Chapter Two

The trek toward his large home was long and tedious. Edward had to stifle the growl that threated to escape his throat as Jacob tripped on yet another root peeking up from the forest ground. His cold hand tightened just slightly on the others in mild aggravation that was growing but quickly dulled with every small whimper the boy let slip. He took note of the cool hand; it was like Jake had pressed his hand into a bucket of ice. It was cool yet slightly warm, showing that there was still some life in this body. Edward hesitated for a moment, looking slightly behind himself where Jacob had tucked himself. He stared into the big fearful eyes and sighed softly. A few days ago, this would never have occurred. The boy was stubborn and had one hell of a temper. It was as fiery as his body temperature had been hot. It burned Edward every time they confronted one another. Of course, he off set this with his cold demeanor. It proved the two could never be nothing more than enemies with only the common ground of protecting a girl who held their hearts in each hand.

Jacob made a soft mewl of question as Edward gazed at him. The vampire winced at the sound and looked away; straight into the depths of the forest. Bella had wished for them to forge at least some semblance of friendship. Something that simply wasn't possible and she couldn't grasp fully within her head. It was like asking ice to never melt in the light of a flame. It couldn't have happened. Well, Edward would have stated it wasn't impossible for him to try and be more kind to the boy. It was more that he would rather watch on as the boy perished then even make a small attempt. Though it seemed to have quickly flip on him as he kept the lukewarm hand in his grasp. He could have left him to the elements, could have watched the boy struggle, quake in fear. Edward was not as cold as he put off. Looking at such a husk of the shifter would move anyone. He was very sure of that. Only a true monster could take pleasure in watching the boy die... which was what put the teen in this predicament. A monster lurking in the woods. Narrowing his eyes, Edward scanned the area. If they could jump a shifter who possessed a keen sense of smell, could they be hiding unknown to himself?

Jacob shook and pushed closer into Edward's left shoulder. Smelling the salt spilling from the teen caused him to tighten his grip once more in a calming move. Edward looked back and quirked his lips in a small smile. He was scaring the shifter and causing discomfort through his hesitation to move on. He didn't need Jasper's ability to sense that. Without even thinking, he let out a soft noise in response to the whine.

"It's alright, Jacob. I am simply thinking. We will be to my house in a moment." The vampire let slip from his cold lips in a soft soothing whisper "Maybe it would be best if you were to... I mean... I should carry you."

If the cold teen was able to blush, he would. Jake was stark naked and to carry him was not something he wished to do, even if he was clothed. It would be faster, allowing them to enter a safer area in better time. Jacob looked toward the ground and furrowed his brows. Burying into the other's mind, he saw him mulling over the offer. The shifter wasn't in the least offended at all but rather thinking how nice that would be. Edward's eyes widened slightly until he heard how the boy was very tired and chuckled at such pure thoughts. Jacob released the grip on the icy hand and instead wrapped his long arms around the other's neck. Reaching back, Edward took hold of the legs that wound around his waist. Jake may now have the mindset of a child; he certainly was anything but light. If Edward were a normal man, this would have caused him to buckle. However, he simply shifted the other so his privates weren't pressed firmly to his lower back and took off.

Jake let out a loud squeal as he jerked back and then tightened his grip. Pressing his face into the crook of Edward's neck. He whimpered as the wind whipped about his nude flesh roughly. Edward let out a soft hum that vibrated his throat. Hoping this would allow the other some sense of calm. It seemed to work slightly as Jacob let out a soft mewl in return. Speeding through the trees and over hills, the older slowed as he came to the edge of the forest that led to the yard of the great glass home. He tried to set Jake down but that only caused the other to tighten and let out a set of panicked sounds. Rolling his eyes, he stepped through the foliage and set toward the small staircase to the front door. Listening for any indication of movement, he heard none though it was something a family of vampires made little of. He sent up a simple prayer that his family was off elsewhere so he could dress Jake and settle him in his own bedroom.

He already knew Bella had taken Alice to look over things for the upcoming wedding. Well, he couldn't say it that way. Alice was enthralled with planning a beautiful ceremony. Bella was simply the victim of Alice's plans. Smiling, he let loose of one leg to twist open the doorknob then grasped it once more. Bella wanted simple as he had but it just would never happen with his family. They wanted to the best and lavish for the big moment. He understood, they wanted her to feel special after all the unfortunate events that had befallen her. Thinking of Bella caused the icy chest to tighten. If she were to see what had become of her best friend, she would be torn. That spent a bolt of resentment toward the wolf on his back. The stubborn teen was at fault. His foolish nature is what got him into this situation. While he may not know the details, Edward knew the boy's sense of pride would make him run into the depths of Hell regardless of what it meant. He would look death in the eye and dare him just because.

