It was a couple hours later Jughead could hear something moving it seemed that he was in a car he jolted awake, "what the hell is going on?" he yelled.

That woman from before was driving and his long haired look alike was in the front seat "were taking you home hunny" said Carrie.

"You can't do this to me I have my dad, I have friends, I have a girlfriend you can't do this to me pull over I want to leave, I'll apply to be emancipated just please let me go" he said pulling on the door handle.

"Look I know your world is upside down my world is too I thought my son is dead they tested dna your my son and now that I have you back I am not letting you go I'm sorry but living on your own with no parents is no way to live a life" said Carrie.

"Mom to be fair we lived on the boat without you" said Zack.

'Yes Zack but you still had adult supervision and direction" said Carrie.

"Do i even get a choice on this...what about my friends can I at least call my girlfriend?" said Jughead.

"Look man I get it shes cute, you have my good looks there is more fish in the sea" said Zack.

"What are you trying to say, I can never see my girl friend again or my friends I have to just pretend they don't exist like half of my life didn't exist" said Jughead.

"I know this is a big change for all of us I thought you were dead do you have any idea how that affected me as your mother" began Carrie.

"You are my nothing" he yelled "If you cared about me at all, you wouldn't do this to me" yelled Jughead "now either give me my phone or let me contact my girlfriend."

"Bailey suggests that we don't allow you to contact anyone from your old life its for your safety" said Carrie.

"Didn't your twin say even that was too much to make me give up my friends and girlfriend?" yelled Jughead "screw this I'm out of here."

He pulled up the lock and didnt care if he could get himself killed or not he opened the door and jumped out.

He fell down in the middle of the road he quickly got up and ran.

He had to get a hold of his dad, he had to find out his side of the story.

Carrie pulled over and stopped her car, Zack looked over at her "what are we gonna do?"

"I'm calling 911 you call Cody in riverdale maybe him and Bailey can do something I've already lost the kid once I'm not losing him again," said Carrie.

Betty hasn't heard from her boyfriend in days she tried to call his cell but it was disconnected, it wasn't like jug to dissapear like this and his dad hadn't heard from him either and neither had Archie.

She turned on the tv for some type of distraction and a second later there was an Amber alert for a missing juvenile Jughead Jones reported by his mother.

Betty immediately called FP "Fp did you report jughead missing?" she asked.

When he said no, she knew something was wrong and called Archie, they got in Fred's truck and started looking for Jughead.

"What do you think could've happened?" said Archie.

"I have no idea Jughead went to help the reporter on the Jason blossom case I haven't heard from his since.

"What if they think he killed Jason and they took him in" said Archie.

"It doesn't explain why he is listed as a missing person the only people that can report that is his dad and mom and his mom isn't in his life.

"Have you tried to contact his mom to see if maybe she filed it" said Archie.

Betty took a deep breath and she saw the familiar hat on top of a person up the road"Arch look it could be him!"

Jughead was running when he saw a familiar truck as a smile went across his face "oh thank god" Jughead starting yelling and waving "hey!"

Betty took a breath of relief "oh my god its him Archie pulled over and Betty got out of the car and ran into his arms.

"Thank god you are okay" she said crying into his arms.

Jughead then stepped back and gave Archie a hug "man whats going on? Betty saw an Amber alert for you, we called your dad but he didnt file it" said Archie.

"Shit if people are looking for me we gotta get out of here, lets get in the car ill explain everything" he said.

They got in the car and started driving "so whats going on?" said Archie.

"We gotta find somewhere to hide that isn't in riverdale.." said Jughead.

"What is going on no matter what you did we will support you" said Betty.

"Its not what I did...apparently my dad illegally bought me or maybe mom did but aparently that reporter was my blood brother's wife and she had my dna tested and aparently I'm her mother in laws baby and they expect me to just pack up never speak to you all again and live with them, thats why she issued the Amber alert.

"That isn't fair your life has been riverdale it has been me and you since the first grade, your dad isn't the best but he loves you, my dad loves you can't you just say you dont want to live with them?" said Archie.

my blood brother's wife is a lawyer and she agrees I should go with my family" he said rolling his eyes.

"Wait a minute she cannot legally be on this case she knows the mother personally, this case can be thrown out due to her already leaning towards the other family instead of what you want" said Betty.

"All the people involved wanted me to go with them" said Jughead.

"What if you apply for emancipation and show that you are best on your own, shes not been a mother to you or anything and can you have a child who died without questioning to see the dead body..maybe we can get insanity on her" said Archie.

"Look I dont want to ruin her life I have been taking care of myself I already had a life with my family and friends I just want my life."

"What if you can explain that you don't want to give everything up maybe meet in the middle with her go see her in the summers and get to know her and your brother" said Betty.

"Actually there is 2 of them they are 23 and twins I think the best bet is to apply for emancipation" said Jughead.

"We will support whatever you feel is best we will help in any way we can" said Betty.

In the meantime we gotta hide Jug somewhere until we can get the paperwork started" said Archie.

"He can stay with me" said Betty.

"That's too obvious in our friend group would be where they would look first, we have to figure something out but he isn't gonna leave Riverdale one way or another."