Extra Chapter: Rider and Driver

~~Warning: This chapter contains cancerous amounts of Romaji Japanese used by a guy that doesn't speak Japanese. If you are not already a weeb and/or do not wish to become a weeb, it is recommended that you ignore this extra chapter.~~

"Ha ha ha ha!" Katasuke laughed as Boruto struggled to pushed himself up, "How is it?! The perfect kote! Infinite Chakra! Unlimited Ninjutsu! This is the ultimate invention! I will render all ninjas, all militaries obsolete! Even bloodlines are antiquated by my genius! There will be no need for ninjas, no need for Hokages when my kote surpasses all others! And at the top will be me! I will crush the most elite ninjas, the most venerated Hokages under my feet! I WILL BE AKIN TO GOD!"

"If I remember correctly..." Boruto chuckled as he stood up on unstable legs, "Ninjas have killed gods before."

"Then I will be a being that surpasses even god."

"Look what you did, Boruto." Boruto laughed softly, "You just fed his ego. Ahhh…"

"Still want to fight?" Katasuke sneered as he looked loving at his kotes, "You think you can still beat me? You aren't even a ninja. Your only claim is being the Hokage's son. And you failed even that privilege."

"I lost a lot of things." Boruto sighed, "But I'm not losing this fight."

"Cute. But you're just a child. It's time you stop playing adult."

"That's fine." Boruto smiled as he wiped a bit of his blood from his mouth, "It is time I stopped playing."

Boruto knelt down and placed his hand on the ground.

"Summoning Jutsu."

A large cloud of smoke burst out from under Boruto's hand. Slowly, Boruto stood back up, drawing his new weapon out from the smoke as it dissipated.

"What...what is that?" Katasuke frowned as he eyed the strange item in Boruto's hand.

"This?" Boruto smiled as he held up the strange object, "This is a driver."

Boruto placed the object over his hip and a strap suddenly shot out of the side of the object, circling around Boruto's body before it reattached to the other side of his body.

"Koutei Driver!"The object suddenly announced as it equipped itself onto Boruto.

"Kote...driver?" Katasuke blinked, "Is...that a belt?"

"Like I said." Boruto said as he took hold of his kote, "This is a driver."

With a click, Boruto removed his kote from his arm.

"Now then. Whatever happens next, I'll wager my pride on this."

Boruto gripped a side of the driver and slid it down, opening up the belt and collapsing the cover flush against the bottom of the belt.


Boruto slid his kote into the driver.

Satte! (Translation: Now then)

The belt suddenly lit up in a collection of lights and sounds as chakra began to cover Boruto.

Shitte? Kitte! Mitte! Soshite Ikei! Sakusei, Kote ou! Kamen Rider Koutei!

(Translation: Did you hear? Listen! Behold! And Revere! Create, King of Kotes! Kamen Rider Koutei! ((Koutei means Emperor)) )

Katasuke stumbled back as the chakra surrounding Boruto burst into light. When he looked up again, Boruto was clad in a strange armor.

"What...what was that?"

"A bit of a pet project of mine." Boruto replied from behind his helmet as he looked over his new form, "Chakra is an energy that we transform. My kote transforms chakra in accordance to the jutsu's formula. However, what if I ran chakra through an unidentified formula?"

"An...unidentified formula?" Katasuke frowned.

"A formula I have never seen used before." Boruto explained, "An algorithm overseeing shape transformation. Optimized for one's personal use."

"And this is the result?" Katasuke scoffed, "What was that shouting? King of Kotes? You?"

"It was for the wordplay." Boruto shrugged.

"Well, I don't appreciate it."

"I hear protests but I don't hear any complaints."

"...You really are a child."

"Try me."

"Gladly." Katasuke scowled as he pointed his kote at Boruto, "Universal Pull!"

Boruto was suddenly dragged through the air towards Katasuke.

"And then! Chidori!"

Boruto's hand went to his belt and rotated a wheel on the side of his belt.

Lightning Release

Katasuke's chidori impacted against Boruto's armor but the technique failed to pierce his body and even the lightning crawling all over the armor seemed ineffective.


"I told you that this was created using shape transformation right?" Boruto said as he grabbed Katasuke's arm and twisted it to the side, "By adapting the nature transformation, I can mitigate the majority of most techniques. What's more..."

Boruto pressed down a button on top of the driver.

Judoteki: Raiton (Passive: Lightning Release)

Boruto's armor emitted a burst of lightning blasting Katasuke away as Boruto let go of his arm.

"It can use it this way as well."

Boruto pushed down on a separate button.

Koudouteki: Raiton (Active: Lightning Release)

Lightning surged over his body, gathering in his fist.

"W-Wind Release: Tornado Wall!"

