This story is set in the summer before seventh year. Charlie and Hermione had been pen pals for six years, and developed quite the bond, unbeknownst to the Weasley clan. When Charlie shows up out of the blue, their secret friendship is revealed. But do they both want more than what they've been settling for?

I do not own Harry Potter. I am merely borrowing J.K. Rowling's babies and forcing them to do my bidding. N_n

Please review and follow!

Chapter One

Hermione was lounging in the living room of the Burrow with the rest of the Weasley Clan and Harry. She was laying with her head on Harry's lap and her feet curled up on Ron's lap. They whispered quietly, gazing into the fireplace.

Fred, George, and Ginny were playing exploding snap, while Mrs. Weasley knitted and Mr. Weasley tinkered about with some wires. Percy and Bill were both reading.

The front door opened and everybody dropped what they were doing, turning to see who the intruder was, wands out and ready.

"Surprise, don't stun me."

It was Charlie Weasley, the second oldest Weasley, and the one who lived in Romania with the dragons. Screams and shouts sounded, and Charlie was enveloped in numerous hugs. Once Arthur was able to pry Molly's hands from around Charlie's neck, he gave him a quick hug and kiss. Next was Ginny, whom he picked up and spun around. Percy shook his hand and went back to what he was doing. Bill hugged him tightly for a minute, whispering in his ear. Fred and George jumped on him at the same time and Ron gave him a quick hug. Harry shook his hand, having only met him once. It was a shock to the onlookers when the path to Charlie cleared, Hermione ran straight into his arms. He wrapped his arms around her waist and lifted her into the air, and kissed her on the cheek. They gazed into each other's eyes, taking in how they looked. Charlie loved Hermione's eyes. They were a deep brown that was warm and inviting and intelligent. She gazed into his sky blue eyes lovingly, her hands wrapped around his muscular and scarred arms.

Their moment was interrupted by a cough. They turned, sheepishly. Everyone, minus Harry had questioning looks.

"Oh, don't look at me like that. We've been writing each other for years. When I met you lot, I got to know you all. I was interested in getting to know Charlie as well."

"So the crazy bird wrote me a letter, and we've been pen pals ever since. We talk through floo and I've even visited a couple of times."

Mrs. Weasley looked a little perturbed.

"And you never told us?"

Hermione shrugged.

"I didn't see what the big deal was. I've gotten to know each and every one of you. I felt like Charlie got left out too often. I wanted to know him. He's my best friend." She smiled up at him, her eyes gleaming and her smile proud. He smiled softly at her.

"Well, now that we've got that settled, is it dinner time yet?"

Mrs. Weasley gasped audibly, forgetting about her food in the oven. She turned and ran to the kitchen, hoping nothing burned.

The rest of the family dispersed to their desired location. It escaped nobody's notice when Charlie and Hermione went outside, hand in hand.

The summer was hot, and there was a dark feel to the air. War was coming, and you could feel it. They certainly could.

"So, do you want to tell me what's going on?" Charlie started. "In your letter, you said that I might not hear from you for a while."

Hermione sighed. They took a seat on the hill. Apparently the Weasley children, minus Percy, decided to play Quidditch. Hermione and Charlie watched for a minute as they zoomed through the air.

"I can't tell you a lot, Charlie. Only that communication this year will be minimal. No floo. Few letters, if any at all. It's going to be hard. The war is coming and I'm right in the middle of it."

Charlie wrapped his strong arms around her. She leaned into his chest, taking in the comfort he provided her. He placed his chin lightly on the top of her head, smelling her thick, wild curls and inhaling her scent.

"What else can you tell me?" he asked, dreading the thought of losing contact with her.

"I can tell you that it involves Harry and Ron, and that this is the year we'll be in the most amount of danger. I can tell you that I love you, and I hope I make it out of this war alive."

"Whatever it is, I'll come with you, Hermione. I'll protect you."

"No, Charlie. You're needed here, with your family."

He sighed heavily, not wanting to agree with her, but the fact is, she was right. Whatever they were doing, they needed to do it alone. But he would be waiting in the wings if she needed him.

"Just promise me one thing. You'll find some way to keep in touch with me."

Hermione kept silent, knowing she couldn't promise him anything. He knew what her silence met, and pulled her harder against him.

"Okay," he said. "Then just promise me you'll stay safe."

She couldn't promise him that either.

Mrs. Weasley called out for dinner, and while the rest of the clan headed in, Hermione and Charlie stayed like they were until the sun fell from the sky, leaving them in darkness.