Reviews Corner:
CRUDEN: I'm afraid that this is a GrayxHarem story :)
Guest: Thanks for liking my story and making it your fav :) In the future (or in a special) I'll make Gray sing lol for fanservice and for the girls xD
Ascending: It will take place in the DxD canon because I actually love the plot of DxD. And in my opinion, just lessen Ise's perversion and make him a lead that actually has a brain that wasn't full of tits and stuff then it will be my number 1 anime. The anime has so much potential and it's sad that it was overwhelmed with the fanservice. I'll keep in mind for your harem suggestion :)
Shadow9637: I can assure you that Gray will not be like that kind of Main Character in a story. I actually despise that kind of character honestly. Gray's still a thirteen year old in here and he has a lot to develop yet and with his mind right now, he just wants to have friends and being a kinda 'good' boy and to evade a future disaster (when Akeno and Rias complained not having ice creams when Gray treated some for Sona) And lastly he views equality, he saw Rias and Akeno as friends so he treated them the same.
OWay Chan: Thank you! :)
Ascending: Gray's trademark necklace will be with him forever lol xD I'm still debating if in this story guilds will exist.
Tori: Thanks for the harem suggestion! I can't place Ravel to be with Ise or Gray. Help me guys xD I will see if people like her to be with Gray or Ise so say it to the reviews below :)
black adam12305: Here's the next chapter xD Sorry for the wait :)
ascendin: Yes, I plan to add FT Girls in here :) Thanks for the harem suggestions!
Chapter Six: Phenex
I was having a great day until Momma Sitri requested something bizarre, for me.
She caught me in the wide hallway of her home. "Gray-kun, could you perhaps do something for me?"
I was taken aback by her pleading look but I regained my composure and straighten my stance.
I politely nodded, agreeing to her request. Whatever that is…
"Sure, Sitri-sama"
"Mou…" she pouted. "I told you to not call me that" she huffed like a child.
Sometimes I wonder if she's the actual mother or the child here.
I smiled awkwardly.
"You should call me mom" she insisted.
"S-Sure M-Mom…" I was still uncomfortable with the name calling and such but I have a feeling that she will still insist if I didn't agree to it.
She then giggled after she saw my flushed face.
"Anyway, could you perhaps bring this to the Phenex after lunch? I always forgot about that. Me and Laura met the other day but silly me left this in the house. So please deliver this to them, ne Gray-kun?"
Lucky for me, I already know about the Phenex Clan. Thanks to the study nights with Sona, I familiarized the remaining Pure Blood devil families. I remembered Sona said that the Phenex has the power of the legendary bird Phoenix hence the name and have the power of both Immortality and the power to control Fire.
"Geez you don't have to say please M-Mom, I will always do it. By the end of the day, this thing will be delivered to the Phenex. Rest assured" I said to my mother.
She grinned widely after my declaration and hugged me tightly. I just patted her back in awkwardness.
"Thank you Gray-kun. I owe you one" that was her parting words to me.
I watched her retreating figure and looked down to the thing she handed to me.
It was a small, white envelope. The envelope was neat and I swear I could smell perfume in it.
Wonder what it is…
"Oh well…" I said as an afterthought as I proceeded to head to eat lunch.
I was in high spirits today because something happened and it was awesome. Today, I landed a strike to Grayfia-sensei's back. We resumed our training and we treated it seriously.
Same as before though, I was still pummeled to the floor by Grayfia-sensei but I stood my stance longer than before. After hardships and constant knockouts to the floor I managed to land an Ice Make: Lance to her and it was the best damn feeling in the moment.
She was stunned for a moment but regained her bearings. But for a single attack I made to her, I received about double the attacks courtesy from yours truly. But I don't give a flying damn about it. I was still smug about my strike to Grayfia-sensei.
After our training, she gave me an evaluation. She said that I was improving. And not just my attack power but my attack speed, reflexes, and magic power. She said that she was a little sore from my lance.
From that moment, I felt her pride to her student. To me…
I made her proud of my progress.
And I intend to make her prouder than before and to surprise her even further.
After treating my wounds and bandaging them myself because I insisted that I should do it my own because I wanted to learn, she backed off a bit but she was still muffed that she can't treat my wounds.
She is a maid, really.
