This chapter is dedicated to my lovely reviewer, YassauseXXX, who has been very encouraging to me. Hope you enjoy!

Chapter IV

Cosette woke to someone gently shaking her awake. She was lying on something soft. She could not remember the last time she laid like this. Maybe she was dreaming. If she was, she really did not want to wake, because waking meant one thing: Mother.

"Cosette, you think you can make it to the campfire?" A feminine voice asked. "It's time to go."

Campfire? Mother and Grandfather never let there be fires. Ever. They said fires were bad. They were bright and warm, melting and burning frozen, cold things. Everything Cosette yearned for, yet feared. Melting what was frozen Cosette figured was okay, but she was afraid of burning.

"Cosette?" She was shaken again. Piper, she remembered. It was the pretty girl Piper from the camp for demigods talking. The one who knew French. Everyone was so nice there, Cosette was sure it must have been a dream. Wait! If Piper was really here talking...then it all must be real!

Her eyes shot open. She was lying on the nice guy's cot in his cabin. The one who tried to greet her in French. John. Or maybe it was Jason. His accent was horrendous, but he did try.

She looked around to find Piper, Jason, and the blonde healer, Will, looking down at her.

Will asked something, but all Cosette got out of it was the word you. She looked to Piper for a translation.

"How are you feeling?"

Well, she did not feel like she was going to faint or throw up anytime soon. Her side was still throbbing, but the pain had dulled a bit. "Better," she answered.

"You feel like coming down to campfire? The others have already headed out."

Cosette nodded hesitantly. Maybe it was not as bad as Mother said. Piper and Will helped her to stand. Piper linked Cosette's arm through her own, something Cosette was grateful for. It looked completely normal, but it still gave her a way to lean on Piper. Will supported her on her other side. Like before, Jason held the door open for them.

Slowly but surely, the cross the campground to the amphitheater where the campfire was held. They sat on the top row where Leo had saved seats so Cosette did not have to climb all the way down and back up.

The sing-along had already started. A few of the Apollo kids had guiters, lyres, and flute up on stage, leading the singing. Cosette did not understand the words, but she cracked a small smile at it all, especially Leo, who over-exaggerated all of the motions that went with the songs.

"Well sung, demigods!" Chiron the centaur boomed when the singing was over. "We are happy to welcome our newest camper to our nightly festivities. Everyone, please make Cosette Grantham feel at home as she continues to heal."

Everyone clapped and a few cheered.

"Now, regarding tonight's-" Chiron was cut off by a blue-white light invading the amphitheater. All the campers turned to figure out where it was coming from and gasped.

A snowflake glowed brilliantly over Cosette's white head. Whispers broke out. They had never seen a symbol like this before.

Chiron was the first to recover from his shock. "Cosette, please come forward," he asked. Jason and Will carefully helped her down the sloped path to the front, with Piper following translator. "Cosette, which of your parents is mortal?"

"Papa," she answered when Piper translated his question for her. He nodded solemnly.

"Never before in all of known history has Boreas' daughter had a child, but if it is your mother who is divine, there is no other it could be," Chiron bowed to Cosette, and the other camper followed suit. "Hail, Cosette, daughter of Khione, goddess of snow and ice." The snowflake over her head flashed and her clothes were replaced with a white ancient Greek style gown that shimmered like new-fallen snow with pale ice blue frost patterns long the hem. A silver cord belt criss-crossed her slender torso from just under her chest to her waist. Her long wavy hair was pulled up into an ancient Greek ponytail style.

Leo sat at the top, stunned. Ice Princess had a daughter? No wonder she had been giving him that judging look at dinner. Her mother probably told her about him! Wait, most demigods did not meet their godly parents until after they were claimed. Maybe she was like that because she knew he was a son of fire. Fire and ice do not mix. At all.

But as she did her best to stand tall between Jason and Will, Leo could not help but notice things like how her ice blue eyes shone in the pale light, how porcelain-like her pale, unblemished skin appeared, or how tiny her waist was. Not that things like that mattered to him. He totally did not care that Cosette currently looked like a gorgeous, ancient Greek goddess version of Elsa from Frozen. He did not care one teeny bit...

A gust of freezing, Artic air rushed in and swirled around Cosette. She glowed white-blue for a moment, causing the boys to quickly step away. Then, the glow and the snowflake faded, leaving Cosette standing alone. She swayed slightly, but Will quickly caught her before she could fall. With Chiron's permission, he led her back up to their seats, Jason and Piper going behind them. Whatever the glowing was, it must have given her some strength, because she made back up to top without too much difficulty.

Chiron cleared his throat loudly to dispel the the last of the murmurs that followed Cosette back to her seat. "Ahem!...As I was saying before, Capture the Flag tonight! Teams, make your final preparations. The defending team may go hide their flag in the woods. Dismissed!"