aaaaaaah after days of writing this im finally posting the first chapter

I'll be writing this when I have time, since it's summer break now.

(I still have so many boxes to unpack since we just moved uuugh)

"Sun, if you don't hurry, I'm leaving without you," a dark-haired girl called from the entrance of the two-storey house, lidded cup full to the brim with iced coffee. Tumbling down the stairs came a boy who shared many of the same features as her, dressed in a white and blue striped t-shirt and grey jeans. He pulled a red backpack off the chair he walked by, coming to a stop in front of the girl.

"Morning, Moon!" A grin was etched onto his face, not a noticeable trace of sleep in his eyes. He pulled on his sneakers quickly before motioning to the girl to open the door behind her. They exited the house quietly, Moon untangling her ear buds as they began their trek to their new school.

"I can't believe its been a week since we moved already," Sun commented, arms crossed behind his head, smile still present. It was quickly taken over by a frown as Moon popped one bud in her ear, phone in the other hand, thumbing through her music, coffee huddled in the crook of her arm. "Oh, come on!" He wailed, poking her shoulder.

She only shrugged him away in response.

It had been a week since they moved from Kanto to Alola, and she was hating every minute of the intense heat. No longer could she afford to live in her hoodies and jeans, and so had to bear with a tank top and shorts, shoulder-length hair tied into a messy bun. It was the early morning, and already the sun was taunting her.

This school better have air conditioning, she thought, taking a sip of her drink as she ignored her brother.

The walk was relaxing for the most part, however, and a constant breeze from the ocean made it more bearable. It didn't take them long to find the trainer's school, as it loomed in on them from quite a distance away. The building had at least three floors, and verandas could be seen along the length of the buildings.

Open walkways. So, no A/C?

The two reached the school grounds minutes later, Sun ogling the field in front of them. "It looks like they have everything here!" Moon ignored his exclamation, instead focusing on her schedule.

"Why is it block scheduling?" She groaned, eying the four classes with disdain. On the corner of her paper listed her locker number, one hundred. Trying to find that locker would be like finding a needle in a haystack, she decided.

Not something she wanted to do.

The building inside was bright, early sunlight providing all they needed. Warm colours splashed the indoor hallways, a contrast to the cool grey lockers that lined the walls. Moon bit the inside of her cheek, dragging her brother along as they scouted for their lockers.

"Ah, found mine!" He pipped up, coming to a halt in front of the locker labelled "fifty". He waved his sister off. "Have fun finding yours!"

A boy with a spiked ponytail came up to them just as Moon was to leave, stopping in front of Sun. His eyes simply sparkled, a wide grin on his face. "Are you two new?" He questioned excitedly, bouncing on the balls of his feet. Sun let out a small laugh, scratching his neck.

"Yeah, we are! I'm Sun, and this is –" Before he could introduce his sister, Moon had already put her ear buds back in, wandering farther down the hallway. "– Moon, my twin," Sun ended with a sigh.

Just a tad further down the hallway, Moon found her own locker, conveniently across the hall to her pokemon behavioral studies class. Though it was her last class that day, she was somewhat glad she had found it easily enough.

She shifted her coffee back into the crook of her arm in order to open her locker, panicking when she felt it shift. Oh no oh no oh no –

Just as it was about to fall, Moon felt a presence beside her, and her cup slowly moved up and into the hands of the person beside her. She opened her locker, hanging the lock on clasp, her head turning to her saviour.

She was met by the most beautiful boy she had ever laid eyes on. His hair was cloud-like, a pink cotton candy colour, tan skin tone offsetting the white and brown apparel he had on. Grey eyes made her melt as he handed back her coffee to her with a small smile.

"T-thank you," Moon stuttered, cheeks slowly tinting red. The boy laughed, a small, light melody.

"I take it you're one of our new students?" He asked. Moon nodded in reply, taking out an earbud to hear him better.

"My brother and I," she said a moment later, mind beginning to run properly again. "I'm Moon." She held out a hand to the boy, and he grasped it with his own, smile growing.

"Ilima. What's your schedule look like?" The girl fumbled through her bag, pulling out her schedule and handing it to him. He looked over it, eyebrows slightly creased.

He handed it back to her. "I see we have history together," he commented softly as Moon placed her bag in her locker, opting to just keep her notebook and pen on her for the first day. "I can show you around, if you like?" Another nod, and they headed on their way, Moon responding with simple answers to the questions Ilima asked her.

They took their seats in the classroom once they arrived. Ilima turned around to the two behind them, greeting the two girls. One was a blond girl with sparkling green eyes in a white dress, the other a girl with green hair separated into twin tails. "Good morning Lillie, Mallow."

"Good morning Ilima! Who might this be?" The green haired girl, presumably Mallow, chimed in response, looking at Moon with a grin.

"This is Moon. Her and her brother moved here from Kanto," he explained, Moon nodding to confirm as she was too busy drinking her coffee.

