CH.18: Recall
"She needs to die…that was…that was my father she just killed!" Emily tried to counsel her girlfriend but she can tell she is too upset for words to sink in. The Police had shown up questioning them and it was clear they had their sights set on Tracer. However it seems her mother was on their side…though…she blamed Tracer somehow for the death of her husband.
"I know honey I know." Emily sits there at the table and looks around at the others gathered. Mei had shown up and her usual happy smile was more somber. Sombra, who showed up regardless they wanted her there or not was seated with her computer on her lap typing away. Winston had stopped his search for the peanut butter as he could not find where Tracer had hidden it…suffice to say her house was filled with peanut butter now.
"It is just…no matter what I do she keeps finding a way through. She killed that Omnic, someone who I admired and respected. I really thought he would do things right…you know? She wound up killing the author who helped me feel better about being out. And now my father…the very person who got me into aviation; he is dead. So…only one option left…she dies."
Emily stands up and turns Tracer around so she can see her…really see her. "Tracer I love you, but, you have to snap out of it. Zenyatta would not like it for you to turn your back on all of that meditation and self-healing for you to lose it and sink down to Widowmaker's level. We need to work together on this on bringing her down."
"She has a point Tracer…if we work together we can accomplish this problem just like we did during the days of Overwatch. During the Omnic Crisis you were part of a unit of skilled individuals who wanted to save King's Row just as much as you did. Widowmaker is clearly trying to push the right buttons to get you to kill her…and…once she is dead you will only wind up finding you enjoy killing…and that only eats away at your soul."
Tracer calms down some and Emily kisses her lips gently before taking her hand and pulls Tracer down on her lap as she holds her tight. "So, Sombra, I'm sure you are probably finding out something good on those cameras you hacked…anything?"
"Emily, you saw right through me. Yes, I have her…and…looks like she is hanging out on the roofs. It is clear though she knows we're watching cause she is keeping out of view…or rather showing up on camera only to blow kisses."
"Nothing is more deadly than a Widow's kiss…it is an expression," Winston says as he pours himself a cup of coffee than lets out a noise that seems to be a grunt.
After a few shaky starts Tracer feels a bit more at ease. Her head rests against her girlfriend's chest. "You know Winston," she says breaking the silence, "I do have a lovely set of juicy and yummy and healthy too Bananas over there, just waiting to be eaten-."
"No I do not want a banana…pressing on, from what I have observed of her movements she seems to enjoy a freedom of space. We need to constrict her so it is a fair fight." Winston eyes the banana again and adjusts his glasses as he makes a face.
"They are filled with yummy potassium Winston…plus…you eat them all and they won't get mushy." Tracer ate healthy enough but she tended to be away from home too much that the bananas usually turned brown and soft.
"Anyway, the plan I have will require all of us. Yes I realize that Sombra can only be trusted so far given her involvement with Talon, yes I said it…and I know you are making images of me that unflattering so I suggest you stop it. Er hrm, anyway Sombra will distract authorities from getting involved and do her best to also warn the people to keep indoors…if that fails there will be chaos in the streets-."
"No pressure monkey man…it isn't like I have better things to do anyway." Sombra flashes a smile and they all look at her not sure what is really going in that head of hers.
"Mei…you will be making Widowmaker's job harder as you block off key exits so she doesn't wind up covering too much ground. You can be a real sharp shooter with that weapon of yours so that should help greatly. Tracer…you will be on point, keep on her and no matter what shoot to get your point across-."
"Yeah yeah don't kill the bimbo in blue, got it. What about you and Emily?" Tracer stirred a bit and Emily strokes her hair a bit and she smiles.
"Emily will be safe with me…we will be feeding you directions to take in order to make better use of your time. Emily has lived here so she should know places to lie low in case you find yourself trapped."
"Brilliant, plus, your shield should keep you two out of harm's way and all. By the way…what if someone gets hurt?"
"Did someone call a Doctor?" Tracer looks to the door as it opens and Mercy arrives with that brilliant flair of hers.
"I take it everyone knows where I live now?" Tracer said and everyone begins to laugh. Laughing at herself she feels that this could work.
