Blue and Yellow, Sapphire and Amber




Kagome would hardly consider her and Sesshomaru a couple. They went on one date and already they were front-page news in the school by Monday. Even teachers caught wind of this and pulled her into the teacher's lounge to talk about the importance of being smart and abstinent with young boys. According to all the teachers, all teenage boys just want one thing...

Kagome cringed at the memory of listening to her Assistant Principal, Totosai talk about skirt chasing young men and his days back when he was a young lad.

She didn't get the big deal about their date, it was a very simple one; they went out for brunch at a quaint bistro, sat in the park, and then caught a movie. For Pete's sake, they only held hands and that was by accident because of a cyclist! Kagome dramatically sighed.

This day couldn't possibly get any worse.


Ah, writer's blocks, whatabitch she is! heh ^^;