My morning concluded of me and Grayfia-sensei searching for my "missing" clothes in the whole Sitri castle.
I couldn't protest when she warned me about the constant stripping and missing clothes in the morning but it was not my fault.
It is a habit, dammit!
I sat on the carriage heading to the Phenex Castle in less than five minutes.
Momma Sitri arranged me a carriage to transport me to my destination. It was the same carriage that me and Serafall used when we had our date before.
A strange longing and a feeling that I can't fathom envelope me when I scanned the interior of the carriage. I sighed when I realized that I was alone right now and a certain stranger was not accompanying me.
How is she?
What she's doing right now?
Is she okay?
Did she eat her lunch yet?
Oh God, I was getting paranoid wondering about a certain woman that I really miss dearly.
The week she was gone was so fast but when my thoughts echoed to her, the day surprisingly went slower than before. It was like slowing for me to remember her and to miss her greatly.
Like this very moment…
I guess I'm used to seeing her here…
Okay I'll stop, this is getting sappy.
The driver-san woke me from my thoughts. The five minutes felt like an hour in my head.
I began to climb out the carriage and the time I saw their place, the first thought in my head was…
It was covered with gardens and the landscapes were amazing as hell. While the Sitri had their pride to their fountains and the lake, the Phenex had their pride to their marvelous gardens and the maze like landscapes.
It felt like a labyrinth when I walked to the path taking me to the entrance.
I was pretty sure that I saw a huge flower field across the vast land of theirs as I head to the grand door.
Someone was on the entrance when I finally got there.
"Name?" he said.
I couldn't help but notice his monotone tone.
"Ah, Gray Fullbuster. Sir…" I said to the unmoving man.
He stood still for a moment but knocked on the door twice. The double doors opened from the inside and I was left to my own device when I proceeded to go inside.
Their castle was really warm for me. Maybe because I'm an ice mage but I could see because they have the power of fire in their hands.
Three figures greeted my vision as I take my surroundings.
A tall blonde man, a woman with a voluptuous figure, and a child maybe a bit younger than me bowed their heads to my direction.
I bowed in return to their greetings.
"Are you the messenger sent by Layla?" the woman asked me.
I nodded. "Yes, Sitri-sama sent me to deliver something of importance to you Phenex-sama"
I handed her the envelope, she smiled to me in thanks.
"What must be your name, boy?" the giant of a man turned his head to question me.
I stood straight and bowed to signal my formal introduction.
"I'm Gray Fullbuster, sir. The Sitri's Ward"
They had amused expressions on their faces but then they smiled at me warmly.
"I see then Gray-kun. We welcome you to the Devil World and to our home" the man stated to me.
"I humbly welcome you to us Gray-kun and feel free to make our home your home too" she said in fact.
Are all devils this kind?
I swear, they're kinder than some humans.
I smiled greatly and bowed my head in thanks. "Thank you Phenex-sama for your kind welcome, I appreciate it a lot"
I could feel a stare at my side. I turned my head to the girl with drill-like hair.
She stared at me in wonder. I then smiled warmly to greet her.
I was surprised when her face developed a red hue and quickly hid behind her mother's dress.
"Ara ara, is my little Ravel-chan shy?" her mom teasingly asked her.
"N-No momma…" she shyly said as she continued to hide behind her mother.
I chuckled at her cuteness. She blushed harder when she caught me laughing.
"How old are you, Ravel-chan?" I asked my cute companion.
The girl with drill-like hair answered shyly. "I'm eleven of age"
She had a unique way of speaking. It was a mix of formal and her natural cuteness.
Her parents left her to me as we explore her castle. Lady Laura and Sir Marc left to an important meeting regarding another Pure Blood Family, as they said to me.
Ravel led the way to their playground on their backyard.
I was surprised when she led me to a beautiful forest that they called their backyard. In the middle of it, there stood an ancient well that was covered with elegant vines.
"Wow" I breathed my awe as I examined my surroundings.
"We call that 'The Wishing Well of the Phenex'" she said to me. "Fullbuster-sama"
I sweatdropped at her name-calling. "You don't have to call me that Ravel-chan"
She stopped on her tracks to look back at me. "Then what should I call you, Fullbuster-sama?"
