Hello, yes it is actually me returning after nine months! I've had a lot of stuff going on this year, but I've been getting notifications of people reading my fanfics and I thought I'd write another? It is my intentions to update this one . . . at some point. I can't promise it will be super soon, but hopefully. On with the story!

There had been rumours in Ninjago City of a new menace on the rise, unnamed and unidentifiable. Whoever this guy ("or gal!" exclaims Nya) was, he was kidnapping people left and right with no apparent pattern. One day a police officer would go missing, the next a seemingly random child and on and on this continued. Everyone was baffled and clueless as to who this person was and as the fear began to rise, so did the Ninja. As the protectors of the land, it was up to them to get to the bottom of who this person could be and stop them, simple enough.

"But using one of us as bait is a horrible idea!" Jay remarked.

"Hate to admit it, but he's right," agreed Cole.

"I know, I know," Lloyd said, "but it's the best plan we have and the situation is getting out of hand. Once our criminal is in the open he won't even have a chance to kidnap anyone; we'll be on him and take him down for good."

"But who shall play the part of bait?" Zane inquired.

"I will," Nya said.

"But—" Kai began.

"No, listen," she continued, "there's probably the most chances of our criminal coming with me as bait. I'll play the stereotypical damsel in distress which none of you can do. And I will be fine, Kai, I can take of myself, you know."

"Yeah I know . . ."

"Okay then it's settled. Tonight we will hide out in the car while Nya pretends to take a leisurely stroll through the city," said Lloyd.

"Great," Cole said, "it's a foolproof plan, what could go wrong?"

Sorry it's so short, but I wanted to be able to post something tonight. The next chapters will be longer than this one. Thank you for reading and I hope you will continue on! Please review what you think as I adore reading through your opinions!

God bless!