The class continued to fill in as they made idle banter, Moon answering in few words. She couldn't help but question how people in Alola were so nice – it must have something to do with the climate.

Soon enough the class started; the teacher handed out syllabi and textbooks, going over the mandatory pleasantries. The ninety-minute class dragged on, and Moon was thankful for her coffee that she had finished within the first twenty minutes.

The class broke a few minutes before the bell, and Moon waved her goodbyes before heading back to her locker to drop off her textbook and empty cup. Her next class was art, and she was eager to see what it would be like.

She grabbed a pencil just in case, schedule in hand, ear buds in, and went off to find her next class.

It was a corner room on the second floor with a door leading to a seating area on the veranda, and it housed a gorgeous view of Hau'oli. Moon smiled, taking a seat by the door. The class filled up quickly, and Moon spotted a girl wearing a baggy shirt with paint splattered across her face. Ah, it's going to be that kind of art class.

It flew by a little bit faster than her first class, if only because Moon could doodle while listening to the eccentric teacher go over the course material.

Sun awaited her at her locker for lunch, accompanied by the boy who had stopped at his locker in the morning. Moon pulled an ear bud out, sighing as her brother moved out of the way so she could put her stuff inside.

"You're coming with us for lunch!" Sun declared, his grin the only thing Moon could see once she closed her locker door.


She followed behind the two boys, who chattered excitedly over the differences between Kantonian and Alolan meowths.

They made their way to a circular, very open room. It was the cafeteria, though it encompassed two floors. On the ground floor was the cafeteria, wall to wall crossed with long tables to house the students who stayed at the school for the lunch break. The upper level had a staircase leading to it, and seemed to have comfortable chairs and couches. It circled around the cafeteria, leaving a large portion of the second floor open for the glass ceiling to light up the whole area.

Moon was only slightly in awe. It was far different from the trainer school they attended back in Kanto.

They made their way to an already populated table after grabbing food, Hau leading the way. Moon spotted the girls she met that morning, along with Ilima, who motioned for her to sit with them.

She obliged, sitting between Ilima and Lillie, across the table from a blond boy who looked strikingly similar to the girl beside her. He was focused on the book in front of him, though he also had earbuds in, tuning out the chatter around him. Moon turned to Lillie, a questioning look in her eyes. Lillie understood immediately, reaching over and tapping the book the boy was reading to get his attention. He sighed, pulling out an earbud before green eyes looked up, locking with Lillie's.

"What do you want, Lillie?" He asked, free hand brushing through the bangs that hung over his one eye. Lillie giggled in reply, motioning to Moon and Sun, who was farther down the table, talking to who Moon learned was Hau, and another guy who was very shirtless.

What the heck, Moon thought, brows furrowed.

"This is Moon! Her and her brother just moved here," Lillie said, patting Moon on the shoulder affectionately. Moon waved a hand awkwardly, feeling as if she were being scrutinized under his gaze. "Moon, this is my brother Gladion!"

"Alola," he said, nodding slightly at Moon before going back to his music and book. Moon turned to Lillie, eyebrows raised in curiosity.

"Is he always like that?" She whispered, causing Lillie to laugh.

"Gladion's his own person," she replied, eyes sparkling. "Stubborn and quiet. He'll warm up to you eventually."

Moon only nodded, not really caring who ended up 'warming up to her'. Sun was the more social one, after all.

Though, she was still surprised everyone had been so accepting of her and Sun after just knowing them a full three hours.

Moon took out her schedule, trying to picture in her mind where her next class would be – advanced battle techniques. She was a tad more competitive than her brother when it came to battling, and actually enjoyed coming up with different strategies. The class was supposed to take strategizing into account, as well as different training regimens and ways to help pokemon excel in certain 'stats'.

Lillie glanced over Moon's shoulder, reading through her schedule. "Your last two classes today are with Gladion! I'm certain he can show you around," she cooed.

Moon faltered, eyes flashing in apprehension.

I mean, he's probably fine, she reasoned mentally. He's just all dressed in black and red and looks moderately thuggish.

The rest of lunch went by quickly, Moon listening in on the conversations around her more so than partaking in them herself. Lillie had bugged her brother a second time to ask him to show Moon to her other classes, causing the older sibling to groan.

He complied, however.

The warning bell rang, and Gladion placed a bookmark in his book and closed it, staring pointedly at Moon. "Where's your locker?" She explained how it was across from their behavioral studies class as he stood, nodding in affirmation. "We'll go to my locker first."

She hurried to stand as well, and then rushed after the blond whose long strides carried him off into the distance. Once Moon had caught up with Gladion, he slowed his pace ever so slightly, though he still weaved his way around students with such grace it was tough to keep up.

When Moon realized what way they were going, her chest tightened, if ever so slightly.

Right beside behavior studies, across the hall from her own locker, was Gladion's.