Due to her staring, I scratched my neck awkwardly. "You could start by calling me by my first name"
She nodded. "I understand, Gray-sama"
The shivers went up from my spine when she said that. I didn't understand why I was sweating bullets and why I suddenly felt a cold force descended to me.
"No, not that Ravel-chan, especially not that name" I said.
She tilted her head at me. I was holding myself back from pinching her cheeks due to her cuteness.
Her dark blue eyes eyed me with curiosity. "Then what should I call you?" she sighed. "This is harder than I thought"
"Like I said before, you should call me Gray" I smiled gently. "Alright, Ravel-chan?"
I don't know why she was so flustered. But she nodded in understanding.
"Understood, Gray-san"
Before I could really control myself, I already petted her head in affection. She was taken aback by that as she took a step back.
I quickly stopped my hand and scolded it.
Calm yourself hand, gosh Ravel-chan' s going to be angry at me…
I threw her an apologetic look. "Erm, sorry about that. I shouldn't have done that to you, Ravel-chan"
Oh God, what if she's disgusted and freaked out by that? We just met today and I didn't even know if we're friends.
"I should take my leave now" I said as I made my retreat.
I was stopped on my way when I felt someone grab my arm. I looked back and was surprised that it was Ravel-chan.
She looked at the ground when she didn't stared back to my gaze. I noticed that she keep shuffling her feet.
"D-Don't go yet…" I heard her say. "I was just surprised, okay?"
"Okay…" she pulled me to the well and we sat on a bench nearby.
"My brothers used to do that to me and I was surprised because of that" she explained. "It was a good feeling when you did that"
"Oh…Okay…" I was awkward because she was shyly staring at me.
"My brothers didn't want to play with me now because they said that they're all 'grown ups' or whatever that is…"
I already know where this is going…
"I don't have any friends in here and Momma and Pappa are always away…" she pouted.
I smiled as I understood her footing. I then slowly brought my hand up and petted her gently.
She was shocked but she stared questioningly at me, asking me why.
"No need to be alone Ravel-chan, I'll be your friend"
I continued to pet her gently as she moved closer to where I sat. This cute little birdy's warming my heart to an extent.
We then talked about what's going on and I felt that this was a start of a beautiful friendship.
"So, you're saying that you have three older brothers that were always competing who will have his 'harem' first in their lives?"
Those are bizarre words to hear from Ravel-chan. I didn't even know what is a harem.
"Uh-huh" she nodded. "Momma said that a harem is a group of companions for life. She also said that most devils practice doing it and it was pretty common in our society, whatever that is. Ah! She also said that Pappa has this 'harem' too"
"I see…" I developed a thinking face. "What if I want a harem? Ne, Ravel-chan?"
She smiled widely. "Then I will support you Gray-san. Honestly, it's good to have a group of companions, ne?"
I agreed with her. "Yes, more friends to follow"
We stared at the wishing well for some time. I then asked her something that was bugging me since before.
"Ne Ravel-chan, do you have an idea what's the important meeting that your parents said before they left? They practically shoved me to be your babysitter for the day but not that I'm complaining, you're a good companion but why the rush?"
"Momma said that they will be meeting the Gremorys, so they're kinda late. I noticed that they brought Riser-nii-sama with them…wonder why"
"I see…" the Gremorys? That was Rias's family right?
"Who is this Riser, you said?" I asked the cute blonde.
"Oh, he's my third brother and the third heir to the clan. He's a bit arrogant at times but he has a weird personality" she stated.
I was curious about the weird part. "Weird personality?"
"Yeah, I always caught him bringing girls to his room late at night. I once asked him about that but he just dismissed it and he said that I will understand it someday in the future" she said.
I nodded. "Talk about weird…"
"So you have fire powers, right?" I asked her, changing the topic.
She brightened significantly. "Yes, we Phenex has the ability to control fire and have a regenerative body"
"So that's why you're all called 'immortal'…" I said in a fact.
"Uh-huh but there's one more" she said. She gestured for me to come closer.
"What is it?" I asked her as I leaned close to her.
She whispered in my ear. "Our tears has the ability to heal injuries"
"Eh?!" I recoiled in surprise.
"It's called the Phoenix tears and only the members of the Phenex clan are the only source of the tears. It can heal injuries instantly"
I was silent for a moment. Ravel-chan was uneasy because of that.