Katasuke summoned a series of violent hurricanes in front of him, cutting him from Boruto. With a soft chuckle, Boruto's hand went to his belt again, turning the wheel and pressing down on the button again.

Fire Release

Koudouteki: Katon

The lightning turned to fire as Boruto slashed across Katasuke's wind ninjutsu, destroying it completely.

"W-What the?!" Katasuke yelped as he stumbled backwards distancing himself from the flames.

"Come on." Boruto said as he hovered his hand over his belt, "You can do better than that right?"

"Uhh...ghhh..." Katasuke growled as he got up, racking his brain for any technique or combination that could save him.

"Nothing?" Boruto shrugged, "Guess I'll go first them."

Katasuke's eyes widened as Boruto slid a small scroll out from a side holster on his belt.


Boruto slid the scroll into a slot near the base of his kote.

Gijutsu! (TL: Art/Technique)

Carefully, Boruto slid the handle of the small scroll across the side of the kote, unrolling it and revealing its contents through a perfectly sized window.

Kurukuru kurukuru! (TL: Kuru = onomatopoeia for unrolling something/"to come" or "arrive")

And once the scroll reached the other side of the kote, revealing its contents in full,

Tsukuru! (TL: "to create")

Shinjutsu: Rasengan! (TL: True Technique: Rasengan)

Boruto lifted his arm as chakra quickly formed over him into a giant rasengan.


Katsuke jumped back, managing to avoid the brunt of the attack but still getting hit by the explosion that the rasengan left on the ground.

"W-What kind of technology is this?!" Katasuke coughed as he pushed himself up, "That bastard...how is any of this like a ninja? No matter." Katsuke looked down at his kotes, checking that they were still intact, "I still have the superior techniques. This is the power that crushed Konoha!"

Katasuke pointed his kote and called out across the dust, "Universal Pull!"

Boruto was yanked through the air once more as Katasuke grabbed and held the boy by the neck. Quickly, Katasuke pointed Boruto skyward.

"Almighty Push!"

Boruto cried out as he was suddenly launched skyward, thousands of feet into the air.

"Is he trying to escape?" Boruto winced as his upward velocity began to slow.

"Planetary Devastation!"

Boruto turned around as a giant meteor of earth began to fall down towards him.

"Fall!" Katasuke roared, "Fall to my superior techniques! Fall to my absolute genius! Once you are dead, I will take your kote and dissect it! Your techniques are no match for me! The Hokage is no match for me! Fall, fall FALL!"

"I've fallen a long time ago." Boruto muttered as he reached for his belt.

Boruto tapped the main display on his kote.

Ou Kei! (TL: King System)

Then he tapped the button for Passive skills.

Tadoteki: Katon! (TL: Still means Passive: Fire Release)

Boruto braced one of his arm against the descending meteor, his armor of fire barely preventing him for being overwhelmed. No matter how much he pushed back against the meteor, he couldn't stop it nor his decent. Knowing that fully well, Boruto gripped his belt and began turning the elemental wheel.






Come on! Gosei, Koutei! (TL: Come on! Five Natures Emperor)

All five elements began to infuse into his body, causing a great amount of strain. With a roar, Boruto pushed against the meteor before he raised an arm and punched it. Katasuke watched in shock and horror as his meteor fell apart above him.

"Haa...haa..." Boruto gasped as he used wind chakra to steady himself in midair, "I can't do this forever...this strain is horrendous."

"How...how dare you!" Katasuke shouted, "Obstinate brat! Why won't you die?!"

"Why won't you shut up?" Boruto winced, "Let's end this."

Boruto tapped the display on his kote twice.

Ou kei!


Zenshin Kakumei!

Boruto launched himself forward, towards Katasuke.

"DIE!" Katasuke thrust forth is kote, calling forth a second Planetary Devastation upwards at Boruto.

Readying himself in midair, Boruto launched a kick that slammed against the flying meteor. The impact of their attacks created a shockwave over the forest, blasting the trees to the side.



Boruto pushed against the meteor with his leg with all his strength. Reaching towards his belt once more, Boruto pressed the active button.

Koutei! Revol Bolt!

Chakra burst forth and centered itself around Boruto's leg. Boruto felt both his body and kote straining themselves to break through Katasuke's attack. With a final roar, the meteor gave away as Boruto blasted through its body and connected his kick against Katasuke.

Boruto's kick slammed Katasuke into the ground with enough force to cause a quake that could be felt across the forest. Boruto watched as Katsuke's eyes rolled into the back of his head and he lost consciousness.

Stepping back from the former scientist, Boruto reached up and pulled out his kote.

Rakusei! (TL: Complete)

With the battle over, Boruto felt the strength leave his body. Struggling to stay up and conscious, his fatigue eventually won out as he collapsed onto the ground.