
Can I just say how much I love shipping Greg with all the gems? Like seriously, what makes this dude so shippable? XD

Another gig, another failure. Greg didn't know what to think as he lay in the back of his van, his eyes scanning over every stain on the roof as his manager drove on. The musician's fingers plucked lazily at the strings of his guitar as his thoughts drifted on.

"Why don't you actually play something that people like?" Marty snapped, tensing as he threw his head back to cast a sharp glare at the kid.

"What's wrong with playing something I like?" Greg questioned, placing the instrument to the side as he leaned up on his arms.

"Listen Star Child. No one likes that crap. When we get to Empire City, just play the songs I wrote. And that is how we get to the big time."

Greg rolled his eyes as Marty set his own back on the road. "Maybe if you were a better manager, we'd be there already." The young man scoffed.

"Excuse me? If it weren't for me, you wouldn't even have these gigs!"

"Oh yeah?"

"Yeah! And I know for a fact you wouldn't last one second out there on your own!"

Greg's knuckles went white as his fists furled. "You know what? I'll make it; I'll show you! And I'll do it on my own!" The young man surged the front of the van, climbing over Marty and throwing the driver's door open while the man was still at the wheel.

"What are you doing?" He shouted, slamming the brakes, causing the van to careen into the opposite lane as they both held on for dear life.

"What I should have done a long time ago!" Greg shouted, grappling with his manager. The struggle didn't last very long at all, Greg easily managing to push Marty out through the open doorway and quickly close him out. Universe lowered the window and peered down at the man lying on the pavement below. "Consider yourself fired."

Driving away never felt so good. He was alone, finally alone! No one to tell him what to do, or where to go, just him and the open road.

…He had no idea what he was going to do now. There were no backup plans. What could he even say? He was a kid so caught up in his ambitions, so ready to get rid of his family, that he took the deal of some scumbag, landing him… here.

The open road was nice and all now that he had time to himself for once. The sky was crystal clear, stars shone like jewels as the crescent in the sky reflected the distant sun's light back down on their own little rock they called home. Even the shooting stars, streaking across his field of vision… What?

Greg pulled his van over, recoiling as a large boom sounded from a massive fireball in the sky. The young rocker brushed a hand back over his head, jaw agape, frozen as he watched this object draw closer and closer and holy shit it was coming right his way. He let loose a childlike scream as he dove into the culvert, ignoring the awful mix of mud, dead plant matter, and discarded cigarettes which he was now covered in.

There was a deafening sound and it felt like his world was shaking apart. With ears ringing, Greg could only think to himself how this was the end. Then, silence. This was it, he was gone. Goodbye, world!

He lifted his head, seeing much the same as before. His van was still there, the moon was still illuminating the road and he was still covered in nasty gunk from the ditch he leaped into. Nothing changed… he was still alive. Cautiously, he stood, patting himself down in one more attempt to make sure he was still there.

As he stood, he couldn't help his gaze from travelling in the direction that fireball headed. It was stupid, he knew it. If it had landed close, he wouldn't be standing here right now. Greg groaned, climbing to the road and kicking his front bumper before pocketing the keys and running off.

He could barely see where he was going, running through brush, narrowly avoiding pitfalls; all to sate his own curiosity? Greg nearly keeled over by the time he reached the impact site. As young as he was, he couldn't exactly say he was the fittest guy around, and that was a long trip. All around he could see trees which snapped like twigs before the force of what came their way. Greg hiked his way to the rim, looking down on the crater below. It didn't look like any meteorite. Maybe it could have been some sort of crashed satellite, no, no, it didn't seem like anything man-made.

The young man let out a gasp, only to stumble back as he caught glimpse of something moving within. Taking a step forward, he peered down. He watched, listened as the pieces of metal twisted and turned, eventually revealing a humanoid form. It rose from the wreckage, growing taller and taller. Its head turned, settling its golden eyes upon the lone witness.


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And as usual, this is your lovely Squish, wishing you all a fantastic day!