Edward stopped at the base of the steps and glared up. He should stop now before he completed helping this man. If he helped him, he would in turn hurt Bella. Edward could run Jacob off deeper into the forest; far from the pack and the coven. The teen would be lost, would die. Bella would never know and never be hurt. She could be happy for their future wedding. Though she would be disappointed in Jake not turning up, it would be far less than the pain of staring at the shell on his back. He loosened his grip on Jake, urging his legs down to the ground. Jake obeyed and unwound his arms from the other's neck. His hand quickly darted for the other's instead. Edward snarled and yanked back, jumping to the center of the living room. Jacob's unnatural eyes widened and he took shaky steps into the wall behind him. Tears pouring like a facet had been turned on.

The vampire stared, his face a mask of hate. The noises escaping the boy's lips caused it to faulter. While Edward could abandon the boy, it would damn him more then he already was. This image of pure fear and pain was staggering. He let his face drop and moved forward. He made a soft noise and offered his hand. Jacob looked down, his hand darting out to grasp it. Mewling like a pup as he stepped close, pressing into Edward's chest. The teen was putting his complete trust in Edward to protect him. That hurt the vampire deeply for thinking such wretched thoughts. He gently wrapped an arm around Jacob and rubbed circles into the small of the back. While they had tried to tear one another down, Edward saw that this man in front of him wasn't Jake. This person may have the same body, but inside, a child resided for now. He would help until the other was healed.

Pulling back slowly, he led the other up the stairs slowly. Mindful as Jake stumbled on weak legs. The shifter was losing energy and needed to lie down. Edward pulled him into his own room and pressed him on the soft leather couch gently by the shoulder. He moved to leave and gather items for a proper rest. Jacob flew into a panic and latched onto his hand. Crying freely and letting out shrill distressed noises. Pressing him back to the couch, Edward leaned down.

"Shhhh... I will only be gone for a moment. You are safe. I swear. I just have to grab some things for you to sleep." He whispered, petting Jake with one hand and gripping the hand in another.

Jake took a moment to nod. The word sleep rang heavily in his head. He let out a yawn and released his grip. Edward stood back, shooting him with a small smile. Heading out to Emmett's and Rosalie's room, he borrowed deep navy sweat pants and a simple white t-shirt. He moved to the linen closet at the end of the hall and grabbed a fleece blanket and pillow. He looked at the items gathered in his arms with a frown. The blanket smelt of Bella, as she was the only one who ever used it, like flowers in full bloom. He leaned in, shoving his nose deep into the plush fabric and closed his eyes. Her scent lit his insides on fire. It was like he felt alive once more around her. The simple whiff of her scent ignited something deep inside. It was a shame to remove it from the fabric. It would be over powered by the stench of dog mixed with the sickly-sweet scent that now intermingled on Jacob.

Edward pulled his face back and let out a breath. He didn't need to perform such an action but it came from reflex he supposed. He turned on his heel and moved back toward his room. Pressing it open, he looked toward the shifter who was fighting to stay awake. He moved in quick strides and sat the items on the couch beside Jake. Throwing a small smile at the teen, he pulled out the shirt and pants. Pressing them onto the other's lap. Jake stared at the items and hesitantly touched them as if they were fragile. He turned his large eyes toward Edward. A small smile formed on the pale pink lips in gratitude. Jake picked up the shirt and seemed to struggle to pull it on. His movements uncoordinated from the lack of energy. He let out soft growls at the uncooperative fabric before pulling it on. Edward couldn't help but out a small laugh as the object was put on backwards. Pale hands helped arrange the shirt properly. Edward decided to help the other with the pants instead of causing the pup another battle.

Jake let out a yip of delight at the help the vampire offered. Edward placed the pillow on the arm of the couch and pushed the larger body back onto it. He unfolded the blanket and tucked it over the wolf. He wished him a goodnight and went to leave. A hand latched to his pant leg, crumpling the fabric between lightly tanned digits. Edward looked down into the chocolate eyes that were speckled with crimson. Sighing, he loosened the grip gently and sat on the floor next to Jake's head leaning his back against the end of the couch. He would slip out once the other was asleep. Jake let out a soft noise and snuggled his face into the pillow and closing his eyes. Sitting there, Edward closed his own eyes and let his mind drift in thought. Jacob was far easier to deal with in this state but it was unnerving in all honesty. To take care of the teen like a mere child was the opposite of how their relationship had been. It was like he had fallen into an alternate dimension where the acts of the past had never occurred. The hate he held for the shifter was bled away. Though he was certain this would be a temporary calm. Once he showed the wolf to Carlisle, the stubborn man would return and everything would resume as normal.

