Following Sabo, the group was a fair distance to see a base that is in ruins with grunts going in and out of it.
"Oh that's right. Aria blew it apart on her way out." Riku said.
"DOn't think these guys will be too happy to see us." Mukuro said.
"No worries. We'll just take em down for real." Hope said.
"Uh, not much of a plan. But Kazuichi is working on one with the Remoraid and the Mantine you purified." Lacy said.
Atop of a cliff was Kazuichi with something shadowing him. He jumped off the cliff holding a bar. The Snagem Grunts and the heroes saw Kazuichi gliding down with a glider attached to Mantine with Remoraid under its wings.
"Fire!" he shouted as they were hitting the base with Bubblebeam Attacks.
"Okay, that's genius right there." Hope said.
"And he's drawing away most of their fire. We can slip in while those guards are distracted." Ichiro said.
The group rushed into the base as a lot of the grunts were caught off guard.
"Intruders!" one of them said.
"We got em as we're the only two grunts with Shadow Pokemon." two grunts said. "Smeargle!"
"Ursaring!" the other grunt said as two pokemon came out.
"You think that's gonna stop us?" Nana said.
"Not a chance." Ciel said as the two God Eaters took both pokemon down easily as Madoka snagged them while Hope grabbed a guard by the collar.
"Where's your boss?" Hope asked.
"Second Floor! In his office!" the grunt said in panic.
They made it up to the office as Gonzap himself was hearing and feeling the chaos.
"Whats going on out there?" Gonzap shouted as he caught sight of Hope. "You! You're with that traitor Aria!"
"Yes, me." Hope said. "Sorry for the surprise visit. But, you see, we have unfinished business."
"Yeah. You and franken-weirdo there trespassed on our turf. And you left before you could feel my rage." Gonzap said cracking his knuckles.
"So its time to go at it for real. And afterwards, Universal Prisons got a nice cell waiting for you for all the crimes you've done." Hope said.
"Please, they got no power over me. But...I'll be happy to take you down." Gonzap said taking out two balls. "Electrode, Nuzleaf!" he shouted as he tossed them out.
"So its a double battle huh? Lunala, Null!" Hope said as Lunala and the purified Null came together.
"Why doesnt Hope just call her Nebby? Wouldnt that count for Solgaleo too?" Lacy asked.
"Solgaleo IS Nebby, Lacy. I dont recall Lunala evolving from Nebby either. If i called Lunala Nebby, it'd just be confusing." Hope said.
"Though I get the confusion since Lunala evolves from Cosmoem. But, this is a different one." Peko said.
"Besides, we got each other's backs." Hope said. "Lunala, Moongeist Beam on Electrode and Null, use Pursuit on Nuzleaf!"
Lunala took flight into the air and smashed through the ceiling before the top of her head glowed as the moon took shape behind her. She assumed her full Moon stance before firing a massive laser at Electrode, while Null hit Nuzleaf with a powerful attack.
"Return, both of ya! Go, Vileplume, Whiscash!" Gonzap shouted. "Vileplume, Giga Drain on Lunala and Whiscash, use Earthquake!"
Vileplume drained Lunala's energy as Whiscash hit both it and Null with an earthquake.
"Well, this is going well." Hope said. "Madoka, you feel any memories coming back yet?"
"Nothing yet!" Madoka said.
"Huh. Weird." Hope said. "Lunala, Shadow Ball on Whiscash and Null, use X-scissor on Vileplume!"
Lunala fired one again at Whiscash hitting it hard as it endured as Null took out Vileplume with one attack.
"Return, Vileplume. Counting Whiscash, I still got one left and you know who it is, blue boy." Gonzap said.
"Yeah, its gotta be." Hope said.
"Skarmory! Go!" Gonzap said sending Skarmory out as its aura flared.
"This time, Im not letting you get away!" Hope said.
"That makes two of us, Hope ol pal." Mickey said readying his Keyblade.