Widowmaker stood on the roof and with her infra-red sight she was able to locate Tracer and her party. It seemed like a lot of them were gathered…no doubt to stop her. She had taken another life but it was just one of many she had taken in her life of crime. Death was simple to her…there were no strings or attachments just faces that blurred after a bit.
"You failed to kill her and the lesbian…why is that?" Reaper was standing close by as he stared out through his mask.
"I made her choose who to save…turns out in two blinks she manages to save her mother and girlfriend but given the amount of time her third blink was shorter and led to her father dying. I wanted her to suffer…making her vulnerable to her desire for revenge. She would make a fine addition…don't you think?"
"I do not do plucky or annoying. Let us be done with this job, death does not wait for nobody." He disappears in a shadowy movement and she figured he would move off to cover her if she needed assistance.
"I do not intend on dying little one, but, you will put on a show that is for sure." Widowmaker can see they were on the move and crouching down she gets ready.
Tracer is the last to leave along with Emily as the girlfriends stand there facing one another. "I hate parting like this…it really eats at me. I never really had anyone I cared for so much as now…and…that really has me worried-."
"Tracer…you got this, trust me, trust in yourself…it is important that you bring your best to this fight, but, do not give in to temptation and drown your soul in grief and despair which will lead to a revenge that will not satisfy you."
"Words of wisdom were never spoken truer. I will miss you and I promise when I get back I will put this all behind-."
"No Tracer…I don't want you to step away from all this." Tracer was a bit taken aback by this and she was about to ask why but Emily stops her with a smile. "Tracer, this makes you happy, not so much the going after the killer to end all killings but the adventure and thrill of it all. Who knows, someday Overwatch may resurface and you will be there…it is what you were born to do. You love helping other people…you love that sense of accomplishment and the way they smile at you. Do not worry about me, normal life, never heard of it."
Tracer kisses her and she tangles her hands in her hair as Emily's hands settle comfortably around her waist. When they part she breathes her in. "I love you."
"I love you…now go…be a hero." Emily lets her go and Tracer with a blink was on the move.
Emily settled into her seat next to Winston on the roof where they could see all that would go down. A barrier of sorts was set up shielding them from harm and it gave them a perfect view of all that would go down. "Are the distress calls in place?"
"Roger, I have them going to a call out of town…said there was a murder or someone suspicious there. Chances are there might be. The people have been warned secretly through their televisions that Jackie Turner's killer is on the loose in the city and the authorities are on it and that they are not to leave their houses till it is over, I'm good right?"
"That remains to be seen Sombra," Winston notes, "how are you doing Mei?" Winston holds up some binoculars and spots her. Emily can see her as well as blue lights of ice can be seen throughout King's Row.
"Things are going great on my end…so much ice…such a treat. Widowmaker should find that dropping down below will leave her slippery and falling on that big butt of hers. Honestly sticking to the roofs she will eventually run out of room."
"Alright, and Mercy, are you all set up?" Emily had not known Dr. Mercy or Angela as she was called by her friends long as the others, but, she had managed to save her life and Tracer's so she was trusted if anything else.
"Ready and able…just to be clear, I maybe a miracle worker…but…not always. Do not quote me on that."
"And Tracer…good luck." Emily watches her girlfriend move out and she tenses up a bit. Winston places a hand or paw on her shoulder and she loosens up.
"Tracer will do fine, trust me, I've seen her in many hairy situations before and that does not include her fending off the peanut butter from me. It is all in her hands now how this plays out." Winston points and Emily can see that Tracer is making her way to Widowmaker.
"Hello there…miss me?" Tracer approaches Widowmaker but does not see her turn around. This irks her but also brings up her guard.
"Actually…not one bit, however, salut…and welcome to your death!" Tracer hears something and then she hears the sound of a bullet nearing her and as she feels the prickle or sense of death upon her she recalls to avoid dying then and there.
"You need time for that to recharge…you won't dodge this, death is coming!" Tracer spots Widowmaker as she turns around to see her firing at her. Dodging along the ground and doing side flips she tries to make herself a difficult target to lock on to.
"Not so fast…Tracer is out!" She races off then glad for her racing skills she had back during track in school. She can hear Widowmaker cursing as she launches a cable after her while Reaper goes to materialize before her.
"Going somewhere?" He brings the butt of his gun against her face and she tastes her blood as it free flows from her nose. Stumbling back she feels Widowmaker behind her gripping her from around the neck cutting off her breathing.