How does this school even assign lockers? Moon thought, brows furrowed as Gladion opened his locker with ease, switching around items until a binder was in his hand. She peaked into his locker, noting how tidy it was, and how there seemed to be a binder for each subject. Wow, organized much.

Gladion closed his locker, eyes again focused on Moon in a feeble attempt to get her to move. She 'eeped', turning around and running to her own, grabbing the notebook she would be using for that class. The sounded of her locker closing was lost in the sea of chattering students, and Moon nodded numbly to Gladion, signalling they were good to go.

They took off, towards the entrance of the school, then swung left out onto the veranda. Moon looked out past the rails, admiring the field and forest beyond, sun high in the sky with nary a cloud to cover it.

The classroom had no real windows, set against the veranda. It was open, desks paired in twos, four lines in total. The front of the classroom had a white board as well as a smart screen, piquing curiosity in Moon. I guess the pokemon related classes get more funds?

Much to her surprise, Gladion took a seat at the front of the class, sitting by the wall attached to the veranda. Not seeing anyone familiar, Moon looked back and forth before her gaze landed on Gladion, binder already open and sorting through papers.

"Can I sit next to you?" She asked meekly, relief washing over her when he nodded absentmindedly. She took her seat and began filing out the basics for her notebook. It was good to at least try and label it properly.

The class filed in, and Moon spotted the shirtless guy that was talking to Sun during lunch. He noticed her and Gladion, walking over with a grin on his face.

"Hey, Gladion." The blond mumbled a barely audible 'hello', and Mr. Shirtless turned his gaze to Moon. "You're Sun's sister, right? Moon?"

She nodded.

"Nice to meet you! I'm Kiawe." He put a hand on his hip, smile growing larger, if that was even possible. Moon nodded again, a quiet greeting escaping her lips.

All she could think about was why he was shirtless.

Kiawe took the seat behind Moon, and she shook her head in an attempt to refocus. Ilima came barreling in not long after, smiling as he went to sit behind Gladion.

The teacher came in, and Moon almost fell out of her desk. He was wearing an open lab coat, bare-chested otherwise. What the fuck, Alola, she thought, cheeks turning red when Gladion's gaze turned to see what she was doing.

"Get used to it," he muttered softly, pen tapping his binder absentmindedly. Moon sighed.

The class its self was rather basic, the teacher – Kukui, as he wanted to be called – went over the syllabus, handed out textbooks, and made everyone state what their current team was.

Of course, he had to start with Gladion.

"Umbreon and crobat," he said plainly, as if his reply was rehearsed.

The classroom's gaze fell on Moon. "Uh, espeon and mareanie." Moon gave a shy smile, and the class continued to list their teams.

She could feel Gladion's eyes on her again, though she was too nervous to look back. Eevee are popular, don't look at me like that!

It seemed the students only had one or two pokemon each, and Kukui nodded his head in approval.

The bell rang not long after that, signalling the ten-minute break before their last class. Moon stood, grabbing her notebook and pen, facing Ilima as he spoke up.

"Enjoying your classes so far?" His eyes gleamed, a small smile on his lips as he stood next to Moon.

"It's not too bad so far," she replied with a shrug. Gladion had stood, book and binder tucked under his arm, face as neutral as ever. He gave a quick nod to the three of them, leaving soon after. Moon's eyes followed his back, wondering how he could stand the heat with such dark clothes.

Kiawe, who was already standing by the door, had a smug grin on his face. "Lillie got Gladion to show you around?"

Moon nodded, walking beside Ilima as they left the room. "Yeah; I'm surprised he did, honestly," she said softly. "He kind of intimidates me."

Kiawe and Ilima both chuckled at this, the former patting Moon on the shoulder. "He hasn't glared at you yet! Consider yourself lucky."

"Honestly, though," Ilima spoke up, "Gladion's a good guy. He's just very reserved. Don't let looks deceive you."

Moon entered her last class of the day, impatient to get it over with. Ninety-minute classes were going to be the death of her.

She saw Gladion sitting near the front again, though she scoured the room for any other familiar faces. Seeing none, besides the purple-haired girl wearing a pale dress that had sat at their table at lunch, Moon took her seat beside Gladion.


This time he didn't even look up, too busy tapping something out on his phone.

Before Moon knew it, class was over, and she was ready to rush back to her airconditioned cave of a bedroom. Grabbing her textbook and notebook, she hightailed it out of the class. She rearranged her items at her locker quickly, putting her earbuds in and turning up her music.

Freedom at last, she thought, pausing for a moment, debating if she should wait for her brother or not.


With that, Moon left the building.

Moon really hates school

honestly she's the embodiment of most people. Goes to school, gets it over and done with, leaves.

I guess that's more of a college/uni thing than hs thing but it still kinda applies


expect a lot of tropes in this fanfic

i have a need for tropes