She jumped in surprise when I exclaimed. I was in awe that something like a person's tears can heal injuries like it's no big joke. Wow, that can be useful in a battle or in a war.
"So, Gray-san. What's your power?" she stared at me, waiting for my answer.
"Oh…This!" I made my Ice Make stance. There, magically appearing a bird made out of ice.
"What's that?"
I smiled to my work. "That, is a phoenix bird Ravel-chan. Now, I have the power to utilize ice to my comfort and make it to all kinds of objects I imagine"
I was pretty confident in my ability and to my magic.
"Whoa…" she stared at the bird in awe.
I placed the ice statue of the phoenix in her hand. The bird fits perfectly in her lithe palm.
"That's a cool power to have" she said enthusiastically.
"I was taught by my Master Ur my Ice Make Magic like hers" I said, remembering my former teacher.
Now is not the time to be sad at all, I said to myself.
Thankfully, Ravel-chan's still examining the bird in her hand.
I stretched my legs as I aboard my exclusive ride going home. Playing with Ravel-chan and chatting up with her were fun but I was exhausted in the least. I was finally going home when her parents showed up to their front door and welcome themselves in. I also saw Ravel-chan's brother Riser Phenex. He was a bit rough but I did not like the way he looked at me at that moment.
He looked at me with smugness like he knew something that I don't. Like he won something over me.
Nevertheless, Ravel-chan and I greeted them home and then I bowed to them to say my goodbyes.
I promise my blonde friend that I will visit her and play with her again when she stared at me with much sadness as me and her developed some kind of a bond between close friends.
I rested my head to the side of the carriage as I proceeded to close my eyes to rest.
I was still wondering what is in the envelope that I brought to the Phenex.
Well, time will tell.
I'm sure…
"I'm serious Sona, why is Rias so down lately?" I asked my study buddy for the moment as this is one of the time where we study about Devil History and Politics.
After a day with my quest to the Phenex, I noticed how Rias would always look down when she caught me staring at her.
I was just a worried friend. She's not in her normal cheery self even if she visited us in here to hang out.
"Right now Gray-san, I still don't know why Rias's looking like that" she said in sullen.
"But I have a suspicion" she said as an afterthought after I sighed miserably.
"What is it?" I leaned closer to prove my point that I'm serious about this.
"This is just a suspicion but I noticed that Rias looked a bit down after they left for a meeting of sorts"
"A bit down? She's sullen Sona" I deadpanned. "What kind of meeting was that if that made Rias sad like her most precious puppy died"
"Like what I said, I don't know" she said.
I sighed. "I guess I will have to ask Rias herself about that"
"Are you an idiot? You knew that she's sullen about it then why are you asking her about the thing she isn't really fond of?" she gave me a disbelief stare.
I realized my mistake. "You're right…"
"What should I do?" I pouted. I really want to help my friend, even if to just make her laugh a little bit.
"Sometimes Gray-san, doing nothing is the best solution to a problem" she stated to me.
"Sometimes…but sometimes too, doing something to a problem prevents further problems in the future"
She was quiet for a moment.
"I cannot help but agree with that" she said at last.
"See?" I chuckled to her by proving my point.
"Sometimes, you're smarter than I thought"
"Yeah I know right?" I said in smugness. "Wait-what's that suppose to mean?!"
I gaped at her statement.
She smirked at me. "Exactly"
"What happened to Rias, ne Gray-kun?" I asked the bear Akeno was holding on her lap. We got to hang out in my room again when she finished her lessons with Grayfia-sensei today.
She developed a somewhat sad face as she stared at me.
"What?" I said to her.
"Something happened Akeno-chan" she said to my bear. "But it's not my place to tell. Ask Rias about it, maybe you're the solution to the problem"
"What problem? Wait, what?"
"I understand that Rias couldn't go here because of that, but is it like, bad?" I asked.
I saw her nodded slowly. "I think it is the worst problem that Rias faced in her life. This is connected to her life, that's why"
"Poor her…" I said.
Whatever that is, I swear that I will help her solve it. Because we're friends, and friends do help each other. In my new life in here, I will do my best to help and protect my friends from danger...even from myself.
"Should I visit Rias tomorrow?" I started to ask myself.
Unfortunately, Akeno heard me. "Ufufufu, I'm sure Rias will be delighted"
"Yosh" I guess that my schedule will be full again tomorrow.
