"So you really focused to Limb Expansion and Shrinking only? No full body growth?" Continella asked.

"Yeah. I dunno, i guess i didnt wanna keep being known as the giant girl anymore. I wanted to focus on something unique instead of growing big." Titanica said.

"Well, thats my spot now. You leave the growing department to me." Continella asid.

"Howd Astro even get his hands on all this material for Artificial Enhanced, and you and the other kids for that matter?" Fuyuhiko asked.

"Well, we had no clue who he or his friends were. They just showed up one day while big bro Eric had disappeared. He attacked the nun watching us and then knocked us out with gas. He said then "I'm just taking what Eric owes me." Continella said.

"Huh." Hope said. "Lacy, did you have anything to do with Eric's absence? You were there at his Love House local."

"Yeah. I was. He attacked me with his parasites because he thought I was going to hurt the kids. It was that situations I came up with that new move. His claw attacks bounced off my body and I sent him flying with a palm strike. I think he crashed into a hospital and was under their care for a bit." Lacy said.

"Palm Strike? In fact, you've never told us what this new move is." Akane said.

"Its something I developed when I was close to death. A mode where I could focus on being a tank and take out anyone who brings harm to people. I call it Sumo Girl." Lacy said.

"Sumo Girl? Explains the Palm Strike." Hope said. "Why were you so elusive of it with Rainbow?"

"I just wanted to have a little fun with her. Cmon, im a Circus Entertainer, its what i do." Lacy said.

"I thought you were an Acrobat." Ibuki said.

"Same thing. But...although its powerful, I can only maintain it for 5 minutes. The drawback used to be deflation. But after training, I learned the real drawback. I'll be unable to used my enhanced abilities for an hour." Lacy said. "I only use it as a last resort."

"We'll be sure it doesn't come to that. Youre a great member of this family, Lacy. I'd hate to see you go out of action after a fight." Hope said.

As they continued on, they reached a cliffside with a road leading to three large Lake preserves.

"The Great Lakes. Unlimited water that flows into Fontaine to provide its nourishment. Fun fact, it also provides new ice for Nixtrom." Hatsu said.

"Youre a great history buff, Hatsu." Damien said.

"Well, I do have to keep up my lessons about our universe." Hatsu said.

"We have two options now. Scale that cliff, or cross that lake while dealing with the Sanada Clan Bases that are aiming to dam up the lake passageways to Fontaine and Nixtrom." Chacha said.

"Wait, did you say dam the lake?" Hope aske.

"The Sanada Clan has more motives on hand to go back to the old ways than just capturing us. They also have power struggles in motion against many of the kingdoms of Ransei. But are backed by their services to the Takeda, Tokugawa and Toyotomi clan's." Hatsu said.

"So let's pay Ransei some favors." Hope said.

"Probably not the best idea. You see, Takeda...its the same clan as the great warlord Shingen." Chacha said.

"Shingen? That Luffy's counterpart from Terrera, the Ground Kingdom." Fuyuhiko said.

"Even some of the Ransei Kingdoms are in on this old way idea." Peko said.

"Tokugawa...that's the same clan as Ieyasu, the one who rules Valora." Gemini said.

"And Toyotomi...that's Hideyoshi's last name, the one that rules Ignis." Ichiro said.

"So, what do we do?" Hope asked.

"Nothing. We do our job and escort the women." Peko said.

"If we send someone up that cliff, we could have an eye up in the sky." Hope said.

"Thats a straight angled cliff, its near impossible." Chacha said.

"Impossible? Youre speaking my language." Akane smirked.

"What, are you crazy? You cant just…" Oeyo said.

"Yahoo!" Akane said jumping up to the cliffside and scrambling up it like a pro, shocking the sisters.

"How… what?!" Hatsu asked.

"There's a reason why Akane is called The Ultimate Gymnast." Hope said as Akane quickly scaled the cliff and looked over the horizon.

"Hey! I can definitely see Aurora from this angle!" Akane said. "We just gotta pass the lake!"

"How can we do that when Damming Ops are already underway on the lakes?" Hope asked.

