Andrew started the story, "Once upon a time, there was a little girl named Goldilocks."

The men began to laugh at the mention of the codename. He raised his hand for them to quiet down as he continued.

"She got bored one day and decided to go for a walk in the forest. Pretty soon, she came upon a house. It was a pretty nice place, but she didn't know if the Germans had captured it or not, so she did some fast recon, but there was nobody around. The place seemed deserted. She knocked and, when no one answered, she walked right in, like she owned the place."

Here Andrew stopped and looked at Olsen, who was seated next to him. "Your turn!"

Olsen scratched his head and thought for a moment before taking up the story.

"Goldilocks checked all the rooms to be sure she was alone. She swept it for bugs, but didn't find any of those, either. She then leaned her M-6 against the wall, keeping it close by. At the table in the kitchen, there were three bowls of porridge. She realized she had missed chow earlier. Not exactly steak and apple pie, but it would do. She tasted the porridge from the first bowl and promptly burned her kisser. 'This porridge is too hot!' she exclaimed."

Olsen then handed the story off to LeBeau. Briefly, Louis considered passing, but decided to go for it anyway.

"So, she tasted the porridge from the second bowl. It was bland and nasty, because they had not cooked it properly, and it was made from German oats, not good French oats, as they should have been. Besides, they were cold. They tasted terrible. She considered using them for wallpaper paste. Because she had no manners, and had no problem eating other people's food, she tasted the last bowl of porridge.

'Ahhh, this porridge is just right,' she said happily and she ate it all. No proper French child would consider doing such a thing, I assure you. Perhaps the child was a Boche after all." Louis complained darkly, much to the amusement of the others.

Baker, took the next turn. He put his coffee down, and composed his features into those of a serious professor, even nicking Taffy's pipe and pretending to puff it as he spoke. To complete the effect, Newkirk tilted Richard's cap to a scholarly angle. Baker crossed his eyes and then had to wait for the laughter to die down once again.

"Goldilocks went into the living room and found a radio set. She decided to use it to check in with her grandma. She had no idea how dangerous this could be, because she didn't know who owned the cottage, and she wasn't really all that bright.

There were three chairs in the room. The first one was very big and very hard. She could not move it over by the radio. 'This chair is too big!' she exclaimed." Baker used a high squeaky voice when he said this, which had the men rolling on the floor.

"The second chair was a soft squishy one. It looked comfy, so she sat in the second chair. It almost swallowed her up and she couldn't get out of it. 'This chair is too big, too!' she whined. Again, with the voice.

"So, she tried the last and smallest chair. 'Ahhh, this chair is just right,' she sighed. But just as she dragged the chair over to the radio, it broke into pieces!"

Baker grinned as a few of the men applauded his efforts and he nodded sagely, handing Taffy back his pipe.

Taffy grinned as he picked the story, his rich Welsh accent dancing through the words. "Goldilocks didn't want to stand to check out the radio, so she dragged the cushion off the big soft chair and knelt on it. She knew how to work the radio because her grandmother had taught her how in case there was ever an emergency. She keyed the mic and sent a message to her grandmother so she wouldn't worry. 'Goldilocks to Sasquatch, Goldilocks to Sasquatch, come in Sasquatch.' (The men chuckled appreciatively and Taffy grinned.)

Sasquatch, for her part, wasn't answering, so finally, the girl had to give it up.

Frustrated and tired, Goldilocks grabbed her M-6 and headed upstairs. There she found a room which covered the entire upstairs. It was a large attic which contained three beds…and three very strange beds they were indeed… She lay down in the first bed, but it was too hard. Then she lay in the second bed, but it was too soft. Then she lay down in the third bed and it was just right. Goldilocks fell asleep." Taffy turned and nodded to Walt Fitzimmons, who paled, and Taffy, who'd forgotten his problem, could've kicked himself.

Fitz, hopelessly shy, tended to get to get tongue-tied when he had to string more than a few words together, since he stuttered badly when he got nervous. He stared hard at the two cookies sitting in front of him and sighed heavily. He pressed his lips into a thin line and silently shoved a cookie over to Hogan with a frown. Although it was in him to protest at first, Hogan simply nodded and grinned at Fitz, "Your loss," he shrugged, as he crunched the cookie with relish. He accepted the silent "thank you" with a quick wink and turned to his audience. He had decided the story was much too tame for his taste.

