Bring it on!

Chapter 3: Let's Fight

Moka leaned over towards Tsukune, he was on the ground covered in dirt and blood. His left eye was swollen up from being beaten so much, his lip was busted and his nose was bleeding and cut. "Listen to me." Moka lifted Tsukune's head up, she could tell he was weak and ready to give up. She caressed his face in her hands and smiled at him, "You have to win, for me…"

Tsukune sat up, as soon as he did his body hurt. Bee had hurt him when she was training him as she called it, he was back in his cell. This was all still new to him, he was scared more than he had ever been. It was the first day of the longest week of his life.

"Wow i'm surprised you are awake, most people that take that sort of beating from Bee don't wake up until she comes and gets them the next day." Tsukune backed away from the man's voice. For all he knew it was another person going to hurt him. "Don't worry kid, i'm in a cell just like you." Tsukune watched as an older man made his way into Tsukune's view.

The man that walked into Tsukune's view was an older man, he had scars all over his face and what little body he could see. This man had been in countless fights and it was obvious, but his smile was that of a man with peace in his heart. "How long have you been here.." it was the only question that went through his head.

The man laughed a little bit, he turned his back to Tsukune and made his way to the ground leaning against the bars in between himself and Tsukune. "I've been here longer then i know kid, four.. Maybe five years." Tsukune's heart dropped when he heard that. There was no way Tsukune would let that happen to him, these people are literal monster and he wasn't going to let them get away with what they were doing.

Tsukune clenched his fists, how could they get away with something like this for five years. He had no idea this was going on himself, "Don't worry kid, i've already made peace with the fact i'm going to die here." Tsukune stood up and grabbed onto the shirt of the old man.

"No.. I will make sure we both get out of here, they won't get away with this." The old man turned and looked at tsukune with a smile on his face. Tears began to well up in Tsukune's eyes, this was painful these people think they can just kill off humans for fun. Tsukune felt the old man's hand cover his own, this was the worst part of his situation was the fact that he had to fight to survive.

"Don't worry about me kid, i have accepted my fate. It's not too late for you though, so sit down and tell me about yourself." Tsukune hated every second of being in that cell, but there was nothing he could do at this moment. He sat down his back was up against the old mans.

They sat there and laughed and talked about things that had happened to them, Tsukune was happy even if it was for the shortest amount of time there was a little peace in his life. A large door had opened up and the two of the men watched the hallway waiting for whoever was going to show up.

Bee made her way into Tsukune's view followed by two men covered in cloth, Tsukune couldn't make out their faces but he could see their eyes, blood red eyes they weren't humans. Bee made her way to Tsukune's cell she unlocked the door and Tsukune stood up backing away from the cell door.

The two men entered the cage and stood on either side of the door and waited for Bee to walk in, "So you two have become friends?" Bee said as she walked up to Tsukune "I'm glad you're away it- Bee was trying to talk but before she could let any more words out Tsukune had caught her with a punch to the gut.

She wasn't expecting him to fight back after the beating he had gotten yesterday. Bee fell to one knee as she watched Tsukune pushed Bee the rest of the way over. The two men started towards Tsukune, one of them swung toward him but he ducked and lifted his fist catching one of them on the chin and knocking them back.

Tsukune is young and has stamina he isn't the strongest but he would fight whatever monster he could. The other man tackled him putting Tsukune on his back on the ground. Bee managed to stand up, she wasn't happy with him at all. Bee pushed the man in cloth away from Tsukune and put her foot on Tsukune's neck.

"Jesus, maybe you are ready for a fight today look at how much energy you have!" Bee yelled as she pushed on his throat harded. The two men in cloth stood up and walked away from the cell, they were going to either get a beating from Bee or at least get yelled at. Tsukune held onto Bee's foot trying to push her off but she was using a lot of force.

Bee lifted her foot off of Tsukune's throat and slammed her foot on Tsukune's hand, "I don't know why she chose you but let's see if you can fight with a broken hand." Bee pushed all of her strength onto Tsukune's hand, he could feel the bones in his hand begin to snap. Tsukune just grit his teeth, he wasn't going to yell and scream and let the monsters get their way.

Bee could feel something, it was a strong urge and power coming from something familiar. Bee lifted her hand up to block what was coming, Bee was flung off of Tsukune with powerful kick. The power was so strong Tsukune lost the air in his lungs, Moka stood above Tsukune. Bee hit Tsukune's cell bars and flew through them, she landed in the next cell over. She was bleeding and was obviously hurt.

