel's weapons from the Kingdom Hearts™ Franchise.

Two: It is a term of a certain-type of Solaris Heart or part of the entire person, mixed with both light and pure darkness as one, and able to wield them with ease. Mixed Heart users could use both light and darker spells without any problems at all, but as a side-effect to this they would tend to get sick by comment illnesses half-seriously or weak-like; temporary weakness during a new-moon on a world that has it up currently, until it passes. They could also use a dark and light weapon easily as well.

Three: It is a key-like gem that the Tainted Organization used from the lost knowledge from the Old Harmonis, to travel to any-0givne world at any time; which can be altered to whoever makes it by any means. It could also be used to break certain-type of curses as well.

Now that will have to do until next chapter folks; which will be longer I promise, peace guys!