"Har! I'd like to see you try and take out Skarmory, seeing as how you ran from it like pussies!" Gonzap lauged.
"That wasnt running away! Was it?" Hope asked Mickey.
"It was a….strategic retreat." Mickey said.
"Whatever the case, were ready for it this time." Sabo said.
"Oh really? Skarmory, use Steel Wing and follow with Shadow Rush!" Gonzap ordered as Skarmory charged in.
"Look out!" Hope said as they evaded it before it turned at Madoka.
"Madoka!" Lacy called out.
Madoka was shaking in fear before something stood between her and Skarmory. A strange mechanical creature with a girlish like appearance as it fired an attack at Skarmory forcing it back. Madoka then had flashes of the same creature protecting her from a dark figure before falling. "Ma...gearna."
"Magearna?" Hope said.
"Wait, that design. That's the mechanism from the package we stole. was a pokemon?" Gonzap said in surprise.
It looked at Skarmory as its hand morphed into a floral like cannon.
"Use...Fleur Cannon!" Madoka shouted as Magearna fired a beam that hit Skarmory dead on as it fell. "Now!" she said tossing a ball at Skarmory, sending it inside. It shook a bit before the ding. "Now use Flashcannon!" Madoka said as it hit Whiscash, knocking it out.
"Grrr. Damn it!" Gonzap said pounding his desk as it broke.
"You're done, Gonzap." Hope said.
"Sure, Team Snagem's gone for now. But when the times right, we'll make out return." Gonzap said as he ran away along with the grunts.
"Guess that takes care of them." Hope said.
"Indeed it does." Sakura said writing the entry into a diary. "Gotta keep our progress somehow."
"Madoka, you and that thing were amazing! How did...Madoka?" Hope asked.
"Hope...I remember. I remember everything." Madoka said solemnly.
"Who you are?" Hope asked. "Well, im all ears."
"We all want know." Inga said.
"Fine. While my original identity was Madoka Kaname of the Magical Girl Universe, I was also given another name when I ascended to a higher being. Pink, the color god of the 9th universe, the magical girl universe." Madoka said.
"Pink?" Damien asked.
"Yes. When our universe was still young, magical girls weren't all about justice and truth before the public, they worked in secret to deal with monsters known as witches. But they were also tainting their own being battling them, transforming themselves into witches as well due to their desires. I was offered to become a Magical Girl and a free wish. My wish, was for no more witches and to protect the magical girls. So, I was erased from the memories of people who knew me. Wiped from existence to become a goddess. This was noticed by the gods above as they decided to let me watch over that universe and protect it so the tragedies that happen on my world would never happen anywhere else." Madoka said.
"But, what of Magearna I think you called it?" Celti asked.
"It was floating in my territory and I picked it up. It may be man made but it has some sort of soul and heart. Its what I considered my perfect link." Madoka said.
"Man, im sorry. About what happened to you, i mean. But if youre a Color God, that means youre in the same league as black." Hope said.
"Not even close." Madoka said. "In actuallity, I'm the weakest among them."
"Oh~" Hope said.
"So, what can we do? Its not like we can gather the other color gods and ask for their help." Gemini said.
"You can't. They remain in their shared realm to watch over the universes. They only come into their protected universe when they believe a world is to be eliminated due to a universal class crisis." Madoka said.
"Okay. I get it." Hope said.
"But, how did you end up here in our realm?" Hiyoko asked.
"Well, Black actually. Out of nowhere, he attacked me and tried to claim my universe. But Magearna protected me, but his attack grazed me. I fell from that realm into the Beast Universe. Because of the shock, I lost many of my powers and memories and reverted to the form I had before I became a god. Then, that's pretty much when you went to save me, Hope." Madoka said.
"So Black is running the MG Universe?" Fuyuhiko asked.
"He shouldn't be. I left the universe to Blue, the god of the Magic Universe, in case something were to happen to me." Madoka said.