"This is too easy…did you actually believe you'd win this?" Tracer merely smiles as the temperature drops below warm. Widowmaker stirs a bit and her teeth are grinding.
"Win, nah, I came here to chill you out." Tracer slips from her grasp and walking over to Reaper she fires at him a few times sending him to his knees. "She shoots…she scores."
"Guh…dammit…you brought that ice witch huh?" He glowers and then he looks off into the distance. "Widowmaker I leave her to you…I got some other targets on my list."
He disappears and when Tracer realizes where he is going off to she starts off after him. A cable manages to trip her up and she feels the air knocked out of her.
"We are just getting warmed up here…don't leave…not yet at least." Widowmaker aims her sniper rifle at where she thought Mei was and fired. Tracer held out a hand trying to stop her…not sure Mei's fate.
Emily could tell the fight wasn't going well on Tracer's end. She tried to relay some spots she could get to cover when a form materialized outside of the barrier. "Death comes."
"Hi there, death comes to who exactly?" Emily notes Winston's shake of his head and she drops the humor. It was pretty dry anyway.
"Winston…you do realize that once this barrier is down…I will kill you. Give up the girl…she is of no use to you." Reaper aims his twin guns at the barrier and each shot sends Emily back a bit. The barrier begins to flicker and Winston tries to increase the strength but it flickers.
"Athena…I need more power," Winston called out to the computer that was with them. Emily seemed to recall Tracer speaking of her.
"I am sorry…power is already at maximum…failure imminent…sorry…" Emily nods her head. Suddenly the barrier is down and she watches as Winston starts up his weapon and fires at Reaper. He moves like a ghost disappearing in a smoke and Winston runs out and as he tries to reload a bullet hits him in the shoulder sending him down.
"This is it Winston…you will die and no one will mourn your loss. You should have given me the girl when you had the chance." He aims down at him and Emily begins to panic. Looking over at where Winston's weapon had fallen she attempts to pick it up. It was a bit heavy but she manages and reloading she aims her sights on Reaper.
"I would mourn him…he is my friend…and you aren't!" Reaper had not expected this and as he looks over at her he feels his body shot up with volts of electricity, she could read it from his body language. Reaper pulls back and disappears but it is clear from the spots of blood that he had been hurt somehow; whether from another incident or this she wasn't certain.
"Winston…I'm here!" Emily looks over to see the flying angel as she settles down next to him. "The bullet is lodged inside so we will need to remove it quickly. Emily come here I will need your assistance."
Emily nods her head as she does all she can under Mercy's guidance. She just hopes that Tracer is alright.
"Now where were we…oh yes…taking care of business." Widowmaker moves to shoot her but Tracer is already on the move…her reflexes taking shape as she recovers.
"You and I have some unsettled business Widowmaker…and…I will not let you continue doing what you do." Widowmaker lets out a laugh and she lets out an oomph as she is tackled by the wily brunette. The two of them clash as they fight tooth and nail against one another. They are a body of motion of and blur, each of them fighting for dominance.
"Go ahead and try little one…see what good it will do you in the end. Do you feel you are up to the task…to kill another in cold blood? I remember my first kill…it unsettled me but it eventually blurred away in my subconscious where it would fade into useless memories never to be drawn upon again. I am who I am…much like you are with your lesbian love."
"Do you really need to put a label on it? It is love between two individuals who are committed to one another and willing to do anything for the other. True we are both female and technically that label helps define it…but…it does not make it any different from love between two straight people. We are entitled to happiness, to walk hand in hand without stares…or…guys still trying to get with us or want to get off to us getting to it. We have a right for normalcy and as such…"
"And as such…you leave yourself open to attack!" Widowmaker interrupts her rather winded speech about lesbian love and headbutts her sending her off her. As she stumbles she throws a few punches and slams her knee into her stomach sending the girl reeling. She was just a girl, a young woman; hardly…given their age difference Widowmaker had done more and hurt more than she would ever know.
"No fair…I wasn't…even ready…" Widowmaker just laughs as she places a hand on that device she so cherishes.
"You managed to avoid death countless times and yet here you are…about to vanish from time altogether, doomed to flitter about never being whole. This time I will make sure you don't come back-."
