Ben and Mal walked into Evie's hospital room first, hers being the closest to the reception they had gotten the room details from. The royal couple couldn't help but smile as they saw the blunette was awake and sat up in her bed. "Oh my god! You got them back!?" The blue haired ten exclaimed, joy filling her eyes as she looked at her best friends twins. She had been feeling extremely guilty about letting Maleficent, Malice and Jamie take little Belle.

Nodding Mal smiled down at her son and then over at her daughter before turning back to her best friend and pseudo sister. "Yeah. I went to the Isle and got them back. Rosalie is back with her parents as well. They're all safe and back home where they belong." She explained to the blunette. "Where's Doug?" The purplette asked, not liking the fact that her pseudo sister was alone.

"I sent him to get something to eat and drink. He hasn't left my side since before I woke up and he needs to eat and drink." Evie explained and both Ben and Mal smiled. That was just like Evie. She was in a hospital bed after being unconscious yet she was still worried about other people. "So the twins and Rosalie are okay? Nothing happened?" Evie questioned. Mal could see and sense the guilt the blunette was feeling.

Turning her head she noticed Ben had sat down and carefully handed Adam to him, so that he was holding both infants. She gently kissed both her children's heads before walking over to Evie's bed. "E, listen to me." She stated immediately gaining her best friends attention. "I know you feel guilty about Belle being taken, I can sense it from across the room. But you have to reason to be feeling guilty. You did everything you could to protect her and that's all I could ask of you." She explained. By the end of her short speech Evie was in tears, unable to keep her emotions at bay.

As the pair hugged Doug entered the room, happy to see that Ben and Mal had gotten their children back. "Mal? Why don't we let Evie rest for a while and we can come back in morning." The King suggested, earning a nod from his wife. Mal walked over to her husband and children, carefully taking her sleeping son from Ben's arms. With one last smile towards the blunette Mal and Ben left the room with their kids, Ben texting his father to ask how their mom was and telling him that they had got the twins back. He received a reply almost instantly and couldn't help but frown.

"Ben? What's wrong?" Mal asked, seeing the frown and worry written across her husbands face.

"I just got a text from dad." He stated gaining a worried look from the purple haired Queen. "He said that mom was still unconscious and that we should go home and get some sleep. He said that we may as well visit in the morning but if she wakes up before that he will ring us." Reluctantly Mal nodded and surrounded herself and Ben in a cloud of purple smoke transporting them home.

Ben looked around as the smoke cleared and smiled seeing they were in their bedroom. With a wave of her hand Mal summoned the two basinets from down stairs so they wouldn't have to be separated from the twins tonight. With smiles on their faces Mal and Ben gave the twins a bottle each and then settled their twins into their basinets, before quickly getting changed. Ben slipped into bed while Mal checked on the sleeping infants wanting to make sure they were still safe. Once she knew that the children were okay she climbed into bed and cuddled up to Ben, for the first time in a week feeling comfortable with the knowledge that her children were okay. The couple fell asleep wrapped in each others embrace hoping that things would soon go back to normal.

Author's Note: Hope you guys like this chapter. Please review and let me know what you think x