At least, that's what Edward wished but he knew that it wouldn't be the same. The scar on the tan shoulder was proof that all had shifted. It was unlike that of a normal vampire mark. It wasn't clean; more like an animal tearing at flesh for the meat it produced rather than the life essence. Gold eyes came back to the light of the room. He looked over his shoulder at the sleeping face. It appeared so much younger. Though Jake was only a teen, he looked so much older. Then again, who wouldn't? Being forced into this world of the supernatural without a choice would age anyone. The teen looked like a full-grown man instead of his true age. Though Edward was unsure of how long this boy had resided on this earth, he knew it was far too young to be fighting in this never-ending war. Reaching a pale hand back, he lightly ran his fingers over soft black locks.

Jacob leaned into the touch and made a soft keen in his sleep. Smiling, Edward knew he needed to help this boy with everything he could. The vampire had never taken a moment before to consider the storm that Jacob had been shoved into. It was thanks to Edward, really. He had blamed Jacob for everything earlier but it was not true. If the cold one hadn't have met Bella, then Jacob would be another teen. A normal person thinking about the future of filled with employment, family, and growing up. While the shifter was still mortal to some degree, he was still forced to think on things such as killing the enemy. It was unfair for him. Bella choose this life with ease but Jacob always battled with himself. Edward saw the brimming anger as more than simple hate for Vampires. He hated who he was and what was expected of him. Jacob and Bella where different on this level. She gazed at the supernatural in awe while Jacob looked on in distaste even though he was now part of it. She was willing to throw her life into it when the other teen was fighting to get back what he had lost.

Stroking the ebony strands, Edward hummed a soft tune that he would do for Bella before she slipped into the relm of dreams. It seemed to ease any remaining tension from the body laid out on the couch. Edward would help this hurting soul. He could say it was for Bella, but it was for the guilt Edward carried now. The guilt of being the reason Jacob was hurt. If he didn't exist, Jacob would be sleeping in his own bed before a long day of high school. This was his way of repenting for the past and hopefully mending the burned bridge between the two. Bella would be over the moon if she were here. Seeing Edward caring for the teen instead of seeing him as a roadblock in their love. Smiling, he pulled his hand away and stood slowly, looking out the glass wall. He placed his hands in his pressed pant pockets. He stood for a brief moment before leaving the room as quiet as the wind. He kept the door cracked in case Jake woke and began to panic even though he would be able to hear him clearly even if it was closed. He supposed it was more for Jake then himself really.

Heading to the living room, he fell heavily into the couch and pulled his cell phone from his pocket. Unlocking the device, he toyed with the contacts. He needed to get in touch with his father but he wondered if he should send a text to his love first. He hummed and decided against it. She was enjoying herself and he didn't want to ruin it. Alice would have his head if he did. His sister didn't hate the wolves per say. She disliked them but it was more in irritation toward one specifically. That said one being in the home. Alice thought him annoying for always placing Bella in the situation of choosing and being selfish when he threw a temper tantrum over not being the obvious choice. Edward agreed, it was a pain to deal with Bella's sorrow over the other teen's temper. Of course, looking back, he chalked it up to puppy love and hormones on Jake's part.

Alice also disliked the fact she could see nothing with the shifters around. It was dangerous and left too many possibilities open. Crossing his legs, Edward opened a blank text and sent a simple message of needing help to Carlisle. He didn't feel the need to go into further detail until the elder arrived home. Tossing the phone aside, he stretched his arms along the back of the couch and relaxed. This would certainly be a longer day then he had anticipated. He only planned to spend time out in the woods, come home, and play with his piano until his soulmate returned. How a simple day turned so complicated. Closing his eyes, he let his head fall back. Waiting for his father's return to the glass home and listening to the soft snores coming from up the stairs.

Author's Notes: I posted the first chapter well over a year ago. I had every intention to flesh out the story and had it completely thought out. However, life is always creating ways to stop us from finishing things. The last year has been incredibly complicated. I now am more settled and can finally return to writing! I had this chapter written partially out and decided to resume it. Thank you for the support! I was surprised to see so many people enjoy this!