Avenger's Tower
When the Arizona crew arrived at the tower, Natasha pulled Steve aside. "I need to talk to Bruce privately. There's some unfinished business and it needs to be resolved before we go into battle together."
"Nat, I'm thinking it's pretty resolved. He left. We're married. We have a son," Steve replied adamantly.
"Yes, we are and I love our life, but Tony seems to think the other guy was still in charge when Bruce left the planet. Steve, Bruce didn't leave me. The Hulk left. I need to break things to him gently."
"Are you having doubts?"
"Never," Natasha said pulling him into a kiss. "I love you, Steve Rogers. I love you completely. I have everything I want. This is about doing the right thing. I need to tell him about us myself and allow him to react the way he needs to react."
"But, Nat, Banner's reactions aren't your typical jealous ex-boyfriend reactions. I need to know you're safe," Steve argued.
"Pretty sure I can handle myself, Steve. Besides, Bruce wouldn't hurt me. It'll be fine. Do you trust me?"
"You know I do, Nat. Do it your way, but I'll be right outside if you need me."
They walked into the common room. Natasha noticed the visible tension in her teammates and assumed correctly that it had less to do with Thanos and more to do with Bruce Banner. She walked straight to Thor, hugging him quickly, then she walked toward Bruce. "Good to have you back," she said with a smile.
"You have no idea how good it is to be back. I've missed you, Natasha," Bruce replied. His eyes were watching her closely. "Can we talk?"
Natasha nodded. "Let's find some place a little more private." She led him to the kitchen. "Thirsty?" she asked as she grabbed a bottle of water from the fridge.
"No, anxious," he said softly. "You must have had it hard. Being on the run can't have been easy for you."
"I did fine. I was never completely alone. I had Clint and the family from almost the beginning."
"And, Steve and Barnes are with you now," he said softly. "I should have been with you, too. I didn't mean to leave. I'm sorry. The other guy had other plans, I guess."
"Yeah, well, we knew the other guy had a mind of his own," she replied.
"I never wanted to hurt you."
"Bruce, I intentionally made you angry because we needed the other guy. I think I'm the one who hurt you," Natasha said softly.
"Is there any chance we could try to pick up where we left off?" Bruce asked. "I've really missed you."
"Bruce, it's been three years. Things have changed for me. I'm sorry."
"Steve," he said. It wasn't a question. He seemed to already know the truth.
"Steve is my husband. We have a son. His name is James," Natasha smiled as she said her son's name. "Steve and I went on a mission a year ago. Some old Hydra operatives had developed a way to turn you and Wanda into weapons. We couldn't let that happen. We went undercover as husband and wife to try and get our hands on the technology. While we were undercover, we finally admitted feelings we'd both had for a long time, Bruce. By the end of the mission, we discovered they'd used our DNA to create a baby. We've been raising James together for a year. I'm happy, Bruce. I hope you find this kind of happiness someday, and I hope we can all manage to stay friends."
"Friends," Bruce replied. "I won't say I'm not disappointed, but I'm not surprised either. I don't even think I'm unhappy. I'm actually just glad you are happy, Natasha. I'm glad you didn't go through all of this alone."
"Thank you, Bruce," Natasha said, hugging him.
Steve stepped into the kitchen. "Is everything alright in here?" he asked.
"Everything is fine, Cap," Bruce replied. "I was just about to ask Natasha if I could see a picture of your son." Bruce reached his hand out to Steve, "congratulations."
"Thank you," Steve replied, shaking Bruce's hand.
Sam stepped into the kitchen. "Guys, you probably need to see this."
They followed Sam back to the common room. The others were watching the television. On the screen was utter destruction. Thanos had arrived and he was battling the Defenders, Guardians, and Doctor Strange. "We need to do something," Steve demanded.
Tony sighed, "Ross hasn't caved. We need to wait."
"They need us now," Steve argued. As soon as he said the words, Phil Coulson was on the screen. His team had joined the fight. They were still struggling to keep up with Thanos, and Thanos had Strange's infinity stone. That meant only one thing, Thanos would be coming for Vision next.
"Until Ross calls, the mission is simple. We have to protect Vision," Natasha said. She looked at Steve. "Right now, this is our part." He nodded.
Tony's phone rang. He answered and heard Ross on the other end. "Pardons are signed. Just do something." Ross immediately hung up.
Tony smiled. "We have a go. You are all legally free to save the world. Cap, something you want to say?"
Steve shook his head. "I think you need to say it this time."
Tony nodded, "Avengers assemble!"
The Four Seasons, Park Avenue
Three Months Later
Tony twirled Pepper around the dance floor in the traditional first dance as husband and wife. It truly was the happiest day of his life. He couldn't help but glance over towards the tables where the Avengers sat. They'd lost a few good people in their battle with Thanos, but they had persevered. They won the day. The Sokovia Accords had been replaced with a new treaty, one that gave them the freedom to do their jobs yet enough oversight to keep them all in check. He and Steve had signed it together, smiling for the cameras.
Life was different. They were all different. The last few years had changed them, matured them into men and women who could truly act as Earth's last defense. Tony didn't even have to wonder what his father or Peggy would think of the Avengers or even of the new Shield. He already knew they had made the dreams of those great patriarchs a reality. Fury had been right, from the ashes of the old had come something better, something stronger.
I know I skipped the Infinity Wars. That was intentional and my plan from the start. Originally, I'd intended to end this story with the beginning of the battle, but I couldn't resist adding the short bit from the wedding. Thanks to everyone who has read and reviewed. Hope you enjoyed the ride.