"But now you have all your powers and memory back. I dont think you need me anymore." Hope said.
"That's not all true. I don't have my powers back, just my memory. Besides...I don't want to leave. Travelling with reminded me of how to be an ordinary person." Madoka said.
"Don't ever let go of that feeling." Hope said placing his hand on Madoka's shoulder. "And i promise we'll find a way to get your powers back."
"Thank you, hope." Madoka said. "But, don't rush with that last part. I'm fine just remembering everything."
"I wont. We'll take it slow." Hope said.
Finished with the first world for their trial, the others returned to the ship, Celti approaching hope.
"You seem to have a lot of confidence and appreciation for your friends." Celti said.
"Theyre my power and im theirs. We believe in each other." Hope said. "Do you know what thats like?"
"I do. We color fighters, we're all like family because the master trains us all. We're friends and family, depending on one another to get through any situation." Celti said.
"But then… why go through all these trials, to pit family against one another to become higher than anyone else. Its just not right." Hope said.
"Because eventually, we all have to grow up and become stronger. Its like becoming your own person." Celti said.
"Yeah, i know. Ive seen a lot of stuff happen that makes you guys want it to be that way. Volt wanting vengeance on Barry for killing his father, and more recently, Gemina's scars from her mining days." Hope said. "Sorry, im getting all sappy. I've got something like that too, i come from a family i ran away from. I… dont suppose you have something like what Gemina, Volt and I went through?"
"Well, not exactly, but I do have my story." Celti said. "I was born in a forest where all four seasons met. I didn't have any parents and was crying. I was eventually found by Master Rain and he took me in and raised me. When I was older, my hair was split between four colors. Master was surprised by this as well. He trained me in the way of the Season Style, a style that changes just as often as the seasons so to never rely on just one ability for too long as seasons are different on many worlds." Celti said.
"Wow… thats pretty rough." Hope said. "It must have been hard being lonely all those years before Rain Bow found you. Why do you wanna be a High Master anyway?"
" show my thanks to him. Plus, when you are a high master, you are bound by less rules. I hope to use that freedom to find that forest I was born in." Celti said. "The place where four seasons meet."
Hope felt empathetic, as something stirred within him. He knew the reason why Celti meant so much to him, he just didnt figure it out until now.
"Celti, I…" Hope said. "Well, Maybe its just better if i show then tell."
"Wha…" Celti said before she was caught in a hug by Hope with tons of empathy in the embrace. Celti felt slight tears, but then hugged back.
"We both want to be free, so… I dont want you to leave my side. If you want to see that forest again… come with me, and i'll help you find it. Because… im already free." Hope said.
"Tempting offer." Celti smiled. "How about...I go with you either way. High master or not."
Hope smiled. "Its a date." he said.
Their ship soon shook as they soon saw they were being attacked by the same ships they dodged earlier.
"Oh, come on! I was just having a moment in getting a girlfriend here!" Hope said, annoyed.
"How did they find us so…" Celti said before looking down as she picked up a cockroach with a transmitter. "Hive!"
"Oh great, bug boy led so many people right to us." Nana said.
"This won't be the only one. With Hive, there's never just one of them." Celti said.
"So it may be a good idea to take out hive quickly." Espio said.
"Lower the temperature all over the ship. The insects can't survive in cold temperature. Then when we get to a new world, we can release them." Celti said.
"You heard Celti, air condition this joint! Go, go go!" Akane said.
The Squad quickly changed the temperature in the Beacon to near sub-zero temps as the insects were freezing as was the group.
"Find a place fast man. We won't last long in this cold." Kazuichi said.
"I know a place. The Warrior Universe, it isnt far from here." Hope said.
"Once we get there, wed better hurry and release these bugs." Kazuichi said.
"Okay, floor it! We dont have much time!" Damien said as the ship accelerated to the Warrior Universe.
To be continued in the Hope Chronicles: Warrior Realm