Bee looked up through the blood streaming down her face, "Wh-Why.." Bee asked coughing up blood. Moka crouched down and looked at Tsukune. Bee was hurt bad, that kick was the kick of a vampire. Tsukune held his broken hand and backed away from Moka, she had just taken out Bee the one who was overpowering him so how strong was this girl. She seem somewhat familiar, she was smiling at him and it was very strange.

"Are you okay?" Moka was on her hands and knees now and crawling towards him, "Don't worry i won't let her kill you just yet." Moka had gotten within inches of Tsukune's face now. She is a monster, the only thing that went through Tsukune's mind was she was the one doing this. "I can't help myself…" Moka leaned in close and put her lips on Tsukune's.

He was shocked, this girl he had seen her before. Tsukune's heart was beating like crazy, he didn't know what to do fight her or kiss her back. This girl is beautiful, and she kissed him and saved him from Bee. Moka pulled away from Tsukune's lips, there was a sting of blood and saliva that connected their lips together. Moka nuzzled her head in Tsukune's neck. "Please don't hate me for this.. I need you to live for me.." Moka dug her teeth into Tsukune's neck he didn't know what to do it was almost like his body wasn't his.

"What are you doing to him Moka!" Bee yelled as she made her way to her feet. Moka ran her hand up the side of Tsukune's face and ran her hand through his hair, Moka pulled away from Tsukune's neck and laid her forehead against his. Tsukune's vision was beginning to become black, 'Did i lose that much blood?' Tsukune tried to lift his arms but they wouldn't listen to him either.

"Delicious.. " That was the last word he had heard before passing out. Moka backed away from Tsukune, she had his blood running down her face. She was blushing and excited, she couldn't stop herself from breathing hard. Bee climbed back through the hole in the bars her body had made, she was starting to heal.

"What did you do?" Bee asked looking at a flustered Moka.


"Hey kid wake up!" Tsukune opened his eyes slightly. He was laying down and in a large arena, looking around he could only see black glass around him. It was just like that time, Tsukune stood up as fast as he could. He was sure of it, this was a fighting arena. Tsukune looked around the area, the ground was dirt and surrounded by the black glass.

Tsukune looked for his opponent, but the only thing he could see was an older man. Tsukune's body began to shake, "No." Standing on the other side of the arena was his friend, "Don't do this." Tsukune watched as the older man walked closer to him. The old man had on armour and held a sword in his hand, Tsukune didn't have anything on him.

"I'm sorry kid.. I don't want to die." The old man swung his sword at Tsukune. Tsukune fell backwards, this is what they wanted. They wanted the two humans to kill each other, he looked up at the old man who was getting ready to kill Tsukune. The man swung his sword, Tsukune reached his arm up to block the sword.

The blade cut deep into Tsukune's arm sticking into his bone, "Listen to me!" Tsukune yelled as he stood up with the sword in his arm, "We can fight them, we don't have to fight each other!" The old man pulled his sword out of Tsukune's arm, he backed away from Tsukune, a little and was ready to attack again.

Tsukune held onto his arm tight, he was losing a lot of blood and didn't want to pass out before the fight ended or else he would die. "You don't get it kid, if we don't fight they will kill the both of us!" The old man swung his sword at Tsukune again, this time Tsukune grabbed the blade with his bare hands.

"Then let them kill us!" Tsukune yelled as he pulled the sword out of the old man's hand and kicked him in the chest knocking him down. Tsukune threw the sword away from the both of them, his hand was bleeding and his arm had a chunk of flesh missing out of it. He let his hand down and reached out for the old man, "Let's fight them not each other." The old man smiled a little.

He reached his hand out and grabbed Tsukune's, maybe this was it. All Tsukune needed to do was talk to the one he was fighting, the old man stood up and smiled at Tsukune. This was all Tsukune wanted if someone was going to kill him it wasn't going to be a human, he would fight monsters all day but not humans. They were just doing what they needed to survive in a horrible situation. Tsukune could feel something weird, it was like his body was telling at him, no screaming at him to protect himself.

Tsukune looked down at his stomach, the old man had pulled out a small knife and was getting ready to stab Tsukune. Tsukune reached his hands down and caught the old man's hands before he could stab Tsukune. Tsukune pulled the knife out of the man's hands, the man walked into Tsukune.

His eyes met Tsukune's, he looked down at the blade and it was in the old man's stomach. "I want you to give them everything they deserve.." The man smiled at Tsukune, "I'm tired of fighting anyway…" The man's eyes began to close. Tsukune pulled the knife out of the old man and threw it away from them.

"No.. don't die." Tsukune held the old man in his arms as they both made their way to the ground. It was too late though, the old man's eyes were already closed and he wasn't breathing. "YOU BASTARDS!" Tsukune yelled letting blood flow off of his body.