In those moments Tracer felt her heart beating and even if she could blink one move could cost her. She could feel her gripping tightly on the device and she figured she couldn't just rip it off…not like Doomfist could.
"What would happen if that device were infected with poison…it would no doubt race to your heart and kill you in an instant…however…if you were to remove it you'd be safe right?" Tracer saw her holding up the poisonous trap that when triggered would emit a poison like gas that would travel through one's system and having experienced it that was the least pleasant thing to feel.
"I can still survive without the device…just…I have to be near it…" Tracer tried to talk big but she knew that the poison would stay in the device and she'd never be able to wear it again. This was how she was able to move about without slipping through time due to that incident years ago.
"You have a choice to make…and…you have my word nothing will happen to the device once removed." Widowmaker pushes the trap closer to her and Tracer is about to remove it…when…
"Freeze…don't move…sorry sorry…were you finished?" Tracer brightens up then and as Widowmaker emits a curse he turns around but she is caught in a freezing blast from that same eskimo girl…only this time it is her in person.
"Perfect timing, now, what to do with her?" Tracer felt like smashing her to bits but she also knows that would accomplish nothing.
"I could take her to Antarctica, there is an old Overwatch base there that would prove useful in keeping her in this form…she looks better like an ice sculpture anyway." Mei remarks.
"How did you even survive?" Tracer had thought that Widowmaker had killed her, given how a proficient shot she was.
"I froze…literally…it is the only thing that saved me from that moment of death. This is also goodbye, it was fun but my research needs me and King's Row has lost its charm. So, what will you do with her?"
Tracer gives it some thought and realizes there is only one thing for her to do.
Widowmaker found herself fuming in her frozen block of ice posture and could not believe she could be taken so off guard. She should have just put the poison in her device and yet here she was. It was dark that was for sure and as she fights to free herself she hears the vehicle pull to a stop. When she got out of here she would kill her. Tracer would know no mercy…except she did…dammit.
"Alright…here we are." Tracer opens the back of the truck and Widowmaker notices they are no longer in King's Row but…where was this?
"Welcome to the middle of nowhere. There should be a town close by where you can find yourself a lift to another smaller town. Perhaps a little time away from killing will do your soul good. Threaten all you like…out here it is minimal in all, which is saying a lot."
Widowmaker breaks free of her block of ice and as she tries to go after Tracer she finds Emily standing there with a weapon trained on her.
"I'd recommend backing away nice and slowly. I maybe just a writer but I know how to use one of these." Emily seemed quite prepared…something she would come to respect, but, not now. She was irked to say the least and backs away.
"My weapon…where did you put it?" Widowmaker eyes the two. Tracer bursts out laughing and Emily just smiles but doesn't lower her weapon.
"It is safe…in fact here…I did the liberty of making a little scavenger hunt for it. I imagine it won't take long, but, oops…the ammunition isn't in it. You will have to do with this though." Tracer hands her a water gun that seemed to be the same model as her gun.
"I am going to get you for this Tracer…and you too Emily. You hear me?" Widowmaker watches as the two leave her there with the sad weapon and she fumes as she stomps her heel. Reaching into her open shirt she pulls out a spare phone and calls up her employer. "Yeah, could use a lift…and will tell you the details later." Looking at the map she begins to look for her weapon.
Emily stirred in the sheets as she reaches over for where she thought Tracer would be but finds an empty space. Opening her eyes she sits up clutching the sheets to her body and spots Tracer in her familiar outfit. "Hey…didn't expect you up so early?"
"Oh, sorry about that…but Winston has issued a Recall…the team is getting back together. Will you be fine for a bit?" Tracer walks over taking a seat as she leans in to kiss her head.
"Sure…I'm almost done with the first draft for my new novel." Emily curls her fingers through her hair and they share a moment before Tracer kisses her lips and then heads off. Emily looks over at the desk and as she keeps the covers around her she looks fondly at the title page:
Time traveling heroine: Lady of the hour Tracer
Authors note: And this time I am surely done. I made this chapter extra lengthy to cover more. Far as Sombra, well, I imagine she up and left sometime during. I hope you all enjoyed and I do hope you paced yourself reading this chapter alone. Anyway in a blink I am gone and Tracer x Emily…now and for always.