Authors note: Hello everyone, so this will be my first Overwatch fanfic and foray really into the Overwatch verse. For this tale I will be delving into the relationship of one Lena Oxton, Tracer, with that of Emily. Now there isn't a whole of info to go on at what point in the storyline they became a couple so I will be doing my own interpretation, as have others I have no doubt done on here already. Now to boot I am not stealing any ideas for I do not read too much stories these days on here. Best I figure they meet after the whole Omnic Crisis as things have calmed down some…and Overwatch has been disbanded. It would give plenty of time between for Tracer to form a relationship. Anyway those not a fan of these two or of Tracer's sexuality feel free to read something else, for those interested I hope you enjoy.

OVERWATCH: Love in a blink

CH.1: A book well read

Lena Oxton, aka Tracer of Overwatch was a busy girl. She did her duty keeping the world safe and also maintaining a rather closeted lifestyle where very few even knew of her relations with women, well, those who were open to. Lena had grown up as sort of a tomboy early on in King's Row, her home, she found herself wanting to be like the boys…not settling for anything less than pursuing her dream of adventure and romantics without being sidelined due to gender.

One day Lena found herself in need of a good book, something to help settle her nerves down as she had trouble sleeping of late. Given her time displacement adventure after her travel in the 'Slipstream' experimental plane she found herself scattered. If not for Winston, a scientist and now close friend she would be lost forever. The 'Chronal Accelerator' strapped to her chest helped her keep in time, though, there were side effects.

Sleep did not come easy to her, not like it had used to…also her attention span was all over the place, not that it wasn't before, but focus came easier back then. Tracer was the code names he went by when joining Overwatch and she rarely went by Lena lest it was with close friends. Tracer used to love to read…she remembered as one of her earliest memories her father sitting at her bedside and reading her some adventure novel, boy, did she love those.

"King's Row has the best bookstore this side of town, no the world, I can't imagine buying anywhere else but here." Tracer says to herself as her eyes are alight and her step has a skip in it.

Moriarty's Fine Books Bookshop was run by a fine gentleman, one of class and character who always lent a hand if someone was a few cents short of affording the book they wanted to buy. She had been in a pinch here and there and he always had that friendly smile and a nod of his head with his few heads of hair on top of his head.

Tracer is bumped into and she shoots the guy a stare, "no need to be rude, plenty of room for us all," she manages as she makes her way inside. The place is a bit more packed than usual, huh; wonder what this is all about?

She listens as someone is talking about the Alderworth Hotel where some celeb was staying, though she couldn't quite make out who it was. They must be extra special to get this much talk, she might have to check it out once she got her book.

Adjusting her jacket over her short shirt she spots the book she is looking for. It is the latest installment in Jackie Turner's time traveling romance series called 'Twist of fate'. Tracer had found herself hooked of it since she could remember…and she could identify with the lead. It was London's first real work that celebrated the heroine's sexuality…though it was met with mixed criticism as some weren't too open to a female lead who was openly out of the closet.

It was this reason that kept her own sexuality tight lipped, none too sure how well it would be received if she stepped out. The author was quite reclusive as they never went to any book signings and while Jackie could be interpreted to be a female…well…there was never a picture and looking it up didn't get much as the author didn't even appear at press for their own book. A bit daft if she was asked but given the mixed reaction of sexuality she sort of understood.

Licking her lip she squeezes past a few people still talking about the celeb. Rumor had it that it was Jackie herself, 'her', she shakes her head, though, writing a female who is openly gay…why not from a female perspective instead of some male fantasizing about a female with another. The series was so rich and bold and it didn't sell it for some porn or fantasy of sorts.

"I can't wait to read this…been waiting so long," she reaches for the book just as another hand reaches for it. The contact alone sends shivers down her body and her eyes travel up the hand to the arm, to the rest of the body and her eyes just freeze wide open staring at the most beautiful face she had ever seen.

"Oh, I'm sorry; it would appear we want the same book. Are you a fan of Jackie's?" Her voice was striking; her vision mesmerizing, Tracer did not know how to work her tongue at that exact moment.

The girl had long red vibrant hair and her clothing consisted of a sweater over some long legged blue jeans. King's Row got a bit chilly at this time and Tracer found herself wearing a jacket over a shirt and some loose low riding pants. Her Chronal Accelerator happened to be on as she didn't go many places without it. What did she say to this vision…this girl who made her heart beat faster than before she had that accident.

"You can have it if you want…I do realize it is the last copy and all, but, I can always order it if it comes down to it. I would not wish to take away the joy and pleasure of a fan of her book, yes I think of Jackie as a female, to waste away trying to avoid spoilers."

The girl turns around and Tracer realizes that if she leaves she may lose all her reason to breathe, yeah maybe she was being overdramatic here, but, she could not let her do this, someone she had just met treating her so nice. There were very few these days that had common courtesy as most were tense; not knowing when the next Omnic attack will commence.

"Wait, um, what if we share the book?' Tracer watches the red head hesitate before turning around to look at her with those pretty eyes.

"Are you saying we should share in buying the book and when the other finishes the other gets to read it? Why would you do that…we don't even know each other nor know if the other will keep to their word-."

"Love I will tell you I never go back on my word that is just the type of gal I am. Now you can question if I am telling the truth or not or just jump, cause you will never read another story quite like this one." Tracer picks up the book and pats the cover.

The red head laughs a musical laugh that sends shivers down her spine and it is so infectious she starts to laugh as well.

"Very clever, alright, let us do it then. My name is Emily." She holds out her hand and Tracer smiles as she goes to shake her outstretched hand.

"My name is Lena," she thought against giving her professional name as she was off duty. Plus, no need to reveal just yet her occupation.

Shaking hands the two of them just stand there for a bit…neither of them really moving or saying anything. When they part Trace watches the other girl tuck her hair behind her ear and then she takes out a slip of paper as she writes something down.

"This is my address…feel free to pop on by once you are done reading…or if you just wish to…hang out." Emily was such a pretty name and Tracer finds herself blushing a bit.

"Uh sure, yeah, definitely…so…how about tomorrow?" Tracer watches as Emily is about to leave and as she turns around she can see the suddenness shocked her some. Blast, she spoke too soon, now Emily must think she is putting her on the spot. "No need to answer now…um…forget I even said that-."

"I'd like that, tomorrow; by the way what is that on your chest?" Emily walks over to her and Tracer realizes this whole time she had forgot she had it on, must be second nature now.

"This, oh, it is just something that keeps me in place…made by my good friend Winston. I can tell you all about it tomorrow then." She smiles and Emily smiles and her life is complete. As Emily leaves she goes to pay for the book…unaware of a figure watching her from the corner, her sharp features clear along with eyes that would fit a sniper.

Authors note: I hope you enjoyed the first chapter. Anyway who could be the one watching Tracer so closely? Could Emily be in danger and will Tracer and her manage to survive what is to come?