He decided to ramp things up a bit. He looked over at Carter. "Any rule against a storyteller recruiting help?"

Carter thought about it for a minute. "No sir, not as far as I know. Besides, even if there was, you outrank me, boy, I mean sir." He said this so seriously, the others all laughed hysterically.

As things quieted down, Hogan pointed to Garlotti and Newkirk. "How about you two? Wanna give it a go?"

Garlotti shrugged and nodded. Newkirk looked dubious. "Do I 'ave to give up me biscuits if I say no?"

Hogan shook his head at the laughter as the two non-coms agreed and Hogan went on.

"We're gonna tag-team the next part. Goldilocks is about to find out why she shouldn't mess around in other people's houses. See, Goldilocks is about to meet the Three Henchman." He had to wait for the noise to die down as everyone practically howled. Newkirk actually fell off his seat.

Hogan pointed to Garlotti, "You're Klink Henchman, and you, Newkirk, you're Hochstetter Henchman and I'll be Burkhalter Henchman."

Carter raised a hand, confusion on his face. Hogan quirked an eyebrow at him.

"But isn't Goldilocks supposed to be afraid of the Henchmen?" Carter's overtly innocent question just about did Hogan in.

"Hey!" Carter yelped when Newkirk smacked him. "Ya ruddy git!"

And Hogan was off, playing narrator of the story, his helpers now huddled next to him, ready to follow his lead. There were times throughout their portion it became difficult to hear as the men were laughing so hard.

"As she was sleeping, the three Henchmen came home."

Hogan's voice took on a loud, nasal German accent each time he imitated the overbearing General.

"Someone's been eating my porridge," growled Burkhalter Henchman.

Newkirk spoke each of his lines as if Hochstetter had suddenly inhaled helium, a credible, if hilarious combination of Mama Bear and Henchman.

"Someone's been eating my porridge," said Hochstetter Henchman.

Garlotti pitched his voice into a perfect imitation of the beleaguered Kommandant in a flawless German accent, which not only shocked the others, but cracked them up as well…a perfect Baby Bear. Garlotti only shrugged at Hogan's raised eyebrows.

"Someone's been eating my porridge and they ate it all up!" cried Klink Henchman.

"Someone's been sitting in my chair," growled Burkhalter Henchman."

"Someone's been sitting in my chair," said Hochstetter Henchman.

"Someone's been sitting in my chair and they've broken it all to pieces," cried Klink Henchman.
They decided to look around some more and when they got upstairs to the bedroom, Burkhalter Henchman growled, "Someone's been sleeping in my bed."

"Someone's been sleeping in my bed, too" said Hochstetter Henchman.

"Someone's been sleeping in my bed and she's still there!" exclaimed Klink Henchman.

The three men took slight bows from their seats, as the men laughed and applauded their performance. and looked at Andrew. He grinned and cracked his knuckles.

"Just then, Goldilocks woke up and saw the three henchmen. She screamed, "Help! Sasquatch, help me!" Goldilocks ran down the stairs, opened the door, and ran away into the forest. And she never returned to the home of the three henchmen. The End"

Everyone stretched and kidded around a bit about their storytelling session until Hogan noticed something. "Hold it fellas. Listen."

Everyone froze, puzzled. Only silence greeted them. And suddenly the truth hit them. Silence. Newkirk grinned and flung open the door. The rain had stopped sometime during the storytelling. As the others crowded around, Peter flung an arm around Andrew as they stood in the doorway admiring the clearing sky. "Well mate, apparently, your people can make rain by dancin', and make it go away by tellin' stories…that's some talent!" He grinned, glancing sidelong at his best mate. Carter smiled widely but nevertheless as they shut the door, Peter found himself buried under 140 pounds of Lakota warrior…

The End

*A/N: Refer to Episode "The Gypsy" Season 6, Episode 13. Also, Sgt. Walt Fitzimmons is an O/C of my creation, who appears in various stories.