"I do still have the Mantine Glider, but that only works with one at a time, so let's scratch that." Kazuichi said.

"If only there was someway to cross the lakes without the clans even knowing we were there…" Continella said.

"Wait...there is a way. Hatsu, is there a similar clan a lot of them serve or respect?" Hope asked.

"I think that would be the Oda Clan." Hatsu said.

Hope got a lightbulb. "Time to reinstate the Ranmaru Disguise."

"It worked with Lord Daichen, but you cant fool the other clans in your civvies." Ibuki said.

"Well what can i do? i dont have Ranmaru's clothes and armor." Hope said.

"Uh...if it helps, I have replicas of all of the clothing worn by the warlords who fought in Ransei." Hatsu said.

"Okay, i'm in business." Hope said. "Suit me up."

Hatsu got to work on Hope, suiting him up in Ranmaru's Signature robes of purple and white as well as a short a purple scarf as well as a hairpin and gloves.

"Dang. I make this look good." Hope said.

"Its almost as if you've been born to wear it." Sonia said.

"Okay, let's do this. Peko, youre my bodyguard, Sonia's my Royal Escort. Let's make this work!" Hope said.


The clan workers were working on the dam before Ibuki announced herself on a Megaphone.

"Make way there! New Leader of Dragnor, coming through!" Ibuki said as the Squad marched through with Hope in Ranmaru's outfit.

"L-L-Lord Ranmaru!" one of the workers said. "Why are you coming through this area?"

"I am escorting the Azai sisters to Aurora, to prevent them any harm from the assassins." Hope said.

"O-of course. We are just surprised. We had not heard word of your arrival before today." another worker said.

"Surprises are necessary. Now tell me, why are you trying to Dam up water access to Fontaine and Nixtorm, when the Ice Kingdom is still loyal to my lord Nobunaga?" Hope asked.

"It was requested by Lord Motochika in order to replenish the reservoirs but we plan to finish quite soon." a worker said.

"And does Lord Mitsuhide know of this?" Hope asked. "Do remember that Mitsuhide is still Dragors Ally."

"No my lord! We have yet to inform him." he said.

"Next time you build a dam, you should consider telling my closest general when you want to build a dam that cuts off half the water to Nixtorm." Hope said.

"Of course. Forgive us!" the worker said.

"Now we'll be on our way. Continue on with your work, but please do not hinder Nixtorm." Hope said as they moved on past the workers.

They traveled across the dam before making it out on the other side before exhaling.

"That was my best acting yet." Hope said. "How'd i do?"

"How do I put this...your acting was very subpar." Hatsu said.

"Hey, he got us past those guys, didnt he?" Ibuki said.

"He did and we are thankful. Now all we must do is travel the path into Aurora and your job is complete." Chacha said.

The squad continued down the road until seeing the familiar sight of Aurora, as Akane rejoined them. They stopped in front of the gates as Nagamasa was waiting as Hope shed his hair peice.

"Lord Nagamasa." Hope said bowing. "Been a long time."

"Indeed, young warrior. And I welcome my nieces to Aurora." Nagamasa said as the three girls entered.

"If youre wondering why im wearing Ranmaru's clothes… long story." Hope said.

"No, I get it. I still appreciate your hard efforts of protecting them." Nagamasa said.

"So, where do we go now?" Akane asked.

"How about going back to the future universe?" Riku asked.

"No, thats a little too obvious. We need to go somewhere were we might have less targets." Hope said. "I got it! How about the Demon Universe?"

"You would have multiple enemies then." Lucifer said.

"Wait, what about the universe with that endless ocean and all those islands? We've never been there except for Kazuichi." Titanica said.

"Youre right. In fact, the Exploration Society hasnt exactly probed the Sea Universe. We could be the first to explore it!" Toma said.

"Oh ho… i like where this is headed…!" Nana said.

"So why not go there? And I agree. Its settled, were going to the 18th Universe, The Sea Universe!" Hope said.

To Be Continued in the Hope Chronicles: Ocean Waker