"But today, You're mine"
I was surprised when someone just pushed me to my bed. I was a little bit dizzy when I opened my eyes and noticed Akeno climbing in my lap.
"What are you doing!?" I was frantic when I saw her sultry look in her eyes.
I'm no stranger when girls like this very creature right now climbed onto my body like I'm some body pillow or something. I always noticed when they 'flirted' or just downright seduced me like few of the maids in here or when Serafall hugged me to death with her tattas were right on my face. I just didn't pay attention to it or just ignored it because it's really awkward and kind of creepy when old women did it to me.
But seeing Akeno right now, looking down on me with her sultry smirk and mischievous eyes, kind of set me on the edge.
Her legs locked me tight on my bed, thus impossible for me to escape. I gulped when she neared her face to my own.
"Ne Gray-kun. We should celebrate our friendship" she suddenly whispered in my ear. I whimpered when her hot breath tickled my neck as she nuzzled in it.
This was insane! I really felt violated in this very moment.
"Calm down girl…I have lots of ways to celebrate our friendship, but not like this!" I gaped for air.
"Show me what'chu got, Gray-kun"
This was really weird. Akeno was like a beast right now. In comparison to Serafall, I say that they're battling for dominance and I'm here like a wounded puppy.
I then felt two warm globes on my chest. I was curious about it, so I took a look to know what it is. I felt myself jawdropped when my vision shook as I took the appearance of Akeno's huge breasts on my chest. She rested herself to my front and stared at me playfully. I was paralyzed from shock and excitement, what the hell.
No. Stop Gray. Bad boy…
My inner angel scolded me when I continued to eye her babies.
Keep looking Gray-kun. Kekeke~ Enjoy it when she offered it!
I sweatdropped at my inner devil…
I calmed myself down for a moment. I took a deep breath and finally look in the eyes of this raven beauty.
She momentarily stopped when she noticed my steady gaze at her. I took this opportunity to switch us from our places. Now, I'm leaning from above of her and Akeno's staring up at me.
"Uh…" she was dumbfounded.
"Akeno…" I said, leaning closer to her.
"No more of that, okay?" I said, still staring at her warm violet eyes.
Our gazes were steady, not breaking in contact. Having enough I pulled myself away from this vixen. She stretched her body like the previous encounter was nothing and picked up her teddy bear.
"Ne, Gray-kun. Your daddy was flustered when we played body rolls on the bed" she said to her bear.
It's really weird when she was talking to her teddy bear that was named after me. She was talking about me to it, if that makes sense.
My face was still burning like a tomato when she caught me eyeing her with her teddy bear 'Gray-kun'.
And 'Daddy' what?
"Yeah…" I said awkwardly.
Why the hell is my life like this!?
Author's Corner:
Sorry for the wait! But rest assured that here's the next chapter! I was busy with stuffs because my vacation is slowly draining out and school is near TT_TT help me. And I was suddenly addicted to Mobile Legends HAHAHHAHAHHA. Before, I played League of Legends but I was always annoyed with the constant updating and my laptop is not for gaming so it's like a turtle having a race xD So moving on HAHAHAHAAHA
I named the anonymous Lord and Lady Phenex and Momma Sitri because I don't know their names lol and apparently Lady Sitri and Lady Phenex are besties xD
What happened to Rias? lol there is a next chapter xD
The Sona and Gray friendship is getting strong HAHAHAHA
Akeno be like a beast on the sheets but they're still in their early teens but she's not wasting time lol
And Gray was not as oblivious like we thought, he just doesn't acknowledge it and apparently ignored the advances.
And Yay! Grayfia-sensei is here :D And Ravel is a cute. Maybe in the future I will be making her an extreme tsundere to our beloved Ice Mage :3
If you liked this chapter then be sure to click the Follow/Favorite button and if you have something to say to me then feel free to write a review or pm me whatever goes to your boat xD
if you have further suggestions and additional comments and maybe thoughts then write it in the reviews below :)
Harem suggestions? Say it in the reviews section :)
See Ya!
The Harem List: Serafall, Rias, Akeno, Sona, Koneko, Tsubaki, Kuroka, Xenovia, Rossweisse
PS: I will make a poll if Ravel will be in the harem or not so be sure to vote :)